UpdateStopsForRoute() 공개 메소드

public UpdateStopsForRoute ( TrolleyTrackerContext db, int routeID ) : void
db TrolleyTracker.Models.TrolleyTrackerContext
routeID int
리턴 void
        public ActionResult CreateConfirm(FormCollection collection)
            var resultText = "Unknown error";
            var errorText  = "";

                using (var db = new TrolleyTracker.Models.TrolleyTrackerContext())
                    var strRouteID = collection.Get("RouteID");
                    int routeID    = Convert.ToInt32(strRouteID);
                    var route      = db.Routes.Find(routeID);

                    resultText = "";

                    var jsonShapes = collection.Get("RouteShapeJSON");
                    if (jsonShapes != null && strRouteID != null)
                        RemoveOldShape(routeID, db);

                        SaveNewRouteShape(db, route, jsonShapes);

                        var jsonStops    = collection.Get("NewRouteStops");
                        var newStopCount = SaveNewRouteStops(db, jsonStops);

                        var assignStops = new AssignStopsToRoutes();
                        assignStops.UpdateStopsForRoute(db, routeID);

                        logger.Info($"Modified route shape of '{route.ShortName}' - '{route.LongName}, added {newStopCount} stops.'");
                        resultText = $"Route path for {route.ShortName} Saved, added {newStopCount} stops.";
            catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
                foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
                    foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
                        logger.Info("Property: {0} Error: {1}",
                errorText = "Oops - Shape save exception.  This has been logged";
                logger.Error(dbEx, "Exception processing route shape");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Unexpected error in parse or preview
                errorText = "Oops - Shape save exception.  This has been logged";
                logger.Error(ex, "Exception processing route shape");

            ViewBag.RouteID      = GetRouteSelectList(null);
            ViewBag.ErrorMessage = errorText;
            ViewBag.Message      = resultText;

        public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection)
                Coordinate lastCoordinate = null;

                var strRouteID = collection.Get("RouteID");

                // Parse Geo-JSON formatted route coordinates
                var jsonShapes = collection.Get("JSONText");
                if (jsonShapes != null && strRouteID != null)
                    int routeID = Convert.ToInt32(strRouteID);

                    using (var db = new TrolleyTracker.Models.TrolleyTrackerContext())
                        RemoveOldShape(routeID, db);

                        JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                        jss.RegisterConverters(new JavaScriptConverter[] { new DynamicJsonConverter() });

                        dynamic shapeData = jss.Deserialize(jsonShapes, typeof(object)) as dynamic;

                        var features = shapeData.features;
                        var geometryBlock = features[0];
                        var geometry = geometryBlock["geometry"];
                        var geoJSONtype = geometry["type"];
                        var coordinates = geometry["coordinates"];

                        int segmentCount = coordinates.Count;
                        if (geoJSONtype == "LineString") segmentCount = 1;
                        int sequence = 0;
                        double totalDistance = 0.0;
                        for (int seg = 0; seg < segmentCount; seg++)
                            var coordArray = coordinates[seg];
                            if (geoJSONtype == "LineString") coordArray = coordinates;
                            int nodeCount = coordArray.Count;
                            for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++)
                                var node = coordArray[i];
                                var strLon = node[0];
                                var strLat = node[1];
                                var lon = Convert.ToDouble(strLon);
                                var lat = Convert.ToDouble(strLat);

                                var thisCoordinate = new Coordinate(0, lat, lon, null);
                                double distance = 0.0;
                                if (lastCoordinate != null)
                                    distance = thisCoordinate.GreatCircleDistance(lastCoordinate);
                                lastCoordinate = thisCoordinate;
                                totalDistance += distance;

                                var dbShape = new TrolleyTracker.Models.Shape();
                                dbShape.Lat = lat;
                                dbShape.Lon = lon;
                                dbShape.RouteID = routeID;
                                dbShape.Sequence = sequence;
                                dbShape.DistanceTraveled = totalDistance;


                        var assignStops = new AssignStopsToRoutes();
                        assignStops.UpdateStopsForRoute(db, routeID);


                return RedirectToAction("Index");
                return View();
        public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection)
                Coordinate lastCoordinate = null;

                var strRouteID = collection.Get("RouteID");

                // Parse Geo-JSON formatted route coordinates
                var jsonShapes = collection.Get("JSONText");
                if (jsonShapes != null && strRouteID != null)
                    int routeID = Convert.ToInt32(strRouteID);

                    using (var db = new TrolleyTracker.Models.TrolleyTrackerContext())
                        RemoveOldShape(routeID, db);

                        JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                        jss.RegisterConverters(new JavaScriptConverter[] { new DynamicJsonConverter() });

                        dynamic shapeData = jss.Deserialize(jsonShapes, typeof(object)) as dynamic;

                        var features      = shapeData.features;
                        var geometryBlock = features[0];
                        var geometry      = geometryBlock["geometry"];
                        var geoJSONtype   = geometry["type"];
                        var coordinates   = geometry["coordinates"];

                        int segmentCount = coordinates.Count;
                        if (geoJSONtype == "LineString")
                            segmentCount = 1;
                        int    sequence      = 0;
                        double totalDistance = 0.0;
                        for (int seg = 0; seg < segmentCount; seg++)
                            var coordArray = coordinates[seg];
                            if (geoJSONtype == "LineString")
                                coordArray = coordinates;
                            int nodeCount = coordArray.Count;
                            for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++)
                                var node   = coordArray[i];
                                var strLon = node[0];
                                var strLat = node[1];
                                var lon    = Convert.ToDouble(strLon);
                                var lat    = Convert.ToDouble(strLat);

                                var    thisCoordinate = new Coordinate(lat, lon);
                                double distance       = 0.0;
                                if (lastCoordinate != null)
                                    distance = thisCoordinate.GreatCircleDistance(lastCoordinate);
                                lastCoordinate = thisCoordinate;
                                totalDistance += distance;

                                var dbShape = new TrolleyTracker.Models.Shape();
                                dbShape.Lat              = lat;
                                dbShape.Lon              = lon;
                                dbShape.RouteID          = routeID;
                                dbShape.Sequence         = sequence;
                                dbShape.DistanceTraveled = totalDistance;

                        var assignStops = new AssignStopsToRoutes();
                        assignStops.UpdateStopsForRoute(db, routeID);

                        var route = db.Routes.Find(routeID);
                        logger.Info($"Modified route shape of '{route.Description}' - '{route.LongName}'");

            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.Message = "Shape save exception";

                logger.Error(ex, "Exception saving route shape");
                ViewBag.RouteID = new SelectList(db.Routes, "ID", "ShortName");