public void InitRockStrataGen(ICoreServerAPI api, Random rand, Dictionary <EnumRockGroup, List <RockStrataVariant> > VariantsByRockGroup)
            List <RockStrataGen> Gens = new List <RockStrataGen>();

            var values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EnumRockGroup));

            //     Console.WriteLine("init rock strata " + code);

            foreach (EnumRockGroup rockgroup in values)
                GeologicProvinceRockStrata gprs = Rockstrata[rockgroup + ""];

                float current = gprs.minQuant + (float)rand.NextDouble() * (gprs.maxQuant - gprs.minQuant);
                gprs.currentq = (int)current + ((rand.NextDouble() * (current - (int)current)) > 0 ? 1 : 0);

                //  Console.WriteLine("add " + current + " " + rockgroup +"s");

                for (int i = 0; i < gprs.currentq; i++)
                    int rnd = rand.Next(VariantsByRockGroup[rockgroup].Count);
                    RockStrataVariant rockType = VariantsByRockGroup[rockgroup][rnd];

                    float multiplier = rockType.Weight / 100f;
                    // Multiplier range from 0..1 to 100 - 5
                    //multiplier = (1 - multiplier) * 193 + 7;
                    multiplier = (1 - multiplier) * 95 + 5;

                    int blockId = api.WorldManager.GetBlockId(rockType.BlockCode);
                    if (blockId == -1)
                        throw new Exception("Block with code " + rockType.BlockCode + " not found! Can't generate rock strata this way :(");

                    RockStrataGen gen = new RockStrataGen()
                        amplitude     = 1,
                        multiplier    = multiplier,
                        offset        = (float)rand.NextDouble(),
                        thickness     = gprs.maxThickness,
                        blockId       = (ushort)blockId,
                        heightErosion = 1 - rockType.HeightErosion


                    // Console.WriteLine("addded rock type generator {0} (id={4}), m={1}, o={2}, t={3}", rockType.BlockCode, gen.blockId, gen.multiplier, gen.offset, gen.thickness);

            ValueGenerators = Gens.ToArray();
        public void init()
            RockStrataIndexed = new GeologicProvinceRockStrata[Enum.GetValues(typeof(EnumRockGroup)).Length];

            foreach (var val in Enum.GetValues(typeof(EnumRockGroup)))
                RockStrataIndexed[(int)val] = new GeologicProvinceRockStrata();

                if (Rockstrata.ContainsKey("" + val))
                    RockStrataIndexed[(int)val] = Rockstrata["" + val];