public void Awake() { _antennaBuffer = new List <Antenna>(100); _cmd = new CommandBuffer(); = "Render Antennae"; _camera = GetComponent <UnityEngine.Camera>(); _camera.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeLighting, _cmd); _sphere = Resources.Load <Mesh>("Meshes/Sphere"); _antennaMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/Antenna")); _receptionMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/Reception")); _receptionMaterial.SetTexture("_Heatmap", CreateHeatmapTex()); this.Subscribe <AddAntennaEvent>(OnAddAntenna); this.Subscribe <RemoveAntennaEvent>(OnRemoveAntenna); }
static public int AddCommandBuffer(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Camera self = (UnityEngine.Camera)checkSelf(l); UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent a1; checkEnum(l, 2, out a1); UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer a2; checkType(l, 3, out a2); self.AddCommandBuffer(a1, a2); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int AddCommandBuffer(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Camera self = (UnityEngine.Camera)checkSelf(l); UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent a1; checkEnum(l, 2, out a1); UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer a2; checkType(l, 3, out a2); self.AddCommandBuffer(a1, a2); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString()); return(0); } }
void OnEnable() { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(m_output_directory); m_cam = GetComponent<Camera>(); m_quad = FrameCapturerUtils.CreateFullscreenQuad(); m_mat_copy = new Material(m_sh_copy); if (m_cam.targetTexture != null) { m_mat_copy.EnableKeyword("OFFSCREEN"); } if (m_capture_framebuffer) { int tid = Shader.PropertyToID("_TmpFrameBuffer"); m_cb = new CommandBuffer(); = "ExrCapturer: copy frame buffer"; m_cb.GetTemporaryRT(tid, -1, -1, 0, FilterMode.Point); m_cb.Blit(BuiltinRenderTextureType.CurrentActive, tid); // tid は意図的に開放しない m_cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterEverything, m_cb); m_frame_buffer = new RenderTexture(m_cam.pixelWidth, m_cam.pixelHeight, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf); m_frame_buffer.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; m_frame_buffer.Create(); } if (m_capture_gbuffer && m_cam.renderingPath != RenderingPath.DeferredShading && (m_cam.renderingPath == RenderingPath.UsePlayerSettings && PlayerSettings.renderingPath != RenderingPath.DeferredShading)) { Debug.Log("ExrCapturer: Rendering path must be deferred to use capture_gbuffer mode."); m_capture_gbuffer = false; } if(m_capture_gbuffer) { m_gbuffer = new RenderTexture[4]; m_rt_gbuffer = new RenderBuffer[4]; for (int i = 0; i < m_gbuffer.Length; ++i) { m_gbuffer[i] = new RenderTexture(m_cam.pixelWidth, m_cam.pixelHeight, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf); m_gbuffer[i].filterMode = FilterMode.Point; m_gbuffer[i].Create(); m_rt_gbuffer[i] = m_gbuffer[i].colorBuffer; } { RenderTextureFormat format = m_depth_format == DepthFormat.Half ? RenderTextureFormat.RHalf : RenderTextureFormat.RFloat; m_depth = new RenderTexture(m_cam.pixelWidth, m_cam.pixelHeight, 0, format); m_depth.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; m_depth.Create(); } } FrameCapturer.fcExrConfig conf; conf.max_active_tasks = m_max_active_tasks; m_exr = FrameCapturer.fcExrCreateContext(ref conf); }
private void AddCommandBuffersToCamera(Camera setCamera, CommandBuffer normalBuffer) { //Need depth texture for depth aware upsample setCamera.depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.Depth; if (m_copyTransmission != null && !HasCommandBuffer(setCamera, CameraEvent.AfterGBuffer, c_copyTransmissionBufferName)) { setCamera.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterGBuffer, m_copyTransmission); } if (normalBuffer != null && !HasCommandBuffer(setCamera, CameraEvent.BeforeLighting, c_normalBufferName)) { setCamera.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeLighting, normalBuffer); } if (m_releaseDeferredPlus != null && !HasCommandBuffer(setCamera, CameraEvent.AfterLighting, c_releaseDeferredBuffer)) { setCamera.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterLighting, m_releaseDeferredPlus); } RefreshProperties(); }
void OnPreCullEvent(Camera camera) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Array.IndexOf<Camera>(SceneView.GetAllSceneCameras(), camera) >= 0) { // シーンビューのカメラはチェック if (this.drawInSceneView == false) { return; } } else if (Camera.current.isActiveAndEnabled == false) { // シーンビュー以外のエディタカメラは除外 return; } #endif RenderPath path; if (renderPaths.ContainsKey(camera)) { // レンダーパスが有れば使う path = renderPaths[camera]; } else { // 無ければ作成 path = new RenderPath(); path.renderId = renderPaths.Count; path.cameraEvent = cameraEvent; // プラグイン描画するコマンドバッファを作成 path.commandBuffer = new CommandBuffer(); path.commandBuffer.IssuePluginEvent(Plugin.EffekseerGetRenderFunc(), path.renderId); // コマンドバッファをカメラに登録 camera.AddCommandBuffer(path.cameraEvent, path.commandBuffer); renderPaths.Add(camera, path); } // ビュー関連の行列を更新 Plugin.EffekseerSetProjectionMatrix(path.renderId, Utility.Matrix2Array( GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(camera.projectionMatrix, false))); Plugin.EffekseerSetCameraMatrix(path.renderId, Utility.Matrix2Array( camera.worldToCameraMatrix)); }
public void RefreshComBufs(Camera cam, bool isSceneCam) { if (cam && combufPreLight!=null && combufPostLight!=null) { CommandBuffer[] combufsPreLight = cam.GetCommandBuffers(CameraEvent.BeforeReflections); bool found = false; foreach (CommandBuffer cbuf in combufsPreLight) { // instance comparison below DOESN'T work !!! Well, weird isn't it ??? //if (cbuf == combufPreLight) if ( == { // got it already in command buffers found = true; break; } } if (!found) { cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeReflections, combufPreLight); cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterLighting, combufPostLight); if (isSceneCam) { sceneCamsWithBuffer.Add(cam); } } } }
// protected virtual void OnEnable() { if (!CheckInstance()) { return; } Initialize(); isSupported = CheckSupported(); if (!isSupported) { enabled = false; Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : Highlighting System has been disabled due to unsupported Unity features on the current platform!"); return; } blurMaterial = new Material(materials[BLUR]); // Set initial intensity in blur material blurMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderPropertyID._Intensity, _blurIntensity); renderBuffer = new CommandBuffer(); = renderBufferName; cam = GetComponent<Camera>(); UpdateHighlightingBuffer(); // Force-rebuild renderBuffer isDirty = true; cam.AddCommandBuffer(queue, renderBuffer); }
/// @cond /// <summary> /// Initialize the AR Screen. /// </summary> public void Start() { m_camera = GetComponent<Camera>(); TangoApplication tangoApplication = FindObjectOfType<TangoApplication>(); tangoApplication.OnDisplayChanged += _OnDisplayChanged; m_arCameraPostProcess = gameObject.GetComponent<ARCameraPostProcess>(); if (tangoApplication != null) { tangoApplication.Register(this); // If already connected to a service, then do initialization now. if (tangoApplication.IsServiceConnected) { OnTangoServiceConnected(); } CommandBuffer buf = VideoOverlayProvider.CreateARScreenCommandBuffer(); m_camera.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeForwardOpaque, buf); m_camera.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeGBuffer, buf); } if (m_enableOcclusion) { TangoPointCloud pointCloud = FindObjectOfType<TangoPointCloud>(); if (pointCloud != null) { Renderer renderer = pointCloud.GetComponent<Renderer>(); renderer.enabled = true; renderer.material.shader = m_occlusionShader; pointCloud.m_updatePointsMesh = true; } else { Debug.Log("Point Cloud data is not available, occlusion is not possible."); } } }
// protected virtual void OnEnable() { Initialize(); if (!CheckSupported(true)) { enabled = false; Debug.LogError("HighlightingSystem : Highlighting System has been disabled due to unsupported Unity features on the current platform!"); return; } blurMaterial = new Material(materials[BLUR]); cutMaterial = new Material(materials[CUT]); compMaterial = new Material(materials[COMP]); // Set initial intensity in blur material blurMaterial.SetFloat(ShaderPropertyID._Intensity, _blurIntensity); renderBuffer = new CommandBuffer(); = renderBufferName; cam = GetComponent<Camera>(); cameras.Add(cam); cam.AddCommandBuffer(queue, renderBuffer); if (_blitter != null) { _blitter.Register(this); } }
/// <summary> /// Return a new command buffer. /// This will be called the first time /// the mesh is rendered for each camera /// that renders the ocean. /// </summary> public override CommandBuffer Create(Camera cam) { CommandBuffer cmd = new CommandBuffer(); = "Ceto DepthGrab Cmd: " +; //int width = cam.pixelWidth; //int height = cam.pixelHeight; //int scale = ResolutionToNumber(Resolution); //width /= scale; //height /= scale; RenderTextureFormat format; //screen grab currently disabled. /* if (cam.hdr) format = RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf; else format = RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32; //Copy screen into temporary RT. int grabID = Shader.PropertyToID("Ceto_GrabCopyTexture"); cmd.GetTemporaryRT(grabID, width, height, 0, FilterMode.Bilinear, format, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default); cmd.Blit(BuiltinRenderTextureType.CurrentActive, grabID); cmd.SetGlobalTexture(GrabName, grabID); */ if (SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat(RenderTextureFormat.RFloat)) format = RenderTextureFormat.RFloat; else format = RenderTextureFormat.RHalf; //Copy depths into temporary RT. int depthID = Shader.PropertyToID("Ceto_DepthCopyTexture"); cmd.GetTemporaryRT(depthID, cam.pixelWidth, cam.pixelHeight, 0, FilterMode.Point, format, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear); cmd.Blit(BuiltinRenderTextureType.CurrentActive, depthID, m_copyDepthMat, 0); cmd.SetGlobalTexture(DepthName, depthID); cam.AddCommandBuffer(Event, cmd); CommandData data = new CommandData(); data.command = cmd; data.width = cam.pixelWidth; data.height = cam.pixelHeight; if (m_data.ContainsKey(cam)) m_data.Remove(cam); m_data.Add(cam, data); return cmd; }
void OnEnable() { m_cam = GetComponent<Camera>(); m_quad = FrameCapturerUtils.CreateFullscreenQuad(); m_mat_copy = new Material(m_sh_copy); if (m_cam.targetTexture != null) { m_mat_copy.EnableKeyword("OFFSCREEN"); } { int tid = Shader.PropertyToID("_TmpFrameBuffer"); m_cb = new CommandBuffer(); = "GifCapturer: copy frame buffer"; m_cb.GetTemporaryRT(tid, -1, -1, 0, FilterMode.Point); m_cb.Blit(BuiltinRenderTextureType.CurrentActive, tid); // tid は意図的に開放しない m_cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterEverything, m_cb); } ResetRecordingState(); }
void ReconstructLightBuffers(Camera camera, bool toCull) { CommandBuffer cameraBuffer = null; buffers.TryGetValue (camera, out cameraBuffer); if (cameraBuffer != null) { cameraBuffer.Clear (); } else { cameraBuffer = new CommandBuffer (); = "Deferred custom lights"; camera.AddCommandBuffer (CameraEvent.BeforeImageEffectsOpaque, cameraBuffer); buffers.Add (camera, cameraBuffer); } var system = PipLightSystem.instance; Bounds bounds = new Bounds (); Plane[] frustrumPlanes = null; if (toCull) { frustrumPlanes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes (camera); } foreach (var light in system.m_Lights) { bool toRenderThisLight = true; light.UpdateLOD (); if (toCull) { = light.transform.position; bounds.extents = * light.range; toRenderThisLight = GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB (frustrumPlanes, bounds); } if (toRenderThisLight) { light.UpdateIfNeeded (); cameraBuffer.DrawMesh ( lightSphereMesh, Matrix4x4.TRS (light.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, * light.range * 2f), GetMaterial (light), 0, 0, light.GetMaterialPropertyBlock () ); } } }