public override void StartBehavior(Agent agent) { Context context = agentsContexts[agent]; // Recalculate path in case things have changed InteractionSpotType interactionSpotType =; context.targetPosition = interactionSpotType.GetInteractionSpot(agent,, agent.decider.CurrentMapping, true, false); context.rotateTowardsLocation = interactionSpotType.GetRotateTowardsLocation(agent,, agent.decider.CurrentMapping); context.distanceTolerance = interactionSpotType.GetDistanceTolerance(agent,, agent.decider.CurrentMapping, defaultDistanceTolerance); // Set destination // TODO: Send in path since we need to calculate it when picking target // TODO: Should always use targetPosition - doesn't make sense to go into target // TODO: targetPosition will be PositiveInfinity if it couldn't find a spot - interrupt mapping agent.movementType.SetSpeed(agent, context.currentSpeed); agent.movementType.SetStopped(agent, false); agent.movementType.SetDestination(agent, Target(, context.targetPosition)); if (agent.animationType.ImplementsAnimationRigging()) { agent.animationType.SetRigWeight(agent, 0, 1); agent.animationType.WarpRigConstraintTargetTo(agent, 0, agent.transform.InverseTransformPoint(context.targetPosition), Quaternion.identity); } }
public override void UpdateBehavior(Agent agent) { Context context = agentsContexts[agent]; // Burn off energy based on how fast Agent was moving // TODO: First time should use afterStartWaitTime if (reduceEnergy) { context.energyAT.ChangeLevelUsingChangeCurve(agent, context.currentSpeed, context.movementSpeedAT, afterUpdateWaitTime, false); } // TODO: Can't always ignore y - Could be moving under or above the target position //float distanceToTargetPosition = Vector3.Distance(agent.transform.position, context.targetPosition); float distanceToTargetPosition = DistanceIgnoreY(agent.transform.position, context.targetPosition); // Make sure agent can continue going to destination if ( == null || ! { return; } if (changeSpeedDuringBehavior) { Selector valueSelector = context.attributeSelectors[0]; context.currentSpeed = valueSelector.GetFloatValue(agent, agent.decider.CurrentMapping); agent.movementType.SetSpeed(agent, context.currentSpeed); Debug.Log(context.currentSpeed); } if (agent.animationType.ImplementsAnimationRigging()) { agent.animationType.WarpRigConstraintTargetTo(agent, 0, agent.transform.InverseTransformPoint(context.targetPosition), Quaternion.identity); } // If target is an agent need to keep updating targetPosition //Agent targetAgent =<Agent>(); //if ( != null && targetAgent != null && distanceToTargetPosition > distanceTolerance) if (recalculateDestination && distanceToTargetPosition > context.distanceTolerance) { // Recalculate path in case things have changed InteractionSpotType interactionSpotType =; context.targetPosition = interactionSpotType.GetInteractionSpot(agent,, agent.decider.CurrentMapping, true, false); agent.movementType.SetDestination(agent, context.targetPosition); // Set in behavior so target gizmo will show correctly agent.behavior.SetTargetPosition(context.targetPosition); } // Rotate towards the target at the end // TODO: This is jerky - need to figure out how to do this every frame and gradually // Maybe set something on agent and have it run in agent.Update if (rotateTowardsTarget && != null && distanceToTargetPosition < context.distanceTolerance) { agent.transform.rotation = GetRotation(agent.transform, context.rotateTowardsLocation); } }