예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method searches through the facilities to look
        /// for properties inside the property sets of Assets
        /// to look for values that match Regex classification
        /// formats, set out in the DataReader. It then adds any
        /// values that match the Regular Expression as a category
        /// of assets which conforms with the Schema.
        /// </summary>
        static private void AddClassificationsToAssets(Facility facility)
            var dataReader = new ClassificationMappingReader();//DataReader Object which will create and populate the mappings table.

            //Get Each AssetType
            foreach (AssetType at in facility.AssetTypes)
                //Get Each Asset
                foreach (Asset a in at.Assets)
                    //Create a new Category for the Asset
                    a.Categories = new List <Category>();

                    //Get Each Property
                    foreach (var attr in a.Attributes)
                        if (attr.Value.GetStringValue() != null && a.Categories.Count == 0)
                            //Get the Inferred Classifications

                            var inferredClassifications = FindInferredClassifications(attr.Value.GetStringValue(), dataReader);

                            foreach (var ic in inferredClassifications)
                                bool UniclassMatch = false;
                                bool NbsMatch      = false;
                                bool NrmMatch      = false;

                                foreach (var cat in a.Categories)
                                    if (ic.UniclassCode != null && cat.Code == ic.UniclassCode)
                                        UniclassMatch = true;
                                    if (ic.NbsCode != null && cat.Code == ic.NbsCode)
                                        NbsMatch = true;
                                    if (ic.NrmCode != null && cat.Code == ic.NrmCode)
                                        NrmMatch = true;
                                //Add the Classifications as categories if they exist.
                                if (ic.UniclassCode != null && !UniclassMatch)
                                    var uniClass = new Xbim.COBieLiteUK.Category();
                                    uniClass.Classification = "Uniclass 2015 Reference (Inferred)";
                                    uniClass.Code           = ic.UniclassCode;
                                    uniClass.Description    = ic.UniclassDescription;
                                if (ic.NbsCode != null && !NbsMatch)
                                    Xbim.COBieLiteUK.Category Nbs = new Xbim.COBieLiteUK.Category();
                                    Nbs.Classification = "NBS Reference (Inferred)";
                                    Nbs.Code           = ic.NbsCode;
                                    Nbs.Description    = ic.NbsDescription;
                                if (ic.NrmCode != null && !NrmMatch)
                                    Xbim.COBieLiteUK.Category Nrm = new Xbim.COBieLiteUK.Category();
                                    Nrm.Classification = "NRM Reference (Inferred)";
                                    Nrm.Code           = ic.NrmCode;
                                    Nrm.Description    = ic.NrmDescription;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the property passed in as a parement to see
        /// if the property value matches the format of either
        /// Uniclass, NBS or NRM.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property">A string value of the assets property</param>
        /// <returns>An InferredClassification which contains the classification mappings</returns>
        static private IEnumerable <InferredClassification> FindInferredClassifications(string property, ClassificationMappingReader dataReader)
            //Check to see if the property is a valid classification
            Pointer match = null;
            var     classificationMatches = Regex.Match(property, RegexPatterns.UniclassPattern);

            if (classificationMatches.Success)
                match = dataReader.GetMatchingPointer(classificationMatches.Value); //Get Uniclass matches from the Mappings Table
                classificationMatches = Regex.Match(property, RegexPatterns.NbsPattern);
                if (classificationMatches.Success)
                    match = dataReader.GetMatchingPointer(classificationMatches.Value);
                    classificationMatches = Regex.Match(property, RegexPatterns.NrmPattern);
                    if (classificationMatches.Success)
                        match = dataReader.GetMatchingPointer(classificationMatches.Value);
            //Get Mappings that match the InferredClassification
            if (match != null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <InferredClassification>());