예제 #1
 public double ComputeFDR(PeptideSpectrumMatches matches, out long nbTarget, out long nbDecoy)
     nbTarget = 0;
     nbDecoy  = 0;
     foreach (PeptideSpectrumMatch psm in matches)
         if (KeepPSM(psm))
             if (psm.Target)
     if (nbTarget == 0)
         return((double)nbDecoy / (double)nbTarget);
예제 #2
 public Precursor()
     this.psms_AllPossibilities = new PeptideSpectrumMatches(); // GraphML_List<PeptideSpectrumMatch>();
     this.psms    = new PeptideSpectrumMatches();               // GraphML_List<PeptideSpectrumMatch>();
     Isotopes     = new GraphML_List <Precursor>();
     OtherCharges = new GraphML_List <Precursor>();
예제 #3
        public Precursor(Track track, int charge, Sample entry, double massShift = 0, GraphML_List <Precursor> isotopes = null)//double mz, double intensity, int charge = -1, double rt = 0, double massShift = 0, List<Precursor> isotopes = null)
            INDEX       = COMPTEUR++;
            this.Track  = track;
            this.Charge = charge;
            this.sample = entry;

            this.psms_AllPossibilities = new PeptideSpectrumMatches(); // GraphML_List<PeptideSpectrumMatch>();
            this.psms = new PeptideSpectrumMatches();                  // GraphML_List<PeptideSpectrumMatch>();
            //  this.Mz         = mz;
            //  this.Intensity  = intensity;
            //  this.Charge     = charge;
            this.Mass = Numerics.MassFromMZ(track.MZ, charge);
            //  this.Rt         = rt;
            MassShift = massShift;
            if (isotopes == null)
                Isotopes = new GraphML_List <Precursor>();
                Isotopes = isotopes;
            OtherCharges = new GraphML_List <Precursor>();
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Aligns fragments observed Mz values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="allPSMs"></param>
        public static void AlignProductsByDiff(Result result, PeptideSpectrumMatches allPSMs)
            List <double> observedDiff = new List <double>();
            List <double> observedMz   = new List <double>();

            //Precursors and Tracks
            foreach (Precursor precursor in result.matchedPrecursors)//.ComputeAtFDR(result.dbOptions.maximumFalseDiscoveryRate, false))
                PeptideSpectrumMatch psm = precursor.OptimizedBestPsm();
                if (psm.Target)
                    foreach (ProductMatch fragment in psm.AllProductMatches)
            PolynominalRegression pr = new PolynominalRegression(observedMz, observedDiff, 2);

            foreach (PeptideSpectrumMatch psm in allPSMs)
                foreach (ProductMatch match in psm.AllProductMatches)
                    match.obsMz    += pr.Calculate(match.obsMz);
                    match.mass_diff = match.theoMz - match.obsMz;
                psm.Initialize(result.dbOptions, psm.AllProductMatches);

                foreach (MsMsPeak peak in psm.Query.spectrum.Peaks)
                    peak.MZ += pr.Calculate(peak.MZ);
예제 #5
 public Query(DBOptions dbOptions, Sample entry, ProductSpectrum spectrum, Precursor precursor, int spectraIndex = -1)
     this.options       = dbOptions;
     this.sample        = entry;
     this.psms          = new PeptideSpectrumMatches();
     this.spectrum      = spectrum;
     this.precursor     = precursor;
     this.spectrumIndex = spectraIndex;
     if (spectrum != null && precursor != null)
         this.TrapDistance = Math.Abs(spectrum.PrecursorMZ - precursor.Track.MZ);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Crop observed precursors values outside the variance or Standard Deviation (whichever is bigger)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="allPSMs"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns the newly computed Precursor tolerance</returns>
        public static double CropPrecursors(Result result, PeptideSpectrumMatches allPSMs)
            List <double> errorPrecursor = new List <double>(result.precursors.Count);

            foreach (Precursor precursor in result.matchedPrecursors)
                PeptideSpectrumMatch psm = precursor.OptimizedBestPsm();
                if (psm.Target)
            double variance = Numerics.Variance(errorPrecursor);
            double stdev    = Numerics.StandardDeviation(errorPrecursor);

            result.dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("Computed Precursor Variance = " + variance + "          STDev = " + stdev);
            if (variance < stdev)
                variance = stdev;
            //variance = result.dbOptions.precursorMassTolerance.Value * ((2 * variance) / result.dbOptions.precursorMassTolerance.Value);

            int nbRemovedPSM = 0;

            foreach (Precursor precursor in result.precursors)
                for (int i = 0; i < precursor.psms.Count;)
                    if (Math.Abs(precursor.psms[i].PrecursorMzError) > variance)
            result.dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("Removed " + nbRemovedPSM + " [" + allPSMs.Count + " remaining] Peptide Spectrum matches outside the variance [" + variance + "]");
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Aligns precursors observed Mz values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="allPSMs"></param>
        public static void AlignPrecursorsByDiff(Result result, PeptideSpectrumMatches allPSMs)
            List <double> observedDiff = new List <double>();
            List <double> observedMz   = new List <double>();

            //Precursors and Tracks
            foreach (Precursor precursor in result.matchedPrecursors)//.ComputeAtFDR(result.dbOptions.maximumFalseDiscoveryRate, false))
                PeptideSpectrumMatch psm = precursor.OptimizedBestPsm();
                if (psm.Target)
                    observedDiff.Add(Numerics.MZFromMass(psm.Peptide.MonoisotopicMass, precursor.Charge) - precursor.Track.MZ);
            PolynominalRegression pr = new PolynominalRegression(observedMz, observedDiff, 2);

            foreach (Query query in result.queries)
                query.precursor.Track.MZ += pr.Calculate(query.precursor.Track.MZ);
                query.precursor.Mass      = Numerics.MassFromMZ(query.precursor.Track.MZ, query.precursor.Charge);
                foreach (Precursor precursor in query.precursor.Isotopes)
                    precursor.Track.MZ += pr.Calculate(precursor.Track.MZ);
                    precursor.Mass      = Numerics.MassFromMZ(precursor.Track.MZ, precursor.Charge);
                foreach (Precursor precursor in query.precursor.OtherCharges)
                    precursor.Track.MZ += pr.Calculate(precursor.Track.MZ);
                    precursor.Mass      = Numerics.MassFromMZ(precursor.Track.MZ, precursor.Charge);

                query.spectrum.PrecursorMZ  += pr.Calculate(query.spectrum.PrecursorMZ);
                query.spectrum.PrecursorMass = Numerics.MassFromMZ(query.spectrum.PrecursorMZ, query.spectrum.PrecursorCharge);
            foreach (PeptideSpectrumMatch psm in allPSMs)
예제 #8

        /// <summary>
        /// Latest version of the search routine. Associates spectrum to digested peptide sequences,
        /// aligns precursors and fragments, clusters common precursors accross samples, create the list of detected
        /// peptide and protein sequences.
        /// TODO Align maps together (retention time)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queries"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Result SearchVersionAugust2013(Queries queries, bool optimize)
            Result result = new Result();

            result.queries   = queries;
            result.dbOptions = dbOptions;
            result.samples   = Project;

            DBSearcher dbSearcher = new DBSearcher(dbOptions);
            Digestion  ps         = new Digestion(dbOptions);

            if (dbOptions.NoEnzymeSearch)
                result.SetPrecursors(dbSearcher.Search(queries, ps.DigestProteomeOnTheFlyNoEnzyme(AllProteins, queries)));
                result.SetPrecursors(dbSearcher.Search(queries, ps.DigestProteomeOnTheFly(AllProteins, false, queries)));
            dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine(result.precursors.Count + " precursors matched !");

            PeptideSpectrumMatches allPSMs = new PeptideSpectrumMatches();

            foreach (Precursor precursor in result.precursors)
                foreach (PeptideSpectrumMatch psm in precursor.psms_AllPossibilities)

            //Add all psm possibilities to psms list
            foreach (PeptideSpectrumMatch psm in allPSMs)

            long nbTargets = result.SetPrecursors(result.precursors);

            dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("Targets before Optimizing Score Ratios : " + nbTargets + " [" + result.matchedPrecursors.Count + "]");

            if (optimize)
                //allPSMs.OptimizePSMScoreRatios(dbOptions, dbOptions.PSMFalseDiscoveryRate, result);
                //result.matchedPrecursors.OptimizePSMScoreRatios(dbOptions, dbOptions.PSMFalseDiscoveryRate, result);
                nbTargets = result.SetPrecursors(result.precursors);
                dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("Targets : " + nbTargets + " [" + result.matchedPrecursors.Count + "]");
                //TODO Improve alignment results

                 * Align.AlignPrecursorsByDiff(result, allPSMs);
                 * nbTargets = result.SetPrecursors(result.precursors);
                 * dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("Targets after precursor alignment : " + nbTargets + " [" + result.matchedPrecursors.Count + "]");
                 * Align.AlignProductsByDiff(result, allPSMs);
                 * nbTargets = result.SetPrecursors(result.precursors);
                 * dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("Targets after fragment alignment : " + nbTargets + " [" + result.matchedPrecursors.Count + "]");
                 * //*/
                 * dbOptions.precursorMassTolerance.Value = Align.CropPrecursors(result, allPSMs);
                 * nbTargets = result.SetPrecursors(result.precursors);
                 * dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("Targets after croping precursors : " + nbTargets + " [" + result.matchedPrecursors.Count + "]");
                 * dbOptions.productMassTolerance.Value = Align.CropProducts(result, allPSMs);
                 * nbTargets = result.SetPrecursors(result.precursors);
                 * dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("Targets after croping fragments : " + nbTargets + " [" + result.matchedPrecursors.Count + "]");
                 * //*/
            allPSMs = null;
            long       bestTargets = nbTargets;
            MSSearcher msSearcher  = new MSSearcher(dbOptions, Project);

            msSearcher.CumulPsm(result.matchedPrecursors);//TODO Check if its still needed

            //Step 1 : Cluster psms together based on precursor feature //TODO Implement ProteoProfile Scoring based clustering
            //Group in clusters
            result.clusters = msSearcher.Search(result.matchedPrecursors, true);
            //Todo Align retention times
            //Todo redo clusterization, based on retention time aligned maps

            //Step 2 : Regroup based on peptide sequence (Morpheus code)
            PeptideSearcher pepSearcher = new PeptideSearcher(dbOptions);

            result.peptides         = pepSearcher.Search(result.clusters, result.matchedPrecursors, true);
            result.peptideSequences = pepSearcher.Search(result.clusters, result.matchedPrecursors, false);

            //Step 3 : Regroup based on protein sequences (Morpheus code)
            ProteinSearcher protSearcher = new ProteinSearcher(dbOptions);

            result.proteins = protSearcher.SearchLatest(result.peptideSequences);//, dbSearcher.DicOfProteins);

            //long lastNbTarget = nbTargets;
            //    lastNbTarget = nbTargets;
            //    nbTargets = result.SetPrecursors(result.precursors);
            //} while (lastNbTarget < nbTargets);//*/

            result.peptides         = pepSearcher.Search(result.clusters, result.matchedPrecursors, true);
            result.peptideSequences = pepSearcher.Search(result.clusters, result.matchedPrecursors, false);

            if (optimize)
                dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("Targets before second Optimization of Score Ratios : " + nbTargets + " [" + result.matchedPrecursors.Count + "]");
                //result.matchedPrecursors.OptimizePSMScoreRatios(dbOptions, dbOptions.PSMFalseDiscoveryRate, result);
                nbTargets = result.SetPrecursors(result.precursors);
                dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("Targets after ReOptimizing PSM Score Ratios : " + nbTargets + " [" + result.matchedPrecursors.Count + "]");//*/

            //Step 5 : Compute the new number of Targets
            nbTargets = result.SetPrecursors(result.precursors);
            if (nbTargets < bestTargets)
                dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("FAILED to improve PSMs while adding protein and peptide information");

            dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine(result.matchedPrecursors.Count + " precursors remaining after ProPheus Search!");
예제 #9
        public static double CropProductsBKP(Result result, PeptideSpectrumMatches allPSMs)
            List <double> errorProduct = new List <double>(result.precursors.Count);

            foreach (Precursor precursor in result.matchedPrecursors)
                PeptideSpectrumMatch psm = precursor.OptimizedBestPsm();
                if (psm.Target)
                    foreach (ProductMatch match in psm.AllProductMatches)
            double variance = Numerics.Variance(errorProduct);
            double stdev    = Numerics.StandardDeviation(errorProduct);

            result.dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("Computed Product Variance = " + variance + "          STDev = " + stdev);
            if (variance < stdev)
                variance = stdev;
            //variance = result.dbOptions.productMassTolerance.Value * ((2 * variance) / result.dbOptions.productMassTolerance.Value);

            int nbRemovedProduct = 0;

            foreach (PeptideSpectrumMatch psm in allPSMs)
                for (int i = 0; i < psm.AllProductMatches.Count;)
                    if (Math.Abs(psm.AllProductMatches[i].mass_diff) > variance)
                psm.MatchingProducts = psm.AllProductMatches.Count;

            int nbRemovedPSM = 0;

            foreach (Precursor precursor in result.precursors)
                for (int i = 0; i < precursor.psms.Count;)
                    if (precursor.psms[i].MatchingProducts < 2)
                        precursor.psms[i].Initialize(result.dbOptions, precursor.psms[i].AllProductMatches);
            result.dbOptions.ConSole.WriteLine("Removed " + nbRemovedProduct + " [" + nbRemovedPSM + " removed PSMs] Fragment matches outside the variance [" + variance + "]");
예제 #10
 public Query()
     this.psms = new PeptideSpectrumMatches();