예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get map from google maps and  it on a frame
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(Graphics grfx, float time)
            if (this.map == null)
                GetBoundSize();//TODO: remove this dependancy
                GPSBox box = Gps.GetBox();
                var southWest = new GPSCoord(box.Position.Longitude, box.Position.Latitude, 0);
                var northEast = new GPSCoord(box.Position.Longitude + box.Size.Longitude, box.Position.Latitude + box.Size.Latitude, 0);

                int curentZoomLevel = this.GetBoundsZoomLevel(northEast, southWest, WidgetSize);
                int curentRouteHeightPixels = UnscaledMapImageHeight(box.Size.Latitude, curentZoomLevel);
                double currentRatio = (double)WidgetSize.Height / curentRouteHeightPixels;

                int nextZoomLevel = curentZoomLevel + 1;
                int nextRouteHeightPixels = UnscaledMapImageHeight(box.Size.Latitude, nextZoomLevel);
                double nextRatio = (double)WidgetSize.Height / nextRouteHeightPixels;
                var nextRouteWidth = (int)Math.Floor(WidgetSize.Width / nextRatio);

                double minDeltaRatio;
                int chosenHeight, chosenWidth;
                if (nextRouteHeightPixels <= 640 && nextRouteWidth <= 640)
                    double currentDelta = Math.Abs(1 - currentRatio);
                    double nextDelta = Math.Abs(1 - nextRatio);

                    if (currentDelta < nextDelta)
                        minDeltaRatio = currentRatio;
                        chosenHeight = curentRouteHeightPixels;
                        chosenWidth = (int)(WidgetSize.Width / currentRatio);
                        minDeltaRatio = nextRatio;
                        chosenHeight = nextRouteHeightPixels;
                        chosenWidth = nextRouteWidth;
                    minDeltaRatio = currentRatio;
                    chosenHeight = curentRouteHeightPixels;
                    chosenWidth = (int)(WidgetSize.Width / currentRatio);

                var chosenSize = new Point(chosenWidth, chosenHeight);
                var widgetSize = new Point(WidgetSize.Width, WidgetSize.Height);
                this.map = GetMap(southWest, northEast, chosenSize);

                this.map = ImageEffects.ResizeImage(this.map, WidgetSize.Width, WidgetSize.Height);
                this.map = ImageEffects.ChangeOpacity(this.map, ProjectSettings.GetSettings().MapOpacity);

            grfx.DrawImage(this.map, PecentToPixels(ProjectSettings.GetSettings().TrackPostion));
예제 #2
        //source http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6048975/google-maps-v3-how-to-calculate-the-zoom-level-for-a-given-bounds
        private int GetBoundsZoomLevel(GPSCoord northEast, GPSCoord southWest, Size mapDim)
            var worldDim = new Size(256, 256);
            int zoomMax = 21;

            double latFraction = (LatRad(northEast.Latitude) - LatRad(southWest.Latitude)) / Math.PI;

            double lngDiff = northEast.Longitude - southWest.Longitude;
            double lngFraction = ((lngDiff < 0) ? (lngDiff + 360) : lngDiff) / 360;

            int latZoom = Zoom(mapDim.Height, worldDim.Height, latFraction);
            int lngZoom = Zoom(mapDim.Width, worldDim.Width, lngFraction);

            return new[] { latZoom, lngZoom, zoomMax }.Min();//Math.Min();
예제 #3
        private Bitmap GetMap(GPSCoord southWest, GPSCoord northEast, Point imageSize)
            //GPSBox box = Gps.GetBox();
            var webClient = new WebClient();

            string path = @"http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?size="// TODO max height=640, max width=640
                          imageSize.X + 'x' + imageSize.Y +//+10
                          "&path=color:0x00000000|weight:5|" +
                          (southWest.Latitude - 0.00).ToString() + "," +
                          (southWest.Longitude - 0.00).ToString() + "|" +
                          (northEast.Latitude).ToString() + ',' +
                          (northEast.Longitude).ToString() +
                this.map = new Bitmap(webClient.OpenRead(path));
            catch (WebException)
                throw new WebException("Could not load google map");

            return this.map;
예제 #4
        public void Update(List<GPSPoint> pts)
            double maxLong = double.MinValue;
            double maxLat = double.MinValue;
            double maxEle = double.MinValue;

            double minLong = double.MaxValue;
            double minLat = double.MaxValue;
            double minEle = double.MaxValue;
            var settigs = ProjectSettings.GetSettings();

            // trim track
            if (settigs.TrackEnd == 0)
                settigs.TrackEnd = pts[pts.Count - 1].Time;

            int trackStartPos = pts.FindIndex(0, p => p.Time >= settigs.TrackStart);

            // trackStartPos==-1 && trackEndPos==0 we have no coords that overlap the movie
            if (trackStartPos == -1)
                trackStartPos = 0;

            int trackEndPos = pts.FindIndex(trackStartPos, p => p.Time > settigs.TrackEnd);
            if (trackEndPos == -1)
                trackEndPos = pts.Count - 1;

            pts.RemoveRange(0, trackStartPos);
            trackEndPos = trackEndPos - trackStartPos;
            pts.RemoveRange(trackEndPos, pts.Count - trackEndPos);

            // TODO: lists are fast enough
            this.gpsPoints = new GPSPoint[pts.Count]; // we need an array rather than list for faster access

            if (this.gpsPoints.Length == 0)
                throw new EmptyTrackException("The generated track is empty! Try the default sync settings or another track file.");

            int n = 0;
            foreach (GPSPoint point in pts)
                // coppy to array
                this.gpsPoints[n] = point;

                // find BoundingBox valuse
                maxLong = Math.Max(point.Longitude, maxLong);
                maxLat = Math.Max(point.Latitude, maxLat);
                maxEle = Math.Max(point.Elevation, maxEle);

                minLong = Math.Min(point.Longitude, minLong);
                minLat = Math.Min(point.Latitude, minLat);
                minEle = Math.Min(point.Elevation, minEle);

            GPSCoord boundingBoxPosition = new GPSCoord(minLong, minLat, minEle);
            GPSCoord boundingBoxSize = new GPSCoord(maxLong - minLong, maxLat - minLat, maxEle - minEle);
            this.boundingBox = new GPSBox(boundingBoxPosition, boundingBoxSize);

            // for drawing maps
            LongtitudeCorrectionScale = Math.Cos((Math.PI / 180) * (maxLat + minLat) / 2);

            // distances from start point
            double distanceSum = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < this.gpsPoints.Length; i++)
                distanceSum += this.gpsPoints[i].DistanceFromPoint(this.gpsPoints[i - 1]);
                this.gpsPoints[i].Distance = distanceSum;
예제 #5
 // converts a GPS coordinate to pixel coordinate
 // size and return value are in pixels
 public PointF ToPixelCoordinate(GPSCoord pt, SizeF size, int border = 0)
     double ratio = size.Height / this.boundingBox.Size.Latitude;
     return new PointF(
         (float)((pt.Longitude - this.boundingBox.Position.Longitude) * ratio * LongtitudeCorrectionScale) + ((float)border) / 2,
         size.Height - (float)((pt.Latitude - this.boundingBox.Position.Latitude) * ratio) + ((float)border) / 2);