예제 #1
파일: TextureIO.cs 프로젝트: artv93/UniVRM
        public static int ExportTexture(glTF gltf, int bufferIndex, Texture texture, glTFTextureTypes textureType)
            var bytesWithMime = GetBytesWithMime(texture, textureType);;

            // add view
            var view      = gltf.buffers[bufferIndex].Append(bytesWithMime.Bytes, glBufferTarget.NONE);
            var viewIndex = gltf.AddBufferView(view);

            // add image
            var imageIndex = gltf.images.Count;

            gltf.images.Add(new glTFImage
                name       = texture.name,
                bufferView = viewIndex,
                mimeType   = bytesWithMime.Mime,

            // add sampler
            var samplerIndex = gltf.samplers.Count;
            var sampler      = TextureSamplerUtil.Export(texture);


            // add texture
            gltf.textures.Add(new glTFTexture
                sampler = samplerIndex,
                source  = imageIndex,

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// gltf に texture を足す
        /// * textures
        /// * samplers
        /// * images
        /// * bufferViews
        /// を更新し、textures の index を返す
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gltf"></param>
        /// <param name="bufferIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="texture"></param>
        /// <returns>gltf texture index</returns>
        public static int PushGltfTexture(this glTF gltf, int bufferIndex, Texture2D texture)
            var bytesWithMime = GetBytesWithMime(texture);

            // add view
            var view      = gltf.buffers[bufferIndex].Append(bytesWithMime.bytes, glBufferTarget.NONE);
            var viewIndex = gltf.AddBufferView(view);

            // add image
            var imageIndex = gltf.images.Count;

            gltf.images.Add(new glTFImage
                name       = GetTextureParam.RemoveSuffix(texture.name),
                bufferView = viewIndex,
                mimeType   = bytesWithMime.mine,

            // add sampler
            var samplerIndex = gltf.samplers.Count;
            var sampler      = TextureSamplerUtil.Export(texture);


            // add texture
            var textureIndex = gltf.textures.Count;

            gltf.textures.Add(new glTFTexture
                sampler = samplerIndex,
                source  = imageIndex,

예제 #3
        public static int ExportTexture(glTF gltf, int bufferIndex, Texture texture)
            var bytesWithPath = new BytesWithPath(texture);;

            // add view
            var view      = gltf.buffers[bufferIndex].Append(bytesWithPath.Bytes, glBufferTarget.NONE);
            var viewIndex = gltf.AddBufferView(view);

            // add image
            var imageIndex = gltf.images.Count;

            gltf.images.Add(new glTFImage
                name       = texture.name,
                bufferView = viewIndex,
                mimeType   = bytesWithPath.Mime,

            // add sampler
            var filter = default(glFilter);

            switch (texture.filterMode)
            case FilterMode.Point:
                filter = glFilter.NEAREST;

                filter = glFilter.LINEAR;
            var wrap = default(glWrap);

            switch (texture.wrapMode)
            case TextureWrapMode.Clamp:
                wrap = glWrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE;

            case TextureWrapMode.Repeat:
                wrap = glWrap.REPEAT;

            case TextureWrapMode.Mirror:
                wrap = glWrap.MIRRORED_REPEAT;

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            var samplerIndex = gltf.samplers.Count;
            gltf.samplers.Add(new glTFTextureSampler
                magFilter = filter,
                minFilter = filter,
                wrapS     = wrap,
                wrapT     = wrap,

            // add texture
            gltf.textures.Add(new glTFTexture
                sampler = samplerIndex,
                source  = imageIndex,

예제 #4
        public static Exported FromGameObject(glTF gltf, GameObject go)
            var bytesBuffer = new ArrayByteBuffer();
            var bufferIndex = gltf.AddBuffer(bytesBuffer);

            var unityNodes = go.transform.Traverse()
                             .Skip(1) // exclude root object for the symmetry with the importer

            #region Material
            var unityMaterials = unityNodes.SelectMany(x => x.GetSharedMaterials()).Where(x => x != null).Distinct().ToList();
            var unityTextures  = unityMaterials.SelectMany(x => x.GetTextures()).Where(x => x != null).Distinct().ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < unityTextures.Count; ++i)
                var texture = unityTextures[i];

                var bytesWithPath = new BytesWithPath(texture);;

                // add view
                var view      = gltf.buffers[bufferIndex].Storage.Extend(bytesWithPath.Bytes, glBufferTarget.NONE);
                var viewIndex = gltf.AddBufferView(view);

                // add image
                var imageIndex = gltf.images.Count;
                gltf.images.Add(new glTFImage
                    bufferView = viewIndex,
                    mimeType   = bytesWithPath.Mime,

                // add sampler
                var filter = default(glFilter);
                switch (texture.filterMode)
                case FilterMode.Point:
                    filter = glFilter.NEAREST;

                    filter = glFilter.LINEAR;
                var wrap = default(glWrap);

                switch (texture.wrapMode)
                case TextureWrapMode.Clamp:
                    wrap = glWrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE;

                case TextureWrapMode.Repeat:
                    wrap = glWrap.REPEAT;

                case TextureWrapMode.Mirror:
                    wrap = glWrap.MIRRORED_REPEAT;

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                var samplerIndex = gltf.samplers.Count;
                gltf.samplers.Add(new glTFTextureSampler
                    magFilter = filter,
                    minFilter = filter,
                    wrapS     = wrap,
                    wrapT     = wrap,

                // add texture
                gltf.textures.Add(new glTFTexture
                    sampler = samplerIndex,
                    source  = imageIndex,

            gltf.materials = unityMaterials.Select(x => ExportMaterial(x, unityTextures)).ToList();

            #region Meshes
            var unityMeshes = unityNodes
                              .Select(x => new MeshWithRenderer
                Mesh       = x.GetSharedMesh(),
                Rendererer = x.GetComponent <Renderer>(),
                              .Where(x => x.Mesh != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < unityMeshes.Count; ++i)
                var x         = unityMeshes[i];
                var mesh      = x.Mesh;
                var materials = x.Rendererer.sharedMaterials;

                var positions             = mesh.vertices.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray();
                var positionAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, positions, glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
                gltf.accessors[positionAccessorIndex].min = positions.Aggregate(positions[0], (a, b) => new Vector3(Mathf.Min(a.x, b.x), Math.Min(a.y, b.y), Mathf.Min(a.z, b.z))).ToArray();
                gltf.accessors[positionAccessorIndex].max = positions.Aggregate(positions[0], (a, b) => new Vector3(Mathf.Max(a.x, b.x), Math.Max(a.y, b.y), Mathf.Max(a.z, b.z))).ToArray();

                var normalAccessorIndex  = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.normals.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
                var tangentAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.tangents.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
                var colorAccessorIndex   = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.colors.Select(y => (Vector4)y).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
                var uvAccessorIndex      = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, mesh.uv.Select(y => y.ReverseY()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

                var boneweights         = mesh.boneWeights;
                var weightAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, boneweights.Select(y => new Vector4(y.weight0, y.weight1, y.weight2, y.weight3)).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
                var jointsAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, boneweights.Select(y => new UShort4((ushort)y.boneIndex0, (ushort)y.boneIndex1, (ushort)y.boneIndex2, (ushort)y.boneIndex3)).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);

                var attributes = new glTFAttributes
                    POSITION = positionAccessorIndex,
                if (normalAccessorIndex != -1)
                    attributes.NORMAL = normalAccessorIndex;
                if (tangentAccessorIndex != -1)
                    attributes.TANGENT = tangentAccessorIndex;
                if (colorAccessorIndex != -1)
                    attributes.COLOR_0 = colorAccessorIndex;
                if (uvAccessorIndex != -1)
                    attributes.TEXCOORD_0 = uvAccessorIndex;
                if (weightAccessorIndex != -1)
                    attributes.WEIGHTS_0 = weightAccessorIndex;
                if (jointsAccessorIndex != -1)
                    attributes.JOINTS_0 = jointsAccessorIndex;

                gltf.meshes.Add(new glTFMesh(mesh.name));

                for (int j = 0; j < mesh.subMeshCount; ++j)
                    var indices = TriangleUtil.FlipTriangle(mesh.GetIndices(j)).Select(y => (uint)y).ToArray();
                    var indicesAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, indices, glBufferTarget.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER);

                    gltf.meshes.Last().primitives.Add(new glTFPrimitives
                        attributes = attributes,
                        indices    = indicesAccessorIndex,
                        mode       = 4,                                 // triangels ?
                        //material = unityMaterials.IndexOf(materials[j])
                        material = unityMaterials.IndexOf(materials[0]) // JIA change for Maquette image entity

                if (mesh.blendShapeCount > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < mesh.blendShapeCount; ++j)
                        var blendShapeVertices = mesh.vertices;
                        var blendShpaeNormals  = mesh.normals;
                        var blendShapeTangents = mesh.tangents.Select(y => (Vector3)y).ToArray();
                        var blendShapeColors   = mesh.colors.Select(y => (Vector4)y).ToArray();
                        var k = mesh.GetBlendShapeFrameCount(j);
                        mesh.GetBlendShapeFrameVertices(j, k - 1, blendShapeVertices, blendShpaeNormals, null);

                        var blendShapePositionAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex,
                                                                                                   blendShapeVertices.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
                        var blendShapeNormalAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex,
                                                                                                 blendShpaeNormals.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
                        var blendShapeTangentAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex,
                                                                                                  blendShapeTangents.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
                        var blendShapeColorAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex,
                                                                                                blendShapeColors.ToArray(), glBufferTarget.ARRAY_BUFFER);
                        // first primitive has whole blendShape
                        gltf.meshes.Last().primitives[0].targets.Add(new glTFAttributes
                            POSITION = blendShapePositionAccessorIndex,
                            NORMAL   = blendShapeNormalAccessorIndex,
                            TANGENT  = blendShapeTangentAccessorIndex,
                            COLOR_0  = blendShapeColorAccessorIndex,

            #region Skins
            var unitySkins = unityNodes
                             .Select(x => x.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>()).Where(x => x != null)
            gltf.nodes  = unityNodes.Select(x => ExportNode(x, unityNodes, unityMeshes.Select(y => y.Mesh).ToList(), unitySkins)).ToList();
            gltf.scenes = new List <gltfScene>
                new gltfScene
                    nodes = go.transform.GetChildren().Select(x => unityNodes.IndexOf(x)).ToArray(),

            foreach (var x in unitySkins)
                var matrices = x.sharedMesh.bindposes.Select(y => y.ReverseZ()).ToArray();
                var accessor = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, matrices, glBufferTarget.NONE);

                var skin = new glTFSkin
                    inverseBindMatrices = accessor,
                    joints   = x.bones.Select(y => unityNodes.IndexOf(y)).ToArray(),
                    skeleton = unityNodes.IndexOf(x.rootBone),
                var skinIndex = gltf.skins.Count;

                foreach (var z in unityNodes.Where(y => y.Has(x)))
                    var nodeIndex = unityNodes.IndexOf(z);
                    gltf.nodes[nodeIndex].skin = skinIndex;

            #region Animations
            var animation = go.GetComponent <Animation>();
            if (animation != null)
                foreach (AnimationState state in animation)
                    var animationWithCurve = ExportAnimation(state.clip, go.transform, unityNodes);

                    foreach (var kv in animationWithCurve.SamplerMap)
                        var sampler = animationWithCurve.Animation.samplers[kv.Key];

                        var inputAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, kv.Value.Input);
                        sampler.input = inputAccessorIndex;

                        var outputAccessorIndex = gltf.ExtendBufferAndGetAccessorIndex(bufferIndex, kv.Value.Output);
                        sampler.output = outputAccessorIndex;

                        // modify accessors
                        var outputAccessor = gltf.accessors[outputAccessorIndex];
                        var channel        = animationWithCurve.Animation.channels.First(x => x.sampler == kv.Key);
                        switch (glTFAnimationTarget.GetElementCount(channel.target.path))
                        case 3:
                            outputAccessor.type   = "VEC3";
                            outputAccessor.count /= 3;

                        case 4:
                            outputAccessor.type   = "VEC4";
                            outputAccessor.count /= 4;

                            throw new NotImplementedException();


            // glb buffer

            return(new Exported
                Meshes = unityMeshes,
                Nodes = unityNodes.Select(x => x.transform).ToList(),
                Materials = unityMaterials,
                Textures = unityTextures,