예제 #1
        int secondsPassed = 0; // Used to monitor the number of seconds that have passed since the gamee started

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // When an instance of this GameForm is created
        public GameForm(LoginForm parentForm, string usernameArg)
            InitializeComponent(); // Initialize this Form component
            loginForm = parentForm; // Store the parent LoginForm
            username = usernameArg; // Record the Username that the player logged in with using the supplied username
            SettingsQuestionEntryBox.SetUsername(usernameArg); // Set the username stored by the SettingsQuestionEntryBox
            DropGrid.SetGridRange(7, 21, 21, 0); // Manually set the range of the DropGrid
            DropGrid.AllowDrop = true; // Ensure that the DropGrid allows dropping
            DropGrid.SetGridVisibility(false); // Set the Grid in the drop grid to invisible
            DropGrid.AddOccupyingPB(SoldierPictureBox); // Add the picture of the soldier to the list of PictureBoxes that cannot be dropped ontop of
            DropGrid.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(objectPlaced); // Add a DragDrop listener to the DropGrid to call the objectPlaced method when triggered
            BeginPanel.BringToFront(); // Ensure that the BeginPanel is at the front of theform
            ShopFlowLayoutPanel.HorizontalScroll.Visible = false; // Prevent the Shop FlowLayoutPanel from scrolling horizontally
            FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(formClosed); // Add a FormClosed listener to call the formClosed method when this form is closed
            PointsLabel.Text = "Points: " + points; // Update the text of the PointsLabel to display the current points of the user

            UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase(); // Create a new instance of a UserDatabase. This is done for reading purposes
            QuestionButtonState buttonState = userDB.getQuestionButtonState(username); // Read and store the button state that has been saved for this user
            SetBiologyButtonsState(buttonState.biologyButtonEnabled); // Set the state of the Biology Buttons to the saved values
            OtherSubjectTextBox.Text = buttonState.otherButtonLabel; // Update the name of the Other subjcet to the saved value
            SetOtherButtonState(buttonState.otherButtonEnabled); // Set the state of the Other Subject Buttons to the saved values

            PlantDispenser.stock = 3; // Manually set the stock for each dispenser in the shop.
            TapDispenser.stock = 4;
            FoodMachineDispenser.stock = 1;
            TorchDispenser.stock = 1;
예제 #2
        public Game(Login parentForm, string usernameArg)
            loginForm = parentForm;
            username = usernameArg;
            dropGrid.SetGridRange(7, 21, 21, 0);
            dropGrid.AllowDrop = true;
            dropGrid.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(objectPlaced);
            flowLayoutPanel1.HorizontalScroll.Visible = false;
            FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(formClosed);
            PointsLabel.Text = "Points: " + points;

            UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase();
            QuestionButtonState buttonState = userDB.getQuestionButtonState(username);
            OtherSubjectTextBox.Text = buttonState.otherButtonLabel;

            PlantDispenser.stock = 3;
            TapDispenser.stock = 4;
            FoodMachineDispenser.stock = 1;
            TorchDispenser.stock = 1;
예제 #3
 // Used to update the button states of Biology and the Custom Subject
 private void UpdateButtonStates()
     UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase(); // Create a new instance of a UserDatabase
     QuestionButtonState buttonState = userDB.getQuestionButtonState(activePupilUsername); // Extract the button state for the active username and store it
     SetBiologyEnabled(buttonState.biologyButtonEnabled); // Set Biology to enabled or disabled depending on the extracted value
     SetOtherSubjectEnabled(buttonState.otherButtonEnabled, buttonState.otherButtonLabel); // Set the Custom Subject to enabled or disabled depending on the extracted value