public HomeModule() { Get["/"] = _ => { return View["index.html"]; }; Post["/result"] = _ => { RepeatCounter formRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(Request.Form["input-word"], Request.Form["input-list"]); string firstString = formRepeatCounter.GetStringOfWords(); string cleanString = formRepeatCounter.RemovePunctuation(firstString); string findWord = formRepeatCounter.GetWord(); int countWords = formRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(findWord, cleanString); return View["result.cshtml", formRepeatCounter]; }; Post["/warandpeace"] = _ => { RepeatCounter wapRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(Request.Form["input-word"], Request.Form["input-word"]); string readWarAndPeace = wapRepeatCounter.ReadAFile(); wapRepeatCounter.SetStringOfWords(readWarAndPeace); string firstString = wapRepeatCounter.GetStringOfWords(); string cleanString = wapRepeatCounter.RemovePunctuation(firstString); string findWord = wapRepeatCounter.GetWord(); int countWords = wapRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(findWord, cleanString); return View["warandpeace.cshtml", wapRepeatCounter]; }; }
public void RepeatCounter_Test2_SplitInput2Sentence_returnArrayLength() { RepeatCounter newCountRepeats = new RepeatCounter("I", "I am who I am"); //Assert Assert.Equal(2, newCountRepeats.CountRepeats()); }
public void Test6_RegognizeWordInSentence_true() { RepeatCounter checkNewWord = new RepeatCounter("the", "the blue jays rock"); int result = checkNewWord.CountRepeats(); Assert.Equal(1, result); }
public void Test5_recognizesWordNotPresent_true() { RepeatCounter checkNewWord = new RepeatCounter("the", "blue jays rock"); int result = checkNewWord.CountRepeats(); Assert.Equal(0, result); }
public HomeModule() { Get["/"] = _ => { return(View["index.cshtml"]); }; Post["/score"] = _ => { int Count = RepeatCounter.CountRepeats(Request.Form["word"], Request.Form["sentence"]); return(View["results.cshtml", Count]); }; }
public void Test2_LetterDontMatch_true() { //arrange RepeatCounter checkNewWord = new RepeatCounter("a", "b"); //act int result = checkNewWord.CountRepeats(); //Assert Assert.Equal(0, result); }
public void Test1_RepeatCounterGetA_true() { //arrange RepeatCounter checkNewWord = new RepeatCounter("a", "a"); //act int result = checkNewWord.CountRepeats(); //Assert Assert.Equal(1, result); }
public void CountRepeats_ForWordInStringIgnorePunctuation_wordcount() { string userInputString = "What's better than coding? Nothing is better than coding."; string userInputWord = "coding"; RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(userInputString, userInputWord); int result = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(); int expectedResult = 2; Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result); }
public void CountRepeats_ForWordInStringCapitalized_wordcount() { string userInputString = "What's Better than coding? Nothing is BETTER than coding."; string userInputWord = "better"; RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(userInputString, userInputWord); int result = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(); int expectedResult = 2; Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result); }
public void CountRepeats_ForWordInStringOnce_1() { string userInputString = "I love to code"; string userInputWord = "code"; RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(userInputString, userInputWord); int result = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(); int expectedResult = 1; Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result); }
public void CountRepeats_ForWordIsString_1() { string userInputString = "bananas"; string userInputWord = "bananas"; RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(userInputString, userInputWord); int result = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(); int expectedResult = 1; Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result); }
public void CountRepeats_ForWordNotInString_0() { string userInputString = "I love to code"; string userInputWord = "program"; RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(userInputString, userInputWord); int result = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(); int expectedResult = 0; Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result); }
public void Test4_TwoWordsReturnOne_true() { //arrange RepeatCounter checkNewWord = new RepeatCounter("and", "and"); //act int result = checkNewWord.CountRepeats(); //Assert Assert.Equal(1, result); }
public HomeModule() { Get["/"] = _ => View ["index.cshtml"]; Post["/output"] = _ => { string input1 = Request.Form["user_input_form_1"]; string input2 = Request.Form["user_input_form_2"]; RepeatCounter newResult = new RepeatCounter(input1, input2); int result = newResult.CountRepeats(); return(View["output.cshtml", result]); }; }
public void RepeatCounter_userInputIgnoreUppercase_CountOne() { //Arrange string wordToFind = "cat"; string sentenceToSearch = "Cats are so cute. I love my cat."; string expectedResult = "1"; //Act RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(); string result = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(wordToFind, sentenceToSearch); //Assert Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result); }
public void RepeatCounter_userInputIgnorePunctuation_CountTwo() { //Arrange string wordToFind = "cat"; string sentenceToSearch = "Cats are so cute. I love cat, and I have a brown cat."; string expectedResult = "2"; //Act RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(); string result = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(wordToFind, sentenceToSearch); //Assert Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result); }
public void RepeatCounter_userInputNoMatch_CountZero() { //Arrange string wordToFind = "universe"; string sentenceToSearch = "Hello world"; string expectedResult = "0"; //Act RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(); string result = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(wordToFind, sentenceToSearch); //Assert Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result); }
public void RepeatCounter_userInputMultipleInstances_CountFive() { //Arrange string wordToFind = "cats"; string sentenceToSearch = "Red cats orange cats brown cats blue cats purple cats"; string expectedResult = "5"; //Act RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(); string result = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(wordToFind, sentenceToSearch); //Assert Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result); }
public void RepeatCounter_userInputOneInstance_CountOne() { //Arrange string wordToFind = "world"; string sentenceToSearch = "Travel the world"; string expectedResult = "1"; //Act RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(); string result = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(wordToFind, sentenceToSearch); //Assert Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result); }
public HomeModule() { Get["/"] = _ => { return(View["index.cshtml"]); }; Post["/results"] = _ => { string userWord = Request.Form["word"]; string userPhrase = Request.Form["phrase"]; RepeatCounter newRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(userWord, userPhrase); int userOutput = newRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(); return(View["results.cshtml", userOutput]); }; }
public void RepeatCounter_userInputFullMatch_CountOne() { //Arrange string wordToFind = "cat"; string sentenceToSearch = "I walked my cat to the cathedral."; string expectedResult = "1"; //Act RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(); string result = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(wordToFind, sentenceToSearch); //Assert Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result); }
public void CountRepeats_CountsWordReptitionInStringOfMultipleWords_ReturnsCountOfRepeats() { // Arrange string testWord = "antelope"; string testString = "An antelope is like a gazelle in a way but it begins with an A actually."; int testCount = 1; RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(testWord, testString); // Act int resultCount = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(testWord, testString); // Assert Console.WriteLine("Spec 5 expected: " + testCount + " Spec 5 actual: " + resultCount); Assert.Equal(testCount, resultCount); }
public HomeModule() { Get["/"] = _ => { return(View["index.cshtml"]); }; Post["/count"] = _ => { RepeatCounter newRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(Request.Form["search-word"], Request.Form["search-string"]); newRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(); return(View["word_count.cshtml", newRepeatCounter]); }; }
public void FindWord_FindsWordInStringOfMultipleWordsCapitalizedOrNot_ReturnsCountOfRepeatsRegardlessOfCase() { // Arrange string inputWord = "a"; string testWord = inputWord.ToUpper(); string testString = "An antelope is like a gazelle in a way but it begins with an A actually."; int testCount = 3; RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(testWord, testString); // Act int resultCount = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(testWord, testString); // Assert Console.WriteLine("Spec 6 expected: " + testCount + " Spec 6 actual: " + resultCount); Assert.Equal(testCount, resultCount); }
public HomeModule() { //Routing to the HomePage Get["/"] = _ => { return(View["index.cshtml"]); }; //Routing to the Result Page Post["/result"] = _ => { RepeatCounter newRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(); string result = newRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(Request.Form["inputWord"], Request.Form["inputSentence"]); string[] countResultData = { Request.Form["inputSentence"], Request.Form["inputWord"], result }; return(View ["results.cshtml", countResultData]); }; }
public void FindWord_FindsWordInStringOfMultipleWordsWithPunchtuation_ReturnsCountOfRepeatsRegardlessOfPunctuation() { // Arrange string inputWord = "actually"; string testWord = inputWord.ToUpper(); string testString = "An antelope is like a gazelle in a way but it begins with an A actually."; int testCount = 1; int resultCount = 0; RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter(testWord, testString); string testCleanString = testRepeatCounter.RemovePunctuation(testString); // Act Console.WriteLine("Spec 7 pre-method-call resultCount value: " + resultCount); resultCount = testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats(testWord, testCleanString); // Assert Console.WriteLine("Spec 7 expected: " + testCount + " Spec 7 actual: " + resultCount); Assert.Equal(testCount, resultCount); }
public void RepeatCounterTest1_Identical_True() { RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter("A", "A"); Assert.Equal(1, testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats()); }
public void RepeatCounterTest_PartialMatches_False() { RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter("ham", "I love ham on hamburgers"); Assert.Equal(1, testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats()); }
public void RepeatCounterTest_Count_True() { RepeatCounter testRepeatCounter = new RepeatCounter("A", "A A A"); Assert.Equal(3, testRepeatCounter.CountRepeats()); }
public void Test8_RecognizeMulitipleWordsInSentence_true() { RepeatCounter checkNewWord = new RepeatCounter("the", "the blue jays rock the theater the"); int result = checkNewWord.CountRepeats(); Assert.Equal(3, result); }
public void RepeatCounter_Test3_SplitInput2Sentence_ReturnWordCount() { RepeatCounter newCountRepeats = new RepeatCounter("I", "I am who I say I am"); Assert.Equal(3, newCountRepeats.CountRepeats()); }