private static bool GenerateShaderPassLit(StackLitMasterNode masterNode, Pass pass, GenerationMode mode, ShaderGenerator result, List <string> sourceAssetDependencyPaths)
            if (mode == GenerationMode.ForReals || pass.UseInPreview)

                // apply master node options to active fields
                HashSet <string> activeFields = GetActiveFieldsFromMasterNode(masterNode, pass);

                // use standard shader pass generation
                bool vertexActive = masterNode.IsSlotConnected(StackLitMasterNode.PositionSlotId);
                return(HDSubShaderUtilities.GenerateShaderPass(masterNode, pass, mode, activeFields, result, sourceAssetDependencyPaths, vertexActive));
예제 #2
        private static bool GenerateShaderPassLit(StackLitMasterNode masterNode, Pass pass, GenerationMode mode, ShaderGenerator result, List <string> sourceAssetDependencyPaths)
            if (mode == GenerationMode.ForReals || pass.UseInPreview)
                SurfaceMaterialOptions materialOptions = HDSubShaderUtilities.BuildMaterialOptions(masterNode.surfaceType, masterNode.alphaMode, masterNode.doubleSidedMode != DoubleSidedMode.Disabled, refraction: false);


                // apply master node options to active fields
                HashSet <string> activeFields = GetActiveFieldsFromMasterNode(masterNode, pass);

                // use standard shader pass generation
                bool vertexActive = masterNode.IsSlotConnected(StackLitMasterNode.PositionSlotId);
                return(HDSubShaderUtilities.GenerateShaderPass(masterNode, pass, mode, materialOptions, activeFields, result, sourceAssetDependencyPaths, vertexActive));
예제 #3
 private static void AddPixelShaderSlotsForWriteNormalBufferPasses(StackLitMasterNode masterNode, ref Pass pass)
     // See StackLit.hlsl:ConvertSurfaceDataToNormalData()
     // Note: We remove the slots we're adding as the editor will constantly regenerate the shader but
     // without recreating the nodes thus the passes in the subshader object.
     if (masterNode.coat.isOn)
         // Check ConvertSurfaceDataToNormalData, in this case, we only need those:
     // Also, when geometricSpecularAA.isOn, might want to add SpecularAAScreenSpaceVarianceSlotId and SpecularAAThresholdSlotId,
     // since they affect smoothnesses in surfaceData directly. This is an implicit behavior for Lit, via the GBuffer pass.
     // Versus performance, might not be important for what it is used for, but SSR uses the roughness too so for now,
     // add them.
     if (masterNode.geometricSpecularAA.isOn) // TODOTODO || Normal Map Filtering is on
예제 #4
        // Reference for GetActiveFieldsFromMasterNode
        // -------------------------------------------
        // Properties (enables etc):
        //  ok+MFD -> material feature define: means we need a predicate, because we will transform it into a #define that match the material feature, shader_feature-defined, that the rest of the shader code uses.
        //  ok+MFD masterNode.baseParametrization    --> even though we can just always transfer present fields (check with $SurfaceDescription.*) like specularcolor and metallic,
        //                                               we need to translate this into the _MATERIAL_FEATURE_SPECULAR_COLOR define.
        //  ok masterNode.energyConservingSpecular
        //  ~~~~ ok+MFD: these are almost all material features:
        //  masterNode.anisotropy
        //  masterNode.coat
        //  masterNode.coatNormal
        //  masterNode.dualSpecularLobe
        //  masterNode.dualSpecularLobeParametrization
        //  masterNode.capHazinessWrtMetallic           -> not a material feature define, as such, we will create a combined predicate for the HazyGlossMaxDielectricF0 slot dependency
        //                                                 instead of adding a #define in the template...
        //  masterNode.iridescence
        //  masterNode.subsurfaceScattering
        //  masterNode.transmission
        //  ~~~~ ...ok+MFD: these are all material features
        //  ok masterNode.receiveDecals
        //  ok masterNode.receiveSSR
        //  ok masterNode.geometricSpecularAA    --> check, a way to combine predicates and/or exclude passes: TODOTODO What about WRITE_NORMAL_BUFFER passes ? (ie smoothness)
        //  ok masterNode.specularOcclusion      --> no use for it though! see comments.
        //  ~~~~ ok+D: these require translation to defines also...
        //  masterNode.anisotropyForAreaLights
        //  masterNode.recomputeStackPerLight
        //  masterNode.shadeBaseUsingRefractedAngles
        //  masterNode.debug

        // Inputs: Most inputs don't need a specific predicate in addition to the "present field predicate", ie the $SurfaceDescription.*,
        //         but in some special cases we check connectivity to avoid processing the default value for nothing...
        //         (see specular occlusion with _MASKMAP and _BENTNORMALMAP in LitData, or _TANGENTMAP, _BENTNORMALMAP, etc. which act a bit like that
        //         although they also avoid sampling in that case, but default tiny texture map sampling isn't a big hit since they are all cached once
        //         a default "unityTexWhite" is sampled, it is cached for everyone defaulting to white...)
        // ok+ means there's a specific additional predicate
        // ok masterNode.BaseColorSlotId
        // ok masterNode.NormalSlotId
        // ok+ masterNode.BentNormalSlotId     --> Dependency of the predicate on IsSlotConnected avoids processing even if the slots
        // ok+ masterNode.TangentSlotId            are always there so any pass that declares its use in PixelShaderSlots will have the field in SurfaceDescription,
        //                                         but it's not necessarily useful (if slot isnt connected, waste processing on potentially static expressions if
        //                                         shader compiler cant optimize...and even then, useless to have static override value for those.)
        //                                         TODOTODO: Note you could have the same argument for NormalSlot (which we dont exclude with a predicate).
        //                                         Also and anyways, the compiler is smart enough not to do the TS to WS matrix multiply on a (0,0,1) vector.
        // ok+ masterNode.CoatNormalSlotId       -> we already have a "material feature" coat normal map so can use that instead, although using that former, we assume the coat normal slot
        //                                         will be there, but it's ok, we can #ifdef the code on the material feature define, and use the $SurfaceDescription.CoatNormal predicate
        //                                         for the actual assignment,
        //                                         although for that one we could again
        //                                         use the "connected" condition like for tangent and bentnormal
        // The following are all ok, no need beyond present field predicate, ie $SurfaceDescription.*,
        // except special cases where noted
        // ok masterNode.SubsurfaceMaskSlotId
        // ok masterNode.ThicknessSlotId
        // ok masterNode.DiffusionProfileHashSlotId
        // ok masterNode.IridescenceMaskSlotId
        // ok masterNode.IridescenceThicknessSlotId
        // ok masterNode.SpecularColorSlotId
        // ok masterNode.DielectricIorSlotId
        // ok masterNode.MetallicSlotId
        // ok masterNode.EmissionSlotId
        // ok masterNode.SmoothnessASlotId
        // ok masterNode.SmoothnessBSlotId
        // ok+ masterNode.AmbientOcclusionSlotId    -> defined a specific predicate, but not used, see StackLitData.
        // ok masterNode.AlphaSlotId
        // ok masterNode.AlphaClipThresholdSlotId
        // ok masterNode.AnisotropyASlotId
        // ok masterNode.AnisotropyBSlotId
        // ok masterNode.SpecularAAScreenSpaceVarianceSlotId
        // ok masterNode.SpecularAAThresholdSlotId
        // ok masterNode.CoatSmoothnessSlotId
        // ok masterNode.CoatIorSlotId
        // ok masterNode.CoatThicknessSlotId
        // ok masterNode.CoatExtinctionSlotId
        // ok masterNode.LobeMixSlotId
        // ok masterNode.HazinessSlotId
        // ok masterNode.HazeExtentSlotId
        // ok masterNode.HazyGlossMaxDielectricF0SlotId     -> No need for a predicate, the needed predicate is the combined (capHazinessWrtMetallic + HazyGlossMaxDielectricF0)
        //                                                     "leaking case": if the 2 are true, but we're not in metallic mode, the capHazinessWrtMetallic property is wrong,
        //                                                     that means the master node is really misconfigured, spew an error, should never happen...
        //                                                     If it happens, it's because we forgot UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() call when modifying the capHazinessWrtMetallic or baseParametrization
        //                                                     properties, maybe through debug etc.
        // ok masterNode.DistortionSlotId            -> Warning: peculiarly, instead of using $SurfaceDescription.Distortion and DistortionBlur,
        // ok masterNode.DistortionBlurSlotId           we do an #if (SHADERPASS == SHADERPASS_DISTORTION) in the template, instead of
        //                                              relying on other passed NOT to include the DistortionSlotId in their PixelShaderSlots!!

        // Other to deal with, and
        // Common between Lit and StackLit:
        // doubleSidedMode, alphaTest, receiveDecals,
        // surfaceType, alphaMode, blendPreserveSpecular, transparencyFog,
        // distortion, distortionMode, distortionDepthTest,
        // sortPriority (int)
        // geometricSpecularAA, energyConservingSpecular, specularOcclusion

        private static HashSet <string> GetActiveFieldsFromMasterNode(AbstractMaterialNode iMasterNode, Pass pass)
            HashSet <string> activeFields = new HashSet <string>();

            StackLitMasterNode masterNode = iMasterNode as StackLitMasterNode;

            if (masterNode == null)

            if (masterNode.doubleSidedMode != DoubleSidedMode.Disabled)
                if (pass.ShaderPassName != "SHADERPASS_VELOCITY")   // HACK to get around lack of a good interpolator dependency system
                {                                                   // we need to be able to build interpolators using multiple input structs
                                                                    // also: should only require isFrontFace if Normals are required...
                    if (masterNode.doubleSidedMode == DoubleSidedMode.FlippedNormals)
                    else if (masterNode.doubleSidedMode == DoubleSidedMode.MirroredNormals)
                    // Important: the following is used in SharedCode.template.hlsl for determining the normal flip mode

            if (masterNode.alphaTest.isOn)
                if (pass.PixelShaderUsesSlot(StackLitMasterNode.AlphaClipThresholdSlotId))

            if (masterNode.surfaceType != SurfaceType.Opaque)

                if (masterNode.alphaMode == AlphaMode.Alpha)
                else if (masterNode.alphaMode == AlphaMode.Premultiply)
                else if (masterNode.alphaMode == AlphaMode.Additive)

                if (masterNode.blendPreserveSpecular.isOn)

                if (masterNode.transparencyFog.isOn)

            // Predicates to change into defines:

            // Even though we can just always transfer the present (check with $SurfaceDescription.*) fields like specularcolor
            // and metallic, we still need to know the baseParametrization in the template to translate into the
            if (masterNode.baseParametrization == StackLit.BaseParametrization.SpecularColor)
            if (masterNode.energyConservingSpecular.isOn) // No defines, suboption of BaseParametrization.SpecularColor
            if (masterNode.anisotropy.isOn)
            if (masterNode.coat.isOn)
            if (masterNode.coatNormal.isOn)
            if (masterNode.dualSpecularLobe.isOn)
                if (masterNode.dualSpecularLobeParametrization == StackLit.DualSpecularLobeParametrization.HazyGloss)
                    // Option for baseParametrization == Metallic && DualSpecularLobeParametrization == HazyGloss:
                    if (masterNode.capHazinessWrtMetallic.isOn && pass.PixelShaderUsesSlot(StackLitMasterNode.HazyGlossMaxDielectricF0SlotId))
                        // check the supporting slot is there (although masternode should deal with having a consistent property config)
                        var maxDielectricF0Slot = masterNode.FindSlot <Vector1MaterialSlot>(StackLitMasterNode.HazyGlossMaxDielectricF0SlotId);

                        if (maxDielectricF0Slot != null)
                            // Again we assume masternode has HazyGlossMaxDielectricF0 which should always be the case
                            // if capHazinessWrtMetallic.isOn.
            if (masterNode.iridescence.isOn)
            if (masterNode.subsurfaceScattering.isOn && masterNode.surfaceType != SurfaceType.Transparent)
            if (masterNode.transmission.isOn)

            // Advanced:
            if (masterNode.anisotropyForAreaLights.isOn)
            if (masterNode.recomputeStackPerLight.isOn)
            if (masterNode.shadeBaseUsingRefractedAngles.isOn)
            if (masterNode.debug.isOn)

            // Other property predicates:

            if (!masterNode.receiveDecals.isOn)

            if (!masterNode.receiveSSR.isOn)

            // Note here we combine an "enable"-like predicate and the $SurfaceDescription.(slotname) predicate
            // into a single $GeometricSpecularAA pedicate.
            // ($SurfaceDescription.* predicates are useful to make sure the field is present in the struct in the template.
            // The field will be present if both the master node and pass have the slotid, see this set intersection we make
            // in GenerateSurfaceDescriptionStruct(), with HDSubShaderUtilities.FindMaterialSlotsOnNode().)
            // Normally, since the feature enable adds the required slots, only the $SurfaceDescription.* would be required,
            // but some passes might not need it and not declare the PixelShaderSlot, or, inversely, the pass might not
            // declare it as a way to avoid it.
            // IE this has also the side effect to disable geometricSpecularAA - even if "on" - for passes that don't explicitly
            // advertise these slots(eg for a general feature, with separate "enable" and "field present" predicates, the
            // template could take a default value and process it anyway if a feature is "on").
            // (Note we can achieve the same results in the template on just single predicates by making defines out of them,
            // and using #if defined() && etc)
            bool haveSomeSpecularAA = false; // TODOTODO in prevision of normal texture filtering

            if (masterNode.geometricSpecularAA.isOn &&
                pass.PixelShaderUsesSlot(StackLitMasterNode.SpecularAAThresholdSlotId) &&
                haveSomeSpecularAA = true;
            if (haveSomeSpecularAA)

            if (masterNode.specularOcclusion.isOn)
                // We don't optimize based eg on baked ambient occlusion missing a texture, this makes this baked, data-based
                // SpecularOcclusion a waste (non baked, SSAO-based SpecularOcclusion is always applied with the TriACE trick),
                // but the user should know better.
                // TODOTODO: rename the UI to "baked specular occlusion" and "baked AO" ?

            // Input special-casing predicates:

            if (masterNode.IsSlotConnected(StackLitMasterNode.BentNormalSlotId) && pass.PixelShaderUsesSlot(StackLitMasterNode.BentNormalSlotId))

            if (masterNode.IsSlotConnected(StackLitMasterNode.TangentSlotId) && pass.PixelShaderUsesSlot(StackLitMasterNode.TangentSlotId))

            // The following idiom enables an optimization on feature ports that don't have an enable switch in the settings
            // view, where the default value might not produce a visual result and incur a processing cost we want to avoid.
            // For ambient occlusion, this is the case for the SpecularOcclusion calculations which also depend on it,
            // where a value of 1 will produce no results.
            // See SpecularOcclusion, we don't optimize out this case...
            if (pass.PixelShaderUsesSlot(StackLitMasterNode.AmbientOcclusionSlotId))
                bool connected            = masterNode.IsSlotConnected(StackLitMasterNode.AmbientOcclusionSlotId);
                var  ambientOcclusionSlot = masterNode.FindSlot <Vector1MaterialSlot>(StackLitMasterNode.AmbientOcclusionSlotId);
                // master node always has it, assert ambientOcclusionSlot != null
                if (connected || ambientOcclusionSlot.value != ambientOcclusionSlot.defaultValue)

            if (masterNode.IsSlotConnected(StackLitMasterNode.CoatNormalSlotId) && pass.PixelShaderUsesSlot(StackLitMasterNode.CoatNormalSlotId))

            if (masterNode.IsSlotConnected(StackLitMasterNode.LightingSlotId) && pass.PixelShaderUsesSlot(StackLitMasterNode.LightingSlotId))
            if (masterNode.IsSlotConnected(StackLitMasterNode.BackLightingSlotId) && pass.PixelShaderUsesSlot(StackLitMasterNode.BackLightingSlotId))
