예제 #1
 public bool CheckFloorValid(LotTilePos pos, FloorTile floor)
     if (pos.Level < 1 || pos.Level > ObjectsAt.Count || !ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1].ContainsKey(pos.TileID)) return true;
     var objs = ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1][pos.TileID];
     foreach (var id in objs)
         var obj = VM.GetObjectById(id);
         if (obj.FloorChangeValid(floor, pos.Level) != VMPlacementError.Success) return false;
     return true;
예제 #2
        public VMPlacementError FloorChangeValid(FloorTile floor, sbyte level)
            var placeFlags = (VMPlacementFlags)ObjectData[(int)VMStackObjectVariable.PlacementFlags];

            if (floor.Pattern == 65535)
                if ((placeFlags & (VMPlacementFlags.AllowOnPool | VMPlacementFlags.RequirePool)) == 0) return VMPlacementError.CantPlaceOnWater;
                if ((placeFlags & VMPlacementFlags.RequirePool) > 0) return VMPlacementError.MustPlaceOnPool;
                if (floor.Pattern == 63354)
                    if ((placeFlags & (VMPlacementFlags.OnWater | VMPlacementFlags.RequireWater)) == 0) return VMPlacementError.CantPlaceOnWater;
                } else
                    if ((placeFlags & VMPlacementFlags.RequireWater) > 0) return VMPlacementError.MustPlaceOnWater;
                    if (floor.Pattern == 0)
                        if (level == 1)
                            if ((placeFlags & VMPlacementFlags.OnTerrain) == 0) return VMPlacementError.NotAllowedOnTerrain;
                            if ((placeFlags & VMPlacementFlags.InAir) == 0 && Object.OBJ.LevelOffset == 0) return VMPlacementError.CantPlaceInAir;
                            //TODO: special hack check that determines if we need can add/remove a tile to fulfil this if LevelOffset > 0
                        if ((placeFlags & VMPlacementFlags.OnFloor) == 0 &&
                            ((Object.OBJ.LevelOffset == 0) || (placeFlags & VMPlacementFlags.InAir) == 0)) return VMPlacementError.NotAllowedOnFloor;
            return VMPlacementError.Success;
        public bool SetFloor(short tileX, short tileY, sbyte level, FloorTile floor, bool force)
            //returns false on failure
            var offset = GetOffset(tileX, tileY);

            if (!force)
                //first check if we're supported
                if (level > 1 && !Supported[level - 2][offset]) return false;
                //check if objects need/don't need floors
                if (!Context.CheckFloorValid(LotTilePos.FromBigTile((short)tileX, (short)tileY, level), floor)) return false;

            Floors[level-1][offset] = floor;

            if (RealMode) FloorsDirty = true;
            Redraw = true;
            return true;
예제 #4
        //for first floor gen, curRoom should be 1. For floors above, it should be the last genmap result
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the room map for the specified walls array.
        /// </summary>
        public void GenerateMap(WallTile[] Walls, FloorTile[] Floors, int width, int height, List<BlueprintRoom> rooms)
            Map = new ushort[width*height]; //although 0 is the base of the array, room 1 is known to simantics as room 0.
            //values of 0 indicate the room has not been chosen in that location yet.

            bool noFloorBad = (rooms.Count > 1);

            this.Width = width;
            this.Height = height;

            //flood fill recursively. Each time choose find and choose the first "0" as the base.
            //The first recursion (outside) cannot fill into diagonals.
            bool remaining = true;
            bool outside = true;
            while (remaining)
                var spread = new Stack<Point>();
                remaining = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < Map.Length; i++)
                    if (Map[i] == 0)
                        remaining = true;
                        Map[i] = (ushort)rooms.Count;
                        spread.Push(new Point(i % width, i / width));

                if (remaining)
                    while (spread.Count > 0)
                        var item = spread.Pop();

                        var plusX = (item.X+1)%width;
                        var minX = (item.X + width - 1) % width;
                        var plusY = (item.Y+1)%height;
                        var minY = (item.Y + height - 1) % height;

                        var mainWalls = Walls[item.X + item.Y * width];
                        if ((byte)mainWalls.Segments > 15) continue; //don't spread on diagonals for now

                        var PXWalls = Walls[plusX + item.Y * width];
                        var PYWalls = Walls[item.X + plusY * width];

                        if (Map[plusX + item.Y * width] == 0 && ((PXWalls.Segments & WallSegments.TopLeft) == 0 || PXWalls.TopLeftStyle != 1))
                            { Map[plusX + item.Y * width] = (ushort)rooms.Count; spread.Push(new Point(plusX, item.Y)); }
                        if (Map[minX + item.Y * width] == 0 && ((mainWalls.Segments & WallSegments.TopLeft) == 0 || mainWalls.TopLeftStyle != 1))
                            { Map[minX + item.Y * width] = (ushort)rooms.Count; spread.Push(new Point(minX, item.Y)); }
                        if (Map[item.X + plusY * width] == 0 && ((PYWalls.Segments & WallSegments.TopRight) == 0 || PYWalls.TopRightStyle != 1))
                            { Map[item.X + plusY * width] = (ushort)rooms.Count; spread.Push(new Point(item.X, plusY)); }
                        if (Map[item.X + minY * width] == 0 && ((mainWalls.Segments & WallSegments.TopRight) == 0 || mainWalls.TopRightStyle != 1))
                            { Map[item.X + minY * width] = (ushort)rooms.Count; spread.Push(new Point(item.X, minY)); }
                    rooms.Add(new BlueprintRoom
                        IsOutside = outside
                    outside = false;