예제 #1
        public Fetcher(Cluster cluster, BrokerMeta broker, Protocol protocol, ConsumerConfiguration consumerConfig, CancellationToken cancel)
            _cluster = cluster;
            _broker = broker;
            _protocol = protocol;
            _cancel = cancel;

            _consumerConfig = consumerConfig;
            _fetchResponses = FetchLoop().Publish().RefCount();

            _cancel.Register(() => _wakeupSignal.OnNext(true));

                _log.Debug("Created new fetcher #{0} for broker: {1}", _id, _broker);
            EtwTrace.Log.FetcherStart(_id, consumerConfig.Topic);
        public PartitionRecoveryMonitor(Cluster cluster, Protocol protocol, CancellationToken cancel)
            _protocol = protocol;
            _cancel = cancel;
            _id = Interlocked.Increment(ref _idGenerator);

            _log.Debug("Created PartitionRecoveryMonitor {0}", this);

            // listen for new brokers
                broker =>
                    // check and add this broker
                    if (_brokers.ContainsKey(broker.NodeId)) return;
                        .ContinueWith(t =>
                            _log.Debug("Recovery loop task for broker {0} completed with status {1}", broker.ToString(), t.Status);
                    _brokers.Add(broker.NodeId, broker);
                ex => _log.Error("Error thrown in NewBrokers subscription!")

            // listen for any topic status changes and keep our "failed" list updated
                state =>
                    var key = new Tuple<string, int>(state.Topic, state.PartitionId);
                    // check if it is failed or recovered, and remove or add to our failed list.
                    if (state.ErrorCode.IsSuccess())
                        if (_failedList.ContainsKey(key))
                            _log.Debug("#{0} Partition {1}-{2} is recovered. Removing from failed list.", _id, state.Topic, state.PartitionId);
                            EtwTrace.Log.RecoveryMonitor_PartitionRecovered(_id, state.Topic, state.PartitionId);
                        if (!_failedList.ContainsKey(key))
                            _log.Debug("#{0} Partition {1}-{2} is in error state {3}. Adding to failed list.", _id, state.Topic, state.PartitionId, state.ErrorCode);
                            EtwTrace.Log.RecoveryMonitor_PartitionFailed(_id, state.Topic, state.PartitionId, (int)state.ErrorCode);
                            _failedList.Add(key, state.ErrorCode);
                            _log.Debug("#{0} Partition {1}-{2} is updated but still errored. Updating ErrorCode in failed list.", _id, state.Topic, state.PartitionId);
                            EtwTrace.Log.RecoveryMonitor_PartitionFailedAgain(_id, state.Topic, state.PartitionId, (int)state.ErrorCode);
                            _failedList[key] = state.ErrorCode;
                ex => _log.Error(ex, "#{0} Error thrown in PartitionStateChanges subscription!", _id)));
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// ConnectAsync and fetch list of brokers and metadata.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="seedBrokers">Comma separated list of seed brokers. Port numbers are optional.
 /// <example>,,broker3.local.net:8181</example>
 /// </param>
 public Cluster(string seedBrokers) : this()
     _seedBrokers = seedBrokers;
     _protocol = new Protocol(this);
     _state = ClusterState.Disconnected;