// When the Reset Passwors Button is clicked
        private void ResetPasswordButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Validation
            if (PasswordETF.Text.Equals("")) // If no username has been entered
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Password"); // Show a message box describing the error
                return; // Stop this method
            else if (ReEnterPasswordETF.Text.Equals("")) // If no username has been entered
                MessageBox.Show("Please Reenter the Password"); // Show a message box describing the error
                return; // Stop this method
            if (!PasswordETF.Text.Equals(ReEnterPasswordETF.Text))
            { // If the passwords entered do not match
                MessageBox.Show("Passwords to not match. Please try again."); // Show a messagebox displaying the error message
                return; // Stop the method

            UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase(); // Create a new instance of a User Database. This can be read from and written to a file

            userDB.ChangeUserPassword(username, PasswordETF.Text); // Change the User's password (Details have been verified in the 'Start Display')
            userDB.SaveDatabase(); // Save the Database to a file
            this.Close(); // Close this form now that the password has been reset
예제 #2
 private void ResetPasswordButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         MessageBox.Show("Passwords to not match. Please try again.");
     UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase();
     userDB.ChangeUserPassword(username, PasswordETF.Text);
예제 #3
        private void CompleteRegistrationButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (UsernameETF.Text.Equals(""))
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Username");
            else if (PasswordETF.Text.Equals(""))
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Password");
            else if (ReenterPasswordETF.Text.Equals(""))
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Reentered Password");

            if (!PasswordETF.Text.Equals(ReenterPasswordETF.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Passwords do not match");

            UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase();

                userDB.AddUser(UsernameETF.Text, PasswordETF.Text);
                userDB.setUserForgotPassword(UsernameETF.Text, ForgotPasswordQuestionETF.Text, ForgotPasswordAnswerETF.Text);
            catch (Exception exception)

예제 #4
        private void SettingsSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase();
            userDB.SetUserQuestionButtonState(username, SettingsBiologyT1.Enabled, SettingsOtherSubjectT1.Enabled, SettingsOtherSubjectT1.Text.Substring(0, SettingsOtherSubjectT1.Text.Length - 7));

            SettingsReturnButton_Click(sender, e);
        public void SaveOnePupilQuestions(string pupilUsername)
            StoreDisplay(); // Store the current display

            UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase(); // Create a new instance of a UserDatabase. This can be read from and written to

            List<TempStoredDisplay> storedDetailsValues = storedDetails[pupilUsername].Values.ToList<TempStoredDisplay>(); // List all of the TempStoredDisplays in the storedDetials Dictionary

            for (int j = 0; j < storedDetailsValues.Count; j++) // For each display that needs to be saved
                TempStoredDisplay tempStoredDisplay = storedDetailsValues[j]; // get the current display that we are saving
                if (tempStoredDisplay.questions.Count == 0) // If there are no questions in this display
                    continue; // Skip this display

                string[][] questionDetails = new string[4][]; // Create a multi-dimensional array to format the display

                questionDetails[0] = new string[tempStoredDisplay.questions.Count]; // Set the size of each array in the multi-dimensional array to the number of questions
                questionDetails[1] = new string[tempStoredDisplay.questions.Count];
                questionDetails[2] = new string[tempStoredDisplay.questions.Count];
                questionDetails[3] = new string[tempStoredDisplay.questions.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < tempStoredDisplay.questions.Count; i++) // For each question in this display
                    questionDetails[0][i] = tempStoredDisplay.questions[i].Text; // Add the question to the stored details
                    questionDetails[1][i] = tempStoredDisplay.correctAnswers[i].Text; // Add the correct answer to the stored details
                    questionDetails[2][i] = tempStoredDisplay.wrongAnswers1[i].Text; // Add the wrong answer 1 to the stored details
                    questionDetails[3][i] = tempStoredDisplay.wrongAnswers2[i].Text; // Add the wrong answer 2 to the stored details


                userDB.ClearQuestionSet(pupilUsername, storedDetails[pupilUsername].Keys.ToList<string>()[j]); // Clear the question set that we are about to fill
                userDB.FillQuestionSet(pupilUsername, storedDetails[pupilUsername].Keys.ToList<string>()[j], questionDetails[0], questionDetails[1], questionDetails[2], questionDetails[3]); // Fill the question set with our formatted details


            userDB.SaveDatabase(); // Save the database as a file
예제 #6
        // When the Save Settings button has been clicked
        private void SettingsSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SettingsQuestionEntryBox.SaveAllQuestions(); // Save all questions held by the SettingsQuestionEntryBox

            UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase(); // Create a new instance of a User Database to save the buttons state
            userDB.SetUserQuestionButtonState(username, SettingsBiologyT1.Enabled, SettingsOtherSubjectT1.Enabled, SettingsOtherSubjectT1.Text.Substring(0, SettingsOtherSubjectT1.Text.Length - 7)); // Update the button state in the new User Database
            userDB.SaveDatabase(); // Save the Database

            OtherSubjectT1Button.Text = SettingsOtherSubjectT1.Text; // Update the text of the Other Subject buttons to contain the chosen subject name
            OtherSubjectT2Button.Text = SettingsOtherSubjectT2.Text;
            OtherSubjectT3Button.Text = SettingsOtherSubjectT3.Text;

            SettingsReturnButton_Click(sender, e); // Return from the settings view by calling the functions used when the user clicks on the return button on the settings page
예제 #7
        // Used to complete the game
        public void CompleteGame()
            AirTimer.Stop(); // Stop all timers
            GameCompletedForm gameCompletedForm = new GameCompletedForm(); // Create a new instance of a GameCompletedForm
            gameCompletedForm.Visible = true; // Make this new instance visible
            this.Visible = false; // Hide the current Form
            gameCompletedForm.SetTimeLabel(secondsPassed); // Set the time label on the new form
            gameCompletedForm.SetQuestionLists(problemQuestions, resolvedProblemQuestions); // Set the values of the question lists on the new form
            gameCompletedForm.SetTotalCorrectAnswers(answersCorrect[0], answersCorrect[1], answersCorrect[2]); // Set the value for total correct answers on the new form
            gameCompletedForm.SetTotalNumMistakes(answersIncorrect[0], answersIncorrect[1], answersIncorrect[2]); // Set the value for the total number of mistakes on the new form
            gameCompletedForm.SetProblemQuestionsLabel(problemQuestions.Count); // Set the data for the Problem Questions on the new form
            gameCompletedForm.SetResolvedQuestionsLabel(resolvedProblemQuestions.Count); // Set the data for the Resolved Questions on the new form

            UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase();
            UserDatabase.GameCompletedDetails gameCompletedDetails = new UserDatabase.GameCompletedDetails();
            gameCompletedDetails.timeInSeconds = secondsPassed;
            gameCompletedDetails.numCorrectAnswers = answersCorrect;
            gameCompletedDetails.numMistakes = answersIncorrect;
            gameCompletedDetails.problemQuestions = problemQuestions;
            gameCompletedDetails.resolvedQuestions = resolvedProblemQuestions;
            userDB.AddGameCompletedDetails(username, gameCompletedDetails);
예제 #8
 private void SavePupilButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase(); // Create a new instance of a User Database to save the buttons state
     userDB.SetUserQuestionButtonState(activePupilUsername, SettingsBiologyT1Button.Enabled, SettingsOtherSubjectT1Button.Enabled, SettingsOtherSubjectT1Button.Text.Substring(0, SettingsOtherSubjectT1Button.Text.Length - 7)); // Update the button state in the new User Database
     userDB.SaveDatabase(); // Save the Database
     MessageBox.Show("Details saved for this pupil");
예제 #9
 private void SaveAllPupilsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase(); // Create a new instance of a User Database to save the buttons state
     List<string> usernames = userDB.getUsernames();
     foreach (string name in usernames) {
         userDB.SetUserQuestionButtonState(name, SettingsBiologyT1Button.Enabled, SettingsOtherSubjectT1Button.Enabled, SettingsOtherSubjectT1Button.Text.Substring(0, SettingsOtherSubjectT1Button.Text.Length - 7)); // Update the button state in the new User Database
     MessageBox.Show("Details Saved for all pupils");
예제 #10
        // When the Complete Registration Button has been clicked
        private void CompleteRegistrationButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Validation

            if (UsernameETF.Text.Equals("")) // If no username has been entered
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Username"); // Show a message box describing the error
                return; // Stop this method
            else if (PasswordETF.Text.Equals("")) // If no password has been entered
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Password");
            else if (ReenterPasswordETF.Text.Equals("")) // If the password has not been reentered
                MessageBox.Show("Please reenter a Password");
            else if (ForgotPasswordQuestionETF.Text.Equals("")) // If the Forgot Password Question has not been entered
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a Question that will be asked when you have forgotten your password.");
            else if (ForgotPasswordAnswerETF.Text.Equals("")) // If the Forgot Password Question answer has not been entered
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter the answer to your Forgot Password Question.");

            if (!PasswordETF.Text.Equals(ReenterPasswordETF.Text)) // If the password and the Reentered Password do not match
                MessageBox.Show("Passwords do not match, please try re-entering them");

            //Begin Registering the new user

            UserDatabase userDB = new UserDatabase(); // Create a new instance of the User Database. This allows reading and writing of the database

                userDB.AddUser(UsernameETF.Text, PasswordETF.Text); // Attempt to add the new user to the database. Duplicate usernames will be detected here
                userDB.setUserForgotPassword(UsernameETF.Text, ForgotPasswordQuestionETF.Text, ForgotPasswordAnswerETF.Text.ToLower()); // Attempt to give the user a 'Forgot Password Question' and answer
            catch (Exception exception) // Catch any exception, and perform the following
                MessageBox.Show(exception.Message + ""); // Display a message box describing the error
                return; // Stop this method

            RegistrationCompletedLabel.Visible = true;

            userDB.SaveDatabase(); // Save the database to a file
            ClearTextFields(); // Clear all of the TextBoxes