예제 #1
            public static Vector3 bestVectorToAoeFarm(Vector3 center, float spellrange, float spellWidth, int hit = 0)
                var minions = MinionManager.GetMinions(center, spellrange, MinionTypes.All, MinionTeam.NotAlly);
                Vector3 bestPos = new Vector3();
                int hits = hit;
                foreach (var minion in minions)
                    if (countMinionsInrange(minion.Position, spellWidth) > hits)
                        bestPos = minion.Position;
                        hits = countMinionsInrange(minion.Position, spellWidth);
                    Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(minion.Position.X + 80, minion.Position.Y + 80, minion.Position.Z);
                    for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                        var rotated = newPos.To2D().RotateAroundPoint(newPos.To2D(), 90 * i).To3D();
                        if (countMinionsInrange(rotated, spellWidth) > hits && player.Distance(rotated) <= spellrange)
                            bestPos = newPos;
                            hits = countMinionsInrange(rotated, spellWidth);

                return bestPos;
예제 #2
            public static Vector3 bestVectorToAoeSpell(IEnumerable<AIHeroClient> heroes,
                float spellrange,
                float spellwidth)
                var bestPos = new Vector3();
                var hits = 0;
                foreach (var hero in heroes)
                    if (countChampsAtrange(hero.Position, spellwidth) > hits)
                        bestPos = hero.Position;
                        hits = countChampsAtrange(hero.Position, spellwidth);
                    var newPos = new Vector3(hero.Position.X + 80, hero.Position.Y + 80, hero.Position.Z);
                    for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                        var rotated = newPos.To2D().RotateAroundPoint(newPos.To2D(), 90*i).To3D();
                        if (countChampsAtrange(rotated, spellwidth) > hits && player.Distance(rotated) <= spellrange)
                            bestPos = newPos;
                            hits = countChampsAtrange(rotated, spellwidth);

                return bestPos;
예제 #3
        public static void Jump(Vector3 pos, bool juke = false, bool castq = true)
            if (Math.Abs(Program._e.Cooldown) < 0.00001)
                var extended = ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D().Extend(pos.To2D(), 800f);
                if (!JumpTo.IsValid())
                    JumpTo = pos.To2D();

                if (Program._w.IsReady() && SoldierMgr.ActiveSoldiers.Count == 0)
                    if (juke)
                        var outRadius = 250 / (float)Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI / 12);

                        for (var i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                            var angle = i * 2 * Math.PI / 12;
                            var x = ObjectManager.Player.Position.X + outRadius * (float)Math.Cos(angle);
                            var y = ObjectManager.Player.Position.Y + outRadius * (float)Math.Sin(angle);
                            if (NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(x, y).HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Wall) && !ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D().Extend(new Vector2(x, y), 500f).IsWall())
                                Program._w.Cast(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D().Extend(new Vector2(x, y), 800f));

                if (SoldierMgr.ActiveSoldiers.Count > 0 && Program._q.IsReady())
                    var closestSoldier = SoldierMgr.ActiveSoldiers.MinOrDefault(s => s.Position.To2D().Distance(extended, true));
                    CastELocation = closestSoldier.Position.To2D();
                    CastQLocation = closestSoldier.Position.To2D().Extend(JumpTo, 800f);

                    if (CastELocation.Distance(JumpTo) > ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D().Distance(JumpTo) && !juke && castq)
                        CastQLocation = extended;
                        CastET = Utils.TickCount + 250;
                        Program._e.Cast(CastELocation, true);
                        if (ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D().Distance(CastELocation) < 700 && castq)
                            LeagueSharp.Common.Utility.DelayAction.Add(250, () => Program._q.Cast(CastQLocation, true));
                if (Program._q.IsReady() && CastELocation.Distance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition) <= 200 && castq)
                    Program._q.Cast(CastQLocation, true);

                JumpTo = Vector2.Zero;
예제 #4
파일: Pet.cs 프로젝트: KarmaPanda/EloBuddy
 public static Vector3 RotatePosition(Vector3 path)
     var rotateAroundPoint = path.To2D().RotateAroundPoint(Player.Instance.Position.To2D(), 180);
     var finalPath = new Vector3(rotateAroundPoint,
         NavMesh.GetHeightForPosition(rotateAroundPoint.X, rotateAroundPoint.Y));
     return finalPath;
예제 #5
        public static List<Vector2> GetCastMinionsPredictedPositions(List<Obj_AI_Base> minions,
            float delay,
            float width,
            float speed,
            Vector3 from,
            float range,
            bool collision,
            SkillshotType stype,
            Vector3 rangeCheckFrom = new Vector3())
            var result = new List<Vector2>();
            from = from.To2D().IsValid() ? from : ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition;
            foreach (var minion in minions)
                var pos = Prediction.GetPrediction(new PredictionInput
                    Unit = minion,
                    Delay = delay,
                    Radius = width,
                    Speed = speed,
                    From = from,
                    Range = range,
                    Collision = collision,
                    Type = stype,
                    RangeCheckFrom = rangeCheckFrom

                if (pos.Hitchance >= HitChance.High)

            return result;
예제 #6
파일: BallMgr.cs 프로젝트: JelloBeans/SAC
        public static bool CheckHeroCollision(Vector3 to)
            if (Position == to)
                return false;

            return Collision.CheckEnemyHeroCollision(Position.To2D(), to.To2D(), 130f, 0.25f);
예제 #7
 public static int CountEnemysInRange(float range, Vector3 point)
     return (
         from units in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Hero>()
         where units.IsValidTarget()
         select units).Count<Obj_AI_Hero>(
             units => Vector2.Distance(point.To2D(), units.Position.To2D()) <= range);
예제 #8
 public static int CountAlliesInRange(float range, Vector3 point)
     return (
         from units in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Hero>()
         where units.IsAlly && units.IsVisible && !units.IsDead
         select units).Count<Obj_AI_Hero>(
             units => Vector2.Distance(point.To2D(), units.Position.To2D()) <= range);
예제 #9
파일: Pet.cs 프로젝트: kaerr/EloBuddy
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates Reflected Position. Returns no Vector if it is a wall, building, or prop
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The Player or Position Being Reflected</param>
        /// <param name="newPath">The Path</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Vector3 CalculatePosition(Obj_AI_Base source, Vector3 path)
            var playerPosition2D = source.Position.To2D();
            var pathPosition2D = path.To2D();
            var reflectedPos = Vector2.Reflect(pathPosition2D, playerPosition2D).To3D();

            return reflectedPos;
예제 #10
 public static Vector3? GetFirstWallPoint(this Vector3 from, Vector3 to, float step = 25)
     var wallPoint = GetFirstWallPoint(from.To2D(), to.To2D(), step);
     if (wallPoint.HasValue)
         return wallPoint.Value.To3DWorld();
     return null;
예제 #11
        public static PositionInfo GetScreenPosition(Vector3 position3D)
            var position = position3D.To2D();

            var worldCenter = GetWorldCenter();
            var screenCenter = Drawing.WorldToScreen(worldCenter.To3D().SetZ(0));

            if (position3D.IsOnScreen())
                var screenPosition = Drawing.WorldToScreen(position3D);

                return new PositionInfo
                screenPosition = screenPosition,
                direction = (screenPosition - screenCenter).Normalized(),
                distance = worldCenter.Distance(position),
                screenCollisionDistance = worldCenter.Distance(position)

            var worldDir = (position - worldCenter).Normalized();
            var worldClosePosition = worldCenter + worldDir * 100;

            var screenClosePosition = Drawing.WorldToScreen(worldClosePosition.To3D().SetZ(0));

            var dir = (screenClosePosition - screenCenter).Normalized();
            var screenFarPosition = screenCenter + dir * (Math.Max(Drawing.Width, Drawing.Height) + 100);

            var ray = new Ray(screenFarPosition.To3D().SetZ(0), -dir.To3D().SetZ(0));

            var boundingBox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(0, 0, -1),
                new Vector3(Drawing.Width, Drawing.Height, 1));

            float dist;
            var hasIntersection = ray.Intersects(ref boundingBox, out dist);

            if (hasIntersection)
                var rayDirection = dir;
                var distance = worldCenter.Distance(position);
                var finalScreenPos = screenFarPosition - dir * (dist);

                return new PositionInfo
                    screenPosition = position3D.IsOnScreen() ?
                            Drawing.WorldToScreen(position3D) : finalScreenPos,
                    direction = rayDirection,
                    distance = distance,
                    screenCollisionDistance = dist

            //Console.WriteLine("no intersect");

            return null;
예제 #12
 public static void DrawArrow(Vector3 starPosition, Vector3 endPosition, int angle, int linelength, int arrowsize, Color arrowColor)
     var playerPositionExtend = starPosition.Extend(endPosition, linelength);
     var extendPlayerPos = Drawing.WorldToScreen(playerPositionExtend);
     var afterStartPosition = playerPositionExtend.Extend(starPosition,
         playerPositionExtend.Distance(starPosition) - 110);
     var starPos = Drawing.WorldToScreen(afterStartPosition);
     Drawing.DrawLine(starPos, extendPlayerPos, 1, arrowColor);
     var playerposextend = playerPositionExtend.Extend(starPosition, -130);
     var firstLineRotate = RotateByX(playerposextend.To2D(), starPosition.To2D(), angle);
     var secondLineRotate = RotateByX(playerposextend.To2D(), starPosition.To2D(), -angle);
     var extend1 = playerposextend.Extend(firstLineRotate.To3D(), arrowsize);
     var extend2 = playerposextend.Extend(secondLineRotate.To3D(), arrowsize);
     var extendpoint = Drawing.WorldToScreen(playerposextend);
     var firstLineRotatePos = Drawing.WorldToScreen(extend1);
     var secondLineRotatePos = Drawing.WorldToScreen(extend2);
    Drawing.DrawLine(extendpoint, firstLineRotatePos, 1, arrowColor);
     Drawing.DrawLine(extendpoint, secondLineRotatePos, 1, arrowColor);
예제 #13
파일: Helpers.cs 프로젝트: jayblah/Asuna
 public static bool IsFountain(Vector3 position)
     float fountainRange = 750;
     var map = LeagueSharp.Common.Utility.Map.GetMap();
     if (map != null && map.Type == LeagueSharp.Common.Utility.Map.MapType.SummonersRift)
         fountainRange = 1050;
     return ObjectManager.Get<GameObject>().Where(spawnPoint => spawnPoint is Obj_SpawnPoint && spawnPoint.IsAlly).Any(spawnPoint => Vector2.Distance(position.To2D(), spawnPoint.Position.To2D()) < fountainRange);
예제 #14
 public static Geometry.Polygon getERectangle(Vector3 finalPosition, float BoundingRadius)
     var halfERange = 150f;
     var eRectangle = new Geometry.Polygon(
             ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D().Extend(finalPosition.To2D(), halfERange),
     return eRectangle;
예제 #15
        public static bool IsValidTargetEx(
    this AttackableUnit unit,
    float range,
    bool checkTeam = true,
    Vector3 from = default(Vector3))
            var ai = unit as Obj_AI_Base;

            if ((ai != null && ai.HasBuff("kindredrnodeathbuff") && ai.HealthPercent <= 10.0)
                || checkTeam && unit.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team)
                return false;

            var targetPosition = ai != null ? ai.ServerPosition : unit.Position;
            var fromPosition = from.To2D().IsValid() ? from.To2D() : ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D();

            var distance2 = Vector2.DistanceSquared(fromPosition, targetPosition.To2D());
            return distance2 <= range * range;
예제 #16
파일: Util.cs 프로젝트: leenam0910/LSharp
 public static bool IsPassWall(Vector3 start, Vector3 end)
     double count = Vector3.Distance(start, end);
     for (uint i = 0; i <= count; i += 25)
         Vector2 pos = start.To2D().Extend(Player.ServerPosition.To2D(), -i);
         if (IsWall(pos))
             return true;
     return false;
예제 #17
 public static Vector3[] GetPointsOnCirlce(Vector3 origin, float radius, float steps = 50)
     var points = new List<Vector3>();
     var origin2D = origin.To2D();
     for (float a = 0; a < 360; a = a + steps) // For each angle via steps
         var x = origin2D.X + (radius * Math.Cos(a.ToRadians()));
         var y = origin2D.Y + (radius * Math.Sin(a.ToRadians()));
         points.Add(new Vector3((float)x, (float)y, origin.Z));
     return points.ToArray();
예제 #18
		public static bool CollisionYasuo(Vector3 from, Vector3 to) {
			if (Game.Time - yasuoWall.CastTime > 4)
				return false;

			var level = yasuoWall.WallLvl;
			var wallWidth = (350 + 50 * level);
			var wallDirection = (yasuoWall.CastPosition.To2D() - yasuoWall.YasuoPosition.To2D()).Normalized().Perpendicular();
			var wallStart = yasuoWall.CastPosition.To2D() + wallWidth / 2f * wallDirection;
			var wallEnd = wallStart - wallWidth * wallDirection;

			if (wallStart.Intersection(wallEnd, to.To2D(), from.To2D()).Intersects)
				return true;
			return false;
예제 #19
 public static bool WillHitYasuoWall(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 endPosition)
     if (_containsYasuo)
         if (_wallObject != null && _wallObject.IsValid && !_wallObject.IsDead)
             var level = Convert.ToInt32(_wallObject.Name.Substring(_wallObject.Name.Length - 6, 1));
             var width = 250f + level * 50f;
             var pos1 = _wallObject.Position.To2D() + (_wallObject.Position.To2D() - _startPosition.To2D()).Normalized().Perpendicular() * width / 2f;
             var pos2 = _wallObject.Position.To2D() + (_wallObject.Position.To2D() - _startPosition.To2D()).Normalized().Perpendicular2() * width / 2f;
             var intersection = pos1.Intersection(pos2, startPosition.To2D(), endPosition.To2D());
             return intersection.Point.IsValid();
     return false;
예제 #20
        public static Vector3 GetBestConeAndLinearCastPosition(this Spell.Skillshot cone, Spell.Skillshot linearSpell, List<Obj_AI_Base> enemies, Vector3 sourcePosition, out int bestHitNumber)
            int radius = (int)cone.Range;

            enemies = enemies.Where(a => a.MeetsCriteria() && a.IsInRange(sourcePosition, radius)).ToList();

            bestHitNumber = 0;
            Vector3 castPosition = Vector3.Zero;

            //if there is nothing that meets the criteria
            if (enemies.Count() == 0)
                return castPosition;

            List<Tuple<Geometry.Polygon.Sector, Vector3>> conePositions = new List<Tuple<Geometry.Polygon.Sector, Vector3>>();

            Vector3 extendingPosition = sourcePosition + new Vector3(0, radius, 0);

            //checks every 15 degrees
            for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                Vector3 endPosition = extendingPosition.To2D().RotateAroundPoint(sourcePosition.To2D(), (float)((i * 15) * Math.PI / 180)).To3D((int)sourcePosition.Z);
                Geometry.Polygon.Sector sector = new Geometry.Polygon.Sector(sourcePosition,
                     endPosition, (float)(cone.ConeAngleDegrees * Math.PI / 180), radius);
                conePositions.Add(Tuple.Create(sector, endPosition));

            //order list by most hit by Q1 and Q2
            conePositions = conePositions.OrderByDescending(a => a.Item1.EnemiesHitInSectorAndRectangle(new Geometry.Polygon.Rectangle(sourcePosition, a.Item2, linearSpell.Width), enemies)).ToList();
            //only leave the ones with the highest amount
            conePositions = conePositions.Where(a => a.Item1.EnemiesHitInSectorAndRectangle(new Geometry.Polygon.Rectangle(sourcePosition, a.Item2, linearSpell.Width), enemies) == conePositions[0].Item1.EnemiesHitInSectorAndRectangle(new Geometry.Polygon.Rectangle(sourcePosition, a.Item2, linearSpell.Width), enemies)).ToList();
            //from the ones with the most Sector/Line enemies hit, find the one with the most in the rectangle
            conePositions = conePositions.OrderByDescending(a => new Geometry.Polygon.Rectangle(sourcePosition, a.Item2, linearSpell.Width).EnemiesHitInRectangle(enemies)).ToList();
            //only take the ones with the most enemies
            conePositions = conePositions.Where(a => new Geometry.Polygon.Rectangle(sourcePosition, a.Item2, linearSpell.Width).EnemiesHitInRectangle(enemies) == new Geometry.Polygon.Rectangle(sourcePosition, conePositions[0].Item2, linearSpell.Width).EnemiesHitInRectangle(enemies)).ToList();
            //from the ones with the most sector/line enemies hit AND the most line enemies hit, find the ones with the most sector area
            conePositions = conePositions.OrderByDescending(a => a.Item1.EnemiesHitInSector(enemies)).ToList();

            Tuple<Geometry.Polygon.Sector, Vector3> bestCone = conePositions.First();
            bestHitNumber = bestCone.Item1.EnemiesHitInSectorAndRectangle(new Geometry.Polygon.Rectangle(sourcePosition, bestCone.Item2, linearSpell.Width), enemies);
            return sourcePosition.Extend(bestCone.Item2, radius - 1).To3D((int)sourcePosition.Z);
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Collideses the with wall.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">The start.</param>
        /// <param name="end">The end.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static bool CollidesWithWall(Vector3 start, Vector3 end)
            if (Utils.TickCount - _wallCastT > 4000)
                return false;

            GameObject wall = null;
            foreach (var gameObject in
                        gameObject =>
                            gameObject.IsValid &&
                                gameObject.Name, "_w_windwall_enemy_0.\\.troy", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                wall = gameObject;
            if (wall == null)
                return false;
            var level = wall.Name.Substring(wall.Name.Length - 6, 1);
            var wallWidth = (300 + 50 * Convert.ToInt32(level));

            var wallDirection =
                (wall.Position.To2D() - _yasuoWallCastedPos).Normalized().Perpendicular();
            var wallStart = wall.Position.To2D() + wallWidth / 2f * wallDirection;
            var wallEnd = wallStart - wallWidth * wallDirection;

            for (int i = 0; i < start.Distance(end); i += 30)
                var currentPosition = start.Extend(end, i);
                if (wallStart.Intersection(wallEnd, currentPosition.To2D(), start.To2D()).Intersects)
                    return true;

            return false;
예제 #22
        // Counts the number of units in path from the start position to the end position
        internal static int CountInPath(
            Vector3 startpos,  Vector3 endpos, 
            float width, float range, out List<Obj_AI_Base> units,  bool minion = false)
            var end = endpos.To2D();
            var start = startpos.To2D();
            var direction = (end - start).Normalized();
            var endposition = start + direction * start.Distance(endpos);

            var objinpath = from unit in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Base>().Where(b => b.Team != Player.Team)
                    where Player.ServerPosition.Distance(unit.ServerPosition) <= range
                    where unit is Obj_AI_Hero || unit is Obj_AI_Minion && minion
                    let proj = unit.ServerPosition.To2D().ProjectOn(start, endposition)
                    let projdist = unit.Distance(proj.SegmentPoint)
                    where unit.BoundingRadius + width > projdist
                    select unit;

            units = objinpath.ToList();
            return units.Count();
예제 #23
 private static Obj_AI_Hero CondemnCheck(Vector3 fromPosition)
     var HeroList = HeroManager.Enemies.Where(
                             h =>
                                 h.IsValidTarget(Condemn.Range) &&
                                 !h.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.SpellShield) &&
     foreach (var Hero in HeroList)
         var ePred = Condemn.GetPrediction(Hero);
         int pushDist = AssemblyMenu.Item("dz191.exocondemn.pushdistance").GetValue<Slider>().Value;
         for (int i = 0; i < pushDist; i += (int)Hero.BoundingRadius)
             Vector3 loc3 = ePred.UnitPosition.To2D().Extend(fromPosition.To2D(), -i).To3D();
             if (loc3.IsWall())
                 return Hero;
     return null;
예제 #24
 public static AIHeroClient CondemnCheck(Vector3 fromPosition)
     var HeroList = EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(
         h =>
             h.IsValidTarget(Program.E.Range) &&
             !h.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.SpellShield) &&
     foreach (var Hero in HeroList)
         var ePred = Program.E2.GetPrediction(Hero);
         int pushDist = MenuManager.CondemnMenu["pushDistance"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue;
         for (int i = 0; i < pushDist; i += (int)Hero.BoundingRadius)
             Vector3 loc3 = ePred.UnitPosition.To2D().Extend(fromPosition.To2D(), -i).To3D();
             var collFlags = NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(loc3);
             if (collFlags.HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Wall) || collFlags.HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Building))
                 return Hero;
     return null;
예제 #25
        public static Vector3 bestVectorToPoppyFlash(Obj_AI_Base target)
            if (target == null)
                return new Vector3();
            Vector3 newPos = new Vector3();
            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j < 6; j++)
                    newPos = new Vector3(target.Position.X + 65 * j, target.Position.Y + 65 * j, target.Position.Z);
                    var rotated = newPos.To2D().RotateAroundPoint(target.Position.To2D(), 45 * i).To3D();
                    if (rotated.IsValid() && Environment.Map.CheckWalls(rotated, target.Position) &&
                        player.Distance(rotated) < 400)
                        return rotated;

            return new Vector3();
예제 #26
        //if onSpellCast was used then the spells end position is the direction the caster is facing extended to max range. IE: xerath q, velkoz r
        public static void DrawLinearSkillshot(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 endPosition, float width, float missileSpeed, float range, float collisionCount)
            if (collisionCount != 0 && collisionCount != int.MaxValue)
                List<Obj_AI_Base> enemiesThatWillBeHit = new List<Obj_AI_Base>();
                //get if unit(s) will be hit by spell if so get the info.CollisionCount's units position and set it as the end position
                foreach(Obj_AI_Base enemy in EntityManager.Enemies.Where(a=>!a.IsDead &&a.Distance(startPosition) <= range))
                    if (Prediction.Position.Collision.LinearMissileCollision(enemy, startPosition.To2D(), endPosition.To2D(), missileSpeed, (int)width, 0))

                enemiesThatWillBeHit.OrderByDescending(a => a.Distance(startPosition));
                if(enemiesThatWillBeHit.Count() >= collisionCount)
                    endPosition = enemiesThatWillBeHit[(int)collisionCount - 1].Position;

            Vector3 northernMostPoint = (startPosition.Y >= endPosition.Y) ? startPosition : endPosition;
            Vector3 southernMostPoint =  (startPosition.Y >= endPosition.Y) ? endPosition : startPosition;

            Vector3 betweenVector = new Vector3(northernMostPoint.X - southernMostPoint.X, northernMostPoint.Y - southernMostPoint.Y, 0f);
            Vector2 betweenVector2 = new Vector2(betweenVector.Y, -betweenVector.X);
            double Length = Math.Sqrt(betweenVector2.X * betweenVector2.X + betweenVector2.Y * betweenVector2.Y); //Thats length of perpendicular
            Vector2 NewVector = new Vector2((float)(betweenVector2.X / Length), (float)(betweenVector2.Y / Length)); //Now N is normalized perpendicular

            Vector3 NEPoint = new Vector3(southernMostPoint.X + NewVector.X * (width / 2), southernMostPoint.Y + NewVector.Y * (width / 2), startPosition.Z);
            Vector3 NWPoint = new Vector3(southernMostPoint.X - NewVector.X * (width / 2), southernMostPoint.Y - NewVector.Y * (width / 2), startPosition.Z);
            Vector3 SEPoint = new Vector3(northernMostPoint.X + NewVector.X * (width / 2), northernMostPoint.Y + NewVector.Y * (width / 2), startPosition.Z);
            Vector3 SWPoint = new Vector3(northernMostPoint.X - NewVector.X * (width / 2), northernMostPoint.Y - NewVector.Y * (width / 2), startPosition.Z);
            Drawing.DrawLine(NEPoint.WorldToScreen(), NWPoint.WorldToScreen(), 3, drawColor);
            Drawing.DrawLine(SEPoint.WorldToScreen(), SWPoint.WorldToScreen(), 3, drawColor);
            Drawing.DrawLine(NEPoint.WorldToScreen(), SEPoint.WorldToScreen(), 3, drawColor);
            Drawing.DrawLine(NWPoint.WorldToScreen(), SWPoint.WorldToScreen(), 3, drawColor);
예제 #27
        private static void MoveTo(Vector3 position)
            var delay = _menu.Item("orb_Misc_Humanizer").GetValue<Slider>().Value;

            if (Utils.GameTimeTickCount - _humanizerTick < delay)

            _humanizerTick = Utils.GameTimeTickCount;

            var holdAreaRadius = _menu.Item("orb_Misc_Holdzone").GetValue<Slider>().Value;
            if (Player.ServerPosition.Distance(position) < holdAreaRadius)
                if (Player.Path.Count() > 1)
                    Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.HoldPosition, Player.Position);
            var point = Player.ServerPosition +
            300 * (position.To2D() - Player.ServerPosition.To2D()).Normalized().To3D();
            Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, point);

예제 #28
 public static void JumpToVector(Vector3 position)
     if (SpellManager.CanCastW1)
         var ward = GetNearestTo(position);
         if (ward != null && position.To2D().Distance(ward.Position.To2D(), true) < Math.Pow(250f, 2))
예제 #29
 private void fleeqToInsec(Vector3 position)
     if (Vector2.Distance(HeroManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D(), position.To2D()) < azir.Spells.Q.Range)
         azir.Spells.Q.Cast(HeroManager.Player.Position.Extend(position, 1150));
예제 #30
			internal static double GetAngle(Vector3 from, Obj_AI_Base target) {
				var C = target.ServerPosition.To2D();
				var A = target.GetWaypoints().Last();

				if (C == A)
					return 60;

				var B = from.To2D();

				var AB = Math.Pow((double)A.X - (double)B.X, 2) + Math.Pow((double)A.Y - (double)B.Y, 2);
				var BC = Math.Pow((double)B.X - (double)C.X, 2) + Math.Pow((double)B.Y - (double)C.Y, 2);
				var AC = Math.Pow((double)A.X - (double)C.X, 2) + Math.Pow((double)A.Y - (double)C.Y, 2);

				return Math.Cos((AB + BC - AC) / (2 * Math.Sqrt(AB) * Math.Sqrt(BC))) * 180 / Math.PI;