예제 #1
        /// Constructs a triangle shape.
        /// The vertices will be recentered.  If the center is needed, use the other constructor.
        ///<param name="vA">First vertex in the triangle.</param>
        ///<param name="vB">Second vertex in the triangle.</param>
        ///<param name="vC">Third vertex in the triangle.</param>
        public TriangleShape(Vector3 vA, Vector3 vB, Vector3 vC)
			//Recenter.  Convexes should contain the origin.
			Vector3 center;
			vA.Add2( ref vB, ref vC, out center );
			center.Mult( 1 / 3, out center );
            //= ( vA + vB + vC) / 3;
			vA.Sub( ref center, out this.vA );
			vB.Sub( ref center, out this.vB );
			vC.Sub( ref center, out this.vC );
			UpdateConvexShapeInfo( ComputeDescription(vA, vB, vC, collisionMargin));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the volume distribution of the triangle.
        /// The volume distribution can be used to compute inertia tensors when
        /// paired with mass and other tuning factors.
        /// </summary>
        ///<param name="vA">First vertex in the triangle.</param>
        ///<param name="vB">Second vertex in the triangle.</param>
        ///<param name="vC">Third vertex in the triangle.</param>
        /// <returns>Volume distribution of the shape.</returns>
        public static Matrix3x3 ComputeVolumeDistribution(Vector3 vA, Vector3 vB, Vector3 vC)
			Vector3 center;// = (vA + vB + vC) * (1 / 3f);
			vA.Add2( ref vB, ref vC, out center );
			center.Mult( 1 / 3, out center );

			//Calculate distribution of mass.

			const float massPerPoint = .333333333f;

            //Subtract the position from the distribution, moving into a 'body space' relative to itself.
            //        [ (j * j + z * z)  (-j * j)  (-j * z) ]
            //I = I + [ (-j * j)  (j * j + z * z)  (-j * z) ]
            //	      [ (-j * z)  (-j * z)  (j * j + j * j) ]

            float i = vA.X - center.X;
            float j = vA.Y - center.Y;
            float k = vA.Z - center.Z;
            //localInertiaTensor += new Matrix(j * j + k * k, -j * j, -j * k, 0, -j * j, j * j + k * k, -j * k, 0, -j * k, -j * k, j * j + j * j, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //No mass per point.
            var volumeDistribution = new Matrix3x3(massPerPoint * (j * j + k * k), massPerPoint * (-i * j), massPerPoint * (-i * k),
                                                   massPerPoint * (-i * j), massPerPoint * (i * i + k * k), massPerPoint * (-j * k),
                                                   massPerPoint * (-i * k), massPerPoint * (-j * k), massPerPoint * (i * i + j * j));

            i = vB.X - center.X;
            j = vB.Y - center.Y;
            k = vB.Z - center.Z;
            var pointContribution = new Matrix3x3(massPerPoint * (j * j + k * k), massPerPoint * (-i * j), massPerPoint * (-i * k),
                                                  massPerPoint * (-i * j), massPerPoint * (i * i + k * k), massPerPoint * (-j * k),
                                                  massPerPoint * (-i * k), massPerPoint * (-j * k), massPerPoint * (i * i + j * j));
            Matrix3x3.Add(ref volumeDistribution, ref pointContribution, out volumeDistribution);

            i = vC.X - center.X;
            j = vC.Y - center.Y;
            k = vC.Z - center.Z;
            pointContribution = new Matrix3x3(massPerPoint * (j * j + k * k), massPerPoint * (-i * j), massPerPoint * (-i * k),
                                              massPerPoint * (-i * j), massPerPoint * (i * i + k * k), massPerPoint * (-j * k),
                                              massPerPoint * (-i * k), massPerPoint * (-j * k), massPerPoint * (i * i + j * j));
            Matrix3x3.Add(ref volumeDistribution, ref pointContribution, out volumeDistribution);
            return volumeDistribution;