/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="character">
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        public static SimpleCharFullUpdateMessage ConstructMessage(Character character)
            // Character Variables
            bool socialonly;
            bool showsocial;

            int        charPlayfield;
            AOCoord    charCoord;
            Identity   charId;
            Quaternion charHeading;

            uint sideValue;
            uint fatValue;
            uint breedValue;
            uint sexValue;
            uint raceValue;

            string charName;
            int    charFlagsValue;
            int    accFlagsValue;

            int expansionValue;
            int currentNano;
            int currentHealth;

            uint strengthBaseValue;
            uint staminaBaseValue;
            uint agilityBaseValue;
            uint senseBaseValue;
            uint intelligenceBaseValue;
            uint psychicBaseValue;

            string firstName;
            string lastName;
            int    orgNameLength;
            string orgName;
            int    levelValue;
            int    healthValue;
            int    losHeight;

            int monsterData;
            int monsterScale;
            int visualFlags;

            int  currentMovementMode;
            uint runSpeedBaseValue;

            int texturesCount;

            int headMeshValue;

            // NPC Values
            int NPCFamily;

            var socialTab = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            var textures = new List <AOTextures>();

            List <AOMeshs> meshs;

            var nanos = new List <AONano>();

            lock (character)
                socialonly = (character.Stats["VisualFlags"].Value & 0x40) > 0;
                showsocial = (character.Stats["VisualFlags"].Value & 0x20) > 0;

                charPlayfield = character.Playfield.Identity.Instance;
                charCoord     = character.Coordinates;
                charId        = character.Identity;
                charHeading   = character.Heading;

                sideValue  = character.Stats["Side"].BaseValue;
                fatValue   = character.Stats["Fatness"].BaseValue;
                breedValue = character.Stats["Breed"].BaseValue;
                sexValue   = character.Stats["Sex"].BaseValue;
                raceValue  = character.Stats["Race"].BaseValue;

                charName       = character.Name;
                charFlagsValue = character.Stats["Flags"].Value;
                accFlagsValue  = character.Stats["AccountFlags"].Value;

                expansionValue = character.Stats["Expansion"].Value;
                currentNano    = character.Stats["CurrentNano"].Value;

                strengthBaseValue     = character.Stats["Strength"].BaseValue;
                staminaBaseValue      = character.Stats["Strength"].BaseValue;
                agilityBaseValue      = character.Stats["Strength"].BaseValue;
                senseBaseValue        = character.Stats["Strength"].BaseValue;
                intelligenceBaseValue = character.Stats["Strength"].BaseValue;
                psychicBaseValue      = character.Stats["Strength"].BaseValue;

                firstName     = character.FirstName;
                lastName      = character.LastName;
                orgNameLength = character.OrganizationName.Length;
                orgName       = character.OrganizationName;
                levelValue    = character.Stats["Level"].Value;
                healthValue   = character.Stats["Life"].Value;

                monsterData  = character.Stats["MonsterData"].Value;
                monsterScale = character.Stats["MonsterScale"].Value;
                visualFlags  = character.Stats["VisualFlags"].Value;

                currentMovementMode = character.Stats["CurrentMovementMode"].Value;
                runSpeedBaseValue   = character.Stats["RunSpeed"].BaseValue;

                texturesCount = character.Textures.Count;

                headMeshValue = character.Stats["HeadMesh"].Value;

                foreach (int num in character.SocialTab.Keys)
                    socialTab.Add(num, character.SocialTab[num]);

                foreach (AOTextures at in character.Textures)
                    textures.Add(new AOTextures(at.place, at.Texture));

                meshs = MeshLayers.GetMeshs(character, showsocial, socialonly);

                foreach (AONano nano in character.ActiveNanos)
                    var tempNano = new AONano();
                    tempNano.ID         = nano.ID;
                    tempNano.Instance   = nano.Instance;
                    tempNano.NanoStrain = nano.NanoStrain;
                    tempNano.Nanotype   = nano.Nanotype;
                    tempNano.Time1      = nano.Time1;
                    tempNano.Time2      = nano.Time2;
                    tempNano.Value3     = nano.Value3;


                losHeight     = character.Stats["LosHeight"].Value;
                NPCFamily     = character.Stats["NpcFamily"].Value;
                currentHealth = character.Stats["Health"].Value;

            var scfu = new SimpleCharFullUpdateMessage();

            // affected identity
            scfu.Identity = charId;

            scfu.Version     = 57;                                       // SCFU packet version (57/0x39)
            scfu.Flags       = SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.None;           // Try setting to 0x042062C8 if you have problems (old value)
            scfu.Flags      |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasPlayfieldId; // Has Playfield ID
            scfu.PlayfieldId = charPlayfield;                            // playfield

            if (character.FightingTarget.Instance != 0)
                scfu.Flags         |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasFightingTarget;
                scfu.FightingTarget = new Identity
                    Type     = character.FightingTarget.Type,
                    Instance = character.FightingTarget.Instance

            // Coordinates
            scfu.Coordinates = new Vector3 {
                X = charCoord.x, Y = charCoord.y, Z = charCoord.z

            // Heading Data
            scfu.Flags  |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasHeading;
            scfu.Heading = new SmokeLounge.AOtomation.Messaging.GameData.Quaternion
                W = charHeading.wf,
                X = charHeading.xf,
                Y = charHeading.yf,
                Z = charHeading.zf

            // Race
            scfu.Appearance = new Appearance
                Side    = (Side)sideValue,
                Fatness = (Fatness)fatValue,
                Breed   = (Breed)breedValue,
                Gender  = (Gender)sexValue,
                Race    = raceValue
            };                       // appearance

            // Name
            scfu.Name = charName;

            scfu.CharacterFlags = (CharacterFlags)charFlagsValue; // Flags
            scfu.AccountFlags   = (short)accFlagsValue;
            scfu.Expansions     = (short)expansionValue;

            bool isNpc = character is NonPlayerCharacter;

            if (isNpc)
                // Are we a NPC (i think anyway)? So far this is _NOT_ used at all
                scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.IsNpc;

                var snpc = new SimpleNpcInfo {
                    Family = (short)NPCFamily, LosHeight = (short)losHeight
                scfu.CharacterInfo = snpc;
                // Are we a player?
                var spc = new SimplePcInfo();

                spc.CurrentNano = (uint)currentNano; // CurrentNano
                spc.Team        = 0;                 // team?
                spc.Swim        = 5;                 // swim?

                // The checks here are to prevent the client doing weird things if the character has really large or small base attributes
                spc.StrengthBase     = (short)Math.Min(strengthBaseValue, short.MaxValue);     // Strength
                spc.AgilityBase      = (short)Math.Min(agilityBaseValue, short.MaxValue);      // Agility
                spc.StaminaBase      = (short)Math.Min(staminaBaseValue, short.MaxValue);      // Stamina
                spc.IntelligenceBase = (short)Math.Min(intelligenceBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Intelligence
                spc.SenseBase        = (short)Math.Min(senseBaseValue, short.MaxValue);        // Sense
                spc.PsychicBase      = (short)Math.Min(psychicBaseValue, short.MaxValue);      // Psychic

                if (scfu.CharacterFlags.HasFlag(CharacterFlags.HasVisibleName))
                    // has visible names? (Flags)
                    spc.FirstName = firstName;
                    spc.LastName  = lastName;

                if (orgNameLength != 0)
                    scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasOrgName; // Has org name data
                    spc.OrgName = orgName;

                scfu.CharacterInfo = spc;

            // Level
            scfu.Level = (short)levelValue;
            if (scfu.Level > sbyte.MaxValue)
                scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasExtendedLevel;

            // Health
            scfu.Health = (uint)healthValue;
            if (scfu.Health <= short.MaxValue)
                scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasSmallHealth;

            scfu.HealthDamage = healthValue - currentHealth;
            if (scfu.HealthDamage <= byte.MaxValue)
                scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasSmallHealthDamage;

            // If player is in grid or fixer grid
            // make him/her/it a nice upside down pyramid
            if ((charPlayfield == 152) || (charPlayfield == 4107))
                scfu.MonsterData = 99902;
                scfu.MonsterData = (uint)monsterData; // Monsterdata

            scfu.MonsterScale = (short)monsterScale; // Monsterscale
            scfu.VisualFlags  = (short)visualFlags;  // VisualFlags
            scfu.VisibleTitle = 0;                   // visible title?

            // 42 bytes long
            scfu.Unknown1 = new byte[]
                0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                (byte)currentMovementMode, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

            if (headMeshValue != 0)
                scfu.Flags   |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasHeadMesh; // Has HeadMesh Flag
                scfu.HeadMesh = (uint?)headMeshValue;                  // Headmesh

            // Runspeed
            scfu.RunSpeedBase = (short)runSpeedBaseValue;
            if (runSpeedBaseValue > sbyte.MaxValue)
                scfu.Flags |= SimpleCharFullUpdateFlags.HasExtendedRunSpeed;

            scfu.ActiveNanos = (from nano in nanos
                                new ActiveNano
                NanoId = nano.ID,
                NanoInstance = nano.Instance,
                Time1 = nano.Time1,
                Time2 = nano.Time2

            // Texture/Cloth Data
            var scfuTextures = new List <Texture>();

            var aotemp = new AOTextures(0, 0);

            for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++)
                aotemp.Texture = 0;
                aotemp.place   = c;
                for (int c2 = 0; c2 < texturesCount; c2++)
                    if (textures[c2].place != c)

                    aotemp.Texture = textures[c2].Texture;

                if (showsocial)
                    if (socialonly)
                        aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c];
                        if (socialTab[c] != 0)
                            aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c];

                scfuTextures.Add(new Texture {
                    Place = aotemp.place, Id = aotemp.Texture, Unknown = 0

            scfu.Textures = scfuTextures.ToArray();

            // End Textures

            // ############
            // # Meshs
            // ############
            scfu.Meshes = (from aoMesh in meshs
                           new Mesh
                Position = (byte)aoMesh.Position,
                Id = (uint)aoMesh.Mesh,
                OverrideTextureId = aoMesh.OverrideTexture,
                Layer = (byte)aoMesh.Layer

            // End Meshs
            scfu.Flags2   = 0; // packetFlags2
            scfu.Unknown2 = 0;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="character"></param>
        /// <param name="receiver"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Byte[] WritePacket(Character character, int receiver)
             * To set a packetFlag use       packetFlags |= <flagHere>;
             * To unset a packetFlag use     packetFlags &= ~<flagHere>;
             * Wherever you set a flag conditionally, be sure to unset the same flag if the reverse
             * condition is true 'just in case'.
            int packetFlags = 0; // Try setting to 0x042062C8 if you have problems (old value)

            // Character Variables

            bool socialonly;
            bool showsocial;

             * bool showhelmet;
             * bool LeftPadVisible;
             * bool RightPadVisible;
             * bool DoubleLeftPad;
             * bool DoubleRightPad;

            int        charPlayfield;
            AOCoord    charCoord;
            int        charId;
            Quaternion charHeading;

            uint sideValue;
            uint fatValue;
            uint breedValue;
            uint sexValue;
            uint raceValue;

            int    nameLength;
            string charName;
            int    charFlagsValue;
            int    accFlagsValue;

            int expansionValue;
            int currentNano;
            int currentHealth;

            uint strengthBaseValue;
            uint staminaBaseValue;
            uint agilityBaseValue;
            uint senseBaseValue;
            uint intelligenceBaseValue;
            uint psychicBaseValue;

            int    firstNameLength;
            int    lastNameLength;
            string firstName;
            string lastName;
            int    orgNameLength;
            string orgName;
            int    levelValue;
            int    healthValue;
            int    losHeight;

            int monsterData;
            int monsterScale;
            int visualFlags;

            int  currentMovementMode;
            uint runSpeedBaseValue;

            int texturesCount;

             * int HairMeshValue;
             * int WeaponMeshRightValue;
             * int WeaponMeshLeftValue;
             * uint HeadMeshBaseValue;
            int headMeshValue;

             * int BackMeshValue;
             * int ShoulderMeshRightValue;
            //int ShoulderMeshLeftValue;

             * int OverrideTextureHead;
             * int OverrideTextureWeaponRight;
             * int OverrideTextureWeaponLeft;
             * int OverrideTextureShoulderpadRight;
             * int OverrideTextureShoulderpadLeft;
             * int OverrideTextureBack;
             * int OverrideTextureAttractor;
            //NPC Values

            int NPCFamily;

            Dictionary <int, int> socialTab = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            List <AOTextures> textures = new List <AOTextures>();

            List <AOMeshs> meshs;

            List <AONano> nanos = new List <AONano>();

            lock (character)
                socialonly = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x40) > 0);
                showsocial = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x20) > 0);

                 * showhelmet = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x4) > 0);
                 * LeftPadVisible = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x1) > 0);
                 * RightPadVisible = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x2) > 0);
                 * DoubleLeftPad = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x8) > 0);
                 * DoubleRightPad = ((character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value & 0x10) > 0);

                charPlayfield = character.PlayField;
                charCoord     = character.Coordinates;
                charId        = character.Id;
                charHeading   = character.Heading;

                sideValue  = character.Stats.Side.StatBaseValue;
                fatValue   = character.Stats.Fatness.StatBaseValue;
                breedValue = character.Stats.Breed.StatBaseValue;
                sexValue   = character.Stats.Sex.StatBaseValue;
                raceValue  = character.Stats.Race.StatBaseValue;

                nameLength     = character.Name.Length;
                charName       = character.Name;
                charFlagsValue = character.Stats.Flags.Value;
                accFlagsValue  = character.Stats.AccountFlags.Value;

                expansionValue = character.Stats.Expansion.Value;
                currentNano    = character.Stats.CurrentNano.Value;

                strengthBaseValue     = character.Stats.Strength.StatBaseValue;
                staminaBaseValue      = character.Stats.Strength.StatBaseValue;
                agilityBaseValue      = character.Stats.Strength.StatBaseValue;
                senseBaseValue        = character.Stats.Strength.StatBaseValue;
                intelligenceBaseValue = character.Stats.Strength.StatBaseValue;
                psychicBaseValue      = character.Stats.Strength.StatBaseValue;

                firstNameLength = character.FirstName.Length;
                lastNameLength  = character.LastName.Length;
                firstName       = character.FirstName;
                lastName        = character.LastName;
                orgNameLength   = character.OrgName.Length;
                orgName         = character.OrgName;
                levelValue      = character.Stats.Level.Value;
                healthValue     = character.Stats.Life.Value;

                monsterData  = character.Stats.MonsterData.Value;
                monsterScale = character.Stats.MonsterScale.Value;
                visualFlags  = character.Stats.VisualFlags.Value;

                currentMovementMode = character.Stats.CurrentMovementMode.Value;
                runSpeedBaseValue   = character.Stats.RunSpeed.StatBaseValue;

                texturesCount = character.Textures.Count;

                 * HairMeshValue = character.Stats.HairMesh.Value;
                 * WeaponMeshRightValue = character.Stats.WeaponMeshRight.Value;
                 * WeaponMeshLeftValue = character.Stats.WeaponMeshLeft.Value;
                 * HeadMeshBaseValue = character.Stats.HeadMesh.StatBaseValue;
                headMeshValue = character.Stats.HeadMesh.Value;

                 * BackMeshValue = character.Stats.BackMesh.Value;
                 * ShoulderMeshRightValue = character.Stats.ShoulderMeshRight.Value;
                //ShoulderMeshLeftValue = character.Stats.ShoulderMeshLeft.Value;

                 * OverrideTextureHead = character.Stats.OverrideTextureHead.Value;
                 * OverrideTextureWeaponRight = character.Stats.OverrideTextureWeaponRight.Value;
                 * OverrideTextureWeaponLeft = character.Stats.OverrideTextureWeaponLeft.Value;
                 * OverrideTextureShoulderpadRight = character.Stats.OverrideTextureShoulderpadRight.Value;
                 * OverrideTextureShoulderpadLeft = character.Stats.OverrideTextureShoulderpadLeft.Value;
                 * OverrideTextureBack = character.Stats.OverrideTextureBack.Value;
                 * OverrideTextureAttractor = character.Stats.OverrideTextureAttractor.Value;
                foreach (int num in character.SocialTab.Keys)
                    socialTab.Add(num, character.SocialTab[num]);

                foreach (AOTextures at in character.Textures)
                    textures.Add(new AOTextures(at.place, at.Texture));

                meshs = MeshLayers.GetMeshs(character, showsocial, socialonly);

                foreach (AONano nano in character.ActiveNanos)
                    AONano tempNano = new AONano();
                    tempNano.ID         = nano.ID;
                    tempNano.Instance   = nano.Instance;
                    tempNano.NanoStrain = nano.NanoStrain;
                    tempNano.Nanotype   = nano.Nanotype;
                    tempNano.Time1      = nano.Time1;
                    tempNano.Time2      = nano.Time2;
                    tempNano.Value3     = nano.Value3;


                losHeight     = character.Stats.LosHeight.Value;
                NPCFamily     = character.Stats.NpcFamily.Value;
                currentHealth = character.Stats.Health.Value;
            PacketWriter packetWriter = new PacketWriter();

            // Packet Header
            packetWriter.PushShort(0);                // length. writer will take care of this
            packetWriter.PushInt(3086);               // sender. our server ID
            packetWriter.PushInt(receiver);           // receiver
            packetWriter.PushInt(0x271B3A6B);         // packet ID
            packetWriter.PushIdentity(50000, charId); // affected identity
            packetWriter.PushByte(0);                 // Unknown?
            // End Packet Header

            packetWriter.PushByte(57);           // SCFU packet version (57/0x39)
            packetWriter.PushInt(0);             // packet flags (this is set later based on packetFlags variable above)

            packetFlags |= 0x40;                 // Has Playfield ID
            packetWriter.PushInt(charPlayfield); // playfield

            if (character.FightingTarget.Instance != 0)
                packetFlags |= 20;

            // Coordinates

            // Heading Data
            packetFlags |= 0x200; // Has Heading Data Flag

            uint appearance = sideValue + (fatValue * 8) + (breedValue * 32) + (sexValue * 256) + (raceValue * 1024);

            // Race
            packetWriter.PushUInt(appearance); // appearance

            // Name
            packetWriter.PushByte((byte)(nameLength + 1));
            packetWriter.PushByte(0);              // 0 terminator for name

            packetWriter.PushUInt(charFlagsValue); // Flags

            if (character is NonPlayerCharacterClass)
                packetFlags |= 1;

            packetFlags &= ~0x01; // We are a player
            if ((packetFlags & 0x01) != 0)
                // Are we a NPC (i think anyway)? So far this is _NOT_ used at all

                if (NPCFamily < 256)
                    packetFlags |= 0x20000;

                if (losHeight < 256)
                    packetFlags |= 0x80000;

                //if (packetFlags & 0x2000000)
                //    char PetType;
                //    short PetType;

                //short TowerType;

                //if (TowerType > 0)
                //    char unknown;
                // Are we a player?
                packetWriter.PushUInt(currentNano); // CurrentNano
                packetWriter.PushInt(0);            // team?
                packetWriter.PushShort(5);          // swim?

                // The checks here are to prevent the client doing weird things if the character has really large or small base attributes
                if (strengthBaseValue > 32767) // Strength
                if (agilityBaseValue > 32767) // Agility
                if (staminaBaseValue > 32767) //  Stamina
                if (intelligenceBaseValue > 32767) // Intelligence
                if (senseBaseValue > 32767) // Sense
                if (psychicBaseValue > 32767) // Psychic

                if ((charFlagsValue & 0x400000) != 0) // has visible names? (Flags)

                if (orgNameLength != 0)
                    packetFlags |= 0x4000000; // Has org name data

                    packetFlags &= ~0x4000000; // Does not have org name data

            if (levelValue > 127)      // Level
                packetFlags |= 0x1000; // Has Extended Level
                packetFlags &= ~0x1000; // Has Small Level

            if (healthValue > 32767)   // Health
                packetFlags &= ~0x800; // Has Extended Health
                packetFlags |= 0x800; // Has Small Health
            int healthdamage = healthValue - currentHealth;

            if (healthdamage < 256)
                packetFlags |= 0x4000;
                packetFlags &= ~0x4000;
                if ((packetFlags & 0x800) == 0x800)

            // If player is in grid or fixer grid
            // make him/her/it a nice upside down pyramid
            if ((charPlayfield == 152) || (charPlayfield == 4107))
                packetWriter.PushUInt(monsterData);      // Monsterdata
            packetWriter.PushShort((short)monsterScale); // Monsterscale
            packetWriter.PushShort((short)visualFlags);  // VisualFlags
            packetWriter.PushByte(0);                    // visible title?

            packetWriter.PushInt(42);                    // 'skipdata' length
            // Start 'skipdata'
                new Byte[] { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 });
            packetWriter.PushByte((byte)currentMovementMode); // CurrentMovementMode
            packetWriter.PushByte(1);                         // don't change
            packetWriter.PushShort(1);                        // ?
            packetWriter.PushShort(1);                        // ?
            packetWriter.PushShort(1);                        // ?
            packetWriter.PushShort(1);                        // ?
            packetWriter.PushShort(0);                        // ?
            packetWriter.PushShort(3);                        // ?
            packetWriter.PushInt(0);                          //?
            packetWriter.PushInt(0);                          //?
            packetWriter.PushInt(0);                          //?
            packetWriter.PushInt(0);                          //?
            // End 'skipdata'

            if (headMeshValue != 0)
                packetFlags |= 0x80;                  // Has HeadMesh Flag
                packetWriter.PushUInt(headMeshValue); // Headmesh

            if ((runSpeedBaseValue > 127)) // Runspeed
                packetFlags |= 0x2000;
                packetFlags &= ~0x2000;

            //if (packetFlags & 0x400)
            //    // Pop2Long
            //    /*
            //     * Is this a Type:Instance pair?
            //     * Suspect so as it uses Pop2Long
            //     * which is used for Type:Instance
            //     * pairs. Perhaps pet master?
            //     * (Just a wild guess though that its pet master)
            //     */
            //    long unknown;
            //    long unknown;

            //if (packetFlags & 0x10)
            //    long counter;
            //    repeat (counter / 0x3F1 - 1) times
            //        char texturepositionname[32]; // Null padded at the end
            //        long textureid; // Or is this mesh id?
            //        long unknown;
            //        long unknown;
            //    end repeat

            // Is char/NPC in hide mode?
            //if (packetFlags & 0x100000)
            //    short Concealment;

            //if (packetFlags & 0x800000)
            //    char unknown;

            //if (packetFlags & 0x1000000)
            //    char unknown;

            packetWriter.Push3F1Count(nanos.Count); // running nanos count
            foreach (AONano nano in nanos)
            // longx5: aoid, instance, unknown(0?), timer1, timer2

            //if (flags & 0x10000)
            //    // Waypoint Info
            //    // Pop2Long (1010E2D3)
            //    long type;
            //    long instance;
            //    // Waypoint Counter - 3x float per entry
            //    long counter;
            //    repeat counter times
            //        float x;
            //        float y;
            //        float z;
            //    end repeat
            //    // End Waypoint Counter

            // Texture/Cloth Data
            int c;

            packetWriter.Push3F1Count(5); // textures count

            AOTextures aotemp = new AOTextures(0, 0);

            for (c = 0; c < 5; c++)
                aotemp.Texture = 0;
                aotemp.place   = c;
                int c2;
                for (c2 = 0; c2 < texturesCount; c2++)
                    if (textures[c2].place == c)
                        aotemp.Texture = textures[c2].Texture;
                if (showsocial)
                    if (socialonly)
                        aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c];
                        if (socialTab[c] != 0)
                            aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c];

            // End Textures

            // ############
            // # Meshs
            // ############

            c = meshs.Count;

            foreach (AOMeshs aoMeshs in meshs)
                packetWriter.PushInt(aoMeshs.OverrideTexture); // Override Texture!!!!!!
            // End Meshs

            //if (packetFlags & 0x100)
            //    // 0x3F1 Unknown Counter - 4x long per entry
            //    long counter;
            //    repeat (counter / 0x3F1 - 1) times
            //        long unknown;
            //        long unknown;
            //        long unknown;
            //        long unknown;
            //    end repeat

            //if (packetFlags & 0x20000000)
            //    char ShadowBreed;

            //if (packetFlags & 0x40000000)
            //    // 0x3F1 Unknown Counter - 4x long per entry
            //    long counter;
            //    repeat (counter / 0x3F1 - 1) times
            //        Pop2Long (Type:Instance pair maybe?)
            //        long unknown;
            //        long unknown;
            //    end repeat

            packetWriter.PushInt(0); // packetFlags2

            // Some mech stuff
            //if (packetFlags2 & 0x01)
            //    long counter;
            //    repeat (counter) times
            //        long unknown;
            //        long unknown;
            //    end repeat

            //    long MechData;
            //    // Pop2Long (Type:Instance pair maybe?)
            //    long unknown;
            //    long unknown;

            // maybe check if we are in battlestation
            //if (packetFlags2 & 0x02)
            //    char BattleStationSide;

            // Are we a pet?
            //if (packetFlags2 & 0x04)
            //    long PetMaster;


            Byte[] reply = packetWriter.Finish();

            // Set Packet Flags
            Byte[] packetFlagBytes;
            packetFlagBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(packetFlags);
            reply[30] = packetFlagBytes[0];
            reply[31] = packetFlagBytes[1];
            reply[32] = packetFlagBytes[2];
            reply[33] = packetFlagBytes[3];

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="character">
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        public static SimpleCharFullUpdateMessage ConstructMessage(Character character)
            // No need to set packet flags here, its all done in the SimpleCharFullUpdateSerializer.cs
            // - Algorithman

            // Character Variables
            bool socialonly;
            bool showsocial;

            int        charPlayfield;
            Coordinate charCoord;
            Identity   charId;
            Quaternion charHeading;

            uint sideValue;
            uint fatValue;
            uint breedValue;
            uint sexValue;
            uint raceValue;

            string charName;
            int    charFlagsValue;
            int    accFlagsValue;

            int expansionValue;
            int currentNano;
            int currentHealth;

            uint strengthBaseValue;
            uint staminaBaseValue;
            uint agilityBaseValue;
            uint senseBaseValue;
            uint intelligenceBaseValue;
            uint psychicBaseValue;

            string firstName;
            string lastName;
            int    orgNameLength;
            string orgName;
            int    levelValue;
            int    healthValue;
            int    losHeight;

            int monsterData;
            int monsterScale;
            int visualFlags;

            int  currentMovementMode;
            uint runSpeedBaseValue;

            int texturesCount;

            int headMeshValue;

            // NPC Values
            int NPCFamily;

            var socialTab = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            var textures = new List <AOTextures>();

            List <AOMeshs> meshs;

            var nanos = new List <AONano>();

            lock (character)
                socialonly = (character.Stats[StatIds.visualflags].Value & 0x40) > 0;
                showsocial = (character.Stats[StatIds.visualflags].Value & 0x20) > 0;

                charPlayfield = character.Playfield.Identity.Instance;
                charCoord     = character.Coordinates();
                charId        = character.Identity;
                charHeading   = character.Heading;

                sideValue  = character.Stats[StatIds.side].BaseValue;
                fatValue   = character.Stats[StatIds.fatness].BaseValue;
                breedValue = character.Stats[StatIds.breed].BaseValue;
                sexValue   = character.Stats[StatIds.sex].BaseValue;
                raceValue  = character.Stats[StatIds.race].BaseValue;

                charName       = character.Name;
                charFlagsValue = character.Stats[StatIds.flags].Value;
                accFlagsValue  = character.Stats[StatIds.accountflags].Value;

                expansionValue = character.Stats[StatIds.expansion].Value;
                currentNano    = character.Stats[StatIds.currentnano].Value;

                strengthBaseValue     = character.Stats[StatIds.strength].BaseValue;
                staminaBaseValue      = character.Stats[StatIds.stamina].BaseValue;
                agilityBaseValue      = character.Stats[StatIds.agility].BaseValue;
                senseBaseValue        = character.Stats[StatIds.sense].BaseValue;
                intelligenceBaseValue = character.Stats[StatIds.intelligence].BaseValue;
                psychicBaseValue      = character.Stats[StatIds.psychic].BaseValue;

                firstName     = character.FirstName;
                lastName      = character.LastName;
                orgNameLength = character.OrganizationName.Length;
                orgName       = character.OrganizationName;
                levelValue    = character.Stats[StatIds.level].Value;
                healthValue   = character.Stats[StatIds.life].Value;

                monsterData  = character.Stats[StatIds.monsterdata].Value;
                monsterScale = character.Stats[StatIds.monsterscale].Value;
                visualFlags  = character.Stats[StatIds.visualflags].Value;

                currentMovementMode = character.Stats[StatIds.currentmovementmode].Value;
                runSpeedBaseValue   = character.Stats[StatIds.runspeed].BaseValue;

                texturesCount = character.Textures.Count;

                headMeshValue = character.Stats[StatIds.headmesh].Value;

                foreach (int num in character.SocialTab.Keys)
                    socialTab.Add(num, character.SocialTab[num]);

                foreach (AOTextures at in character.Textures)
                    textures.Add(new AOTextures(at.place, at.Texture));

                meshs = MeshLayers.GetMeshs(character, showsocial, socialonly);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, IActiveNano> kv in character.ActiveNanos)
                    var tempNano = new AONano();
                    tempNano.ID           = kv.Value.ID;
                    tempNano.Instance     = kv.Value.Instance;
                    tempNano.NanoStrain   = kv.Key;
                    tempNano.Nanotype     = kv.Value.Nanotype;
                    tempNano.TickCounter  = kv.Value.TickCounter;
                    tempNano.TickInterval = kv.Value.TickInterval;
                    tempNano.Value3       = kv.Value.Value3;


                losHeight     = character.Stats[StatIds.losheight].Value;
                NPCFamily     = character.Stats[StatIds.npcfamily].Value;
                currentHealth = character.Stats[StatIds.health].Value;

            var scfu = new SimpleCharFullUpdateMessage();

            // affected identity
            scfu.Identity = charId;

            scfu.Version     = 57;            // SCFU packet version (57/0x39)
            scfu.PlayfieldId = charPlayfield; // playfield

            if (character.FightingTarget.Instance != 0)
                scfu.FightingTarget = new Identity
                    Type     = character.FightingTarget.Type,
                    Instance = character.FightingTarget.Instance

            // Coordinates
            scfu.Coordinates = new Vector3 {
                X = charCoord.x, Y = charCoord.y, Z = charCoord.z

            // Heading Data
            scfu.Heading = new SmokeLounge.AOtomation.Messaging.GameData.Quaternion
                W = charHeading.wf,
                X = charHeading.xf,
                Y = charHeading.yf,
                Z = charHeading.zf

            // Race
            scfu.Appearance = new Appearance
                Side    = (Side)sideValue,
                Fatness = (Fatness)fatValue,
                Breed   = (Breed)breedValue,
                Gender  = (Gender)sexValue,
                Race    = raceValue
            };                   // appearance

            // Name
            scfu.Name = charName;

            scfu.CharacterFlags = (CharacterFlags)charFlagsValue; // Flags
            scfu.AccountFlags   = (short)accFlagsValue;
            scfu.Expansions     = (short)expansionValue;

            bool isNpc = (NPCFamily != 1234567890) && (NPCFamily != 0);

            if (isNpc)
                var snpc = new SimpleNpcInfo {
                    Family = (short)NPCFamily, LosHeight = (short)losHeight
                scfu.CharacterInfo = snpc;
                // Are we a player?
                var spc = new SimplePcInfo();

                spc.CurrentNano = (uint)currentNano; // CurrentNano
                spc.Team        = 0;                 // team?
                spc.Swim        = 5;                 // swim?

                // The checks here are to prevent the client doing weird things if the character has really large or small base attributes
                spc.StrengthBase     = (short)Math.Min(strengthBaseValue, short.MaxValue);     // Strength
                spc.AgilityBase      = (short)Math.Min(agilityBaseValue, short.MaxValue);      // Agility
                spc.StaminaBase      = (short)Math.Min(staminaBaseValue, short.MaxValue);      // Stamina
                spc.IntelligenceBase = (short)Math.Min(intelligenceBaseValue, short.MaxValue); // Intelligence
                spc.SenseBase        = (short)Math.Min(senseBaseValue, short.MaxValue);        // Sense
                spc.PsychicBase      = (short)Math.Min(psychicBaseValue, short.MaxValue);      // Psychic

                if (scfu.CharacterFlags.HasFlag(CharacterFlags.HasVisibleName))
                    // has visible names? (Flags)
                    spc.FirstName = firstName;
                    spc.LastName  = lastName;

                if (orgNameLength != 0)
                    spc.OrgName = orgName;

                scfu.CharacterInfo = spc;

            // Level
            scfu.Level = (short)levelValue;

            // Health
            scfu.Health = healthValue;

            scfu.HealthDamage = healthValue - currentHealth;

            // If player is in grid or fixer grid
            // make him/her/it a nice upside down pyramid
            if ((charPlayfield == 152) || (charPlayfield == 4107))
                scfu.MonsterData = 99902;
                scfu.MonsterData = (uint)monsterData; // Monsterdata

            scfu.MonsterScale = (short)monsterScale; // Monsterscale
            scfu.VisualFlags  = (short)visualFlags;  // VisualFlags
            scfu.VisibleTitle = 0;                   // visible title?

            // 42 bytes long
            // For PlayerCharacters that is
            // NPC's have a shorter one?
            scfu.Unknown1 = new byte[]
                0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                (byte)currentMovementMode, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

            // NPC Unknown1
            if ((NPCFamily != 0) && (NPCFamily != 1234567890))
                scfu.Unknown1 = new byte[]
                    // Knubot values??
                    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                    (byte)currentMovementMode, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
                    0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00

            if (headMeshValue != 0)
                scfu.HeadMesh = (uint?)headMeshValue; // Headmesh

            // Runspeed
            scfu.RunSpeedBase = (short)runSpeedBaseValue;

            scfu.ActiveNanos = (from nano in nanos
                                new ActiveNano
                NanoId = nano.ID,
                NanoInstance = nano.Instance,
                Time1 = nano.TickCounter,
                Time2 = nano.TickInterval

            // Texture/Cloth Data
            var scfuTextures = new List <Texture>();

            var aotemp = new AOTextures(0, 0);

            for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++)
                aotemp.Texture = 0;
                aotemp.place   = c;
                for (int c2 = 0; c2 < texturesCount; c2++)
                    if (textures[c2].place != c)

                    aotemp.Texture = textures[c2].Texture;

                if (showsocial)
                    if (socialonly)
                        aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c];
                        if (socialTab[c] != 0)
                            aotemp.Texture = socialTab[c];

                scfuTextures.Add(new Texture {
                    Place = aotemp.place, Id = aotemp.Texture, Unknown = 0

            scfu.Textures = scfuTextures.ToArray();

            // End Textures

            // ############
            // # Meshs
            // ############
            scfu.Meshes = (from aoMesh in meshs
                           new Mesh
                Position = (byte)aoMesh.Position,
                Id = (uint)aoMesh.Mesh,
                OverrideTextureId = aoMesh.OverrideTexture,
                Layer = (byte)aoMesh.Layer

            // End Meshs
            scfu.Flags2   = 0; // packetFlags2
            scfu.Unknown2 = 0;

Esempio n. 4
        // Call this _only_ on server startup!
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads all NPCs from database and adds them to servers list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Number of NPCs loaded</returns>
        public static int CacheAllFromDB()
            int        npcCount   = 0;
            SqlWrapper sqlWrapper = new SqlWrapper();

            // TODO:COUNT
            string sql         = "SELECT count(*) FROM `mobspawns`";
            int    numberOfNpc = sqlWrapper.SqlCount(sql);

            Console.Write("Reading spawns: 0/" + numberOfNpc.ToString());
            sql = "SELECT * FROM `mobspawns`";
            DataTable dt = sqlWrapper.ReadDatatable(sql);

            sqlWrapper = new SqlWrapper();
            DataTable dtstats = sqlWrapper.ReadDatatable("SELECT * from mobspawns_stats ORDER BY id, stat ASC");

            sqlWrapper = new SqlWrapper();
            DataTable dtinventory =
                sqlWrapper.ReadDatatable("SELECT * from mobspawnsinventory order by id, placement ASC");
            int statcount = 0;
            int invcount  = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                NonPlayerCharacterClass monster = new NonPlayerCharacterClass(0, 0)
                    Starting = true, Id = (Int32)row["ID"], PlayField = (Int32)row["Playfield"]

                monster.Name = (string)row["Name"]
                               + " " + monster.Id.ToString() // ID is for debug purpose only
                statcount = monster.ReadStatsfast(dtstats, statcount);
                invcount  = monster.readInventoryfromSqlfast(dtinventory, invcount);
                //                mMonster.readMeshsfromSql();
                //                mMonster.readNanosfromSql();
                //                mMonster.readTimersfromSql();
                //                mMonster.readWaypointsfromSql();
                //                mMonster.readWeaponpairsfromSql();

                byte[] bytes;
                long   counter;
                if (!(row[15] is DBNull))
                    bytes   = (byte[])row[15]; // Waypoints
                    counter = 0;
                    while (counter < bytes.Length)
                        AOCoord aoCoord = new AOCoord();
                        aoCoord.x = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter  += 4;
                        aoCoord.y = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter  += 4;
                        aoCoord.z = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter  += 4;

                if (!(row[16] is DBNull))
                    bytes   = (byte[])row[16]; // Weaponpairs
                    counter = 0;
                    while (counter < bytes.Length)
                        AOWeaponpairs tempWeaponpairs = new AOWeaponpairs();
                        tempWeaponpairs.value1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter += 4;
                        tempWeaponpairs.value2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter += 4;
                        tempWeaponpairs.value3 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter += 4;
                        tempWeaponpairs.value4 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter += 4;

                if (!(row[17] is DBNull))
                    bytes   = (byte[])row[17]; // Running Nanos
                    counter = 0;
                    while (counter < bytes.Length)
                        AONano tempNano = new AONano();

                        tempNano.Nanotype = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter          += 4;
                        tempNano.Instance = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter          += 4;
                        tempNano.Value3   = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter          += 4;
                        tempNano.Time1    = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter          += 4;
                        tempNano.Time2    = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter          += 4;

                if (!(row[18] is DBNull))
                    counter = 0;
                    bytes   = (byte[])row[18]; // Meshs
                    while (counter < bytes.Length)
                        AOMeshs tempMeshs = new AOMeshs();
                        tempMeshs.Position        = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter                  += 4;
                        tempMeshs.Mesh            = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter                  += 4;
                        tempMeshs.OverrideTexture = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter                  += 4;


                if (!(row[19] is DBNull))
                    counter = 0;
                    bytes   = (byte[])row[19]; // Additional Meshs
                    while (counter < bytes.Length)
                        AOAddMeshs tempAdditionalMeshs = new AOAddMeshs();
                        tempAdditionalMeshs.position   = bytes[counter++];
                        tempAdditionalMeshs.meshvalue1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter += 4;
                        tempAdditionalMeshs.meshvalue2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, (int)counter);
                        counter += 4;
                        tempAdditionalMeshs.priority = bytes[counter++];

                monster.Starting = false;

                npcCount += 1;
                if ((npcCount % 100) == 0)
                    Console.Write("\rReading spawns: " + npcCount.ToString() + "/" + numberOfNpc.ToString());

            Console.Write("\r                                                    \r");