void OnWizardCreate() { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Note", "Please check that the BG Texture is placed at under a \"Resources/BG/\" folder.", "ok"); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists("Assets/Scenes")) { AssetDatabase.CreateFolder("Assets", "Scenes"); } Scene scene = ScriptableObjectUtility.CreateScriptableObject("Scene", "Assets/Scenes/" + sceneName + ".asset") as Scene; ViNoSceneUtil.SetUpSceneInfo(scene, sceneName, "BG/" + texture.name); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(scene); }
// private Dictionary<string,GameObject> m_ActorGOMap; void definescene(Hashtable param) { string sceneName = param["name"] as string; string texturePath = param["texture"] as string; /* if( param.ContainsKey( "size" ) ){ * sizeInPercent = float.Parse( param["size"] as string ); * } * //*/ Scene info = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Scene>(); m_SceneMap[sceneName] = info; string[] texs = new string[1]; texs[0] = texturePath; ViNoSceneUtil.SetUpSceneInfo(info, sceneName, texturePath); }