protected void DrawHighlightFieldRadiusAroundTarget(LocalTargetInfo target) { bool needLOSToCenter; float num = HighlightFieldRadiusAroundTarget(out needLOSToCenter); if (!(num > 0.2f) || !TryFindShootLineFromTo(caster.Position, target, out var resultingLine)) { return; } if (needLOSToCenter) { GenExplosion.RenderPredictedAreaOfEffect(resultingLine.Dest, num); return; } GenDraw.DrawFieldEdges((from x in GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(resultingLine.Dest, num, useCenter: true) where x.InBounds(Find.CurrentMap) select x).ToList()); }
public virtual void DrawExtraSelectionOverlays() { if (def.specialDisplayRadius > 0.1f) { GenDraw.DrawRadiusRing(Position, def.specialDisplayRadius); } if (def.drawPlaceWorkersWhileSelected && def.PlaceWorkers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < def.PlaceWorkers.Count; i++) { def.PlaceWorkers[i].DrawGhost(def, Position, Rotation, Color.white, this); } } if (def.hasInteractionCell) { GenDraw.DrawInteractionCell(def, Position, rotationInt); } }
public virtual void DrawExtraSelectionOverlays() { if (this.def.specialDisplayRadius > 0.10000000149011612) { GenDraw.DrawRadiusRing(this.Position, this.def.specialDisplayRadius); } if (this.def.drawPlaceWorkersWhileSelected && this.def.PlaceWorkers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.def.PlaceWorkers.Count; i++) { this.def.PlaceWorkers[i].DrawGhost(this.def, this.Position, this.Rotation); } } if (this.def.hasInteractionCell) { GenDraw.DrawInteractionCell(this.def, this.Position, this.rotationInt); } }
public static void DrawWorldRadiusRing(int center, int radius) { if (radius < 0) { return; } if (GenDraw.cachedEdgeTilesForCenter != center || GenDraw.cachedEdgeTilesForRadius != radius || GenDraw.cachedEdgeTilesForWorldSeed != { GenDraw.cachedEdgeTilesForCenter = center; GenDraw.cachedEdgeTilesForRadius = radius; GenDraw.cachedEdgeTilesForWorldSeed =; GenDraw.cachedEdgeTiles.Clear(); Find.WorldFloodFiller.FloodFill(center, (int tile) => true, delegate(int tile, int dist) { if (dist > radius + 1) { return(true); } if (dist == radius + 1) { GenDraw.cachedEdgeTiles.Add(tile); } return(false); }, 2147483647, null); WorldGrid worldGrid = Find.WorldGrid; Vector3 c = worldGrid.GetTileCenter(center); Vector3 n = c.normalized; GenDraw.cachedEdgeTiles.Sort(delegate(int a, int b) { float num = Vector3.Dot(n, Vector3.Cross(worldGrid.GetTileCenter(a) - c, worldGrid.GetTileCenter(b) - c)); if (Mathf.Abs(num) < 0.0001f) { return(0); } if (num < 0f) { return(-1); } return(1); }); } GenDraw.DrawWorldLineStrip(GenDraw.cachedEdgeTiles, GenDraw.OneSidedWorldLineMatWhite, 5f); }
public void DrawRadiusRing(IntVec3 center) { if (Find.CurrentMap == null) { return; } if (!this.IsMeleeAttack) { float num = this.EffectiveMinRange(true); if (num > 0f && num < GenRadial.MaxRadialPatternRadius) { GenDraw.DrawRadiusRing(center, num); } if (this.range < (float)(Find.CurrentMap.Size.x + Find.CurrentMap.Size.z) && this.range < GenRadial.MaxRadialPatternRadius) { GenDraw.DrawRadiusRing(center, this.range); } } }
public void DrawRadiusRing(IntVec3 center) { if (Find.CurrentMap != null && !IsMeleeAttack) { float num = EffectiveMinRange(allowAdjacentShot: true); if (num > 0f && num < GenRadial.MaxRadialPatternRadius) { GenDraw.DrawRadiusRing(center, num); } float num2 = range; IntVec3 size = Find.CurrentMap.Size; int x = size.x; IntVec3 size2 = Find.CurrentMap.Size; if (num2 < (float)(x + size2.z) && range < GenRadial.MaxRadialPatternRadius) { GenDraw.DrawRadiusRing(center, range); } } }
public void LetterStackUpdate() { if (this.mouseoverLetterIndex >= 0 && this.mouseoverLetterIndex < this.letters.Count) { GlobalTargetInfo lookTarget = this.letters[this.mouseoverLetterIndex].lookTarget; if (lookTarget.IsValid && lookTarget.IsMapTarget && lookTarget.Map == Find.VisibleMap) { GenDraw.DrawArrowPointingAt(((TargetInfo)lookTarget).CenterVector3, false); } } this.mouseoverLetterIndex = -1; for (int num = this.letters.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--) { if (!this.letters[num].StillValid) { this.RemoveLetter(this.letters[num]); } } }
public static void DrawRadiusRing(IntVec3 center, float radius) { if (radius > GenRadial.MaxRadialPatternRadius) { if (!GenDraw.maxRadiusMessaged) { Log.Error("Cannot draw radius ring of radius " + radius + ": not enough squares in the precalculated list."); GenDraw.maxRadiusMessaged = true; } return; } GenDraw.ringDrawCells.Clear(); int num = GenRadial.NumCellsInRadius(radius); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { GenDraw.ringDrawCells.Add(center + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]); } GenDraw.DrawFieldEdges(GenDraw.ringDrawCells); }
public static void DrawCircleOutline(Vector3 center, float radius, Material material) { int num = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(24f * radius), 12, 48); float num2 = 0f; float num3 = 6.28318548f / (float)num; Vector3 vector = center; Vector3 a = center; for (int i = 0; i < num + 2; i++) { if (i >= 2) { GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(a, vector, material); } a = vector; vector = center; vector.x += Mathf.Cos(num2) * radius; vector.z += Mathf.Sin(num2) * radius; num2 += num3; } }
public static void DrawLineBetween(Vector3 A, Vector3 B, SimpleColor color) { Material mat; switch (color) { case SimpleColor.White: mat = GenDraw.LineMatWhite; break; case SimpleColor.Red: mat = GenDraw.LineMatRed; break; case SimpleColor.Green: mat = GenDraw.LineMatGreen; break; case SimpleColor.Blue: mat = GenDraw.LineMatBlue; break; case SimpleColor.Magenta: mat = GenDraw.LineMatMagenta; break; case SimpleColor.Yellow: mat = GenDraw.LineMatYellow; break; case SimpleColor.Cyan: mat = GenDraw.LineMatCyan; break; default: mat = GenDraw.LineMatWhite; break; } GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(A, B, mat); }
public static void DrawWorldLineStrip(List <int> edgeTiles, Material material, float widthFactor) { if (edgeTiles.Count >= 3) { WorldGrid worldGrid = Find.WorldGrid; float d = 0.05f; for (int i = 0; i < edgeTiles.Count; i++) { int index = (i != 0) ? (i - 1) : (edgeTiles.Count - 1); int num = edgeTiles[index]; int num2 = edgeTiles[i]; if (worldGrid.IsNeighbor(num, num2)) { Vector3 a = worldGrid.GetTileCenter(num); Vector3 vector = worldGrid.GetTileCenter(num2); a += a.normalized * d; vector += vector.normalized * d; GenDraw.DrawWorldLineBetween(a, vector, material, widthFactor); } } } }
public static void DrawLineBetween(Vector3 A, Vector3 B) { GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(A, B, GenDraw.LineMatWhite); }
public static void DrawLineBetween(Vector3 A, Vector3 B, float layer) { GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(A + Vector3.up * layer, B + Vector3.up * layer, GenDraw.LineMatWhite); }
public static void DrawNoBuildEdgeLines() { GenDraw.DrawMapEdgeLines(10); }
public static void DrawNoZoneEdgeLines() { GenDraw.DrawMapEdgeLines(5); }
private void RenderPawnInternal(Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait, bool headStump, bool invisible) { if (!graphics.AllResolved) { graphics.ResolveAllGraphics(); } Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up); Mesh mesh = null; if (renderBody) { Vector3 loc = rootLoc; loc.y += 9f / 980f; if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike && graphics.dessicatedGraphic != null && !portrait) { graphics.dessicatedGraphic.Draw(loc, bodyFacing, pawn, angle); } else { mesh = ((!pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) ? graphics.nakedGraphic.MeshAt(bodyFacing) : MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(bodyFacing)); List <Material> list = graphics.MatsBodyBaseAt(bodyFacing, bodyDrawType); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Material mat = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(list[i], pawn, portrait); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, loc, quaternion, mat, portrait); loc.y += 3f / 980f; } if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh) { Vector3 drawLoc = rootLoc; drawLoc.y += 9f / 490f; woundOverlays.RenderOverBody(drawLoc, mesh, quaternion, portrait); } } } Vector3 vector = rootLoc; Vector3 a = rootLoc; if (bodyFacing != Rot4.North) { a.y += 6f / 245f; vector.y += 3f / 140f; } else { a.y += 3f / 140f; vector.y += 6f / 245f; } Vector3 vector2 = rootLoc; vector2.y += ((bodyFacing == Rot4.South) ? (3f / 490f) : (27f / 980f)); List <ApparelGraphicRecord> apparelGraphics = graphics.apparelGraphics; if (graphics.headGraphic != null) { Vector3 b = quaternion * BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing); Material material = graphics.HeadMatAt_NewTemp(headFacing, bodyDrawType, headStump, portrait); if (material != null) { GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing), a + b, quaternion, material, portrait); } Vector3 loc2 = rootLoc + b; loc2.y += 3f / 98f; bool flag = false; if (!portrait || !Prefs.HatsOnlyOnMap) { Mesh mesh2 = graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing); for (int j = 0; j < apparelGraphics.Count; j++) { if (apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Overhead) { if (!apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.hatRenderedFrontOfFace) { flag = true; Material original = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing); original = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(original, pawn, portrait); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, loc2, quaternion, original, portrait); } else { Material original2 = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing); original2 = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(original2, pawn, portrait); Vector3 loc3 = rootLoc + b; loc3.y += ((bodyFacing == Rot4.North) ? (3f / 980f) : (33f / 980f)); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, loc3, quaternion, original2, portrait); } } } } if (!flag && bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !headStump) { GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing), mat: graphics.HairMatAt_NewTemp(headFacing, portrait), loc: loc2, quat: quaternion, drawNow: portrait); } } if (renderBody) { for (int k = 0; k < apparelGraphics.Count; k++) { ApparelGraphicRecord apparelGraphicRecord = apparelGraphics[k]; if (apparelGraphicRecord.sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Shell && !apparelGraphicRecord.sourceApparel.def.apparel.shellRenderedBehindHead) { Material original3 = apparelGraphicRecord.graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing); original3 = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(original3, pawn, portrait); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, vector, quaternion, original3, portrait); } if (RenderAsPack(apparelGraphicRecord.sourceApparel)) { Material original4 = apparelGraphicRecord.graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing); original4 = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded_NewTemp(original4, pawn, portrait); if (apparelGraphicRecord.sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicData != null) { Vector2 vector3 = apparelGraphicRecord.sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicData.BeltOffsetAt(bodyFacing, pawn.story.bodyType); Vector2 vector4 = apparelGraphicRecord.sourceApparel.def.apparel.wornGraphicData.BeltScaleAt(pawn.story.bodyType); Matrix4x4 matrix = Matrix4x4.Translate(vector2) * Matrix4x4.Rotate(quaternion) * Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(vector3.x, 0f, vector3.y)) * Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(vector4.x, 1f, vector4.y)); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater_NewTemp(mesh, matrix, original4, portrait); } else { GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, vector, quaternion, original4, portrait); } } } } if (!portrait && pawn.RaceProps.Animal && pawn.inventory != null && pawn.inventory.innerContainer.Count > 0 && graphics.packGraphic != null) { Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh, vector, quaternion, graphics.packGraphic.MatAt(bodyFacing), 0); } if (portrait) { return; } DrawEquipment(rootLoc); if (pawn.apparel != null) { List <Apparel> wornApparel = pawn.apparel.WornApparel; for (int l = 0; l < wornApparel.Count; l++) { wornApparel[l].DrawWornExtras(); } } Vector3 bodyLoc = rootLoc; bodyLoc.y += 39f / 980f; statusOverlays.RenderStatusOverlays(bodyLoc, quaternion, MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing)); }
public void UpdateRotation() { if (!this.pawn.Destroyed && ! { if (this.pawn.pather.Moving) { if (this.pawn.pather.curPath != null && this.pawn.pather.curPath.NodesLeftCount >= 1) { this.FaceAdjacentCell(this.pawn.pather.nextCell); } } else { Stance_Busy stance_Busy = this.pawn.stances.curStance as Stance_Busy; if (stance_Busy != null && stance_Busy.focusTarg.IsValid) { if (stance_Busy.focusTarg.HasThing) { this.Face(stance_Busy.focusTarg.Thing.DrawPos); } else { this.FaceCell(stance_Busy.focusTarg.Cell); } } else { if ( != null) { LocalTargetInfo target = this.pawn.CurJob.GetTarget(; if (target.HasThing) { bool flag = false; IntVec3 c = default(IntVec3); CellRect cellRect = target.Thing.OccupiedRect(); for (int i = cellRect.minZ; i <= cellRect.maxZ; i++) { for (int j = cellRect.minX; j <= cellRect.maxX; j++) { if (this.pawn.Position == new IntVec3(j, 0, i)) { this.Face(target.Thing.DrawPos); return; } } } for (int k = cellRect.minZ; k <= cellRect.maxZ; k++) { for (int l = cellRect.minX; l <= cellRect.maxX; l++) { IntVec3 intVec = new IntVec3(l, 0, k); if (intVec.AdjacentToCardinal(this.pawn.Position)) { this.FaceAdjacentCell(intVec); return; } if (intVec.AdjacentTo8Way(this.pawn.Position)) { flag = true; c = intVec; } } } if (flag) { if (DebugViewSettings.drawPawnRotatorTarget) { this.pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(this.pawn.Position, 0.6f, "jbthing", 50); GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(this.pawn.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), c.ToVector3Shifted()); } this.FaceAdjacentCell(c); } else { this.Face(target.Thing.DrawPos); } return; } if (this.pawn.Position.AdjacentTo8Way(target.Cell)) { if (DebugViewSettings.drawPawnRotatorTarget) { this.pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(this.pawn.Position, 0.2f, "jbloc", 50); GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(this.pawn.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), target.Cell.ToVector3Shifted()); } this.FaceAdjacentCell(target.Cell); return; } if (target.Cell.IsValid && target.Cell != this.pawn.Position) { this.Face(target.Cell.ToVector3()); return; } } if (this.pawn.Drafted) { this.pawn.Rotation = Rot4.South; } } } } }
public void Draw() { GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(a, b, color); }
public static void DrawLineBetween(Vector3 A, Vector3 B, SimpleColor color) { GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(A, B, GenDraw.GetLineMat(color)); }
public static void DrawCircleOutline(Vector3 center, float radius) { GenDraw.DrawCircleOutline(center, radius, GenDraw.LineMatWhite); }
public static void DrawWorldLineBetween(Vector3 A, Vector3 B) { GenDraw.DrawWorldLineBetween(A, B, GenDraw.WorldLineMatWhite, 1f); }
public static void DrawCircleOutline(Vector3 center, float radius, SimpleColor color) { GenDraw.DrawCircleOutline(center, radius, GenDraw.GetLineMat(color)); }
public static void DrawWorldLineBetween(Vector3 A, Vector3 B, Material material) { GenDraw.DrawWorldLineBetween(A, B, material, 1f); }
public static void RenderPredictedAreaOfEffect(IntVec3 loc, float radius) { GenDraw.DrawFieldEdges(DamageDefOf.Bomb.Worker.ExplosionCellsToHit(loc, Find.CurrentMap, radius).ToList <IntVec3>()); }
public static void DrawTargetingHightlight_Explosion(IntVec3 c, float Radius) { GenDraw.DrawRadiusRing(c, Radius); }
private void RenderPawnInternal(Vector3 rootLoc, Quaternion quat, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait, bool headStump) { if (! {; } Mesh mesh = null; if (renderBody) { Vector3 loc = rootLoc; loc.y += 0.0078125f; if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !this.pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike && != null && !portrait) {, bodyFacing, this.pawn, 0f); } else { if (this.pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { mesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(bodyFacing); } else { mesh =; } List <Material> list =, bodyDrawType); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Material damagedMat =[i]); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, loc, quat, damagedMat, portrait); loc.y += 0.00390625f; } if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh) { Vector3 drawLoc = rootLoc; drawLoc.y += 0.01953125f; this.woundOverlays.RenderOverBody(drawLoc, mesh, quat, portrait); } } } Vector3 vector = rootLoc; Vector3 a = rootLoc; if (bodyFacing != Rot4.North) { a.y += 0.02734375f; vector.y += 0.0234375f; } else { a.y += 0.0234375f; vector.y += 0.02734375f; } if ( != null) { Vector3 b = quat * this.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing); Material material =, bodyDrawType, headStump); if (material != null) { Mesh mesh2 = MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, a + b, quat, material, portrait); } Vector3 loc2 = rootLoc + b; loc2.y += 0.03125f; bool flag = false; if (!portrait || !Prefs.HatsOnlyOnMap) { Mesh mesh3 =; List <ApparelGraphicRecord> apparelGraphics =; for (int j = 0; j < apparelGraphics.Count; j++) { if (apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayer.Overhead) { if (!apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.hatRenderedFrontOfFace) { flag = true; Material material2 = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null); material2 =; GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh3, loc2, quat, material2, portrait); } else { Material material3 = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null); material3 =; Vector3 loc3 = rootLoc + b; loc3.y += ((!(bodyFacing == Rot4.North)) ? 0.03515625f : 0.00390625f); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh3, loc3, quat, material3, portrait); } } } } if (!flag && bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !headStump) { Mesh mesh4 =; Material mat =; GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh4, loc2, quat, mat, portrait); } } if (renderBody) { for (int k = 0; k <; k++) { ApparelGraphicRecord apparelGraphicRecord =[k]; if (apparelGraphicRecord.sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayer.Shell) { Material material4 = apparelGraphicRecord.graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null); material4 =; GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, vector, quat, material4, portrait); } } } if (!portrait && this.pawn.RaceProps.Animal && this.pawn.inventory != null && this.pawn.inventory.innerContainer.Count > 0 && != null) { Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh, vector, quat,, null), 0); } if (!portrait) { this.DrawEquipment(rootLoc); if (this.pawn.apparel != null) { List <Apparel> wornApparel = this.pawn.apparel.WornApparel; for (int l = 0; l < wornApparel.Count; l++) { wornApparel[l].DrawWornExtras(); } } Vector3 bodyLoc = rootLoc; bodyLoc.y += 0.04296875f; this.statusOverlays.RenderStatusOverlays(bodyLoc, quat, MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing)); } }
public static void DrawFieldEdges(List <IntVec3> cells) { GenDraw.DrawFieldEdges(cells, Color.white); }
public void Draw() { GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(this.a, this.b, this.color); }
public void FaceTarget(LocalTargetInfo target) { if (target.IsValid) { if (target.HasThing) { Thing thing = (!target.Thing.Spawned) ? ThingOwnerUtility.GetFirstSpawnedParentThing(target.Thing) : target.Thing; if (thing != null && thing.Spawned) { bool flag = false; IntVec3 c = default(IntVec3); CellRect cellRect = thing.OccupiedRect(); for (int i = cellRect.minZ; i <= cellRect.maxZ; i++) { for (int j = cellRect.minX; j <= cellRect.maxX; j++) { if (pawn.Position == new IntVec3(j, 0, i)) { Face(thing.DrawPos); return; } } } for (int k = cellRect.minZ; k <= cellRect.maxZ; k++) { for (int l = cellRect.minX; l <= cellRect.maxX; l++) { IntVec3 intVec = new IntVec3(l, 0, k); if (intVec.AdjacentToCardinal(pawn.Position)) { FaceAdjacentCell(intVec); return; } if (intVec.AdjacentTo8Way(pawn.Position)) { flag = true; c = intVec; } } } if (flag) { if (DebugViewSettings.drawPawnRotatorTarget) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(pawn.Position, 0.6f, "jbthing"); GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(pawn.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), c.ToVector3Shifted()); } FaceAdjacentCell(c); } else { Face(thing.DrawPos); } } } else if (pawn.Position.AdjacentTo8Way(target.Cell)) { if (DebugViewSettings.drawPawnRotatorTarget) { pawn.Map.debugDrawer.FlashCell(pawn.Position, 0.2f, "jbloc"); GenDraw.DrawLineBetween(pawn.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), target.Cell.ToVector3Shifted()); } FaceAdjacentCell(target.Cell); } else if (target.Cell.IsValid && target.Cell != pawn.Position) { Face(target.Cell.ToVector3()); } } }
private void RenderPawnInternal(Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait, bool headStump, bool invisible) { if (!graphics.AllResolved) { graphics.ResolveAllGraphics(); } Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up); Mesh mesh = null; if (renderBody) { Vector3 loc = rootLoc; loc.y += 0.007575758f; if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike && graphics.dessicatedGraphic != null && !portrait) { graphics.dessicatedGraphic.Draw(loc, bodyFacing, pawn, angle); } else { mesh = ((!pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) ? graphics.nakedGraphic.MeshAt(bodyFacing) : MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(bodyFacing)); List <Material> list = graphics.MatsBodyBaseAt(bodyFacing, bodyDrawType); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Material mat = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded(list[i], pawn); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, loc, quaternion, mat, portrait); loc.y += 0.003787879f; } if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh) { Vector3 drawLoc = rootLoc; drawLoc.y += 5f / 264f; woundOverlays.RenderOverBody(drawLoc, mesh, quaternion, portrait); } } } Vector3 vector = rootLoc; Vector3 a = rootLoc; if (bodyFacing != Rot4.North) { a.y += 7f / 264f; vector.y += 0.0227272734f; } else { a.y += 0.0227272734f; vector.y += 7f / 264f; } if (graphics.headGraphic != null) { Vector3 b = quaternion * BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing); Material material = graphics.HeadMatAt(headFacing, bodyDrawType, headStump); if (material != null) { GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing), a + b, quaternion, material, portrait); } Vector3 loc2 = rootLoc + b; loc2.y += 0.0303030312f; bool flag = false; if (!portrait || !Prefs.HatsOnlyOnMap) { Mesh mesh2 = graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing); List <ApparelGraphicRecord> apparelGraphics = graphics.apparelGraphics; for (int j = 0; j < apparelGraphics.Count; j++) { if (apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Overhead) { if (!apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.hatRenderedFrontOfFace) { flag = true; Material original = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing); original = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded(original, pawn); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, loc2, quaternion, original, portrait); } else { Material original2 = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing); original2 = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded(original2, pawn); Vector3 loc3 = rootLoc + b; loc3.y += ((bodyFacing == Rot4.North) ? 0.003787879f : (3f / 88f)); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, loc3, quaternion, original2, portrait); } } } } if (!flag && bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !headStump) { GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing), mat: graphics.HairMatAt(headFacing), loc: loc2, quat: quaternion, drawNow: portrait); } } if (renderBody) { for (int k = 0; k < graphics.apparelGraphics.Count; k++) { ApparelGraphicRecord apparelGraphicRecord = graphics.apparelGraphics[k]; if (apparelGraphicRecord.sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Shell) { Material original3 = apparelGraphicRecord.graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing); original3 = OverrideMaterialIfNeeded(original3, pawn); GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, vector, quaternion, original3, portrait); } } } if (!portrait && pawn.RaceProps.Animal && pawn.inventory != null && pawn.inventory.innerContainer.Count > 0 && graphics.packGraphic != null) { Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh, vector, quaternion, graphics.packGraphic.MatAt(bodyFacing), 0); } if (portrait) { return; } DrawEquipment(rootLoc); if (pawn.apparel != null) { List <Apparel> wornApparel = pawn.apparel.WornApparel; for (int l = 0; l < wornApparel.Count; l++) { wornApparel[l].DrawWornExtras(); } } Vector3 bodyLoc = rootLoc; bodyLoc.y += 0.0416666679f; statusOverlays.RenderStatusOverlays(bodyLoc, quaternion, MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing)); }