protected override void DoUpdate() { VRInput.ButtonEvent(VRInput.primaryController, CommonUsages.triggerButton, () => { group = new CommandGroup("Gun"); }, () => { group.Submit(); group = null; } ); bool triggered = VRInput.GetValue(VRInput.primaryController, CommonUsages.triggerButton); if (triggered && prefabs.Count > 0) { if (Time.time - prevTime > 1f / fireRate) { int prefabIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, prefabs.Count); GameObject spawned = Instantiate(prefabs[prefabIndex]); ThrowedObject throwed = spawned.AddComponent <ThrowedObject>(); throwed.AddForce(transform.forward * power); throwed.SetScale(objectScale); new CommandAddGameObject(spawned).Submit(); Matrix4x4 matrix = SceneManager.RightHanded.worldToLocalMatrix * mouthpiece.localToWorldMatrix; Maths.DecomposeMatrix(matrix, out Vector3 t, out _, out _); Vector3 scale =; SceneManager.SetObjectMatrix(spawned, Matrix4x4.TRS(t, Quaternion.identity, scale)); prevTime = Time.time; } } }
public void SetDestination(Transform mouthpiece) { Matrix4x4 transformation = mouthpiece.localToWorldMatrix * initialMouthMatrix; if (poseMode == AnimationTool.PoseEditMode.AC) { float currentAngle = Vector3.SignedAngle(initForward, mouthpiece.position - oTransform.position, acAxis); float angleOffset = Mathf.DeltaAngle(previousAngle, currentAngle); oTransform.Rotate(acAxis, angleOffset, Space.World); endRotations[0] = oTransform.localRotation; previousAngle = currentAngle; return; } if (poseMode == AnimationTool.PoseEditMode.FK || fullHierarchy.Count == 1) { Matrix4x4 transformed = InitialParentMatrixWorldToLocal * transformation * InitialParentMatrix * InitialTRS; Maths.DecomposeMatrix(transformed, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale); targetPosition = position; targetRotation = rotation; } else { Matrix4x4 target = transformation * initialTransformMatrix; Maths.DecomposeMatrix(target, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale); targetPosition = position; targetRotation = rotation * Quaternion.Euler(-180, 0, 0); } }
private void AddObject(GameObject gobject) { if (!items.TryGetValue(selectedItem, out AssetBankItem item)) { Debug.LogWarning($"Item {} not found in Asset Bank (id: {selectedItem})"); return; } // Get the position of the mouthpiece into matrix Matrix4x4 matrix = SceneManager.RightHanded.worldToLocalMatrix * mouthpiece.localToWorldMatrix; Maths.DecomposeMatrix(matrix, out Vector3 t, out _, out _); Vector3 scale =; CommandGroup group = new CommandGroup("Instantiate Bank Object"); try { // Add the object to scene ClearSelection(); CommandAddGameObject command = new CommandAddGameObject(gobject); command.Submit(); GameObject newObject = command.newObject; if (item.imported) { ParametersController controller = newObject.GetComponent <ParametersController>(); if (null == controller) { controller = newObject.AddComponent <ParametersController>(); controller.isImported = true; controller.importPath = item.assetName; } } // Set the object size to 20cm in the user space Bounds bounds = new Bounds(); foreach (var subMeshFilter in newObject.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshFilter>()) { if (!useDefaultInstantiationScale) { bounds.Encapsulate(subMeshFilter.mesh.bounds); } } if (bounds.size.magnitude > 0) { scale *= (0.2f / bounds.size.magnitude) / GlobalState.WorldScale; // 0.2: 20cm } AddToSelection(newObject); SceneManager.SetObjectMatrix(newObject, Matrix4x4.TRS(t, Quaternion.identity, scale)); Selection.HoveredObject = newObject; } finally { group.Submit(); } }
public void Import(string filename) { Scene scene = Scene.Open(filename); CommandGroup group = new CommandGroup(); var cameras = scene.ReadAll <CameraControllerSample>(); foreach (var camera in cameras) { CameraControllerSample sample = camera.sample; GameObject cameraPrefab = ResourceManager.GetPrefab(PrefabID.Camera); GameObject instance = SceneManager.InstantiateUnityPrefab(cameraPrefab); GameObject newObject = SceneManager.AddObject(instance); = camera.path.GetName(); sample.CopyToCamera(newObject.GetComponent <CameraController>()); Maths.DecomposeMatrix(sample.transform, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale); newObject.transform.localPosition = position; newObject.transform.localRotation = rotation; newObject.transform.localScale = scale; } foreach (var m in scene.ReadAll <MeshSample>()) { MeshSample sample = m.sample; GameObject gobject = new GameObject(); = m.path.GetName(); Maths.DecomposeMatrix(sample.transform, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale); gobject.transform.localPosition = position; gobject.transform.localRotation = rotation; gobject.transform.localScale = scale; Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.SetVertices(sample.points); mesh.SetNormals(sample.normals); mesh.SetUVs(0, as Vector2[]); mesh.SetTriangles(sample.faceVertexIndices, 0); MeshFilter meshFilter = gobject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh; MeshRenderer mr = gobject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mr.sharedMaterial = ResourceManager.GetMaterial(MaterialID.ObjectOpaque); gobject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); SceneManager.AddObject(gobject); } group.Submit(); scene.Close(); }
private State GetCurrentState(int currentFrame) { Matrix4x4 currentMatrix = FrameMatrix(currentFrame, animationList); Maths.DecomposeMatrix(currentMatrix, out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot, out Vector3 scale); return(new State() { position = pos, rotation = rot, time = currentFrame }); }
public void ResetPosition(GameObject gObject) { if (Controller == null) { return; } Matrix4x4 targetMatrix = Controller.transform.localToWorldMatrix; Maths.DecomposeMatrix(targetMatrix, out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot, out Vector3 scale); transform.position = pos; transform.rotation = rot; transform.localScale = scale; }
public void DragObject(Transform mouthpiece) { Matrix4x4 transformation = mouthpiece.localToWorldMatrix * initMouthPieceWorldToLocal; movedObjects.ForEach(x => { Matrix4x4 transformed = initialParentMatrixWtL[x] * transformation * initialParentMatrixLtW[x] * Matrix4x4.TRS(initialPositions[x], initialRotation[x], initialScale[x]); Maths.DecomposeMatrix(transformed, out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot, out Vector3 scale); x.transform.localPosition = pos; x.transform.localRotation = rot; x.transform.localScale = scale; }); }
private void CreateSolver(Matrix4x4 transformation) { Matrix4x4 target = transformation * humanData.InitFrameMatrix; target = humanData.Controller.RootController.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * target; Maths.DecomposeMatrix(target, out Vector3 targetPos, out Quaternion targetRot, out Vector3 targetScale); TangentRigSolver solver = new TangentRigSolver(targetPos, targetRot, humanData.Controller.Animation, humanData.Controller.AnimToRoot, Frame, startFrame, endFrame, continuity); humanData.Solver = solver; solver.NextStep(); GlobalState.Animation.onChangeCurve.Invoke(humanData.Controller.RootController.gameObject, AnimatableProperty.PositionX); }
private IEnumerator ImportHierarchy(Assimp.Node node, Transform parent, GameObject go) { if (parent != null && parent != go.transform) { go.transform.parent = parent; } // Do not use Assimp Decompose function, it does not work properly // use unity decomposition instead Matrix4x4 mat = new Matrix4x4( new Vector4(node.Transform.A1, node.Transform.B1, node.Transform.C1, node.Transform.D1), new Vector4(node.Transform.A2, node.Transform.B2, node.Transform.C2, node.Transform.D2), new Vector4(node.Transform.A3, node.Transform.B3, node.Transform.C3, node.Transform.D3), new Vector4(node.Transform.A4, node.Transform.B4, node.Transform.C4, node.Transform.D4) ); Vector3 position, scale; Quaternion rotation; Maths.DecomposeMatrix(mat, out position, out rotation, out scale); AssignMeshes(node, go); if (node.Parent != null) { go.transform.localPosition = position; go.transform.localRotation = rotation; go.transform.localScale = scale; = Utils.CreateUniqueName(node.Name); } foreach (Assimp.Node assimpChild in node.Children) { GameObject child = new GameObject(); child.tag = "PhysicObject"; if (blocking) { ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child).MoveNext(); } else { yield return(StartCoroutine(ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child))); } } }
public void Init(RigGoalController controller) { Controller = controller; Matrix4x4 targetMatrix = controller.transform.localToWorldMatrix; Maths.DecomposeMatrix(targetMatrix, out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot, out Vector3 scale); transform.position = pos; transform.rotation = rot; transform.localScale = scale; if (!isListening) { GlobalState.ObjectMovingEvent.AddListener(ResetPosition); GlobalState.Animation.onFrameEvent.AddListener(ResetPosition); isListening = true; } }
private void DragObject(Matrix4x4 transformation, float scaleIndice) { Matrix4x4 transformed = objectData.InitialParentMatrixWorldToLocal * transformation * objectData.InitialParentMatrix * objectData.InitialTRS; Maths.DecomposeMatrix(transformed, out objectData.lastPosition, out objectData.lastQRotation, out objectData.lastScale); objectData.lastRotation = objectData.lastQRotation.eulerAngles; objectData.lastScale *= scaleIndice; Interpolation interpolation = GlobalState.Settings.interpolation; AnimationKey posX = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastPosition.x, interpolation); AnimationKey posY = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastPosition.y, interpolation); AnimationKey posZ = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastPosition.z, interpolation); AnimationKey rotX = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastRotation.x, interpolation); AnimationKey rotY = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastRotation.y, interpolation); AnimationKey rotZ = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastRotation.z, interpolation); AnimationKey scalex = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastScale.z, interpolation); AnimationKey scaley = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastScale.z, interpolation); AnimationKey scalez = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastScale.z, interpolation); switch (manipulationMode) { case AnimationTool.CurveEditMode.AddKeyframe: AddFilteredKeyframe(Target, posX, posY, posZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ, scalex, scaley, scalez); break; case AnimationTool.CurveEditMode.Zone: AddFilteredKeyframeZone(Target, posX, posY, posZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ, scalex, scaley, scalez); break; case AnimationTool.CurveEditMode.Segment: objectData.Solver = new TangentSimpleSolver(objectData.lastPosition, objectData.lastQRotation, GlobalState.Animation.GetObjectAnimation(Target), Frame, startFrame, endFrame, continuity); objectData.Solver.TrySolver(); GlobalState.Animation.onChangeCurve.Invoke(Target, AnimatableProperty.PositionX); break; case AnimationTool.CurveEditMode.Tangents: objectData.Solver = new TangentSimpleSolver(objectData.lastPosition, objectData.lastQRotation, GlobalState.Animation.GetObjectAnimation(Target), Frame, startFrame, endFrame, continuity); objectData.Solver.TrySolver(); GlobalState.Animation.onChangeCurve.Invoke(Target, AnimatableProperty.PositionX); break; } }
public Node(GameObject targetObject, int frame, Transform parentNode, Matrix4x4 parentMatrix, float scale = 1f) { Target = targetObject; Frame = frame; ObjectAnimation = GlobalState.Animation.GetObjectAnimation(Target); Childrens = new List <Node>(); if (null == ObjectAnimation) { return; } Matrix4x4 objectMatrix = parentMatrix * ObjectAnimation.GetTRSMatrix(frame); Maths.DecomposeMatrix(objectMatrix, out worldPosition, out Quaternion objectRotation, out Vector3 objectScale); if (Target.TryGetComponent <RigGoalController>(out RigGoalController controller) && controller.IsGoal) { Sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); controller.CheckAnimations(); }
public Vector3 FramePosition(int frame) { if (null == Animation) { Animation = GlobalState.Animation.GetObjectAnimation(this.gameObject); } if (null == Animation) { return(; } AnimationSet rootAnimation = GlobalState.Animation.GetObjectAnimation(RootController.gameObject); Matrix4x4 trsMatrix = RootController.transform.parent.localToWorldMatrix; if (null != rootAnimation) { trsMatrix = trsMatrix * rootAnimation.GetTRSMatrix(frame); } else { trsMatrix = trsMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS(RootController.transform.localPosition, RootController.transform.localRotation, RootController.transform.localScale); } if (PathToRoot.Count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < PathToRoot.Count; i++) { if (null != AnimToRoot[i]) { trsMatrix = trsMatrix * AnimToRoot[i].GetTRSMatrix(frame); } } } trsMatrix = trsMatrix * Animation.GetTRSMatrix(frame); Maths.DecomposeMatrix(trsMatrix, out Vector3 parentPosition, out Quaternion quaternion, out Vector3 scale); return(parentPosition); }
private IEnumerator ImportHierarchy(Assimp.Node node, Transform parent, GameObject go, Matrix4x4 cumulMatrix, Quaternion preRotation) { if (parent != null && parent != go.transform) { go.transform.parent = parent; } GlobalState.Instance.messageBox.ShowMessage("Importing Hierarchy : " + importCount); // Do not use Assimp Decompose function, it does not work properly // use unity decomposition instead Matrix4x4 nodeMatrix = new Matrix4x4( new Vector4(node.Transform.A1, node.Transform.B1, node.Transform.C1, node.Transform.D1), new Vector4(node.Transform.A2, node.Transform.B2, node.Transform.C2, node.Transform.D2), new Vector4(node.Transform.A3, node.Transform.B3, node.Transform.C3, node.Transform.D3), new Vector4(node.Transform.A4, node.Transform.B4, node.Transform.C4, node.Transform.D4) ); Maths.DecomposeMatrix(nodeMatrix, out Vector3 nodePosition, out Quaternion nodeRotation, out Vector3 nodeScale); Maths.DecomposeMatrix(cumulMatrix, out Vector3 cumulPosition, out Quaternion cumulRotation, out Vector3 cumulScale); if (node.Name.Contains("$AssimpFbx$") && node.HasChildren) { if (node.Name.Contains("Translation")) { nodePosition = cumulRotation * nodePosition; } else { nodePosition += cumulPosition; } if (node.Name.Contains("PreRotation")) { preRotation = nodeRotation; nodeRotation = cumulRotation * nodeRotation; } else { nodeRotation = cumulRotation; } cumulMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(nodePosition, nodeRotation, nodeScale); if (blocking) { ImportHierarchy(node.Children[0], parent, go, cumulMatrix, preRotation).MoveNext(); } else { yield return(StartCoroutine(ImportHierarchy(node.Children[0], parent, go, cumulMatrix, preRotation))); } } else { nodePosition = (cumulRotation * nodePosition) + cumulPosition; node.Transform.Decompose(out Assimp.Vector3D scale1, out Assimp.Quaternion rot, out Assimp.Vector3D trans); AssignMeshes(node, go); if (node.Parent != null) { go.transform.localPosition = nodePosition; go.transform.localRotation = nodeRotation; go.transform.localScale = nodeScale; = isHuman ? node.Name : Utils.CreateUniqueName(node.Name); if (isHuman) { if (bones.ContainsKey(node.Name)) { bones[node.Name] = go.transform; } if (node.Name.Contains("Hips")) { rootBone = go.transform; } } } if (scene.HasAnimations) { ImportAnimation(node, go, cumulRotation); } nodeMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(, cumulRotation * nodeRotation, nodeScale); importCount++; foreach (Assimp.Node assimpChild in node.Children) { GameObject child = new GameObject(); if (blocking) { ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child, nodeMatrix, Quaternion.identity).MoveNext(); } else { yield return(StartCoroutine(ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child, nodeMatrix, Quaternion.identity))); } } } }
public void Execute(int index) { int objectIndex = index / 24; int executionIndex = index % 24; Matrix4x4 prevMatrix = GetFrameMatrix(); Maths.DecomposeMatrix(prevMatrix, out Vector3 currentPosition, out Quaternion currentRotation, out Vector3 prevScale); KeyFrame prevFrame = prevFrames[0]; KeyFrame nextFrame = postFrames[0]; if (objectIndex < prevFrames.Length) { prevFrame = prevFrames[objectIndex]; nextFrame = postFrames[objectIndex]; switch (executionIndex) { case 0: prevFrame.rotX.inTanX += dtheta; break; case 1: prevFrame.rotX.inTanY += dtheta; break; case 2: prevFrame.rotX.outTanX += dtheta; break; case 3: prevFrame.rotX.outTanY += dtheta; break; case 4: nextFrame.rotX.inTanX += dtheta; break; case 5: nextFrame.rotX.inTanY += dtheta; break; case 6: nextFrame.rotX.outTanX += dtheta; break; case 7: nextFrame.rotX.outTanY += dtheta; break; case 8: prevFrame.rotY.inTanX += dtheta; break; case 9: prevFrame.rotY.inTanY += dtheta; break; case 10: prevFrame.rotY.outTanX += dtheta; break; case 11: prevFrame.rotY.outTanY += dtheta; break; case 12: nextFrame.rotY.inTanX += dtheta; break; case 13: nextFrame.rotY.inTanY += dtheta; break; case 14: nextFrame.rotY.outTanX += dtheta; break; case 15: nextFrame.rotY.outTanY += dtheta; break; case 16: prevFrame.rotZ.inTanX += dtheta; break; case 17: prevFrame.rotZ.inTanY += dtheta; break; case 18: prevFrame.rotZ.outTanX += dtheta; break; case 19: prevFrame.rotZ.outTanY += dtheta; break; case 20: nextFrame.rotZ.inTanX += dtheta; break; case 21: nextFrame.rotZ.inTanY += dtheta; break; case 22: nextFrame.rotZ.outTanX += dtheta; break; case 23: nextFrame.rotZ.outTanY += dtheta; break; } } else { switch (executionIndex) { case 0: prevFrame.posX.inTanX += dtheta; break; case 1: prevFrame.posX.inTanY += dtheta; break; case 2: prevFrame.posX.outTanX += dtheta; break; case 3: prevFrame.posX.outTanY += dtheta; break; case 4: nextFrame.posX.inTanX += dtheta; break; case 5: nextFrame.posX.inTanY += dtheta; break; case 6: nextFrame.posX.outTanX += dtheta; break; case 7: nextFrame.posX.outTanY += dtheta; break; case 8: prevFrame.posY.inTanX += dtheta; break; case 9: prevFrame.posY.inTanY += dtheta; break; case 10: prevFrame.posY.outTanX += dtheta; break; case 11: prevFrame.posY.outTanY += dtheta; break; case 12: nextFrame.posY.inTanX += dtheta; break; case 13: nextFrame.posY.inTanY += dtheta; break; case 14: nextFrame.posY.outTanX += dtheta; break; case 15: nextFrame.posY.outTanY += dtheta; break; case 16: prevFrame.posZ.inTanX += dtheta; break; case 17: prevFrame.posZ.inTanY += dtheta; break; case 18: prevFrame.posZ.outTanX += dtheta; break; case 19: prevFrame.posZ.outTanY += dtheta; break; case 20: nextFrame.posZ.inTanX += dtheta; break; case 21: nextFrame.posZ.inTanY += dtheta; break; case 22: nextFrame.posZ.outTanX += dtheta; break; case 23: nextFrame.posZ.outTanY += dtheta; break; } } Matrix4x4 matrix = GetFrameMatrix(objectIndex, prevFrame, nextFrame); Maths.DecomposeMatrix(matrix, out Vector3 plusPosition, out Quaternion plusRotation, out Vector3 plusScale); Js0[index] = (double)(plusPosition.x - currentPosition.x) * dtheta; Js1[index] = (double)(plusPosition.y - currentPosition.y) * dtheta; Js2[index] = (double)(plusPosition.z - currentPosition.z) * dtheta; Js3[index] = (double)(plusRotation.x - currentRotation.x) * dtheta; Js4[index] = (double)(plusRotation.y - currentRotation.y) * dtheta; Js5[index] = (double)(plusRotation.z - currentRotation.z) * dtheta; Js6[index] = (double)(plusRotation.w - currentRotation.w) * dtheta; }
private IEnumerator ImportHierarchy(Assimp.Node node, Transform parent, GameObject go) { if (parent != null && parent != go.transform) { go.transform.parent = parent; } GlobalState.Instance.messageBox.ShowMessage("Importing Hierarchy : " + importCount); // Do not use Assimp Decompose function, it does not work properly // use unity decomposition instead Matrix4x4 mat = new Matrix4x4( new Vector4(node.Transform.A1, node.Transform.B1, node.Transform.C1, node.Transform.D1), new Vector4(node.Transform.A2, node.Transform.B2, node.Transform.C2, node.Transform.D2), new Vector4(node.Transform.A3, node.Transform.B3, node.Transform.C3, node.Transform.D3), new Vector4(node.Transform.A4, node.Transform.B4, node.Transform.C4, node.Transform.D4) ); Vector3 position, scale; Quaternion rotation; Maths.DecomposeMatrix(mat, out position, out rotation, out scale); node.Transform.Decompose(out Assimp.Vector3D scale1, out Assimp.Quaternion rot, out Assimp.Vector3D trans); AssignMeshes(node, go); if (node.Parent != null) { go.transform.localPosition = position; go.transform.localRotation = rotation; go.transform.localScale = scale; = isHuman ? node.Name : Utils.CreateUniqueName(node.Name); if (isHuman) { if (bones.ContainsKey(node.Name)) { bones[node.Name] = go.transform; } if (node.Name.Contains("Hips")) { rootBone = go.transform; } } } if (scene.HasAnimations) { ImportAnimation(node, go, Quaternion.identity); } importCount++; foreach (Assimp.Node assimpChild in node.Children) { GameObject child = new GameObject(); if (blocking) { ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child).MoveNext(); } else { yield return(StartCoroutine(ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child))); } } }
public void SetObjectMatrix(GameObject gobject, Matrix4x4 matrix) { Maths.DecomposeMatrix(matrix, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale); SetObjectTransform(gobject, position, rotation, scale); }