예제 #1
        public static Result <IPAddress> enhance_if_mapped(IPAddress ip)
            // println!("real mapped {:x} {:x}", &ip.host_address, ip.host_address.clone().shr(32));
            if (ip.is_mapped())
                return(Result <IPAddress> .Ok(ip));
            var ipv6_top_96bit = ip.host_address >> 32;

            if (ipv6_top_96bit == 0xffff)
                // println!("enhance_if_mapped-1:{}", );
                var num = ip.host_address % (new BigInteger(1) << 32);
                if (num == 0)
                    return(Result <IPAddress> .Ok(ip));
                //println!("ip:{},{:x}", ip.to_string(), num);
                var ipv4_bits = IpBits.V4;
                if (ipv4_bits.bits < ip.prefix.host_prefix())
                    //println!("enhance_if_mapped-2:{}:{}", ip.to_string(), ip.prefix.host_prefix());
                    return(Result <IPAddress> .Err("enhance_if_mapped prefix not ipv4 compatible <<ip.prefix.host_prefix()>>"));
                var mapped = IpV4.from_u32((UInt32)num, (ipv4_bits.bits - ip.prefix.host_prefix()));
                if (mapped.isErr())
                // println!("real mapped!!!!!={}", mapped.clone().unwrap().to_string());
                return(Result <IPAddress> .Ok(ip.setMapped(mapped.unwrap())));
            return(Result <IPAddress> .Ok(ip));
예제 #2
        //  Return the ip address in a format compatible

        //  with the IPv6 Mapped IPv4 addresses
        //  Example:
        //    ip = IPAddress("")
        //    ip.to_ipv6
        //      // => "ac10:0a01"

        // pub fn to_ipv6(my: &IPAddress) {

        //     let part_mod = BigUint::one() << 16;

        //     return String.format("{:04x}:{:04x}",

        //                    (my.host_address >> 16).mod_floor(&part_mod).to_u16().unwrap(),

        //                    my.host_address.mod_floor(&part_mod).to_u16().unwrap());
        // }

        //  Creates a new IPv4 object from an
        //  unsigned 32bits integer.
        //    ip = IPAddress::IPv4::parse_u32(167772160)
        //    ip.prefix = 8
        //    ip.to_string

        //      // => ""

        //  The +prefix+ parameter is optional:

        //    ip = IPAddress::IPv4::parse_u32(167772160, 8)

        //    ip.to_string
        //      // => ""

        // pub fn parse_u32(ip32: u32, prefix: u8) {

        //   IPv4::new(String.format("{}/{}", IPv4::to_ipv4_str(ip32), prefix))
        // }

        //  Creates a new IPv4 object from binary data,

        //  like the one you get from a network stream.
        //  For example, on a network stream the IP

        //  is represented with the binary "\254\020\n\001".

        //    ip = IPAddress::IPv4::parse_data "\254\020\n\001"

        //    ip.prefix = 24

        //    ip.to_string

        //      // => ""

        // pub fn self.parse_data(str, prefix=32)

        //   self.new(str.unpack("C4").join(".")+"/// {prefix}")
        // end

        //  Extract an IPv4 address from a string and
        //  returns a new object
        //  Example:

        //    str = "foobar172.16.10.1barbaz"

        //    ip = IPAddress::IPv4::extract str
        //    ip.to_s

        //      // => ""
        // pub fn self.extract(str) {

        //   let re = Regexp::new(r"((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1
        // \d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)")

        //   IPv4::new(.match(str).to_s
        // }

        //  Summarization (or aggregation) is the process when two or more

        //  networks are taken together to check if a supernet, including all

        //  and only these networks, exists. If it exists then this supernet

        //  is called the summarized (or aggregated) network.

        //  It is very important to understand that summarization can only

        //  occur if there are no holes in the aggregated network, or, in other

        //  words, if the given networks fill completely the address space

        //  of the supernet. So the two rules are:

        //  1) The aggregate network must contain +all+ the IP addresses of the

        //     original networks;

        //  2) The aggregate network must contain +only+ the IP addresses of the
        //     original networks;


        //  A few examples will help clarify the above. Let's consider for
        //  instance the following two networks:

        //    ip1 = IPAddress("")
        //    ip2 = IPAddress("")

        //  These two networks can be expressed using only one IP address

        //  network if we change the prefix. Let Ruby do the work:


        //    IPAddress::IPv4::summarize(ip1,ip2).to_s

        //      // => ""

        //  We note how the network "" includes all the addresses

        //  specified in the above networks, and (more important) includes

        //  ONLY those addresses.

        //  If we summarized +ip1+ and +ip2+ with the following network:

        //    ""

        //  we would have satisfied rule // 1 above, but not rule // 2. So ""

        //  is not an aggregate network for +ip1+ and +ip2+.

        //  If it's not possible to compute a single aggregated network for all the

        //  original networks, the method returns an array with all the aggregate

        //  networks found. For example, the following four networks can be

        //  aggregated in a single /22:
        //    ip1 = IPAddress("")

        //    ip2 = IPAddress("")

        //    ip3 = IPAddress("")

        //    ip4 = IPAddress("")

        //    IPAddress::IPv4::summarize(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4).to_string
        //      // => "",

        //  But the following networks can't be summarized in a single network:
        //    ip1 = IPAddress("")

        //    ip2 = IPAddress("")

        //    ip3 = IPAddress("")
        //    ip4 = IPAddress("")

        //    IPAddress::IPv4::summarize(ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4).map{|i| i.to_string}

        //      // => ["","",""]

        // pub fn self.summarize(args)
        //   IPAddress.summarize(args)
        // end

        //  Creates a new IPv4 address object by parsing the
        //  address in a classful way.

        //  Classful addresses have a fixed netmask based on the
        //  class they belong to:


        //  * Class A, from to

        //  * Class B, from to

        //  * Class C, D and E, from to
        //  Example:

        //    ip = IPAddress::IPv4.parse_classful ""
        //    ip.netmask
        //      // => ""
        //    ip.a?

        //      // => true

        //  Note that classes C, D and E will all have a default

        //  prefix of /24 or

        public static Result <IPAddress> parse_classful(String ip_s)
            if (!IPAddress.is_valid_ipv4(ip_s))
                return(Result <IPAddress> .Err("Invalid IP <<ip_si>>"));
            var o_ip = IPAddress.parse(ip_s);

            if (o_ip.isErr())
            var ip = o_ip.unwrap();

            if (IpV4.is_class_a(ip))
                return(IPAddress.parse(string.Format("{0}/8", ip.to_s())));
            else if (IpV4.is_class_b(ip))
                return(IPAddress.parse(string.Format("{0}/16", ip.to_s())));
            else if (IpV4.is_class_c(ip))
                return(IPAddress.parse(string.Format("{0}/24", ip.to_s())));
            return(Result <IPAddress> .Ok(ip));