public void PlaceCup(Kaffekop Cup) { if (!bCupRegistered) { RegisteredCup = Cup; bCupRegistered = true; Cup.bPlacedInMachine = true; Console.WriteLine("\nPlacing cup"); Thread.Sleep(1500); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("Cup placed successfully.\n"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; } else { Cup.bPlacedInMachine = false; Console.WriteLine("Couldn't place cup. Already cup there\n"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Huuman Niclas = new Huuman(); Huuman Poul = new Huuman(); Kaffekop myCup = new Kaffekop(); Kaffekop poulCup = new Kaffekop(); CoffeMachine myMachine = new CoffeMachine(); // ============================== NEW HUUMAN Niclas.hairColor = "red"; Niclas.hairLength = 100000; Niclas.LifeForce = 50; = "Niclas"; Niclas.bodyWear = "hættetrøje"; Niclas.bCurrentlySittingOnTable = true; // ================================== NEW HUUMAN Poul.LifeForce = 30; Poul.hairColor = "leverpostej"; //================================================= NEW CUP myCup.diameter = 7.8; myCup.height = 8; myCup.color = "Titanium hwite"; myCup.currentVolume = 0; myCup.bContainsLiquid = false; myCup.maxVolume = myCup.diameter * myCup.height; myCup.owner = Niclas; poulCup.diameter = 7.8; poulCup.height = 8; poulCup.color = "black"; poulCup.currentVolume = 0; poulCup.bContainsLiquid = false; poulCup.maxVolume = myCup.diameter * myCup.height; poulCup.owner = Poul; //================================================ NEW CUP myMachine.bContainsCocoPowder = true; myMachine.bContainsCoffeePowder = true; myMachine.bContainsWater = true; myMachine.bCupRegistered = false; myMachine.bPowerConnected = true; myMachine.cocoAmount = 5500; myMachine.coffeeAmount = 5500; myMachine.waterAmount = 10000; //=============================================================== Program start Console.WriteLine("The machine is occupied currently: " + myCup.bPlacedInMachine); myMachine.PlaceCup(myCup); Console.WriteLine("you press *Coffee* and the machine starts humming"); myCup.Fill(myMachine.FillingCupCoffee()); Console.WriteLine("\nYour cup has sucesfully been filled with " + myCup.currentVolume + " dl coffee\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("myCup being removed\n"); Thread.Sleep(1400); myMachine.RemoveCup(); Console.WriteLine("myCup is removed!"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nBut now Poul wants his morning coffee!"); myMachine.PlaceCup(poulCup); Console.WriteLine("Pouls cup placed sucesfully: " + myCup.bPlacedInMachine); Console.WriteLine("\nPoul presses *coffee* and the machine starts humming!"); poulCup.Fill(myMachine.FillingCupCoffee()); Console.WriteLine("\nPouls cup has sucesfully been filled with " + poulCup.currentVolume + " dl coffee\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("Pouls cup being removed\n"); Thread.Sleep(1400); myMachine.RemoveCup(); Console.WriteLine("Pouls cup is removed!"); Console.ReadKey(); // ================================================== Console.WriteLine("\n\nNiclas comes up to Poul and says goodmorning."); Console.WriteLine("BUT! because Niclass hair collor is " + Niclas.hairColor + ", Pouls life force starts to fade!"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("\nPuls life force was at " + Poul.LifeForce); Niclas.SuckSoul(Poul); Console.WriteLine("BUT! after Niclas came up to him, Pouls life force hit " + Poul.LifeForce); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("\nSo their individual life forces are now at ----->" + "\nNicklas: " + Niclas.LifeForce + "\nPoul: " + Poul.LifeForce); Console.ReadKey(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("\n\nPouls self defence tries to get revenge on Niclas, but since Pouls hair color is " + Poul.hairColor); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Poul.SuckSoul(Niclas); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nNow nicklas leaves!"); Niclas.bOwnsACar = true; Niclas.DriveToMcD(); }
public void RemoveCup() { RegisteredCup = null; bCupRegistered = false; }