コード例 #1
        protected override void DoUpdate()
            VRInput.ButtonEvent(VRInput.primaryController, CommonUsages.triggerButton,
                                () =>
                group = new CommandGroup("Gun");
                                () =>
                group = null;

            bool triggered = VRInput.GetValue(VRInput.primaryController, CommonUsages.triggerButton);

            if (triggered && prefabs.Count > 0)
                if (Time.time - prevTime > 1f / fireRate)
                    int           prefabIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, prefabs.Count);
                    GameObject    spawned     = Instantiate(prefabs[prefabIndex]);
                    ThrowedObject throwed     = spawned.AddComponent <ThrowedObject>();
                    throwed.AddForce(transform.forward * power);
                    new CommandAddGameObject(spawned).Submit();
                    Matrix4x4 matrix = SceneManager.RightHanded.worldToLocalMatrix * mouthpiece.localToWorldMatrix;
                    Maths.DecomposeMatrix(matrix, out Vector3 t, out _, out _);
                    Vector3 scale = Vector3.one;
                    SceneManager.SetObjectMatrix(spawned, Matrix4x4.TRS(t, Quaternion.identity, scale));
                    prevTime = Time.time;
コード例 #2
        public void SetDestination(Transform mouthpiece)
            Matrix4x4 transformation = mouthpiece.localToWorldMatrix * initialMouthMatrix;

            if (poseMode == AnimationTool.PoseEditMode.AC)
                float currentAngle = Vector3.SignedAngle(initForward, mouthpiece.position - oTransform.position, acAxis);

                float angleOffset = Mathf.DeltaAngle(previousAngle, currentAngle);
                oTransform.Rotate(acAxis, angleOffset, Space.World);
                endRotations[0] = oTransform.localRotation;
                previousAngle   = currentAngle;
            if (poseMode == AnimationTool.PoseEditMode.FK || fullHierarchy.Count == 1)
                Matrix4x4 transformed = InitialParentMatrixWorldToLocal *
                                        transformation * InitialParentMatrix *
                Maths.DecomposeMatrix(transformed, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale);
                targetPosition = position;
                targetRotation = rotation;
                Matrix4x4 target = transformation * initialTransformMatrix;
                Maths.DecomposeMatrix(target, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale);
                targetPosition = position;
                targetRotation = rotation * Quaternion.Euler(-180, 0, 0);
コード例 #3
        private void AddObject(GameObject gobject)
            if (!items.TryGetValue(selectedItem, out AssetBankItem item))
                Debug.LogWarning($"Item {gobject.name} not found in Asset Bank (id: {selectedItem})");

            // Get the position of the mouthpiece into matrix
            Matrix4x4 matrix = SceneManager.RightHanded.worldToLocalMatrix * mouthpiece.localToWorldMatrix;

            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(matrix, out Vector3 t, out _, out _);
            Vector3 scale = Vector3.one;

            CommandGroup group = new CommandGroup("Instantiate Bank Object");

                // Add the object to scene
                CommandAddGameObject command = new CommandAddGameObject(gobject);
                GameObject newObject = command.newObject;
                if (item.imported)
                    ParametersController controller = newObject.GetComponent <ParametersController>();
                    if (null == controller)
                        controller            = newObject.AddComponent <ParametersController>();
                        controller.isImported = true;
                        controller.importPath = item.assetName;

                // Set the object size to 20cm in the user space
                Bounds bounds = new Bounds();
                foreach (var subMeshFilter in newObject.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshFilter>())
                    if (!useDefaultInstantiationScale)
                if (bounds.size.magnitude > 0)
                    scale *= (0.2f / bounds.size.magnitude) / GlobalState.WorldScale;  // 0.2: 20cm
                SceneManager.SetObjectMatrix(newObject, Matrix4x4.TRS(t, Quaternion.identity, scale));
                Selection.HoveredObject = newObject;
コード例 #4
        public void Import(string filename)
            Scene scene = Scene.Open(filename);

            CommandGroup group = new CommandGroup();

            var cameras = scene.ReadAll <CameraControllerSample>();

            foreach (var camera in cameras)
                CameraControllerSample sample = camera.sample;

                GameObject cameraPrefab = ResourceManager.GetPrefab(PrefabID.Camera);
                GameObject instance     = SceneManager.InstantiateUnityPrefab(cameraPrefab);
                GameObject newObject    = SceneManager.AddObject(instance);

                newObject.name = camera.path.GetName();
                sample.CopyToCamera(newObject.GetComponent <CameraController>());
                Maths.DecomposeMatrix(sample.transform, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale);
                newObject.transform.localPosition = position;
                newObject.transform.localRotation = rotation;
                newObject.transform.localScale    = scale;

            foreach (var m in scene.ReadAll <MeshSample>())
                MeshSample sample = m.sample;

                GameObject gobject = new GameObject();
                gobject.name = m.path.GetName();
                Maths.DecomposeMatrix(sample.transform, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale);
                gobject.transform.localPosition = position;
                gobject.transform.localRotation = rotation;
                gobject.transform.localScale    = scale;

                Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
                mesh.SetUVs(0, sample.st as Vector2[]);
                mesh.SetTriangles(sample.faceVertexIndices, 0);

                MeshFilter meshFilter = gobject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh;
                MeshRenderer mr = gobject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                mr.sharedMaterial = ResourceManager.GetMaterial(MaterialID.ObjectOpaque);
                gobject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();



コード例 #5
        private State GetCurrentState(int currentFrame)
            Matrix4x4 currentMatrix = FrameMatrix(currentFrame, animationList);

            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(currentMatrix, out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot, out Vector3 scale);
            return(new State()
                position = pos,
                rotation = rot,
                time = currentFrame
コード例 #6
ファイル: GoalGizmo.cs プロジェクト: AnthonyMir/vrtist
        public void ResetPosition(GameObject gObject)
            if (Controller == null)
            Matrix4x4 targetMatrix = Controller.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(targetMatrix, out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot, out Vector3 scale);
            transform.position   = pos;
            transform.rotation   = rot;
            transform.localScale = scale;
コード例 #7
        public void DragObject(Transform mouthpiece)
            Matrix4x4 transformation = mouthpiece.localToWorldMatrix * initMouthPieceWorldToLocal;

            movedObjects.ForEach(x =>
                Matrix4x4 transformed = initialParentMatrixWtL[x] * transformation * initialParentMatrixLtW[x] * Matrix4x4.TRS(initialPositions[x], initialRotation[x], initialScale[x]);
                Maths.DecomposeMatrix(transformed, out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot, out Vector3 scale);
                x.transform.localPosition = pos;
                x.transform.localRotation = rot;
                x.transform.localScale    = scale;
コード例 #8
        private void CreateSolver(Matrix4x4 transformation)
            Matrix4x4 target = transformation * humanData.InitFrameMatrix;

            target = humanData.Controller.RootController.transform.worldToLocalMatrix * target;
            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(target, out Vector3 targetPos, out Quaternion targetRot, out Vector3 targetScale);

            TangentRigSolver solver = new TangentRigSolver(targetPos, targetRot, humanData.Controller.Animation, humanData.Controller.AnimToRoot, Frame, startFrame, endFrame, continuity);

            humanData.Solver = solver;

            GlobalState.Animation.onChangeCurve.Invoke(humanData.Controller.RootController.gameObject, AnimatableProperty.PositionX);
コード例 #9
ファイル: AssimpIO.cs プロジェクト: ubisoft/vrtist
        private IEnumerator ImportHierarchy(Assimp.Node node, Transform parent, GameObject go)
            if (parent != null && parent != go.transform)
                go.transform.parent = parent;

            // Do not use Assimp Decompose function, it does not work properly
            // use unity decomposition instead
            Matrix4x4 mat = new Matrix4x4(
                new Vector4(node.Transform.A1, node.Transform.B1, node.Transform.C1, node.Transform.D1),
                new Vector4(node.Transform.A2, node.Transform.B2, node.Transform.C2, node.Transform.D2),
                new Vector4(node.Transform.A3, node.Transform.B3, node.Transform.C3, node.Transform.D3),
                new Vector4(node.Transform.A4, node.Transform.B4, node.Transform.C4, node.Transform.D4)

            Vector3    position, scale;
            Quaternion rotation;

            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(mat, out position, out rotation, out scale);

            AssignMeshes(node, go);

            if (node.Parent != null)
                go.transform.localPosition = position;
                go.transform.localRotation = rotation;
                go.transform.localScale    = scale;
                go.name = Utils.CreateUniqueName(node.Name);

            foreach (Assimp.Node assimpChild in node.Children)
                GameObject child = new GameObject();
                child.tag = "PhysicObject";
                if (blocking)
                    ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child).MoveNext();
                    yield return(StartCoroutine(ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child)));
コード例 #10
ファイル: GoalGizmo.cs プロジェクト: AnthonyMir/vrtist
        public void Init(RigGoalController controller)
            Controller = controller;

            Matrix4x4 targetMatrix = controller.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(targetMatrix, out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot, out Vector3 scale);
            transform.position   = pos;
            transform.rotation   = rot;
            transform.localScale = scale;

            if (!isListening)
                isListening = true;
コード例 #11
        private void DragObject(Matrix4x4 transformation, float scaleIndice)
            Matrix4x4 transformed = objectData.InitialParentMatrixWorldToLocal *
                                    transformation * objectData.InitialParentMatrix *

            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(transformed, out objectData.lastPosition, out objectData.lastQRotation, out objectData.lastScale);
            objectData.lastRotation = objectData.lastQRotation.eulerAngles;
            objectData.lastScale   *= scaleIndice;

            Interpolation interpolation = GlobalState.Settings.interpolation;
            AnimationKey  posX          = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastPosition.x, interpolation);
            AnimationKey  posY          = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastPosition.y, interpolation);
            AnimationKey  posZ          = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastPosition.z, interpolation);
            AnimationKey  rotX          = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastRotation.x, interpolation);
            AnimationKey  rotY          = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastRotation.y, interpolation);
            AnimationKey  rotZ          = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastRotation.z, interpolation);
            AnimationKey  scalex        = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastScale.z, interpolation);
            AnimationKey  scaley        = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastScale.z, interpolation);
            AnimationKey  scalez        = new AnimationKey(Frame, objectData.lastScale.z, interpolation);

            switch (manipulationMode)
            case AnimationTool.CurveEditMode.AddKeyframe:
                AddFilteredKeyframe(Target, posX, posY, posZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ, scalex, scaley, scalez);

            case AnimationTool.CurveEditMode.Zone:
                AddFilteredKeyframeZone(Target, posX, posY, posZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ, scalex, scaley, scalez);

            case AnimationTool.CurveEditMode.Segment:
                objectData.Solver = new TangentSimpleSolver(objectData.lastPosition, objectData.lastQRotation, GlobalState.Animation.GetObjectAnimation(Target), Frame, startFrame, endFrame, continuity);
                GlobalState.Animation.onChangeCurve.Invoke(Target, AnimatableProperty.PositionX);

            case AnimationTool.CurveEditMode.Tangents:
                objectData.Solver = new TangentSimpleSolver(objectData.lastPosition, objectData.lastQRotation, GlobalState.Animation.GetObjectAnimation(Target), Frame, startFrame, endFrame, continuity);
                GlobalState.Animation.onChangeCurve.Invoke(Target, AnimatableProperty.PositionX);
コード例 #12
            public Node(GameObject targetObject, int frame, Transform parentNode, Matrix4x4 parentMatrix, float scale = 1f)
                Target          = targetObject;
                Frame           = frame;
                ObjectAnimation = GlobalState.Animation.GetObjectAnimation(Target);
                Childrens       = new List <Node>();
                if (null == ObjectAnimation)
                Matrix4x4 objectMatrix = parentMatrix * ObjectAnimation.GetTRSMatrix(frame);

                Maths.DecomposeMatrix(objectMatrix, out worldPosition, out Quaternion objectRotation, out Vector3 objectScale);

                if (Target.TryGetComponent <RigGoalController>(out RigGoalController controller) && controller.IsGoal)
                    Sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
コード例 #13
        public Vector3 FramePosition(int frame)
            if (null == Animation)
                Animation = GlobalState.Animation.GetObjectAnimation(this.gameObject);
            if (null == Animation)

            AnimationSet rootAnimation = GlobalState.Animation.GetObjectAnimation(RootController.gameObject);
            Matrix4x4    trsMatrix     = RootController.transform.parent.localToWorldMatrix;

            if (null != rootAnimation)
                trsMatrix = trsMatrix * rootAnimation.GetTRSMatrix(frame);
                trsMatrix = trsMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS(RootController.transform.localPosition, RootController.transform.localRotation, RootController.transform.localScale);

            if (PathToRoot.Count > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < PathToRoot.Count; i++)
                    if (null != AnimToRoot[i])
                        trsMatrix = trsMatrix * AnimToRoot[i].GetTRSMatrix(frame);
            trsMatrix = trsMatrix * Animation.GetTRSMatrix(frame);

            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(trsMatrix, out Vector3 parentPosition, out Quaternion quaternion, out Vector3 scale);
コード例 #14
        private IEnumerator ImportHierarchy(Assimp.Node node, Transform parent, GameObject go, Matrix4x4 cumulMatrix, Quaternion preRotation)
            if (parent != null && parent != go.transform)
                go.transform.parent = parent;

            GlobalState.Instance.messageBox.ShowMessage("Importing Hierarchy : " + importCount);
            // Do not use Assimp Decompose function, it does not work properly
            // use unity decomposition instead
            Matrix4x4 nodeMatrix = new Matrix4x4(
                new Vector4(node.Transform.A1, node.Transform.B1, node.Transform.C1, node.Transform.D1),
                new Vector4(node.Transform.A2, node.Transform.B2, node.Transform.C2, node.Transform.D2),
                new Vector4(node.Transform.A3, node.Transform.B3, node.Transform.C3, node.Transform.D3),
                new Vector4(node.Transform.A4, node.Transform.B4, node.Transform.C4, node.Transform.D4)

            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(nodeMatrix, out Vector3 nodePosition, out Quaternion nodeRotation, out Vector3 nodeScale);
            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(cumulMatrix, out Vector3 cumulPosition, out Quaternion cumulRotation, out Vector3 cumulScale);

            if (node.Name.Contains("$AssimpFbx$") && node.HasChildren)
                if (node.Name.Contains("Translation"))
                    nodePosition = cumulRotation * nodePosition;
                    nodePosition += cumulPosition;
                if (node.Name.Contains("PreRotation"))
                    preRotation  = nodeRotation;
                    nodeRotation = cumulRotation * nodeRotation;
                    nodeRotation = cumulRotation;
                cumulMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(nodePosition, nodeRotation, nodeScale);
                if (blocking)
                    ImportHierarchy(node.Children[0], parent, go, cumulMatrix, preRotation).MoveNext();
                    yield return(StartCoroutine(ImportHierarchy(node.Children[0], parent, go, cumulMatrix, preRotation)));
                nodePosition = (cumulRotation * nodePosition) + cumulPosition;
                node.Transform.Decompose(out Assimp.Vector3D scale1, out Assimp.Quaternion rot, out Assimp.Vector3D trans);
                AssignMeshes(node, go);

                if (node.Parent != null)
                    go.transform.localPosition = nodePosition;
                    go.transform.localRotation = nodeRotation;
                    go.transform.localScale    = nodeScale;
                    go.name = isHuman ? node.Name : Utils.CreateUniqueName(node.Name);
                    if (isHuman)
                        if (bones.ContainsKey(node.Name))
                            bones[node.Name] = go.transform;
                        if (node.Name.Contains("Hips"))
                            rootBone = go.transform;

                if (scene.HasAnimations)
                    ImportAnimation(node, go, cumulRotation);

                nodeMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, cumulRotation * nodeRotation, nodeScale);
                foreach (Assimp.Node assimpChild in node.Children)
                    GameObject child = new GameObject();
                    if (blocking)
                        ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child, nodeMatrix, Quaternion.identity).MoveNext();
                        yield return(StartCoroutine(ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child, nodeMatrix, Quaternion.identity)));
コード例 #15
        public void Execute(int index)
            int objectIndex    = index / 24;
            int executionIndex = index % 24;

            Matrix4x4 prevMatrix = GetFrameMatrix();

            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(prevMatrix, out Vector3 currentPosition, out Quaternion currentRotation, out Vector3 prevScale);
            KeyFrame prevFrame = prevFrames[0];
            KeyFrame nextFrame = postFrames[0];

            if (objectIndex < prevFrames.Length)
                prevFrame = prevFrames[objectIndex];
                nextFrame = postFrames[objectIndex];
                switch (executionIndex)
                case 0: prevFrame.rotX.inTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 1: prevFrame.rotX.inTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 2: prevFrame.rotX.outTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 3: prevFrame.rotX.outTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 4: nextFrame.rotX.inTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 5: nextFrame.rotX.inTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 6: nextFrame.rotX.outTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 7: nextFrame.rotX.outTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 8: prevFrame.rotY.inTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 9: prevFrame.rotY.inTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 10: prevFrame.rotY.outTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 11: prevFrame.rotY.outTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 12: nextFrame.rotY.inTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 13: nextFrame.rotY.inTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 14: nextFrame.rotY.outTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 15: nextFrame.rotY.outTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 16: prevFrame.rotZ.inTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 17: prevFrame.rotZ.inTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 18: prevFrame.rotZ.outTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 19: prevFrame.rotZ.outTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 20: nextFrame.rotZ.inTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 21: nextFrame.rotZ.inTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 22: nextFrame.rotZ.outTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 23: nextFrame.rotZ.outTanY += dtheta; break;
                switch (executionIndex)
                case 0: prevFrame.posX.inTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 1: prevFrame.posX.inTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 2: prevFrame.posX.outTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 3: prevFrame.posX.outTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 4: nextFrame.posX.inTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 5: nextFrame.posX.inTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 6: nextFrame.posX.outTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 7: nextFrame.posX.outTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 8: prevFrame.posY.inTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 9: prevFrame.posY.inTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 10: prevFrame.posY.outTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 11: prevFrame.posY.outTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 12: nextFrame.posY.inTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 13: nextFrame.posY.inTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 14: nextFrame.posY.outTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 15: nextFrame.posY.outTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 16: prevFrame.posZ.inTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 17: prevFrame.posZ.inTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 18: prevFrame.posZ.outTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 19: prevFrame.posZ.outTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 20: nextFrame.posZ.inTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 21: nextFrame.posZ.inTanY += dtheta; break;

                case 22: nextFrame.posZ.outTanX += dtheta; break;

                case 23: nextFrame.posZ.outTanY += dtheta; break;

            Matrix4x4 matrix = GetFrameMatrix(objectIndex, prevFrame, nextFrame);

            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(matrix, out Vector3 plusPosition, out Quaternion plusRotation, out Vector3 plusScale);
            Js0[index] = (double)(plusPosition.x - currentPosition.x) * dtheta;
            Js1[index] = (double)(plusPosition.y - currentPosition.y) * dtheta;
            Js2[index] = (double)(plusPosition.z - currentPosition.z) * dtheta;
            Js3[index] = (double)(plusRotation.x - currentRotation.x) * dtheta;
            Js4[index] = (double)(plusRotation.y - currentRotation.y) * dtheta;
            Js5[index] = (double)(plusRotation.z - currentRotation.z) * dtheta;
            Js6[index] = (double)(plusRotation.w - currentRotation.w) * dtheta;
コード例 #16
        private IEnumerator ImportHierarchy(Assimp.Node node, Transform parent, GameObject go)
            if (parent != null && parent != go.transform)
                go.transform.parent = parent;

            GlobalState.Instance.messageBox.ShowMessage("Importing Hierarchy : " + importCount);
            // Do not use Assimp Decompose function, it does not work properly
            // use unity decomposition instead
            Matrix4x4 mat = new Matrix4x4(
                new Vector4(node.Transform.A1, node.Transform.B1, node.Transform.C1, node.Transform.D1),
                new Vector4(node.Transform.A2, node.Transform.B2, node.Transform.C2, node.Transform.D2),
                new Vector4(node.Transform.A3, node.Transform.B3, node.Transform.C3, node.Transform.D3),
                new Vector4(node.Transform.A4, node.Transform.B4, node.Transform.C4, node.Transform.D4)
            Vector3    position, scale;
            Quaternion rotation;

            Maths.DecomposeMatrix(mat, out position, out rotation, out scale);

            node.Transform.Decompose(out Assimp.Vector3D scale1, out Assimp.Quaternion rot, out Assimp.Vector3D trans);

            AssignMeshes(node, go);

            if (node.Parent != null)
                go.transform.localPosition = position;
                go.transform.localRotation = rotation;
                go.transform.localScale    = scale;
                go.name = isHuman ? node.Name : Utils.CreateUniqueName(node.Name);
                if (isHuman)
                    if (bones.ContainsKey(node.Name))
                        bones[node.Name] = go.transform;
                    if (node.Name.Contains("Hips"))
                        rootBone = go.transform;

            if (scene.HasAnimations)
                ImportAnimation(node, go, Quaternion.identity);

            foreach (Assimp.Node assimpChild in node.Children)
                GameObject child = new GameObject();
                if (blocking)
                    ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child).MoveNext();
                    yield return(StartCoroutine(ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child)));
コード例 #17
 public void SetObjectMatrix(GameObject gobject, Matrix4x4 matrix)
     Maths.DecomposeMatrix(matrix, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale);
     SetObjectTransform(gobject, position, rotation, scale);