예제 #1
 private void FormTreatPlanCurEdit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (TreatPlanCur == null || (TreatPlanCur.TPStatus != TreatPlanStatus.Active && TreatPlanCur.TPStatus != TreatPlanStatus.Inactive))
         throw new Exception("No treatment plan loaded.");
     _treatPlanUnassigned = TreatPlans.GetUnassigned(TreatPlanCur.PatNum);
     this.Text            = TreatPlanCur.Heading + " - {" + Lans.g(this, TreatPlanCur.TPStatus.ToString()) + "}";
     _listTpAttachesAll   = TreatPlanAttaches.GetAllForPatNum(TreatPlanCur.PatNum);
     _listTpAttachesCur   = _listTpAttachesAll.FindAll(x => x.TreatPlanNum == TreatPlanCur.TreatPlanNum);
     _listTpProcsAll      = Procedures.GetProcsByStatusForPat(TreatPlanCur.PatNum, new[] { ProcStat.TP, ProcStat.TPi });
     ProcedureLogic.SortProcedures(ref _listTpProcsAll);
     _listTpProcsCur = _listTpProcsAll.FindAll(x => _listTpAttachesCur.Any(y => x.ProcNum == y.ProcNum) ||
                                               (TreatPlanCur.TPStatus == TreatPlanStatus.Active && (x.AptNum > 0 || x.PlannedAptNum > 0)));
     _listAppointments = Appointments.GetMultApts(_listTpProcsAll.SelectMany(x => new[] { x.AptNum, x.PlannedAptNum }).Distinct().Where(x => x > 0).ToList());
     textHeading.Text  = TreatPlanCur.Heading;
     textNote.Text     = TreatPlanCur.Note;
     if (TreatPlanCur.TPStatus == TreatPlanStatus.Inactive && TreatPlanCur.Heading == Lan.g("TreatPlan", "Unassigned"))
         gridTP.Title         = Lan.g("TreatPlan", "Unassigned Procedures");
         labelHeading.Visible = false;
         textHeading.Visible  = false;
         labelNote.Visible    = false;
         textNote.Visible     = false;
         gridAll.Visible      = false;
         butLeft.Visible      = false;
         butRight.Visible     = false;
         butOK.Enabled        = false;
         butDelete.Visible    = false;
     if (TreatPlanCur.TPStatus == TreatPlanStatus.Active)
         butMakeActive.Enabled = false;
         butDelete.Enabled     = false;
     comboPlanType.SelectedIndex = (int)TreatPlanCur.TPType;
예제 #2
        private void butOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreatPlanCur.Heading          = textHeading.Text;
            TreatPlanCur.Note             = textNote.Text;
            TreatPlanCur.UserNumPresenter = 0;
            TreatPlanCur.TPType           = (TreatPlanType)comboPlanType.SelectedIndex;
            if (TreatPlanCur.TreatPlanNum == 0)
                TreatPlanCur.TreatPlanNum = TreatPlans.Insert(TreatPlanCur);
            //get all TPAttaches for this TP where there is either a procedure with a TPAttach linking it to this TP
            //or, if this TP is active, a procedure linked to an appt by AptNum or PlannedAptNun
            List <TreatPlanAttach> listNew = _listTpAttachesCur.FindAll(x => _listTpProcsCur.Any(y => x.ProcNum == y.ProcNum));

            _listTpProcsCur.FindAll(x => !listNew.Any(y => x.ProcNum == y.ProcNum))
            .ForEach(x => listNew.Add(new TreatPlanAttach()
                TreatPlanNum = TreatPlanCur.TreatPlanNum, ProcNum = x.ProcNum, Priority = 0
            TreatPlanAttaches.Sync(listNew, TreatPlanCur.TreatPlanNum);
            if (_makeActive)
            if (TreatPlanCur.TPStatus == TreatPlanStatus.Active)
                //we have to this whether we just made this the active or it was already active, otherwise any procs we move off of the active plan will
                //retain the TP status and AuditPlans will throw them back on this TP.
                //Changing the status to TPi of any procs that are not on this plan prevents that from happening.
                Procedures.SetTPActive(TreatPlanCur.PatNum, listNew.Select(x => x.ProcNum).ToList());
            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;