public static void Main() { // Take input sentence: Console.WriteLine("Please enter a sentence:"); RepeatCounter.SentenceInput = Console.ReadLine(); string sentenceIn = RepeatCounter.SentenceInput; // Take inputed word to check the sentence for: Console.WriteLine("Please enter a word:"); RepeatCounter.WordInput = Console.ReadLine(); string wordIn = RepeatCounter.WordInput; // Remove punctuation from sentence: RepeatCounter.StripPunctuation(sentenceIn); sentenceIn = RepeatCounter.SentenceInput; // Split punctuation left sentence into an array: RepeatCounter.SplitSentence(sentenceIn); string[] arrayIn = RepeatCounter.SentenceArray; // Create list of words from sentence to compare to the inputed word: RepeatCounter.ValidateInput(arrayIn, wordIn); List <string> newList = RepeatCounter.ListOfWordsToCompare; // Count how many listed words are the inputted word: int result = RepeatCounter.CompareWords(wordIn, newList); // Display results Console.WriteLine("There are " + result + " instances of " + wordIn); }