private static void OnHierarchyWindowChanged() { EditorSettings editorSettings = EditorSingleton.Get <EditorSettings>(); if (editorSettings.isObjUniqueNameOnDuplicate) { return; } GameObject[] gos = Selection.gameObjects; if (gos != null) { for (int i = 0; i < gos.Length; ++i) { GameObject go = gos[i]; if ( != "Null") { int index ='('); if (index > 0) { =; } } } } }
public override float GetHeight() { EditorSettings editorResource = EditorSingleton.Get <EditorSettings>(); GUISkin inspectorNoteStyle = editorResource.inspectorNoteSkin; InspectorNoteAttribute noteAttribute = attribute as InspectorNoteAttribute; float headerHeight = inspectorNoteStyle.customStyles[0].CalcHeight(new GUIContent(noteAttribute.header), EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth - 33f) + inspectorNoteStyle.customStyles[0].fontSize; float messageHeight = inspectorNoteStyle.customStyles[1].CalcHeight(new GUIContent(noteAttribute.message), EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth - 33f) + inspectorNoteStyle.customStyles[1].fontSize; return((string.IsNullOrEmpty(noteAttribute.message) ? 0 : 0 + messageHeight) + headerHeight); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position) { EditorSettings editorResource = EditorSingleton.Get <EditorSettings>(); GUISkin inspectorNoteStyle = editorResource.inspectorNoteSkin; InspectorNoteAttribute noteAttribute = attribute as InspectorNoteAttribute; // Background box Rect backgroundBoxPos = position; backgroundBoxPos.height -= 5f; backgroundBoxPos.y += 5f; GUI.Box(backgroundBoxPos, "", inspectorNoteStyle.customStyles[2]); float headerHeight = inspectorNoteStyle.customStyles[0].CalcHeight(new GUIContent(noteAttribute.header), position.width); //float messageHeight = inspectorNoteStyle.customStyles[1].CalcHeight(new GUIContent(note.Message), position.width); // not used // our header is always present Rect posLabel = position; posLabel.y += 13; posLabel.x += 5f; posLabel.height += 13; EditorGUI.LabelField(posLabel, noteAttribute.header, inspectorNoteStyle.customStyles[0]); // do we have a message too? if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(noteAttribute.message)) { //Color color = GUI.color; //Color faded = color; //faded.a = 0.5f; Rect posExplain = posLabel; posExplain.y += headerHeight; posExplain.width -= 13f; //GUI.color = faded; EditorGUI.LabelField(posExplain, noteAttribute.message, inspectorNoteStyle.customStyles[1]); //GUI.color = color; } //Rect posLine = position; //posLine.y += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(note.message) ? 17 : 17 + messageHeight) + headerHeight; //posLine.x += 0; //posLine.height = 2; //GUI.Box(posLine, ""); // Draw the field base.OnGUI(position); }
public static void ShowEditorResources() { EditorResources editorResources = EditorSingleton.Get <EditorResources>(); Selection.activeObject = editorResources; }
private static void ShowEditorResources() { EditorSettings editorResources = EditorSingleton.Get <EditorSettings>(); Selection.activeObject = editorResources; }