/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="character"> /// </param> /// <returns> /// </returns> public static SimpleCharFullUpdateMessage ConstructMessage(Character character) { // Character Variables bool socialonly; bool showsocial; int charPlayfield; AOCoord charCoord; Identity charId; Quaternion charHeading; uint sideValue; uint fatValue; uint breedValue; uint sexValue; uint raceValue; string charName; int charFlagsValue; int accFlagsValue; int expansionValue; int currentNano; int currentHealth; uint strengthBaseValue; uint staminaBaseValue; uint agilityBaseValue; uint senseBaseValue; uint intelligenceBaseValue; uint psychicBaseValue; string firstName; string lastName; int orgNameLength; string orgName; int levelValue; int healthValue; int losHeight; int monsterData; int monsterScale; int visualFlags; int currentMovementMode; uint runSpeedBaseValue; int texturesCount; int headMeshValue; // NPC Values int NPCFamily; var socialTab = new Dictionary <int, int>(); var textures = new List <AOTextures>(); List <AOMeshs> meshs; var nanos = new List <AONano>(); lock (character) { socialonly = (character.Stats["VisualFlags"].Value & 0x40) > 0; showsocial = (character.Stats["VisualFlags"].Value & 0x20) > 0; charPlayfield = character.Playfield.Identity.Instance; charCoord = character.Coordinates; charId = character.Identity; charHeading = character.Heading; sideValue = character.Stats["Side"].BaseValue; fatValue = character.Stats["Fatness"].BaseValue; breedValue = character.Stats["Breed"].BaseValue; sexValue = character.Stats["Sex"].BaseValue; raceValue = character.Stats["Race"].BaseValue; charName = character.Name; charFlagsValue = character.Stats["Flags"].Value; accFlagsValue = character.Stats["AccountFlags"].Value; expansionValue = character.Stats["Expansion"].Value; currentNano = character.Stats["CurrentNano"].Value; strengthBaseValue = character.Stats["Strength"].BaseValue; staminaBaseValue = character.Stats["Strength"].BaseValue; agilityBaseValue = character.Stats["Strength"].BaseValue; senseBaseValue = character.Stats["Strength"].BaseValue; intelligenceBaseValue = character.Stats["Strength"].BaseValue; psychicBaseValue = character.Stats["Strength"].BaseValue; firstName = character.FirstName; lastName = character.LastName; orgNameLength = character.OrganizationName.Length; orgName = character.OrganizationName; levelValue = character.Stats["Level"].Value; healthValue = character.Stats["Life"].Value; monsterData = character.Stats["MonsterData"].Value; monsterScale = character.Stats["MonsterScale"].Value; visualFlags = character.Stats["VisualFlags"].Value; currentMovementMode = character.Stats["CurrentMovementMode"].Value; runSpeedBaseValue = character.Stats["RunSpeed"].BaseValue; texturesCount = character.Textures.Count; headMeshValue = character.Stats["HeadMesh"].Value; foreach (int num in character.SocialTab.Keys) { socialTab.Add(num, character.SocialTab[num]); } foreach (AOTextures at in character.Textures) { textures.Add(new AOTextures(at.place, at.Texture)); } meshs = MeshLayers.GetMeshs(character, showsocial, socialonly); foreach (AONano nano in character.ActiveNanos) { var tempNano = new AONano(); tempNano.ID = nano.ID; tempNano.Instance = nano.Instance; tempNano.NanoStrain = nano.NanoStrain; tempNano.Nanotype = nano.Nanotype; tempNano.Time1 = nano.Time1; tempNano.Time2 = nano.Time2; tempNano.Value3 = nano.Value3; nanos.Add(tempNano); } losHeight = character.Stats["LosHeight"].Value; NPCFamily = character.Stats["NpcFamily"].Value; currentHealth = character.Stats["Health"].Value; } var scfu = new SimpleCharFullUpdateMessage(); // affected identity scfu.Identity = charId; scfu.Version = 57; // SCFU packet version (57/0x39) scfu.Flags = SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.None; // Try setting to 0x042062C8 if you have problems (old value) scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasPlayfieldId; // Has Playfield ID scfu.PlayfieldId = charPlayfield; // playfield if (character.FightingTarget.Instance != 0) { scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasFightingTarget; scfu.FightingTarget = new Identity { Type = character.FightingTarget.Type, Instance = character.FightingTarget.Instance }; } // Coordinates scfu.Coordinates = new Vector3 { X = charCoord.x, Y = charCoord.y, Z = charCoord.z }; // Heading Data scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasHeading; scfu.Heading = new SmokeLounge.AOtomation.Messaging.GameData.Quaternion { W = charHeading.wf, X = charHeading.xf, Y = charHeading.yf, Z = charHeading.zf }; // Race scfu.Appearance = new Appearance { Side = (Side)sideValue, Fatness = (Fatness)fatValue, Breed = (Breed)breedValue, Gender = (Gender)sexValue, Race = raceValue }; // appearance // Name scfu.Name = charName; scfu.CharacterFlags = (CharacterFlags)charFlagsValue; // Flags scfu.AccountFlags = (short)accFlagsValue; scfu.Expansions = (short)expansionValue; bool isNpc = character is NonPlayerCharacter; if (isNpc) { // Are we a NPC (i think anyway)? So far this is _NOT_ used at all scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.IsNpc; var snpc = new SimpleNpcInfo { Family = (short)NPCFamily, LosHeight = (short)losHeight }; scfu.CharacterInfo = snpc; } else { // Are we a player? var spc = new SimplePcInfo(); spc.CurrentNano = (uint)currentNano; // CurrentNano spc.Team = 0; // team? spc.Swim = 5; // swim? // The checks here are to prevent the client doing weird things if the character has really large or small base attributes spc.StrengthBase = (short)Math.Min(strengthBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Strength spc.AgilityBase = (short)Math.Min(agilityBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Agility spc.StaminaBase = (short)Math.Min(staminaBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Stamina spc.IntelligenceBase = (short)Math.Min(intelligenceBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Intelligence spc.SenseBase = (short)Math.Min(senseBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Sense spc.PsychicBase = (short)Math.Min(psychicBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Psychic if (scfu.CharacterFlags.HasFlag(CharacterFlags.HasVisibleName)) { // has visible names? (Flags) spc.FirstName = firstName; spc.LastName = lastName; } if (orgNameLength != 0) { scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasOrgName; // Has org name data spc.OrgName = orgName; } scfu.CharacterInfo = spc; } // Level scfu.Level = (short)levelValue; if (scfu.Level > sbyte.MaxValue) { scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasExtendedLevel; } // Health scfu.Health = (uint)healthValue; if (scfu.Health <= short.MaxValue) { scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasSmallHealth; } scfu.HealthDamage = healthValue - currentHealth; if (scfu.HealthDamage <= byte.MaxValue) { scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasSmallHealthDamage; } // If player is in grid or fixer grid // make him/her/it a nice upside down pyramid if ((charPlayfield == 152) || (charPlayfield == 4107)) { scfu.MonsterData = 99902; } else { scfu.MonsterData = (uint)monsterData; // Monsterdata } scfu.MonsterScale = (short)monsterScale; // Monsterscale scfu.VisualFlags = (short)visualFlags; // VisualFlags scfu.VisibleTitle = 0; // visible title? // 42 bytes long scfu.Unknown1 = new byte[] { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte)currentMovementMode, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; if (headMeshValue != 0) { scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasHeadMesh; // Has HeadMesh Flag scfu.HeadMesh = (uint?)headMeshValue; // Headmesh } // Runspeed scfu.RunSpeedBase = (short)runSpeedBaseValue; if (runSpeedBaseValue > sbyte.MaxValue) { scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasExtendedRunSpeed; } scfu.ActiveNanos = (from nano in nanos select new ActiveNano { NanoId = nano.ID, NanoInstance = nano.Instance, Time1 = nano.Time1, Time2 = nano.Time2 }).ToArray(); // Texture/Cloth Data var scfuTextures = new List <Texture>(); var aotemp = new AOTextures(0, 0); for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++) { aotemp.Texture = 0; aotemp.place = c; for (int c2 = 0; c2 < texturesCount; c2++) { if (textures[c2].place != c) { continue; } aotemp.Texture = textures[c2].Texture; break; } if (showsocial) { if (socialonly) { aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c]; } else { if (socialTab[c] != 0) { aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c]; } } } scfuTextures.Add(new Texture { Place = aotemp.place, Id = aotemp.Texture, Unknown = 0 }); } scfu.Textures = scfuTextures.ToArray(); // End Textures // ############ // # Meshs // ############ scfu.Meshes = (from aoMesh in meshs select new Mesh { Position = (byte)aoMesh.Position, Id = (uint)aoMesh.Mesh, OverrideTextureId = aoMesh.OverrideTexture, Layer = (byte)aoMesh.Layer }).ToArray(); // End Meshs scfu.Flags2 = 0; // packetFlags2 scfu.Unknown2 = 0; return(scfu); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="character"></param> /// <param name="receiver"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Byte[] WritePacket(Character character, int receiver) { /* * To set a packetFlag use packetFlags |= <flagHere>; * To unset a packetFlag use packetFlags &= ~<flagHere>; * * Wherever you set a flag conditionally, be sure to unset the same flag if the reverse * condition is true 'just in case'. */ int packetFlags = 0; // Try setting to 0x042062C8 if you have problems (old value) // // Character Variables bool socialonly; bool showsocial; /* * bool showhelmet; * bool LeftPadVisible; * bool RightPadVisible; * bool DoubleLeftPad; * bool DoubleRightPad; */ int charPlayfield; AOCoord charCoord; int charId; Quaternion charHeading; uint sideValue; uint fatValue; uint breedValue; uint sexValue; uint raceValue; int nameLength; string charName; int charFlagsValue; int accFlagsValue; int expansionValue; int currentNano; int currentHealth; uint strengthBaseValue; uint staminaBaseValue; uint agilityBaseValue; uint senseBaseValue; uint intelligenceBaseValue; uint psychicBaseValue; int firstNameLength; int lastNameLength; string firstName; string lastName; int orgNameLength; string orgName; int levelValue; int healthValue; int losHeight; int monsterData; int monsterScale; int visualFlags; int currentMovementMode; uint runSpeedBaseValue; int texturesCount; /* * int HairMeshValue; * int WeaponMeshRightValue; * int WeaponMeshLeftValue; * * uint HeadMeshBaseValue; */ int headMeshValue; /* * int BackMeshValue; * int ShoulderMeshRightValue; */ //int ShoulderMeshLeftValue; /* * int OverrideTextureHead; * int OverrideTextureWeaponRight; * int OverrideTextureWeaponLeft; * int OverrideTextureShoulderpadRight; * int OverrideTextureShoulderpadLeft; * int OverrideTextureBack; * int OverrideTextureAttractor; */ //NPC Values int NPCFamily; Dictionary <int, int> socialTab = new Dictionary <int, int>(); List <AOTextures> textures = new List <AOTextures>(); List <AOMeshs> meshs; List <AONano> nanos = new List <AONano>(); lock (character) { socialonly = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x40) > 0); showsocial = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x20) > 0); /* * showhelmet = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x4) > 0); * LeftPadVisible = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x1) > 0); * RightPadVisible = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x2) > 0); * DoubleLeftPad = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x8) > 0); * DoubleRightPad = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x10) > 0); */ charPlayfield = character.PlayField; charCoord = character.Coordinates; charId = character.Id; charHeading = character.Heading; sideValue = character.Stats.Side.StatBaseValue; fatValue = character.Stats.Fatness.StatBaseValue; breedValue = character.Stats.Breed.StatBaseValue; sexValue = character.Stats.Sex.StatBaseValue; raceValue = character.Stats.Race.StatBaseValue; nameLength = character.Name.Length; charName = character.Name; charFlagsValue = character.Stats.Flags.Value; accFlagsValue = character.Stats.AccountFlags.Value; expansionValue = character.Stats.Expansion.Value; currentNano = character.Stats.CurrentNano.Value; strengthBaseValue = character.Stats.Strength.StatBaseValue; staminaBaseValue = character.Stats.Strength.StatBaseValue; agilityBaseValue = character.Stats.Strength.StatBaseValue; senseBaseValue = character.Stats.Strength.StatBaseValue; intelligenceBaseValue = character.Stats.Strength.StatBaseValue; psychicBaseValue = character.Stats.Strength.StatBaseValue; firstNameLength = character.FirstName.Length; lastNameLength = character.LastName.Length; firstName = character.FirstName; lastName = character.LastName; orgNameLength = character.OrgName.Length; orgName = character.OrgName; levelValue = character.Stats.Level.Value; healthValue = character.Stats.Life.Value; monsterData = character.Stats.MonsterData.Value; monsterScale = character.Stats.MonsterScale.Value; visualFlags = character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value; currentMovementMode = character.Stats.CurrentMovementMode.Value; runSpeedBaseValue = character.Stats.RunSpeed.StatBaseValue; texturesCount = character.Textures.Count; /* * HairMeshValue = character.Stats.HairMesh.Value; * WeaponMeshRightValue = character.Stats.WeaponMeshRight.Value; * WeaponMeshLeftValue = character.Stats.WeaponMeshLeft.Value; * * HeadMeshBaseValue = character.Stats.HeadMesh.StatBaseValue; */ headMeshValue = character.Stats.HeadMesh.Value; /* * BackMeshValue = character.Stats.BackMesh.Value; * ShoulderMeshRightValue = character.Stats.ShoulderMeshRight.Value; */ //ShoulderMeshLeftValue = character.Stats.ShoulderMeshLeft.Value; /* * OverrideTextureHead = character.Stats.OverrideTextureHead.Value; * OverrideTextureWeaponRight = character.Stats.OverrideTextureWeaponRight.Value; * OverrideTextureWeaponLeft = character.Stats.OverrideTextureWeaponLeft.Value; * OverrideTextureShoulderpadRight = character.Stats.OverrideTextureShoulderpadRight.Value; * OverrideTextureShoulderpadLeft = character.Stats.OverrideTextureShoulderpadLeft.Value; * OverrideTextureBack = character.Stats.OverrideTextureBack.Value; * OverrideTextureAttractor = character.Stats.OverrideTextureAttractor.Value; */ foreach (int num in character.SocialTab.Keys) { socialTab.Add(num, character.SocialTab[num]); } foreach (AOTextures at in character.Textures) { textures.Add(new AOTextures(at.place, at.Texture)); } meshs = MeshLayers.GetMeshs(character, showsocial, socialonly); foreach (AONano nano in character.ActiveNanos) { AONano tempNano = new AONano(); tempNano.ID = nano.ID; tempNano.Instance = nano.Instance; tempNano.NanoStrain = nano.NanoStrain; tempNano.Nanotype = nano.Nanotype; tempNano.Time1 = nano.Time1; tempNano.Time2 = nano.Time2; tempNano.Value3 = nano.Value3; nanos.Add(tempNano); } losHeight = character.Stats.LosHeight.Value; NPCFamily = character.Stats.NpcFamily.Value; currentHealth = character.Stats.Health.Value; } PacketWriter packetWriter = new PacketWriter(); // Packet Header packetWriter.PushByte(0xDF); packetWriter.PushByte(0xDF); packetWriter.PushShort(10); packetWriter.PushShort(1); packetWriter.PushShort(0); // length. writer will take care of this packetWriter.PushInt(3086); // sender. our server ID packetWriter.PushInt(receiver); // receiver packetWriter.PushInt(0x271B3A6B); // packet ID packetWriter.PushIdentity(50000, charId); // affected identity packetWriter.PushByte(0); // Unknown? // End Packet Header packetWriter.PushByte(57); // SCFU packet version (57/0x39) packetWriter.PushInt(0); // packet flags (this is set later based on packetFlags variable above) packetFlags |= 0x40; // Has Playfield ID packetWriter.PushInt(charPlayfield); // playfield if (character.FightingTarget.Instance != 0) { packetFlags |= 20; packetWriter.PushIdentity(character.FightingTarget); } // Coordinates packetWriter.PushCoord(charCoord); // Heading Data packetFlags |= 0x200; // Has Heading Data Flag packetWriter.PushQuat(charHeading); uint appearance = sideValue + (fatValue * 8) + (breedValue * 32) + (sexValue * 256) + (raceValue * 1024); // Race packetWriter.PushUInt(appearance); // appearance // Name packetWriter.PushByte((byte)(nameLength + 1)); packetWriter.PushBytes(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(charName)); packetWriter.PushByte(0); // 0 terminator for name packetWriter.PushUInt(charFlagsValue); // Flags packetWriter.PushShort((short)accFlagsValue); packetWriter.PushShort((short)expansionValue); if (character is NonPlayerCharacterClass) { packetFlags |= 1; } packetFlags &= ~0x01; // We are a player if ((packetFlags & 0x01) != 0) { // Are we a NPC (i think anyway)? So far this is _NOT_ used at all if (NPCFamily < 256) { packetWriter.PushByte((byte)NPCFamily); } else { packetFlags |= 0x20000; packetWriter.PushShort((Int16)NPCFamily); } if (losHeight < 256) { packetWriter.PushByte((byte)losHeight); } else { packetFlags |= 0x80000; packetWriter.PushShort((Int16)losHeight); } //if (packetFlags & 0x2000000) //{ // char PetType; //} //else //{ // short PetType; //} //short TowerType; //if (TowerType > 0) //{ // char unknown; //} } else { // Are we a player? packetWriter.PushUInt(currentNano); // CurrentNano packetWriter.PushInt(0); // team? packetWriter.PushShort(5); // swim? // The checks here are to prevent the client doing weird things if the character has really large or small base attributes if (strengthBaseValue > 32767) // Strength { packetWriter.PushShort(32767); } else { packetWriter.PushShort((short)strengthBaseValue); } if (agilityBaseValue > 32767) // Agility { packetWriter.PushShort(32767); } else { packetWriter.PushShort((short)agilityBaseValue); } if (staminaBaseValue > 32767) // Stamina { packetWriter.PushShort(32767); } else { packetWriter.PushShort((short)staminaBaseValue); } if (intelligenceBaseValue > 32767) // Intelligence { packetWriter.PushShort(32767); } else { packetWriter.PushShort((short)intelligenceBaseValue); } if (senseBaseValue > 32767) // Sense { packetWriter.PushShort(32767); } else { packetWriter.PushShort((short)senseBaseValue); } if (psychicBaseValue > 32767) // Psychic { packetWriter.PushShort(32767); } else { packetWriter.PushShort((short)psychicBaseValue); } if ((charFlagsValue & 0x400000) != 0) // has visible names? (Flags) { packetWriter.PushShort((short)firstNameLength); packetWriter.PushBytes(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(firstName)); packetWriter.PushShort((short)lastNameLength); packetWriter.PushBytes(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(lastName)); } if (orgNameLength != 0) { packetFlags |= 0x4000000; // Has org name data packetWriter.PushShort((short)orgNameLength); packetWriter.PushBytes(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(orgName)); } else { packetFlags &= ~0x4000000; // Does not have org name data } } if (levelValue > 127) // Level { packetFlags |= 0x1000; // Has Extended Level packetWriter.PushShort((short)levelValue); } else { packetFlags &= ~0x1000; // Has Small Level packetWriter.PushByte((byte)levelValue); } if (healthValue > 32767) // Health { packetFlags &= ~0x800; // Has Extended Health packetWriter.PushUInt(healthValue); } else { packetFlags |= 0x800; // Has Small Health packetWriter.PushShort((short)healthValue); } int healthdamage = healthValue - currentHealth; if (healthdamage < 256) { packetFlags |= 0x4000; packetWriter.PushByte((byte)healthdamage); } else { packetFlags &= ~0x4000; if ((packetFlags & 0x800) == 0x800) { packetWriter.PushShort((Int16)healthdamage); } else { packetWriter.PushInt(healthdamage); } } // If player is in grid or fixer grid // make him/her/it a nice upside down pyramid if ((charPlayfield == 152) || (charPlayfield == 4107)) { packetWriter.PushInt(99902); } else { packetWriter.PushUInt(monsterData); // Monsterdata } packetWriter.PushShort((short)monsterScale); // Monsterscale packetWriter.PushShort((short)visualFlags); // VisualFlags packetWriter.PushByte(0); // visible title? packetWriter.PushInt(42); // 'skipdata' length // Start 'skipdata' packetWriter.PushBytes( new Byte[] { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }); packetWriter.PushByte((byte)currentMovementMode); // CurrentMovementMode packetWriter.PushByte(1); // don't change packetWriter.PushShort(1); // ? packetWriter.PushShort(1); // ? packetWriter.PushShort(1); // ? packetWriter.PushShort(1); // ? packetWriter.PushShort(0); // ? packetWriter.PushShort(3); // ? packetWriter.PushInt(0); //? packetWriter.PushInt(0); //? packetWriter.PushInt(0); //? packetWriter.PushInt(0); //? // End 'skipdata' if (headMeshValue != 0) { packetFlags |= 0x80; // Has HeadMesh Flag packetWriter.PushUInt(headMeshValue); // Headmesh } if ((runSpeedBaseValue > 127)) // Runspeed { packetFlags |= 0x2000; packetWriter.PushShort((short)runSpeedBaseValue); } else { packetFlags &= ~0x2000; packetWriter.PushByte((byte)runSpeedBaseValue); } //if (packetFlags & 0x400) //{ // // Pop2Long // /* // * Is this a Type:Instance pair? // * Suspect so as it uses Pop2Long // * which is used for Type:Instance // * pairs. Perhaps pet master? // * (Just a wild guess though that its pet master) // */ // long unknown; // long unknown; //} //if (packetFlags & 0x10) //{ // long counter; // repeat (counter / 0x3F1 - 1) times // char texturepositionname[32]; // Null padded at the end // long textureid; // Or is this mesh id? // long unknown; // long unknown; // end repeat //} // Is char/NPC in hide mode? //if (packetFlags & 0x100000) //{ // short Concealment; //} //if (packetFlags & 0x800000) //{ // char unknown; //} //if (packetFlags & 0x1000000) //{ // char unknown; //} packetWriter.Push3F1Count(nanos.Count); // running nanos count foreach (AONano nano in nanos) { packetWriter.PushInt(nano.ID); packetWriter.PushInt(nano.Instance); packetWriter.PushInt(nano.Time1); packetWriter.PushInt(nano.Time2); } // longx5: aoid, instance, unknown(0?), timer1, timer2 //if (flags & 0x10000) //{ // // Waypoint Info // // Pop2Long (1010E2D3) // long type; // long instance; // // Waypoint Counter - 3x float per entry // long counter; // repeat counter times // float x; // float y; // float z; // end repeat // // End Waypoint Counter //} // Texture/Cloth Data int c; packetWriter.Push3F1Count(5); // textures count AOTextures aotemp = new AOTextures(0, 0); for (c = 0; c < 5; c++) { aotemp.Texture = 0; aotemp.place = c; int c2; for (c2 = 0; c2 < texturesCount; c2++) { if (textures[c2].place == c) { aotemp.Texture = textures[c2].Texture; break; } } if (showsocial) { if (socialonly) { aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c]; } else { if (socialTab[c] != 0) { aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c]; } } } packetWriter.PushInt(aotemp.place); packetWriter.PushInt(aotemp.Texture); packetWriter.PushInt(0); } // End Textures // ############ // # Meshs // ############ c = meshs.Count; packetWriter.Push3F1Count(c); foreach (AOMeshs aoMeshs in meshs) { packetWriter.PushByte((byte)aoMeshs.Position); packetWriter.PushUInt(aoMeshs.Mesh); packetWriter.PushInt(aoMeshs.OverrideTexture); // Override Texture!!!!!! packetWriter.PushByte((byte)aoMeshs.Layer); } // End Meshs //if (packetFlags & 0x100) //{ // // 0x3F1 Unknown Counter - 4x long per entry // long counter; // repeat (counter / 0x3F1 - 1) times // long unknown; // long unknown; // long unknown; // long unknown; // end repeat //} //if (packetFlags & 0x20000000) //{ // char ShadowBreed; //} //if (packetFlags & 0x40000000) //{ // // 0x3F1 Unknown Counter - 4x long per entry // long counter; // repeat (counter / 0x3F1 - 1) times // Pop2Long (Type:Instance pair maybe?) // long unknown; // long unknown; // end repeat //} packetWriter.PushInt(0); // packetFlags2 // Some mech stuff //if (packetFlags2 & 0x01) //{ // long counter; // repeat (counter) times // long unknown; // long unknown; // end repeat // long MechData; // // Pop2Long (Type:Instance pair maybe?) // long unknown; // long unknown; //} // maybe check if we are in battlestation //if (packetFlags2 & 0x02) //{ // char BattleStationSide; //} // Are we a pet? //if (packetFlags2 & 0x04) //{ // long PetMaster; //} packetWriter.PushByte(0); Byte[] reply = packetWriter.Finish(); // Set Packet Flags Byte[] packetFlagBytes; packetFlagBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(packetFlags); Array.Reverse(packetFlagBytes); reply[30] = packetFlagBytes[0]; reply[31] = packetFlagBytes[1]; reply[32] = packetFlagBytes[2]; reply[33] = packetFlagBytes[3]; return(reply); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="character"> /// </param> /// <returns> /// </returns> public static SimpleCharFullUpdateMessage ConstructMessage(Character character) { // No need to set packet flags here, its all done in the SimpleCharFullUpdateSerializer.cs // - Algorithman // Character Variables bool socialonly; bool showsocial; int charPlayfield; Coordinate charCoord; Identity charId; Quaternion charHeading; uint sideValue; uint fatValue; uint breedValue; uint sexValue; uint raceValue; string charName; int charFlagsValue; int accFlagsValue; int expansionValue; int currentNano; int currentHealth; uint strengthBaseValue; uint staminaBaseValue; uint agilityBaseValue; uint senseBaseValue; uint intelligenceBaseValue; uint psychicBaseValue; string firstName; string lastName; int orgNameLength; string orgName; int levelValue; int healthValue; int losHeight; int monsterData; int monsterScale; int visualFlags; int currentMovementMode; uint runSpeedBaseValue; int texturesCount; int headMeshValue; // NPC Values int NPCFamily; var socialTab = new Dictionary <int, int>(); var textures = new List <AOTextures>(); List <AOMeshs> meshs; var nanos = new List <AONano>(); lock (character) { socialonly = (character.Stats[StatIds.visualflags].Value & 0x40) > 0; showsocial = (character.Stats[StatIds.visualflags].Value & 0x20) > 0; charPlayfield = character.Playfield.Identity.Instance; charCoord = character.Coordinates(); charId = character.Identity; charHeading = character.Heading; sideValue = character.Stats[StatIds.side].BaseValue; fatValue = character.Stats[StatIds.fatness].BaseValue; breedValue = character.Stats[StatIds.breed].BaseValue; sexValue = character.Stats[StatIds.sex].BaseValue; raceValue = character.Stats[StatIds.race].BaseValue; charName = character.Name; charFlagsValue = character.Stats[StatIds.flags].Value; accFlagsValue = character.Stats[StatIds.accountflags].Value; expansionValue = character.Stats[StatIds.expansion].Value; currentNano = character.Stats[StatIds.currentnano].Value; strengthBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.strength].BaseValue; staminaBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.stamina].BaseValue; agilityBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.agility].BaseValue; senseBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.sense].BaseValue; intelligenceBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.intelligence].BaseValue; psychicBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.psychic].BaseValue; firstName = character.FirstName; lastName = character.LastName; orgNameLength = character.OrganizationName.Length; orgName = character.OrganizationName; levelValue = character.Stats[StatIds.level].Value; healthValue = character.Stats[StatIds.life].Value; monsterData = character.Stats[StatIds.monsterdata].Value; monsterScale = character.Stats[StatIds.monsterscale].Value; visualFlags = character.Stats[StatIds.visualflags].Value; currentMovementMode = character.Stats[StatIds.currentmovementmode].Value; runSpeedBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.runspeed].BaseValue; texturesCount = character.Textures.Count; headMeshValue = character.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].Value; foreach (int num in character.SocialTab.Keys) { socialTab.Add(num, character.SocialTab[num]); } foreach (AOTextures at in character.Textures) { textures.Add(new AOTextures(at.place, at.Texture)); } meshs = MeshLayers.GetMeshs(character, showsocial, socialonly); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, IActiveNano> kv in character.ActiveNanos) { var tempNano = new AONano(); tempNano.ID = kv.Value.ID; tempNano.Instance = kv.Value.Instance; tempNano.NanoStrain = kv.Key; tempNano.Nanotype = kv.Value.Nanotype; tempNano.TickCounter = kv.Value.TickCounter; tempNano.TickInterval = kv.Value.TickInterval; tempNano.Value3 = kv.Value.Value3; nanos.Add(tempNano); } losHeight = character.Stats[StatIds.losheight].Value; NPCFamily = character.Stats[StatIds.npcfamily].Value; currentHealth = character.Stats[StatIds.health].Value; } var scfu = new SimpleCharFullUpdateMessage(); // affected identity scfu.Identity = charId; scfu.Version = 57; // SCFU packet version (57/0x39) scfu.PlayfieldId = charPlayfield; // playfield if (character.FightingTarget.Instance != 0) { scfu.FightingTarget = new Identity { Type = character.FightingTarget.Type, Instance = character.FightingTarget.Instance }; } // Coordinates scfu.Coordinates = new Vector3 { X = charCoord.x, Y = charCoord.y, Z = charCoord.z }; // Heading Data scfu.Heading = new SmokeLounge.AOtomation.Messaging.GameData.Quaternion { W = charHeading.wf, X = charHeading.xf, Y = charHeading.yf, Z = charHeading.zf }; // Race scfu.Appearance = new Appearance { Side = (Side)sideValue, Fatness = (Fatness)fatValue, Breed = (Breed)breedValue, Gender = (Gender)sexValue, Race = raceValue }; // appearance // Name scfu.Name = charName; scfu.CharacterFlags = (CharacterFlags)charFlagsValue; // Flags scfu.AccountFlags = (short)accFlagsValue; scfu.Expansions = (short)expansionValue; bool isNpc = (NPCFamily != 1234567890) && (NPCFamily != 0); if (isNpc) { var snpc = new SimpleNpcInfo { Family = (short)NPCFamily, LosHeight = (short)losHeight }; scfu.CharacterInfo = snpc; } else { // Are we a player? var spc = new SimplePcInfo(); spc.CurrentNano = (uint)currentNano; // CurrentNano spc.Team = 0; // team? spc.Swim = 5; // swim? // The checks here are to prevent the client doing weird things if the character has really large or small base attributes spc.StrengthBase = (short)Math.Min(strengthBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Strength spc.AgilityBase = (short)Math.Min(agilityBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Agility spc.StaminaBase = (short)Math.Min(staminaBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Stamina spc.IntelligenceBase = (short)Math.Min(intelligenceBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Intelligence spc.SenseBase = (short)Math.Min(senseBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Sense spc.PsychicBase = (short)Math.Min(psychicBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Psychic if (scfu.CharacterFlags.HasFlag(CharacterFlags.HasVisibleName)) { // has visible names? (Flags) spc.FirstName = firstName; spc.LastName = lastName; } if (orgNameLength != 0) { spc.OrgName = orgName; } scfu.CharacterInfo = spc; } // Level scfu.Level = (short)levelValue; // Health scfu.Health = healthValue; scfu.HealthDamage = healthValue - currentHealth; // If player is in grid or fixer grid // make him/her/it a nice upside down pyramid if ((charPlayfield == 152) || (charPlayfield == 4107)) { scfu.MonsterData = 99902; } else { scfu.MonsterData = (uint)monsterData; // Monsterdata } scfu.MonsterScale = (short)monsterScale; // Monsterscale scfu.VisualFlags = (short)visualFlags; // VisualFlags scfu.VisibleTitle = 0; // visible title? // 42 bytes long // For PlayerCharacters that is // NPC's have a shorter one? scfu.Unknown1 = new byte[] { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte)currentMovementMode, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; // NPC Unknown1 if ((NPCFamily != 0) && (NPCFamily != 1234567890)) { scfu.Unknown1 = new byte[] { // Knubot values?? 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (byte)currentMovementMode, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00 }; } if (headMeshValue != 0) { scfu.HeadMesh = (uint?)headMeshValue; // Headmesh } // Runspeed scfu.RunSpeedBase = (short)runSpeedBaseValue; scfu.ActiveNanos = (from nano in nanos select new ActiveNano { NanoId = nano.ID, NanoInstance = nano.Instance, Time1 = nano.TickCounter, Time2 = nano.TickInterval }).ToArray(); // Texture/Cloth Data var scfuTextures = new List <Texture>(); var aotemp = new AOTextures(0, 0); for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++) { aotemp.Texture = 0; aotemp.place = c; for (int c2 = 0; c2 < texturesCount; c2++) { if (textures[c2].place != c) { continue; } aotemp.Texture = textures[c2].Texture; break; } if (showsocial) { if (socialonly) { aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c]; } else { if (socialTab[c] != 0) { aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c]; } } } scfuTextures.Add(new Texture { Place = aotemp.place, Id = aotemp.Texture, Unknown = 0 }); } scfu.Textures = scfuTextures.ToArray(); // End Textures // ############ // # Meshs // ############ scfu.Meshes = (from aoMesh in meshs select new Mesh { Position = (byte)aoMesh.Position, Id = (uint)aoMesh.Mesh, OverrideTextureId = aoMesh.OverrideTexture, Layer = (byte)aoMesh.Layer }).ToArray(); // End Meshs scfu.Flags2 = 0; // packetFlags2 scfu.Unknown2 = 0; return(scfu); }
// Call this _only_ on server startup! /// <summary> /// Reads all NPCs from database and adds them to servers list. /// </summary> /// <returns>Number of NPCs loaded</returns> public static int CacheAllFromDB() { int npcCount = 0; SqlWrapper sqlWrapper = new SqlWrapper(); // TODO:COUNT string sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM `mobspawns`"; int numberOfNpc = sqlWrapper.SqlCount(sql); Console.Write("Reading spawns: 0/" + numberOfNpc.ToString()); sql = "SELECT * FROM `mobspawns`"; DataTable dt = sqlWrapper.ReadDatatable(sql); sqlWrapper = new SqlWrapper(); DataTable dtstats = sqlWrapper.ReadDatatable("SELECT * from mobspawns_stats ORDER BY id, stat ASC"); sqlWrapper = new SqlWrapper(); DataTable dtinventory = sqlWrapper.ReadDatatable("SELECT * from mobspawnsinventory order by id, placement ASC"); int statcount = 0; int invcount = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { NonPlayerCharacterClass monster = new NonPlayerCharacterClass(0, 0) { Starting = true, Id = (Int32)row["ID"], PlayField = (Int32)row["Playfield"] }; monster.Name = (string)row["Name"] #if DEBUG + " " + monster.Id.ToString() // ID is for debug purpose only #endif ; monster.readcoordsheadingfast(row); statcount = monster.ReadStatsfast(dtstats, statcount); invcount = monster.readInventoryfromSqlfast(dtinventory, invcount); // mMonster.readMeshsfromSql(); // mMonster.readNanosfromSql(); // mMonster.readTimersfromSql(); // mMonster.readWaypointsfromSql(); // mMonster.readWeaponpairsfromSql(); monster.readTexturesfromSqlfast(row); byte[] bytes; long counter; if (!(row[15] is DBNull)) { bytes = (byte[])row[15]; // Waypoints counter = 0; while (counter < bytes.Length) { AOCoord aoCoord = new AOCoord(); aoCoord.x = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; aoCoord.y = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; aoCoord.z = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; monster.Waypoints.Add(aoCoord); } } if (!(row[16] is DBNull)) { bytes = (byte[])row[16]; // Weaponpairs counter = 0; while (counter < bytes.Length) { AOWeaponpairs tempWeaponpairs = new AOWeaponpairs(); tempWeaponpairs.value1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; tempWeaponpairs.value2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; tempWeaponpairs.value3 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; tempWeaponpairs.value4 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; monster.Weaponpairs.Add(tempWeaponpairs); } } if (!(row[17] is DBNull)) { bytes = (byte[])row[17]; // Running Nanos counter = 0; while (counter < bytes.Length) { AONano tempNano = new AONano(); tempNano.Nanotype = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; tempNano.Instance = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; tempNano.Value3 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; tempNano.Time1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; tempNano.Time2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; monster.ActiveNanos.Add(tempNano); } } if (!(row[18] is DBNull)) { counter = 0; bytes = (byte[])row[18]; // Meshs while (counter < bytes.Length) { AOMeshs tempMeshs = new AOMeshs(); tempMeshs.Position = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; tempMeshs.Mesh = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; tempMeshs.OverrideTexture = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; monster.Meshs.Add(tempMeshs); } } if (!(row[19] is DBNull)) { counter = 0; bytes = (byte[])row[19]; // Additional Meshs while (counter < bytes.Length) { AOAddMeshs tempAdditionalMeshs = new AOAddMeshs(); tempAdditionalMeshs.position = bytes[counter++]; tempAdditionalMeshs.meshvalue1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; tempAdditionalMeshs.meshvalue2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter); counter += 4; tempAdditionalMeshs.priority = bytes[counter++]; monster.AdditionalMeshs.Add(tempAdditionalMeshs); } } monster.Starting = false; Program.zoneServer.Monsters.Add(monster); npcCount += 1; if ((npcCount % 100) == 0) { Console.Write("\rReading spawns: " + npcCount.ToString() + "/" + numberOfNpc.ToString()); } } Console.Write("\r \r"); return(npcCount); }