public windows_certificate_store () { Setting ca_name = new Setting( typeof(String), "Certificate Authority Name", _ca_name, "The CA name of the certificate", "General"); ca_name.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _ca_name = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting path_to_makecert = new Setting( typeof(String), "Path to makecert.exe", _path_to_makecert, "...", "General"); path_to_makecert.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _path_to_makecert = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; }; _settings.Add(ca_name); _settings.Add(path_to_makecert); }
private void initialize() { Setting enable = new Setting(typeof(Boolean),"Enable",true,"Enable domain blocking", "General"); enable.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(enable_OnSettingChanged); Setting errorOnBlock = new Setting(typeof(Boolean), "Show As Error",false,"Blocked domains are given the status \"ERR\"","General"); errorOnBlock.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(errorOnBlock_OnSettingChanged); _domains = new String[BlockedDomains.Count]; domainlist = new Setting(typeof(String[]),"Domain List",_domains ,"A line separated list of domains to block. (i.e.", "Domain List"); domainlist.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(domainlist_OnSettingChanged); _settings.AddRange(new Setting[]{domainlist,errorOnBlock,enable}); contextual_action block_domain = new contextual_action( "block domain(s)", new Type[]{ typeof(proxy_transaction),typeof(proxy_transaction[]) }); block_domain.DoWork += handle_block_domain; contextual_action unblock_domain = new contextual_action( "unblock domain(s)", new Type[] { typeof(proxy_transaction), typeof(proxy_transaction[]) }); unblock_domain.DoWork += handle_unblock_domain; _contextual_actions.Add(block_domain); _contextual_actions.Add(unblock_domain); }
public footer () { Setting enable = new Setting( typeof(Boolean), "Enable", _active, "Enable/Disable Footer. Footer allows you to inject html/javascript/whatever into any html page just before the ending body tag", "General"); enable.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _active = (Boolean)((Setting)sender).Value; if(OnActiveChanged != null) { OnActiveChanged(this, new EventArgs()); } }; Setting code_to_inject = new Setting( typeof(String), "Code to Inject", _code_to_inject, "HTML/Javascript/whatever you want to inject into html pages just before the ending body tag", "General"); code_to_inject.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _code_to_inject = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; }; _settings.Add(code_to_inject); _settings.Add(enable); }
private void initialize() { Setting user_agent = new Setting( typeof(string), "User-Agent", "", "Select a \"User-Agent\" and I'll replace this existing one, in all requests, with this one.", "Pick a User-Agent" ); user_agent.Choices = UserAgentStrings; user_agent.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(UserAgentRewriter_OnSettingChanged); // TODO: In order to implement this you are going to need syncronized access to a // data store. // Setting collect_ua = new Setting ( // typeof(Boolean), // "Collect UAs", // false, // "I can collect user-agents that pass through in order provide more choices below.", // "General"); Setting enable = new Setting( typeof(bool), "Enable", false, "Turn User-Agent Switching on or off", "General" ); enable.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(UserAgentRewriter_OnSettingChanged); _settings.AddRange (new Setting[] { user_agent, /*collect_ua,*/enable }); }
public void set_setting (Setting s) { _s = s; this.checkbutton1.Active = (Boolean)s.Value; this.checkbutton1.Name = _s.Name; this.checkbutton1.Label = _s.Name; this.desc_label.Text = _s.Description; }
public void set_setting (Setting s) { if(_s != null) throw new Exception("set_setting may only be used once per instance!"); _s = s; textview2.Buffer.Text = String.Join("\n",(String[])_s.Value); this.textview2.Buffer.Changed += HandleChanged; this.name_label.Text = _s.Name; this.desc_label.Text = _s.Description; }
public void set_setting (Setting s) { _s = s; this.spinbutton1.Value = Convert.ToDouble((int)_s.Value); this.spinbutton1.Changed += HandleChanged; this.spinbutton1.ValueChanged += HandleChanged; this.spinbutton1.KeyReleaseEvent += HandleKeyReleaseEvent; this.desc_label.Text = _s.Description; this.name_label.Text = _s.Name; }
public Directives () { Setting enable = new Setting ( typeof(Boolean), "Enable", true, "Enable (limited) support for .htaccessfiles", "General"); enable.OnSettingChanged += OnEnabledChanged; _settings.Add (enable); }
public connection_manager() { Setting staticRouteList =new Setting(typeof(String[]), "Static Routes List", new String[]{}, "Use this to route a host to specific adapter! eg(,local area connection)\r\n" + "This is just like lock host to adapter except you can specify the adapter.", "Static Routes"); Setting enableStaticRoutes = new Setting(typeof(Boolean), "Enable Static Routes", false, "If checked, the Static Routes list will be used", "Static Routes"); _hostToAdapterLock= new Setting(typeof(Boolean), "Host Lock", true, "All Connections to a Host/Domain will be on the Same Adapter once Selected by the 'Adapter Selection Method'", "General"); _randomSelection = new Setting(typeof(Boolean), "Random", false, "Internet Connected Adapters will be selected randomly per request", "Adapter Selection Method"); _squentialselection = new Setting(typeof(Boolean), "Sequential", true, "Internet Connected Adapters will be selected one sequentially per request", "Adapter Selection Method"); Setting enable = new Setting(typeof(Boolean), "Enable", false, "Enable Connection Manager", "General"); _settings.Add(staticRouteList); _settings.Add(enableStaticRoutes); _settings.Add(_squentialselection); _settings.Add(_randomSelection); _settings.Add(_hostToAdapterLock); _settings.Add(enable); enable.OnSettingChanged+=new EventHandler(ConnectionManager_OnSettingChanged); staticRouteList.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(_staticRoute_OnSettingChanged); enableStaticRoutes.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(enableStaticRoutes_OnSettingChanged); _squentialselection.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(_squentialselection_OnSettingChanged); _randomSelection.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(_randomSelection_OnSettingChanged); }
private void initialize() { Setting enable = new Setting ( typeof(bool), "Enable", false, "Tunnel https connections. No interception will be possible on HTTPS with this enabled.\n\n" + "NOTE: Due to the way connections are managed internally, you may not notice the effects of " + "changing this setting on already established connections until they 'idle timeout'.", "General"); enable.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(UserAgentRewriter_OnSettingChanged); _settings.Add(enable); }
public PHP_REQAM () { _php = new PHP(); _php.OnActiveChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _active = _php.Active; if(OnActiveChanged != null){ OnActiveChanged(this,new EventArgs()); } }; Setting switchPairsList = new Setting( typeof(filter_file[]), "Switch Pairs", new filter_file[0], "A list of filters with an associated file.", "Switch Pairs List"); switchPairsList.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(switchPairsList_OnSettingChanged); _settings.Add(switchPairsList); _settings.AddRange(_php.Settings.Settings); }
public void set_setting (Setting s) { if(_s != null) throw new Exception("set_setting may only be used once per instance!"); _s = s; name_label.Text = _s.Name; if (_s.Choices != null && _s.Limited) { // TODO: This is broken, code was originally written to store a string // but in this particular case there is a setting with string type // and you are given an array of choices, so what should really be // stored is a value between 0 and the length of the array; to // indicate which choice is selected. As I am changing User-Agent // switcher to "Un Limited" I do not have a use case for this yet. ComboBox cobo = new ComboBox ((String[])_s.Choices); cobo.SetSizeRequest (100, 20); cobo.Name = _s.Name; cobo.Changed += cobo_changed; vbox2.Add (cobo); } else if (_s.Choices != null && !_s.Limited) { ComboBoxEntry combo = new ComboBoxEntry ((String[])_s.Choices); combo.SetSizeRequest (100, 20); combo.Name = _s.Name; combo.Entry.Text = (String)_s.Value; combo.Changed += combo_changed; vbox2.Add (combo); } else { Entry e = new Entry ((string)_s.Value); e.Name = _s.Name; e.Changed += e_changed; vbox2.Add (e); } Label l = new Label (_s.Description); l.SetSizeRequest (315, 100); l.SetAlignment (0, 0); l.LineWrap = true; l.SingleLineMode = false; l.SetPadding (10, 2); Pango.FontDescription pf2 = new Pango.FontDescription (); pf2.Weight = Pango.Weight.Light; l.ModifyFont (pf2); vbox2.Add(l); }
public switcharoo() { Setting enable = new Setting( typeof(Boolean),"Enable", true, "Enable/Disable Switcharoo. Switcharoo allows you to specify a file to be used as the response when the condition is satified!", "General"); enable.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(enable_OnSettingChanged); Setting switchPairsList = new Setting( typeof(filter_file[]), "Switch Pairs", new filter_file[0], "A list of filters with an associated file.", "Switch Pairs List"); switchPairsList.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(switchPairsList_OnSettingChanged); _settings.AddRange(new Setting[]{switchPairsList, enable}); }
public http_server_secure ():base(443) { Setting cert_path = new Setting( typeof(String), "Certificate Path", _cert_path, "PEM Certificate", "General"); cert_path.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _cert_path = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting private_key = new Setting( typeof(String), "Certificate Private Key", _private_key, "XML private key", "General"); private_key.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _private_key = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting secure_port = new Setting( typeof(int), "Secure port", 443, "The port to listen on for SSL Connections", "General"); secure_port.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _secure_port = (int)((Setting)sender).Value; }; _settings.Add(secure_port); _settings.Add(cert_path); _settings.Add(private_key); }
public PHP() { if (!global.environment.isLinux) _pathtophp = @"C:\php\php-cgi.exe"; Setting pathtophp = new Setting (typeof(String), "File path to php cgi binary/executable", _pathtophp, "File path to php[5]-cgi", "File Path"); pathtophp.OnSettingChanged += _pathtophp_changed; Setting redirectdirtoindex = new Setting( typeof(Boolean), "Redirect to Indexs", _redirectdirtoindex, "Instead of processing the current request for a directory, we use a 302 redirect to the actual path of the index script." + "When this is off, we send the current request to the index script.", "General"); redirectdirtoindex.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _redirectdirtoindex = (Boolean)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting append_error_to_output = new Setting( typeof(Boolean), "Append PHP errors to output", _append_error_to_output, "When php-cgi outputs errors or warnings to stdout, append that data to the end of the response body.", "General"); append_error_to_output.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _append_error_to_output = (Boolean)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting _enabled = new Setting (typeof(Boolean),"Enabled",_active,"Enable PHP","General"); _enabled.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(_enabled_OnSettingChanged); _settings.AddRange(new Setting[] { pathtophp,redirectdirtoindex, append_error_to_output,_enabled }); }
public redirector() { Setting enable = new Setting( typeof(Boolean), "Enable", true, "on/off switch for Redirector. " + "Redirector can substitue one url for another " + "when a client requests it.", "General"); enable.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(enable_OnSettingChanged); Setting switchPairsList = new Setting( typeof(filter_target[]), "Redirect Pairs", new String[]{} , "Comma delimited Redirect pairs e.g,\\n", "Redirect Pairs List"); switchPairsList.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(switchPairsList_OnSettingChanged); _settings.AddRange(new Setting[]{switchPairsList, enable}); }
void InitSettings () { String rp = "/var/www"; if(Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) rp = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments),"www"); _dataLayer = new FileDataAccessLayer(rp); Setting root_path = new Setting( typeof(String), "Document Root", rp, "The root directory for the webserver", "General"); root_path.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { String path = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; if(!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path); _dataLayer = new FileDataAccessLayer(path); }; _settings.Add(root_path); }
public void set_setting (Setting s) { _set = s; this.name_label.Text = _set.Name; this.desc_label.Text = _set.Description; _ffa.AddRange((filter_file[])s.Value); if(_ffa == null) return; foreach(filter_file ff in _ffa) { this.nodeview1.NodeStore.AddNode(new filter_file_node(ff)); } }
private void InitSettings(String dip,int dport) { Setting port = new Setting( typeof(int), "Port", dport, "This is the port that the proxy will run on." + "Make sure to pick on that is not already in use." + "Restart server for changes to take effect", "General"); port.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _port = (int)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting threadpriority = new Setting( typeof(int), "Thread Priority", _thread_priority, String.Format("{0} = {1}\r\n",ThreadPriority.Highest, (int)ThreadPriority.Highest) + String.Format("{0} = {1}\r\n",ThreadPriority.AboveNormal, (int)ThreadPriority.AboveNormal) + String.Format("{0} = {1}\r\n",ThreadPriority.Normal, (int)ThreadPriority.Normal) + String.Format("{0} = {1}\r\n",ThreadPriority.BelowNormal, (int)ThreadPriority.BelowNormal) + String.Format("{0} = {1}\r\n",ThreadPriority.Lowest, (int)ThreadPriority.Lowest), "Performance"); threadpriority.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _thread_priority = (ThreadPriority)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting interfaceip = new Setting( typeof(String), "Interface IP", IPAddress.Parse(dip).ToString(), "This the ip address of the network interface that you would like the server to listen on", "General"); interfaceip.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { String ip = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; if(!IPAddress.TryParse(ip, out _interface_ip)) { #if DEBUG Console.Error.WriteLine(ip + " does not seem to be a valid ip address?"); #endif } }; /*Setting natt = new Setting( typeof(Boolean), "Network Traversal", true, "Turn this on if you would like to automatically set up a route from the internet to this server." + "Caution: Security is your responsiblity!", "General"); natt.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _natt = (Boolean)((Setting)sender).Value; };*/ Setting idle_timeout = new Setting( typeof(int), "Client Connection idle timeout", _idle_timeount, "If a client connection is inactive for this number of seconds, it will be disconnected.", "General"); idle_timeout.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _idle_timeount = (int)((Setting)sender).Value; }; _settings.AddRange(new Setting[] { threadpriority, /*natt,*/ port, interfaceip, idle_timeout }); }
public open_ssl_cert_store () { if(Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { _dep_res_notes = "List of sites that have openssl for windows from\n"; openssl_binary_path = @"C:\openssl\openssl.exe"; keysize = 1024; } #if DEBUG _common_name = _common_name +"_debug"; #endif #region settings Setting pathtoopenssl = new Setting( typeof(String), "Path to Openssl Binary", openssl_binary_path, "If you need to specify the location of the OpenSSL Binary you can do it here!", "General"); pathtoopenssl.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { openssl_binary_path = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting ca_country_name = new Setting ( typeof(string), "Country", _country_name, "Exactly 2 letters that represent a country", "General"); ca_country_name.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { string newvalue = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; if(newvalue.Length == 2) _country_name = newvalue; }; Setting ca_province = new Setting ( typeof(string), "State or Provice", _province, "", "General"); ca_province.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _province = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting ca_locality = new Setting ( typeof(string), "Locality", _locality, "", "General"); ca_locality.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _locality = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting ca_org_name = new Setting ( typeof(string), "Orgainization Name", _org_name, "", "General"); ca_org_name.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _org_name = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting ca_org_unit_name = new Setting ( typeof(string), "Orgainization Unit Name", _org_unit_name, "", "General"); ca_org_unit_name.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _org_unit_name = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting ca_common_name = new Setting ( typeof(string), "Common Name", _common_name, "", "General"); ca_common_name.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _common_name = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; }; Setting ca_email = new Setting ( typeof(string), "Email", _email, "", "General"); ca_email.OnSettingChanged += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { _email = (String)((Setting)sender).Value; }; _settings.AddRange(new Setting[]{ca_email,ca_common_name,ca_org_unit_name,ca_org_name,ca_locality,ca_province,ca_country_name,pathtoopenssl}); #endregion }
public static Setting GetSetting(Setting[] settings, String key) { Setting retval = null; foreach(Setting setting in settings) { if(setting.Name.ToLower() == key.ToLower()) { retval = setting; break; } } return retval; }
public SettingCollection(string heading, Setting[] settings) { _Heading = heading; _settings = settings; }
private void init_settings() { Setting enable = new Setting( typeof(Boolean), "Enable", true, String.Format("Allow {0} plugins group to execute",_tag), "General"); enable.OnSettingChanged += new EventHandler(enable_OnSettingChanged); _settings.Add(enable); }