// ==== Neighbors ======================================================================================= public void ConnectNeighbors() { // update the mesh on all neighbors that have a mesh but don't know about this chunk yet, and also pass them the reference to this chunk int loop = 0; int i = loop; while (loop < 6) { // for even indexes, add one; for odd, subtract one (because the neighbors are in opposite direction to this chunk) i = (loop % 2 == 0) ? (loop + 1) : (loop - 1); Chunk ch = neighborChunks[loop]; if (ch != null && ch.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh != null) { if (ch.neighborChunks[i] == null) { ch.AddToQueueWhenReady(); ch.neighborChunks[i] = this; } } loop++; } }
private IEnumerator SpawnMissingChunks(int originX, int originY, int originZ, int range) { int heightRange = Engine.HeightRange; ChunkUpdateQueue = new List <Chunk>(); // clear update queue - it will be repopulated again in the correct order in the following loop // flag chunks not in range for removal ChunksToDestroy = new List <Chunk>(); foreach (Chunk chunk in Chunks.Values) { if (Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(chunk.ChunkIndex.x, chunk.ChunkIndex.z), new Vector2(originX, originZ)) > range + Engine.ChunkDespawnDistance) { ChunksToDestroy.Add(chunk); } else if (Mathf.Abs(chunk.ChunkIndex.y - originY) > range + Engine.ChunkDespawnDistance) { // destroy chunks outside of vertical range ChunksToDestroy.Add(chunk); } } // main loop for (int currentLoop = 0; currentLoop <= range; currentLoop++) { for (var x = originX - currentLoop; x <= originX + currentLoop; x++) { // iterate through all potential chunk indexes within range for (var y = originY - currentLoop; y <= originY + currentLoop; y++) { for (var z = originZ - currentLoop; z <= originZ + currentLoop; z++) { if (Mathf.Abs(y) <= heightRange) { // skip chunks outside of height range if (Mathf.Abs(originX - x) + Mathf.Abs(originZ - z) < range * 1.3f) { // skip corners // pause loop while the queue is not empty while (ChunkUpdateQueue.Count > 0) { ProcessChunkQueue(); if (frameStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= targetFrameDuration) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } } Chunk currentChunk = ChunkManager.GetChunkComponent(x, y, z); // chunks that already exist but haven't had their mesh built yet should be added to the update queue if (currentChunk != null) { // chunks without meshes spawned by server should be changed to regular chunks if (currentChunk.DisableMesh || currentChunk.EnableTimeout) { currentChunk.DisableMesh = false; currentChunk.EnableTimeout = false; currentChunk.Fresh = true; } if (currentChunk.Fresh) { // spawn neighbor chunks for (int d = 0; d < 6; d++) { Index neighborIndex = currentChunk.ChunkIndex.GetAdjacentIndex((Direction)d); GameObject neighborChunk = GetChunk(neighborIndex); if (neighborChunk == null) { neighborChunk = Instantiate(ChunkObject, neighborIndex.ToVector3(), transform.rotation) as GameObject; } currentChunk.NeighborChunks[d] = neighborChunk.GetComponent <Chunk>(); // always add the neighbor to NeighborChunks, in case it's not there already // continue loop in next frame if the current frame time is exceeded if (frameStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= targetFrameDuration) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } if (StopSpawning) { EndSequence(); yield break; } } if (currentChunk != null) { currentChunk.AddToQueueWhenReady(); } } } else // if chunk doesn't exist, create new chunk (it adds itself to the update queue when its data is ready) // spawn chunk { GameObject newChunk = Instantiate(ChunkObject, new Vector3(x, y, z), transform.rotation) as GameObject; // Spawn a new chunk. currentChunk = newChunk.GetComponent <Chunk>(); // spawn neighbor chunks if they're not spawned yet for (int d = 0; d < 6; d++) { Index neighborIndex = currentChunk.ChunkIndex.GetAdjacentIndex((Direction)d); GameObject neighborChunk = GetChunk(neighborIndex); if (neighborChunk == null) { neighborChunk = Instantiate(ChunkObject, neighborIndex.ToVector3(), transform.rotation) as GameObject; } currentChunk.NeighborChunks[d] = neighborChunk.GetComponent <Chunk>(); // always add the neighbor to NeighborChunks, in case it's not there already // continue loop in next frame if the current frame time is exceeded if (frameStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= targetFrameDuration) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } if (StopSpawning) { EndSequence(); yield break; } } if (currentChunk != null) { currentChunk.AddToQueueWhenReady(); } } } } // continue loop in next frame if the current frame time is exceeded if (frameStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= targetFrameDuration) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } if (StopSpawning) { EndSequence(); yield break; } } } } } yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); EndSequence(); }