예제 #1
        // do full tree traversal below iBox to make sure that all child points are contained
        void debug_check_child_points_in_box(int iBox)
            AxisAlignedBox3d box = get_box(iBox);
            var t = new TreeTraversal()
                NextPointF = (vID) =>
                    Vector3d v = points.GetVertex(vID);
                    if (box.Contains(v) == false)

            tree_traversal(iBox, 0, t);
예제 #2
        double box_ray_intersect_t(int iBox, Ray3d ray)
            Vector3d                c    = box_centers[iBox];
            Vector3d                e    = box_extents[iBox];
            AxisAlignedBox3d        box  = new AxisAlignedBox3d(c - e, c + e);
            IntrRay3AxisAlignedBox3 intr = new IntrRay3AxisAlignedBox3(ray, box);

            if (intr.Find())
                Debug.Assert(intr.Result != IntersectionResult.InvalidQuery);
예제 #3
        // accumulate point counts and track each box-parent index.
        // also checks that points are contained in boxes
        private void test_coverage(int[] point_counts, int[] parent_indices, int iBox)
            int idx = box_to_index[iBox];


            if (idx < points_end)
                // point-list case, array is [N t1 t2 ... tN]
                int n = index_list[idx];
                AxisAlignedBox3d box = get_box(iBox);
                for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
                    int vi = index_list[idx + i];
                    Vector3d v = points.GetVertex(vi);
                    if (!box.Contains(v))
                int i0 = index_list[idx];
                if (i0 < 0)
                    // negative index means we only have one 'child' box to descend into
                    i0 = (-i0) - 1;
                    parent_indices[i0] = iBox;
                    test_coverage(point_counts, parent_indices, i0);
                    // positive index, two sequential child box indices to descend into
                    i0 = i0 - 1;
                    parent_indices[i0] = iBox;
                    test_coverage(point_counts, parent_indices, i0);
                    int i1 = index_list[idx + 1];
                    i1 = i1 - 1;
                    parent_indices[i1] = iBox;
                    test_coverage(point_counts, parent_indices, i1);
예제 #4
        public AxisAlignedBox3d ToAABB()
            // [TODO] probably more efficient way to do this...at minimum can move center-shift
            // to after the containments...
            Vector3d         extAxis0 = Extent.x * AxisX;
            Vector3d         extAxis1 = Extent.y * AxisY;
            Vector3d         extAxis2 = Extent.z * AxisZ;
            AxisAlignedBox3d result   = new AxisAlignedBox3d(Center - extAxis0 - extAxis1 - extAxis2);

            result.Contain(Center + extAxis0 - extAxis1 - extAxis2);
            result.Contain(Center + extAxis0 + extAxis1 - extAxis2);
            result.Contain(Center - extAxis0 + extAxis1 - extAxis2);
            result.Contain(Center - extAxis0 - extAxis1 + extAxis2);
            result.Contain(Center + extAxis0 - extAxis1 + extAxis2);
            result.Contain(Center + extAxis0 + extAxis1 + extAxis2);
            result.Contain(Center - extAxis0 + extAxis1 + extAxis2);
        static public bool DoClipping(ref double t0, ref double t1,
                                      Vector3d origin, Vector3d direction,
                                      AxisAlignedBox3d box, bool solid, ref int quantity,
                                      ref Vector3d point0, ref Vector3d point1,
                                      ref IntersectionType intrType)
            Vector3d BOrigin = origin - box.Center;
            Vector3d extent  = box.Extents;

            double saveT0 = t0, saveT1 = t1;
            bool   notAllClipped =
                Clip(+direction.x, -BOrigin.x - extent.x, ref t0, ref t1) &&
                Clip(-direction.x, +BOrigin.x - extent.x, ref t0, ref t1) &&
                Clip(+direction.y, -BOrigin.y - extent.y, ref t0, ref t1) &&
                Clip(-direction.y, +BOrigin.y - extent.y, ref t0, ref t1) &&
                Clip(+direction.z, -BOrigin.z - extent.z, ref t0, ref t1) &&
                Clip(-direction.z, +BOrigin.z - extent.z, ref t0, ref t1);

            if (notAllClipped && (solid || t0 != saveT0 || t1 != saveT1))
                if (t1 > t0)
                    intrType = IntersectionType.Segment;
                    quantity = 2;
                    point0   = origin + t0 * direction;
                    point1   = origin + t1 * direction;
                    intrType = IntersectionType.Point;
                    quantity = 1;
                    point0   = origin + t0 * direction;
                quantity = 0;
                intrType = IntersectionType.Empty;

            return(intrType != IntersectionType.Empty);
        public static AxisAlignedBox3d BoundsV(IMesh mesh, IEnumerable <int> vertexIndices, Func <Vector3d, Vector3d> TransformF = null)
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = AxisAlignedBox3d.Empty;

            if (TransformF == null)
                foreach (int vid in vertexIndices)
                foreach (int vid in vertexIndices)
        public void Sample(BoundedImplicitFunction3d f, double expandRadius = 0)
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = f.Bounds();

            Vector3d expand  = expandRadius * Vector3d.One;
            Vector3i gridMin = Indexer.ToGrid(bounds.Min - expand),
                     gridMax = Indexer.ToGrid(bounds.Max + expand) + Vector3i.One;

            gridMin = GridBounds.ClampExclusive(gridMin);
            gridMax = GridBounds.ClampExclusive(gridMax);

            AxisAlignedBox3i gridbox = new AxisAlignedBox3i(gridMin, gridMax);

            switch (CombineMode)
            case CombineModes.DistanceMinUnion:
                sample_min(f, gridbox.IndicesInclusive());
        public static AxisAlignedBox3d Bounds(DMesh3 mesh, Func <Vector3d, Vector3d> TransformF)
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = AxisAlignedBox3d.Empty;

            if (TransformF == null)
                foreach (Vector3d v in mesh.Vertices())
                foreach (Vector3d v in mesh.Vertices())
                    Vector3d vT = TransformF(v);
                    bounds.Contain(ref vT);
        public static AxisAlignedBox3d Bounds(IMesh mesh, Func <Vector3d, Vector3d> TransformF)
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = AxisAlignedBox3d.Empty;

            if (TransformF == null)
                foreach (int vID in mesh.VertexIndices())
                foreach (int vID in mesh.VertexIndices())
                    Vector3d vT = TransformF(mesh.GetVertex(vID));
                    bounds.Contain(ref vT);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Find intersection of ray with AABB, without having to construct any new classes.
        /// Returns ray T-value of first intersection (or double.MaxVlaue on miss)
        /// </summary>
        public static bool FindRayIntersectT(ref Ray3d ray, ref AxisAlignedBox3d box, out double RayParam)
            double           RayParam0 = 0.0;
            double           RayParam1 = double.MaxValue;
            int              Quantity  = 0;
            Vector3d         Point0    = Vector3d.Zero;
            Vector3d         Point1    = Vector3d.Zero;
            IntersectionType Type      = IntersectionType.Empty;

            IntrLine3AxisAlignedBox3.DoClipping(ref RayParam0, ref RayParam1, ref ray.Origin, ref ray.Direction, ref box,
                                                true, ref Quantity, ref Point0, ref Point1, ref Type);

            if (Type != IntersectionType.Empty)
                RayParam = RayParam0;
                RayParam = double.MaxValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// calculate extents of mesh along axes of frame, with optional transform
        /// </summary>
        public static AxisAlignedBox3d BoundsInFrame(DMesh3 mesh, Frame3f frame, Func <Vector3d, Vector3d> TransformF = null)
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = AxisAlignedBox3d.Empty;

            if (TransformF == null)
                foreach (Vector3d v in mesh.Vertices())
                    Vector3d fv = frame.ToFrameP(v);
                    bounds.Contain(ref fv);
                foreach (Vector3d v in mesh.Vertices())
                    Vector3d vT = TransformF(v);
                    Vector3d fv = frame.ToFrameP(ref vT);
                    bounds.Contain(ref fv);
예제 #12
        public void Compute()
            // figure out origin & dimensions
            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = Mesh.CachedBounds;

            float fBufferWidth = 2 * ExactBandWidth * CellSize;

            grid_origin = (Vector3f)bounds.Min - fBufferWidth * Vector3f.One - (Vector3f)ExpandBounds;
            Vector3f max = (Vector3f)bounds.Max + fBufferWidth * Vector3f.One + (Vector3f)ExpandBounds;
            int      ni  = (int)((max.x - grid_origin.x) / CellSize) + 1;
            int      nj  = (int)((max.y - grid_origin.y) / CellSize) + 1;
            int      nk  = (int)((max.z - grid_origin.z) / CellSize) + 1;

            grid = new DenseGrid3f();
            if (UseParallel)
                make_level_set3_parallel(grid_origin, CellSize, ni, nj, nk, grid, ExactBandWidth);
                make_level_set3(grid_origin, CellSize, ni, nj, nk, grid, ExactBandWidth);
예제 #13
        protected bool check_for_cracks(DMesh3 mesh, out int boundary_edge_count, double crack_tol = MathUtil.ZeroTolerancef)
            boundary_edge_count = 0;
            var boundary_verts = new MeshVertexSelection(mesh);

            foreach (int eid in mesh.BoundaryEdgeIndices())
                Index2i ev = mesh.GetEdgeV(eid);
                boundary_verts.Select(ev.a); boundary_verts.Select(ev.b);
            if (boundary_verts.Count == 0)

            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = mesh.CachedBounds;
            var borderV             = new PointHashGrid3d <int>(bounds.MaxDim / 128, -1);

            foreach (int vid in boundary_verts)
                Vector3d v      = mesh.GetVertex(vid);
                var      result = borderV.FindNearestInRadius(v, crack_tol, (existing_vid) =>
                if (result.Key != -1)
                    return(true);                               // we found a crack vertex!

                borderV.InsertPoint(vid, v);

            // found no cracks
예제 #14
 public bool Intersects(AxisAlignedBox3d box)
     return(!((box.Max.x <= Min.x) || (box.Min.x >= Max.x) ||
              (box.Max.y <= Min.y) || (box.Min.y >= Max.y) ||
              (box.Max.z <= Min.z) || (box.Min.z >= Max.z)));
 public IntrLine3AxisAlignedBox3(Line3d l, AxisAlignedBox3d b)
     line = l; box = b;
예제 #16
        protected virtual DMesh3 BuildMesh_TolerantWeld(STLSolid solid, double weld_tolerance)
            var builder = new DMesh3Builder();

            builder.AppendNewMesh(false, false, false, false);

            DVectorArray3f vertices = solid.Vertices;
            int            N        = vertices.Count;

            int[] mapV = new int[N];

            AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = AxisAlignedBox3d.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)

            // [RMS] because we are only searching within tiny radius, there is really no downside to
            // using lots of bins here, except memory usage. If we don't, and the mesh has a ton of triangles
            // very close together (happens all the time on big meshes!), then this step can start
            // to take an *extremely* long time!
            int num_bins = 256;

            if (N > 100000)
                num_bins = 512;

            if (N > 1000000)
                num_bins = 1024;

            if (N > 2000000)
                num_bins = 2048;

            if (N > 5000000)
                num_bins = 4096;

            var uniqueV = new PointHashGrid3d <int>(bounds.MaxDim / (float)num_bins, -1);
            var pos     = new Vector3f[N];

            for (int vi = 0; vi < N; ++vi)
                Vector3f v = vertices[vi];

                var pair = uniqueV.FindNearestInRadius(v, weld_tolerance, (vid) =>
                if (pair.Key == -1)
                    int vid = builder.AppendVertex(v.x, v.y, v.z);
                    uniqueV.InsertPoint(vid, v);
                    mapV[vi] = vid;
                    pos[vid] = v;
                    mapV[vi] = pair.Key;

            append_mapped_triangles(solid, builder, mapV);
        // (sequentially) find each triangle that path point lies in, and insert a vertex for
        // that point into mesh.
        void insert_corners(HashSet <int> MeshVertsOnCurve)
            PrimalQuery2d query = new PrimalQuery2d(PointF);

            if (UseTriSpatial)
                int count = Mesh.TriangleCount + Curve.VertexCount;
                int bins  = 32;
                if (count < 25)
                    bins = 8;
                else if (count < 100)
                    bins = 16;
                AxisAlignedBox3d bounds3 = Mesh.CachedBounds;
                AxisAlignedBox2d bounds2 = new AxisAlignedBox2d(bounds3.Min.xy, bounds3.Max.xy);
                triSpatial = new TriangleBinsGrid2d(bounds2, bins);
                foreach (int tid in Mesh.TriangleIndices())

            Func <int, Vector2d, bool> inTriangleF = (tid, pos) => {
                Index3i tv           = Mesh.GetTriangle(tid);
                int     query_result = query.ToTriangleUnsigned(pos, tv.a, tv.b, tv.c);
                return(query_result == -1 || query_result == 0);

            CurveVertices = new int[Curve.VertexCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < Curve.VertexCount; ++i)
                Vector2d vInsert  = Curve[i];
                bool     inserted = false;

                int contain_tid = DMesh3.InvalidID;
                if (triSpatial != null)
                    contain_tid = triSpatial.FindContainingTriangle(vInsert, inTriangleF);
                    foreach (int tid in Mesh.TriangleIndices())
                        Index3i tv = Mesh.GetTriangle(tid);
                        // [RMS] using unsigned query here because we do not need to care about tri CW/CCW orientation
                        //   (right? otherwise we have to explicitly invert mesh. Nothing else we do depends on tri orientation)
                        //int query_result = query.ToTriangle(vInsert, tv.a, tv.b, tv.c);
                        int query_result = query.ToTriangleUnsigned(vInsert, tv.a, tv.b, tv.c);
                        if (query_result == -1 || query_result == 0)
                            contain_tid = tid;

                if (contain_tid != DMesh3.InvalidID)
                    Index3i  tv   = Mesh.GetTriangle(contain_tid);
                    Vector3d bary = MathUtil.BarycentricCoords(vInsert, PointF(tv.a), PointF(tv.b), PointF(tv.c));
                    // SpatialEpsilon is our zero-tolerance, so merge if we are closer than that
                    bool is_existing_v;
                    int  vid = insert_corner_from_bary(i, contain_tid, bary, 0.01, 100 * SpatialEpsilon, out is_existing_v);
                    if (vid > 0)      // this should be always happening..
                        CurveVertices[i] = vid;
                        if (is_existing_v)
                        inserted = true;
                        throw new Exception("MeshInsertUVPolyCurve.insert_corners: failed to insert vertex " + i.ToString());

                if (inserted == false)
                    throw new Exception("MeshInsertUVPolyCurve.insert_corners: curve vertex "
                                        + i.ToString() + " is not inside or on any mesh triangle!");
예제 #18
 public void Contain(AxisAlignedBox3d box)
 public IntrRay3AxisAlignedBox3(Ray3d r, AxisAlignedBox3d b)
     ray = r; box = b;
        /// <summary>
        /// test if ray intersects box.
        /// expandExtents allows you to scale box for hit-testing purposes.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool Intersects(ref Ray3d ray, ref AxisAlignedBox3d box, double expandExtents = 0)
            Vector3d WdU    = Vector3d.Zero;
            Vector3d AWdU   = Vector3d.Zero;
            Vector3d DdU    = Vector3d.Zero;
            Vector3d ADdU   = Vector3d.Zero;
            Vector3d AWxDdU = Vector3d.Zero;
            double   RHS;

            Vector3d diff   = ray.Origin - box.Center;
            Vector3d extent = box.Extents + expandExtents;

            WdU[0]  = ray.Direction.x; // ray.Direction.Dot(Vector3d.AxisX);
            AWdU[0] = Math.Abs(WdU[0]);
            DdU[0]  = diff.x;          // diff.Dot(Vector3d.AxisX);
            ADdU[0] = Math.Abs(DdU[0]);
            if (ADdU[0] > extent.x && DdU[0] * WdU[0] >= (double)0)

            WdU[1]  = ray.Direction.y; // ray.Direction.Dot(Vector3d.AxisY);
            AWdU[1] = Math.Abs(WdU[1]);
            DdU[1]  = diff.y;          // diff.Dot(Vector3d.AxisY);
            ADdU[1] = Math.Abs(DdU[1]);
            if (ADdU[1] > extent.y && DdU[1] * WdU[1] >= (double)0)

            WdU[2]  = ray.Direction.z; // ray.Direction.Dot(Vector3d.AxisZ);
            AWdU[2] = Math.Abs(WdU[2]);
            DdU[2]  = diff.z;          // diff.Dot(Vector3d.AxisZ);
            ADdU[2] = Math.Abs(DdU[2]);
            if (ADdU[2] > extent.z && DdU[2] * WdU[2] >= (double)0)

            Vector3d WxD = ray.Direction.Cross(diff);

            AWxDdU[0] = Math.Abs(WxD.x); // Math.Abs(WxD.Dot(Vector3d.AxisX));
            RHS       = extent.y * AWdU[2] + extent.z * AWdU[1];
            if (AWxDdU[0] > RHS)

            AWxDdU[1] = Math.Abs(WxD.y); // Math.Abs(WxD.Dot(Vector3d.AxisY));
            RHS       = extent.x * AWdU[2] + extent.z * AWdU[0];
            if (AWxDdU[1] > RHS)

            AWxDdU[2] = Math.Abs(WxD.z); // Math.Abs(WxD.Dot(Vector3d.AxisZ));
            RHS       = extent.x * AWdU[1] + extent.y * AWdU[0];
            if (AWxDdU[2] > RHS)

예제 #21
        int split_point_set_midpoint(int[] pt_indices, Vector3d[] positions,
                                     int iStart, int iCount, int depth, int minIndexCount,
                                     boxes_set leafs, boxes_set nodes, out AxisAlignedBox3d box)
            box = AxisAlignedBox3d.Empty;
            int iBox = -1;

            if (iCount < minIndexCount)
                // append new points box
                iBox = leafs.iBoxCur++;
                leafs.box_to_index.insert(leafs.iIndicesCur, iBox);

                leafs.index_list.insert(iCount, leafs.iIndicesCur++);
                for (int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i)
                    leafs.index_list.insert(pt_indices[iStart + i], leafs.iIndicesCur++);
                    box.Contain(points.GetVertex(pt_indices[iStart + i]));

                leafs.box_centers.insert(box.Center, iBox);
                leafs.box_extents.insert(box.Extents, iBox);

                return(-(iBox + 1));

            //compute interval along an axis and find midpoint
            int        axis     = depth % 3;
            Interval1d interval = Interval1d.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i)
                interval.Contain(positions[iStart + i][axis]);
            double midpoint = interval.Center;

            int n0, n1;

            if (Math.Abs(interval.a - interval.b) > MathUtil.ZeroTolerance)
                // we have to re-sort the centers & indices lists so that centers < midpoint
                // are first, so that we can recurse on the two subsets. We walk in from each side,
                // until we find two out-of-order locations, then we swap them.
                int l = 0;
                int r = iCount - 1;
                while (l < r)
                    // [RMS] is <= right here? if v.axis == midpoint, then this loop
                    //   can get stuck unless one of these has an equality test. But
                    //   I did not think enough about if this is the right thing to do...
                    while (positions[iStart + l][axis] <= midpoint)
                    while (positions[iStart + r][axis] > midpoint)
                    if (l >= r)
                        break;      //done!
                    Vector3d tmpc = positions[iStart + l]; positions[iStart + l] = positions[iStart + r];  positions[iStart + r] = tmpc;
                    int      tmpt = pt_indices[iStart + l]; pt_indices[iStart + l] = pt_indices[iStart + r]; pt_indices[iStart + r] = tmpt;

                n0 = l;
                n1 = iCount - n0;
                Debug.Assert(n0 >= 1 && n1 >= 1);
                // interval is near-empty, so no point trying to do sorting, just split half and half
                n0 = iCount / 2;
                n1 = iCount - n0;

            // create child boxes
            AxisAlignedBox3d box1;
            int child0 = split_point_set_midpoint(pt_indices, positions, iStart, n0, depth + 1, minIndexCount, leafs, nodes, out box);
            int child1 = split_point_set_midpoint(pt_indices, positions, iStart + n0, n1, depth + 1, minIndexCount, leafs, nodes, out box1);


            // append new box
            iBox = nodes.iBoxCur++;
            nodes.box_to_index.insert(nodes.iIndicesCur, iBox);

            nodes.index_list.insert(child0, nodes.iIndicesCur++);
            nodes.index_list.insert(child1, nodes.iIndicesCur++);

            nodes.box_centers.insert(box.Center, iBox);
            nodes.box_extents.insert(box.Extents, iBox);

예제 #22
        public virtual void Generate()
            AxisAlignedBox3d graphBox = Graph.CachedBounds;

            graphBox.Expand(2 * PostRadius);

            double cellSize = (SamplerCellSizeHint == 0) ? (PostRadius / 5) : SamplerCellSizeHint;
            ImplicitFieldSampler3d sampler = new ImplicitFieldSampler3d(graphBox, cellSize);

            ActualCellSize = cellSize;

            // sample segments into graph
            ImplicitLine3d line = new ImplicitLine3d()
                Radius = PostRadius

            foreach (int eid in Graph.EdgeIndices())
                Index2i  ev = Graph.GetEdgeV(eid);
                Vector3d v0 = Graph.GetVertex(ev.a);
                Vector3d v1 = Graph.GetVertex(ev.b);
                double   r  = PostRadius;

                int upper_vid = (v0.y > v1.y) ? ev.a : ev.b;
                if (TipVertices.Contains(upper_vid))
                    r = TipRadius;

                line.Segment = new Segment3d(v0, v1);
                line.Radius  = r;
                sampler.Sample(line, line.Radius / 2);

            foreach (int vid in GroundVertices)
                Vector3d v = Graph.GetVertex(vid);
                sampler.Sample(new ImplicitSphere3d()
                    Origin = v - (PostRadius / 2) * Vector3d.AxisY, Radius = GroundRadius

            ImplicitHalfSpace3d cutPlane = new ImplicitHalfSpace3d()
                Origin = Vector3d.Zero, Normal = Vector3d.AxisY
            ImplicitDifference3d cut = new ImplicitDifference3d()
                A = sampler.ToImplicit(), B = cutPlane

            MarchingCubes mc = new MarchingCubes()
                Implicit = cut, Bounds = graphBox, CubeSize = PostRadius / 3

            mc.Bounds.Min.y  = -2 * mc.CubeSize;
            mc.Bounds.Min.x -= 2 * mc.CubeSize; mc.Bounds.Min.z -= 2 * mc.CubeSize;
            mc.Bounds.Max.x += 2 * mc.CubeSize; mc.Bounds.Max.z += 2 * mc.CubeSize;
            mc.CancelF       = this.Cancelled;

            ResultMesh = mc.Mesh;
예제 #23
        // (sequentially) find each triangle that path point lies in, and insert a vertex for
        // that point into mesh.
        void insert_corners(HashSet <int> MeshVertsOnCurve)
            PrimalQuery2d query = new PrimalQuery2d(PointF);

            if (UseTriSpatial)
                int count = Mesh.TriangleCount + Curve.VertexCount;
                int bins  = 32;
                if (count < 25)
                    bins = 8;
                else if (count < 100)
                    bins = 16;
                AxisAlignedBox3d bounds3 = Mesh.CachedBounds;
                AxisAlignedBox2d bounds2 = new AxisAlignedBox2d(bounds3.Min.xy, bounds3.Max.xy);
                triSpatial = new TriangleBinsGrid2d(bounds2, bins);
                foreach (int tid in Mesh.TriangleIndices())

            Func <int, Vector2d, bool> inTriangleF = (tid, pos) => {
                Index3i tv           = Mesh.GetTriangle(tid);
                int     query_result = query.ToTriangleUnsigned(pos, tv.a, tv.b, tv.c);
                return(query_result == -1 || query_result == 0);

            CurveVertices = new int[Curve.VertexCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < Curve.VertexCount; ++i)
                Vector2d vInsert  = Curve[i];
                bool     inserted = false;

                // find the triangle that contains this curve point
                int contain_tid = DMesh3.InvalidID;
                if (triSpatial != null)
                    contain_tid = triSpatial.FindContainingTriangle(vInsert, inTriangleF);
                    foreach (int tid in Mesh.TriangleIndices())
                        Index3i tv = Mesh.GetTriangle(tid);
                        // [RMS] using unsigned query here because we do not need to care about tri CW/CCW orientation
                        //   (right? otherwise we have to explicitly invert mesh. Nothing else we do depends on tri orientation)
                        //int query_result = query.ToTriangle(vInsert, tv.a, tv.b, tv.c);
                        int query_result = query.ToTriangleUnsigned(vInsert, tv.a, tv.b, tv.c);
                        if (query_result == -1 || query_result == 0)
                            contain_tid = tid;

                // if we found one, insert the point via face-poke or edge-split,
                // unless it is exactly at existing vertex, in which case we can re-use it
                if (contain_tid != DMesh3.InvalidID)
                    Index3i  tv   = Mesh.GetTriangle(contain_tid);
                    Vector3d bary = MathUtil.BarycentricCoords(vInsert, PointF(tv.a), PointF(tv.b), PointF(tv.c));
                    // SpatialEpsilon is our zero-tolerance, so merge if we are closer than that
                    bool is_existing_v;
                    int  vid = insert_corner_from_bary(i, contain_tid, bary, 0.01, 100 * SpatialEpsilon, out is_existing_v);
                    if (vid > 0)
                        CurveVertices[i] = vid;
                        if (is_existing_v)
                        inserted = true;

                // if we did not find containing triangle,
                // try matching with any existing vertices.
                // This can happen if curve point is right on mesh border...
                if (inserted == false)
                    foreach (int vid in Mesh.VertexIndices())
                        Vector2d v = PointF(vid);
                        if (vInsert.Distance(v) < SpatialEpsilon)
                            CurveVertices[i] = vid;
                            inserted = true;

                // TODO: also case where curve point is right on mesh border edge,
                // and so it ends up being outside all triangles?

                if (inserted == false)
                    throw new Exception("MeshInsertUVPolyCurve.insert_corners: curve vertex "
                                        + i.ToString() + " is not inside or on any mesh triangle!");