예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// SteamVR keeps a log of past poses so you can retrieve old poses or estimated poses in the future by passing in a secondsFromNow value that is negative or positive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="secondsFromNow">The time offset in the future (estimated) or in the past (previously recorded) you want to get data from</param>
        /// <returns>true if we successfully returned a pose</returns>
        public bool GetPoseAtTimeOffset(float secondsFromNow, out Vector3 positionAtTime, out Quaternion rotationAtTime,
                                        out Vector3 velocityAtTime, out Vector3 angularVelocityAtTime)
            EVRInputError err = OpenVR.Input.GetPoseActionData(handle, universeOrigin, secondsFromNow,
                                                               ref tempPoseActionData, poseActionData_size, inputSourceHandle);

            if (err != EVRInputError.None)
                Debug.LogError("<b>[SteamVR]</b> GetPoseActionData error (" + fullPath + "): " + err.ToString() +
                               " handle: " + handle.ToString()); //todo: this should be an error

                velocityAtTime        = Vector3.zero;
                angularVelocityAtTime = Vector3.zero;
                positionAtTime        = Vector3.zero;
                rotationAtTime        = Quaternion.identity;

            velocityAtTime        = GetUnityCoordinateVelocity(tempPoseActionData.pose.vVelocity);
            angularVelocityAtTime = GetUnityCoordinateAngularVelocity(tempPoseActionData.pose.vAngularVelocity);
            positionAtTime        = SteamVR_Utils.GetPosition(tempPoseActionData.pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking);
            rotationAtTime        = SteamVR_Utils.GetRotation(tempPoseActionData.pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking);

        /// <summary>
        /// SteamVR keeps a log of past poses so you can retrieve old poses or estimated poses in the future by passing in a secondsFromNow value that is negative or positive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputSource">The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.</param>
        public bool GetPoseAtTimeOffset(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource, float secondsFromNow, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 velocity, out Vector3 angularVelocity)
            EVRInputError err = OpenVR.Input.GetPoseActionData(handle, universeOrigin, secondsFromNow, ref tempPoseActionData, poseActionData_size, SteamVR_Input_Source.GetHandle(inputSource));

            if (err != EVRInputError.None)
                if (err == EVRInputError.InvalidHandle)
                    //todo: ignoring this error for now since it throws while the dashboard is up
                    Debug.LogError("GetPoseActionData error (" + fullPath + "): " + err.ToString() + " handle: " + handle.ToString()); //todo: this should be an error

                velocity        = Vector3.zero;
                angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
                position        = Vector3.zero;
                rotation        = Quaternion.identity;

            velocity        = new Vector3(tempPoseActionData.pose.vVelocity.v0, tempPoseActionData.pose.vVelocity.v1, -tempPoseActionData.pose.vVelocity.v2);
            angularVelocity = new Vector3(-tempPoseActionData.pose.vAngularVelocity.v0, -tempPoseActionData.pose.vAngularVelocity.v1, tempPoseActionData.pose.vAngularVelocity.v2);
            position        = SteamVR_Utils.GetPosition(tempPoseActionData.pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking);
            rotation        = SteamVR_Utils.GetRotation(tempPoseActionData.pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking);

예제 #3
 protected void SetCacheVariables()
     localPosition   = SteamVR_Utils.GetPosition(poseActionData.pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking);
     localRotation   = SteamVR_Utils.GetRotation(poseActionData.pose.mDeviceToAbsoluteTracking);
     velocity        = GetUnityCoordinateVelocity(poseActionData.pose.vVelocity);
     angularVelocity = GetUnityCoordinateAngularVelocity(poseActionData.pose.vAngularVelocity);
     updateTime      = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        public void UpdateComponents(CVRRenderModels renderModels)
            if (renderModels == null)

            if (transform.childCount == 0)

            if (nameCache == null)
                nameCache = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < transform.childCount; childIndex++)
                Transform child = transform.GetChild(childIndex);

                // Cache names since accessing an object's name allocate memory.
                string componentName;
                if (!nameCache.TryGetValue(child.GetInstanceID(), out componentName))
                    componentName = child.name;
                    nameCache.Add(child.GetInstanceID(), componentName);

                var componentState = new RenderModel_ComponentState_t();
                if (!renderModels.GetComponentStateForDevicePath(renderModelName, componentName,
                                                                 SteamVR_Input_Source.GetHandle(inputSource), ref controllerModeState, ref componentState))

                child.localPosition = SteamVR_Utils.GetPosition(componentState.mTrackingToComponentRenderModel);
                child.localRotation = SteamVR_Utils.GetRotation(componentState.mTrackingToComponentRenderModel);

                Transform attach = null;
                for (int childChildIndex = 0; childChildIndex < child.childCount; childChildIndex++)
                    Transform childChild      = child.GetChild(childChildIndex);
                    int       childInstanceID = childChild.GetInstanceID();
                    string    childName;
                    if (!nameCache.TryGetValue(childInstanceID, out childName))
                        childName = childChild.name;
                        nameCache.Add(childInstanceID, componentName);

                    if (childName == SteamVR_RenderModel.k_localTransformName)
                        attach = childChild;

                if (attach != null)
                    attach.position =
                    attach.rotation = transform.rotation *

                    initializedAttachPoints = true;

                bool visible = (componentState.uProperties & (uint)EVRComponentProperty.IsVisible) != 0;
                if (visible != child.gameObject.activeSelf)
 /// <summary>The last local rotation of the pose relative to the center of the tracked space.</summary>
 /// <param name="inputSource">The device you would like to get data from. Any if the action is not device specific.</param>
 public Quaternion GetLastLocalRotation(SteamVR_Input_Sources inputSource)