예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Illustrates how to add custom markers over the globe using the AddMarker API.
        /// In this example a building prefab is added to a random city (see comments for other options).
        /// </summary>
        void AddMarkerGameObjectOnRandomCity()
            // Every marker is put on a spherical-coordinate (assuming a radius = 0.5 and relative center at zero position)
            Vector3 sphereLocation;

            // Add a marker on a random city
            City city = map.cities [Random.Range(0, map.cities.Count)];

            sphereLocation = city.unitySphereLocation;

            // or... choose a city by its name:
            //		int cityIndex = map.GetCityIndex("Moscow");
            //		sphereLocation = map.cities[cityIndex].unitySphereLocation;

            // or... use the centroid of a country
            //		int countryIndex = map.GetCountryIndex("Greece");
            //		sphereLocation = map.countries[countryIndex].center;

            // Send the prefab to the AddMarker API setting a scale of 0.02f (this depends on your marker scales)
            GameObject building = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject> ("Building/Building"));

            map.AddMarker(building, sphereLocation, 0.02f);

            // Fly to the destination and see the building created

            // Optionally add a blinking effect to the marker
            MarkerBlinker.AddTo(building, 4, 0.2f);
예제 #2
        public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData dat)
            Vector2 localCursor;
            Vector2 pos = dat.position;

            if (!RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(rt, pos, null, out localCursor))

            localCursor.x -= rt.rect.xMin;
            localCursor.y -= rt.rect.yMin;

            localCursor.x /= rt.rect.width;
            localCursor.y /= rt.rect.height;

            Vector2 latlon = Conversion.GetLatLonFromUV(localCursor);

            if (customZoomLevel && customDuration)
                map.FlyToLocation(latlon, duration, zoomLevel);
            else if (customZoomLevel)
                map.FlyToLocation(latlon, map.navigationTime, zoomLevel);
            else if (customDuration)
                map.FlyToLocation(latlon, duration);
예제 #3
        void AddMarkerUnitAtMouseCurser()
            Vector3 cartesianLocation = map.cursorLocation; //returns cartesian coords

            GameObject unit = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Unit") as GameObject);

            map.AddMarker(unit, cartesianLocation, 0.01f);
예제 #4
        void Update()
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T))
                map.FlyToLocation(40.7589f, -73.9851f, 20f, 0.00001f);                                                                                                                  // Fly to Times Square as close as possible

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
                map.FlyToLocation(map.cursorLocation, 2f, 0.8f);
예제 #5
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            float  selected_latitude  = 40.71f;
            float  selected_longitude = -74f;
            Sprite selected_sprite    = Resources.Load <Sprite>("NewYork");

            WorldMapGlobe map = WorldMapGlobe.instance;

            map.calc.fromLatDec = selected_latitude;
            map.calc.fromLonDec = selected_longitude;
            map.calc.fromUnit   = UNIT_TYPE.DecimalDegrees;
            Vector3 sphereLocation = map.calc.toSphereLocation;

            // Create sprite
            GameObject     destinationSprite = new GameObject();
            SpriteRenderer dest_sprite       = destinationSprite.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

            dest_sprite.sprite = selected_sprite;

            // Add sprite billboard to the map with custom scale, billboard mode and little bit elevated from surface (to prevent clipping with city spots)
            map.AddMarker(destinationSprite, sphereLocation, 0.02f, true, 0.1f);

            // Add click handlers
            destinationSprite.AddComponent <SpriteClickHandler>();

            // Locate it on the map
            map.autoRotationSpeed = 0f;
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the gameobject obj onto the globe at the path given by latlon array and progress factor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Object.</param>
        /// <param name="progress">Progress expressed in 0..1.</param>
        public void MoveTo(float progress)
            // Iterate again until we reach progress
            int   steps = latLon.Count;
            float acum = 0, acumPrev = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < steps - 1; k++)
                acumPrev = acum;
                acum    += stepLengths[k] / totalLength;
                if (acum > progress)
                    // This is the step where "progress" is contained.
                    if (k > 0)
                        progress = (progress - acumPrev) / (acum - acumPrev);
                    Vector3 pos0 = Conversion.GetSpherePointFromLatLon(latLon[k]);
                    Vector3 pos1 = Conversion.GetSpherePointFromLatLon(latLon[k + 1]);
                    Vector3 pos  = Vector3.Lerp(pos0, pos1, progress);
                    pos = pos.normalized * 0.5f;
                    map.AddMarker(gameObject, pos, 0.01f, false);
                    map.FlyToLocation(pos, 2f);
        /// <summary>
        /// Illustrates how to add custom markers over the globe using the AddMarker API.
        /// In this example a building prefab is added to a random city (see comments for other options).
        /// </summary>
        void AddMarkerGameObjectOnRandomCity()
            // Every marker is put on a spherical-coordinate (assuming a radius = 0.5 and relative center at zero position)
            Vector3 sphereLocation;

            // Add a marker on a random city
            City city = map.cities [Random.Range(0, map.cities.Count)];

            sphereLocation = city.unitySphereLocation;

            // or... choose a city by its name:
//		int cityIndex = map.GetCityIndex("Moscow");
//		sphereLocation = map.cities[cityIndex].unitySphereLocation;

            // or... use the centroid of a country
//		int countryIndex = map.GetCountryIndex("Greece");
//		sphereLocation = map.countries[countryIndex].center;

            // or... use a custom location lat/lon. Example put the building over New York:
//		map.calc.fromLatDec = 40.71f;	// 40.71 decimal degrees north
//		map.calc.fromLonDec = -74.00f;	// 74.00 decimal degrees to the west
//		map.calc.fromUnit = UNIT_TYPE.DecimalDegrees;
//		map.calc.Convert();
//		sphereLocation = map.calc.toSphereLocation;

            // Send the prefab to the AddMarker API setting a scale of 0.02f (this depends on your marker scales)
            GameObject building = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject> ("Building/Building"));

            map.AddMarker(building, sphereLocation, 0.02f);

            // Fly to the destination and see the building created

            // Optionally add a blinking effect to the marker
            MarkerBlinker.AddTo(building, 4, 0.2f);
예제 #8
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            WorldMapGlobe map = WorldMapGlobe.instance;

            // Gets France center in sphere coordinates
            int     countryIndex  = map.GetCountryIndex("France");
            Vector3 countryCenter = map.countries[countryIndex].sphereCenter;

            // Center on France and set constraint around country center
            map.FlyToLocation(countryCenter, 0);
            map.constraintPosition        = countryCenter;
            map.constraintAngle           = 5f;
            map.constraintPositionEnabled = true;

            // Set zoom level and stop rotation
            map.autoRotationSpeed = 0f;
예제 #9
        void BuildRoad()
            // Get a path between both cities
            List <int> cellIndices = null;

                // Find 2 random cities in Europe
                int city1Index = GetRandomEuropeanCity();
                int city2Index = GetRandomEuropeanCity();
                // Underline cell indices?
                int cell1Index = map.GetCellIndex(map.GetCity(city1Index).latlon);
                int cell2Index = map.GetCellIndex(map.GetCity(city2Index).latlon);
                if (cell1Index == cell2Index)
                // Get the path
                cellIndices = map.FindPath(cell1Index, cell2Index, 0, true);
            } while(cellIndices == null);

            // Highlight road cells

            // Get lat/lon coordinates for the path
            int positionsCount = cellIndices.Count;

            Vector2[] latLons = new Vector2[positionsCount];
            for (int k = 0; k < positionsCount; k++)
                latLons [k] = map.cells [cellIndices [k]].latlonCenter;

            // Build a road along the map coordinates
            LineMarkerAnimator lma = map.AddLine(latLons, Color.white, 0.1f);

            lma.lineMaterial.mainTexture      = roadTexture;
            lma.lineMaterial.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(2f, 1f);

            // Go to there!
            map.FlyToLocation(latLons [0].x, latLons [0].y, 1f, 0.2f);
예제 #10
        void Start()
            float latitude  = 40.71f;
            float longitude = -74f;

            WorldMapGlobe map            = WorldMapGlobe.instance;
            Vector3       sphereLocation = Conversion.GetSpherePointFromLatLon(latitude, longitude);

            // Create sprite
            destinationSprite = new GameObject();
            SpriteRenderer dest_sprite = destinationSprite.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer> ();

            dest_sprite.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite> ("NewYork");

            // Add sprite billboard to the map with custom scale, billboard mode and little bit elevated from surface (to prevent clipping with city spots)
            map.AddMarker(destinationSprite, sphereLocation, 0.02f, true, 0.1f);

            // Add click handlers
            destinationSprite.AddComponent <SpriteClickHandler> ();

            // Locate it on the map
            map.FlyToLocation(sphereLocation, 4f, 0.4f);
            map.autoRotationSpeed = 0f;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the gameobject obj onto the globe at the path given by latlon array and progress factor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Object.</param>
        /// <param name="progress">Progress expressed in 0..1.</param>
        public void MoveTo(float progress)
            currentProgress = progress;

            // Iterate again until we reach progress
            int   steps = latLon.Count;
            float acum = 0, acumPrev = 0;

            for (int k = 0; k < steps - 1; k++)
                acumPrev = acum;
                acum    += stepLengths [k] / totalLength;
                if (acum > progress)
                    // This is the step where "progress" is contained.
                    if (k > 0)
                        progress = (progress - acumPrev) / (acum - acumPrev);
                    Vector3 pos0 = Conversion.GetSpherePointFromLatLon(latLon [k]);
                    Vector3 pos1 = Conversion.GetSpherePointFromLatLon(latLon [k + 1]);
                    Vector3 pos  = Vector3.Lerp(pos0, pos1, progress);
                    pos = pos.normalized * 0.5f;
                    map.AddMarker(gameObject, pos, 0.01f, false);

                    // Make it look towards destination
                    Vector3 dir  = (pos1 - pos0).normalized;
                    Vector3 proj = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(dir, pos0);
                    transform.LookAt(map.transform.TransformPoint(proj + pos0), map.transform.transform.TransformDirection(pos0));

                    // Follow object
                    map.FlyToLocation(pos, 0f);
예제 #12
 public void OrientOnLocation(Vector3 vectorLocation)
     worldMapGlobe.FlyToLocation(vectorLocation, 1.5F, 0.05F, 0.01F, 0);
     worldMapGlobe.pitch = 0;
     worldMapGlobe.yaw   = 0;