예제 #1
        private void btnReportBug_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if((userID == -1) && (txtEmail.Text.Length == 0))
                lblResponse.Text = "<div class=errormessage><p>Please enter an emailaddress, so we can respond to your report.</p></div>";
                lblResponse.Visible = true;
            else if(ddlArea.SelectedItem.Text.CompareTo("") == 0)
                lblResponse.Text = "<div class=errormessage><p>Please select a general problem catagory.</p></div>";
                lblResponse.Visible = true;
            else if (txtBugReport.Text == "")
                lblResponse.Text = "<div class=errormessage><p>Please enter a description of the problem!</p></div>";
                lblResponse.Visible = true;
                string userEmail = null;
                if((currentUser.email != null) && (currentUser.email != ""))
                    userEmail = currentUser.email;
                else if( ( txtEmail != null) && (txtEmail.Text != null) && (txtEmail.Text != ""))
                    userEmail = txtEmail.Text;
                string problemArea = ddlArea.SelectedItem.Text;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                ProcessAgentDB agentDB = new ProcessAgentDB();
                SystemSupport support = agentDB.RetrieveSystemSupport(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid);
                //Generate email
                MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
                if (support.bugEmail != null && support.bugEmail.Length > 2)
                    mail.To = support.bugEmail;
                    mail.To = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["bugReportMailAddress"];
                mail.From = userEmail;
                mail.Subject = "[iLabs] " + Server.MachineName + " Bug Report: " + problemArea ;

                if(userID == -1 )
                    sb.Append("User Not Logged In:\n\r");
                    sb.Append("Username: "******"\n\r");
                    sb.Append("Email:  " + txtEmail.Text + "\n\r");
                    if(Session["GroupName"] != null)
                        sb.Append("Group: " + Session["GroupName"].ToString()+ "\n\r");
                    sb.Append(currentUser.firstName + " "+ currentUser.lastName +"\n\r");
                    sb.Append("Username: "******"\n\r");
                    sb.Append("Email:  " + currentUser.email + "\n\r");
                        if(Session["GroupName"] != null)
                            sb.Append("Group: " + Session["GroupName"].ToString()+ "\n\r");

                sb.Append("reports the following bug '"+problemArea+"':  \n\r\n\r");
                sb.Append(txtBugReport.Text) ;
                sb.Append("Additional Information:\n\r");
                sb.Append("User Browser: "+ Request.Browser.Type +"\n\r");
                sb.Append("User Browser Agent: "+ Request.UserAgent +"\n\r");
                sb.Append("User Platform: "+ Request.Browser.Platform+"\n\r");
                sb.Append("URL used to access page: "+ Request.Url+"\n\r");
                sb.Append("Machine Name: " + Server.MachineName+"\n\r");

                sb.Append("Server Type: " + Server.GetType() + "\n\r");

                if(excep != null)
                    sb.Append("\n\rException Thrown:\n\r");
                    sb.Append(excep.Message + "\n\r\n\r");

                mail.Body = sb.ToString();
                SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "";
                    if(userEmail != null)
                        MailMessage uMail = new MailMessage();
                        uMail.To = userEmail;
                        uMail.From = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["bugReportMailAddress"];
                        uMail.Subject = "[iLabs] Bug Report: " + problemArea ;
                        uMail.Body = "Thank you for taking the time to report the following bug:\n\r";
                        uMail.Body += txtBugReport.Text;
                    lblResponse.Text = "<div class=errormessage><p>Thank-you! Your bug report has been submitted. An administrator will contact you within 24-48 hours.</p></div>";
                    lblResponse.Visible = true;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    lblResponse.Text = "<div class=errormessage><p>Error sending your bug report, please email "
                        + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["bugReportMailAddress"] + ". "+ex.Message+"</p></div>";
                    lblResponse.Visible = true;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This only registers the ProviderInfo systemSupport block(s)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="registerGuid"></param>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        protected virtual void register(string registerGuid, ServiceDescription[] info)
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
            ProcessAgentDB dbTicketing = new ProcessAgentDB();
            message.AppendLine("Register called on " + ProcessAgentDB.ServiceAgent.codeBaseUrl);

            if (info != null && info.Length > 0)
                foreach (ServiceDescription sd in info)
                    Coupon coupon = null;
                    if (sd.coupon != null)
                        coupon = sd.coupon;
                    if (sd.serviceProviderInfo != null && sd.serviceProviderInfo.Length > 0)
                        XmlQueryDoc xdoc = new XmlQueryDoc(sd.serviceProviderInfo);
                        string descriptorType = xdoc.GetTopName();
                        if (descriptorType.Equals("systemSupport"))
                            SystemSupport ss = SystemSupport.Parse(xdoc);
                            if (ss.agentGuid != null && ss.agentGuid.Length > 0)
                                int id = dbTicketing.GetProcessAgentID(ss.agentGuid);
                                if (id > 0)
                                    dbTicketing.SaveSystemSupport(ss.agentGuid, ss.contactEmail, ss.bugEmail,
                                        ss.infoUrl, ss.description, ss.location);
                                    if (sd.consumerInfo != null && sd.consumerInfo.CompareTo("requestSystemSupport") == 0)
                                        ProcessAgentInfo paInfo = dbTicketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(ss.agentGuid);
                                        if (paInfo != null)
                                            SystemSupport mySS = dbTicketing.RetrieveSystemSupport(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid);
                                            if (mySS != null)
                                                ServiceDescription[] values = new ServiceDescription[1];
                                                values[0] = new ServiceDescription(mySS.ToXML(), null, null);
                                                ProcessAgentProxy proxy = new ProcessAgentProxy();
                                                proxy.Url = paInfo.webServiceUrl;
                                                proxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader();
                                                proxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.coupon = paInfo.identOut;
                                                proxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid;
                                                proxy.Register(registerGuid, values);