internal static CrawlSyntaxTree ParseTree(CrawlParser.Translation_unitContext context, string name)
            TranslationUnitNode node = ParseTreeParser.ParseTranslationUnit(context);

            node.OwningTree.CompilationUnitName = name;

        public static CrawlSyntaxTree ReadFile(string filename)
            ICharStream  charStream  = new AntlrFileStream(filename, Encoding.UTF8);
            CrawlLexer   tokenSource = new CrawlLexer(charStream);
            ITokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(tokenSource);
            CrawlParser  parser      = new CrawlParser(tokenStream);

            //The translation_unit is the top rule in our grammar.
            //Asking the parser to match that from the token stream leaves us at the top of the parse tree.
            CrawlParser.Translation_unitContext rootContext = parser.translation_unit();

            TranslationUnitNode node = ParseTreeParser.ParseTranslationUnit(rootContext);

            node.OwningTree.CompilationUnitName = filename;
