예제 #1
        void Update()
            if (handInterface != null)
                if (hideWithInterface)
                if (!testFingers)
                    boneRotationValues = handInterface.GetValues();

            if (isVisible)

                if ((resetOnPositionOffset && wristPosOffset > maxPosOffsetValue) || (resetOnRotationOffset && wristRotOffset > maxRotOffsetValue))
        public HandBoneValues GetValues()
            HandBoneValues providedData = default;

            var data = DataProvider.GetSkeletonPoseData();

            goodData = (!hideWhenDataIsNotValid || data.IsDataValid) && (!hideWhenDataIsNotHighConfidence || data.IsDataHighConfidence);
            if (goodData)
                List <HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue> retrievedData = new List <HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue>();
                BoneId[] allBoneIds = (BoneId[])System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BoneId));
                for (int i = 0; i < allBoneIds.Length; i++)
                    if (i < (int)BoneId.Hand_MaxSkinnable)
                        var currentBoneId = allBoneIds[i];
                        retrievedData.Add(new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                            id = currentBoneId,
                            //localRotation = data.BoneRotations[(int)currentBoneId].FromFlippedZQuatf() //Maybe this or the FromQuatf function can be used for blender models?
                            localRotation = data.BoneRotations[(int)currentBoneId].FromFlippedXQuatf()
                                            * ((currentBoneId == BoneId.Hand_WristRoot) ? wristFixupRotation : Quaternion.identity)
                providedData.bones = retrievedData.ToArray();

예제 #3
        void Update()
            if (handInterface != null && !testFingers)
                boneRotationValues = handInterface.GetValues();


            if ((resetOnPositionOffset && wristPosOffset > maxPosOffsetValue) || (resetOnRotationOffset && wristRotOffset > maxRotOffsetValue))
예제 #4
        public HandBoneValues GetValues()
            HandBoneValues providedData = default;

            float thumbValue = 0;
            float indexValue = 0;
            float gripValue  = 0;

            #region Get values from controllers
            if (handType == OVRHand.Hand.HandLeft)
                thumbValue = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawNearTouch.LThumbButtons, OVRInput.Controller.All) ? 1 : 0;

                if (indexFromNearTouch)
                    indexValue = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawNearTouch.LIndexTrigger, OVRInput.Controller.All) ? 1 : 0;
                    indexValue = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawAxis1D.LIndexTrigger, OVRInput.Controller.All);

                gripValue = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawAxis1D.LHandTrigger, OVRInput.Controller.All);
            else if (handType == OVRHand.Hand.HandRight)
                thumbValue = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawNearTouch.RThumbButtons, OVRInput.Controller.All) ? 1 : 0;

                if (indexFromNearTouch)
                    indexValue = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawNearTouch.RIndexTrigger, OVRInput.Controller.All) ? 1 : 0;
                    indexValue = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawAxis1D.RIndexTrigger, OVRInput.Controller.All);

                gripValue = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawAxis1D.RHandTrigger, OVRInput.Controller.All);

            #region Lerp values
            if (lerpThumb)
                thumbValue         = Mathf.Lerp(previousThumbValue, thumbValue, Time.deltaTime * thumbLerp);
                previousThumbValue = thumbValue;
            if (lerpIndex)
                indexValue         = Mathf.Lerp(previousIndexValue, indexValue, Time.deltaTime * indexLerp);
                previousIndexValue = indexValue;
            if (lerpGrip)
                gripValue         = Mathf.Lerp(previousGripValue, gripValue, Time.deltaTime * gripLerp);
                previousGripValue = gripValue;

            #region Spread values across knuckles
            var thumbKnuckleValues = SpreadValue(thumbValue, 3);
            var indexKnuckleValues = SpreadValue(indexValue, 3);
            var gripKnuckleValues  = SpreadValue(gripValue, 3);

            #region Create returned data
            providedData.bones = new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue[]
                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_WristRoot, localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(wristEuler)

                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Thumb1, value = thumbKnuckleValues[0] * (pinchOnClose ? THUMB_PINCH[0] : THUMB_CLOSE[0])
                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Thumb2, value = thumbKnuckleValues[1] * (pinchOnClose ? THUMB_PINCH[1] : THUMB_CLOSE[1])
                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Thumb3, value = thumbKnuckleValues[2] * (pinchOnClose ? THUMB_PINCH[2] : THUMB_CLOSE[2])

                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Index1, value = indexKnuckleValues[0] * (pinchOnClose ? INDEX_PINCH[0] : 1)
                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Index2, value = indexKnuckleValues[1] * (pinchOnClose ? INDEX_PINCH[1] : 1)
                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Index3, value = indexKnuckleValues[2] * (pinchOnClose ? INDEX_PINCH[2] : 1)

                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Middle1, value = gripKnuckleValues[0]
                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Middle2, value = gripKnuckleValues[1]
                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Middle3, value = gripKnuckleValues[2]

                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Ring1, value = gripKnuckleValues[0]
                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Ring2, value = gripKnuckleValues[1]
                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Ring3, value = gripKnuckleValues[2]

                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Pinky1, value = gripKnuckleValues[0]
                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Pinky2, value = gripKnuckleValues[1]
                new HandBoneValues.BoneRotValue()
                    id = BoneId.Hand_Pinky3, value = gripKnuckleValues[2]
