/// <summary>
        /// Used to delete the list of bevarages found in the SearchByAndPossiblyDelete method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryBeverages"></param>
        /// <returns>bool</returns>
        public bool DeleteItem(List <Beverage> queryBeverages)
                //Bool to hold if the item(s) was successfully deleted of not
                bool itemDeletedBool = false;
                //Count used to find out how many times that the database did not correctly delete the beverage
                int count = 0;
                //Open the database
                BeverageJMartinEntities beverageEntities = new BeverageJMartinEntities();
                //Beverage to temporarily hold a beverage
                Beverage tempBeverage = new Beverage();

                foreach (Beverage beverage in queryBeverages)
                    //hold the current beverage in the list than delete if from the list
                    tempBeverage = beverageEntities.Beverages.Find(beverage.id);

                    //Check if the beverage just deleted is in the database
                    tempBeverage = beverageEntities.Beverages.Find(beverage.id);
                    //If the bevarage is still in the database add one to the count
                    if (tempBeverage == null)
                //If the count is not less than one, than at least one of the items was not succesffuly deleted
                if (count < 1)
                    //All items successfully added so save the changes
                    itemDeletedBool = true;
                    //An item was not added correctly so do not save the changes and print out an error message.
                    UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();

            catch (Exception e)
                UserInterface ui = new UserInterface();
                ui.OutputAString(e.ToString() + " " + e.StackTrace);