public PaintScrollBarTrackEventArgs(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, Rectangle trackRect, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation, bool enabled) { this._graphics = graphics; this._trackRect = trackRect; this._orientation = orientation; this._enabled = enabled; }
private int PositionToValue(int pos) { int height; int num2; System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation = this.orientation; if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical) { throw ExceptionUtil.InvalidEnumArgumentException <System.Windows.Forms.Orientation>(this.orientation, "this.Orientation"); } } else { height = base.Width; goto Label_0033; } height = base.Height; Label_0033: num2 = (((height - 7) - (pos - 3)) * 0xff) / (height - 7); if (this.orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { num2 = 0xff - num2; } return(num2); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the progress. /// </summary> /// <param name="orientation">The orientation.</param> /// <returns>System.Int32.</returns> private int GetProgress(System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation) { int num; num = (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal ? checked (checked ((int)Math.Round((double)this._Value / (double)this._Maximum * (double)(checked (this.Height - 2)))) + 1) : checked (checked ((int)Math.Round((double)this._Value / (double)this._Maximum * (double)(checked (this.Width - 2)))) + 1)); return(num); }
private int ValueToPosition(int val) { int height; if (this.orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { val = 0xff - val; } System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation = this.orientation; if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical) { throw ExceptionUtil.InvalidEnumArgumentException <System.Windows.Forms.Orientation>(this.orientation, "this.Orientation"); } } else { height = base.Width; goto Label_0044; } height = base.Height; Label_0044: return(3 + ((height - 7) - ((val * (height - 7)) / 0xff))); }
private void InvalidateTriangle(int index) { Rectangle rectangle; if ((index < 0) || (index >= this.vals.Length)) { return; } int num = this.ValueToPosition(this.vals[index]); System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation = this.orientation; if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical) { throw ExceptionUtil.InvalidEnumArgumentException <System.Windows.Forms.Orientation>(this.orientation, "this.Orientation"); } } else { rectangle = new Rectangle(num - 3, 0, 7, base.Height); goto Label_0068; } rectangle = new Rectangle(0, num - 3, base.Width, 7); Label_0068: base.Invalidate(rectangle, true); }
public ScrollBarRenderTrackEventArgs(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, Rectangle trackRect, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation, bool enabled) { this.graphics_0 = graphics; this.rectangle_0 = trackRect; this.orientation_0 = orientation; this.bool_0 = enabled; }
public virtual void OnOrientationChanged(System.Windows.Forms.Orientation old) { if (this.Orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical) { if (this.InPort != null) { this.InPort.ToSpot = 0x20; this.InPort.FromSpot = 0x20; } if (this.OutPort != null) { this.OutPort.ToSpot = 0x80; this.OutPort.FromSpot = 0x80; } } else { if (this.InPort != null) { this.InPort.ToSpot = 0x100; this.InPort.FromSpot = 0x100; } if (this.OutPort != null) { this.OutPort.ToSpot = 0x40; this.OutPort.FromSpot = 0x40; } } this.LayoutChildren(null); }
public virtual void OnOrientationChanged(System.Windows.Forms.Orientation old) { int num1 = this.LeftPortsCount; for (int num2 = 0; num2 < num1; num2++) { GeneralNodePort port1 = this.GetLeftPort(num2); if (this.Orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical) { port1.ToSpot = 0x20; port1.FromSpot = 0x20; } else { port1.ToSpot = 0x100; port1.FromSpot = 0x100; } } num1 = this.RightPortsCount; for (int num3 = 0; num3 < num1; num3++) { GeneralNodePort port2 = this.GetRightPort(num3); if (this.Orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical) { port2.ToSpot = 0x80; port2.FromSpot = 0x80; } else { port2.ToSpot = 0x40; port2.FromSpot = 0x40; } } this.LayoutChildren(null); }
public PaintScrollBarThumbEventArgs(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, Rectangle thumbRect, ControlState controlState, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation, bool enabled) { this._graphics = graphics; this._thumbRect = thumbRect; this._controlState = controlState; this._orientation = orientation; this._enabled = enabled; }
public ScrollBarRenderThumbEventArgs(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, Rectangle thumbRect, ControlState controlState, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation, bool enabled) { this.graphics_0 = graphics; this.rectangle_0 = thumbRect; this.controlState_0 = controlState; this.orientation_0 = orientation; this.bool_0 = enabled; }
public PaintScrollBarThumbEventArgs(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, Rectangle thumbRect, CCWin.SkinClass.ControlState controlState, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation, bool enabled) { this._graphics = graphics; this._thumbRect = thumbRect; this._controlState = controlState; this._orientation = orientation; this._enabled = enabled; }
public PaintScrollBarArrowEventArgs(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, Rectangle arrowRect, ControlState controlState, System.Windows.Forms.ArrowDirection arrowDirection, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation, bool enabled) { this._graphics = graphics; this._arrowRect = arrowRect; this._controlState = controlState; this._arrowDirection = arrowDirection; this._orientation = orientation; this._enabled = enabled; }
public BevelLine() { base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); this.bevelLineWidth = 1; this.topLineColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; this.bottomLineColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight; this.orientation = System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal; this.blend = false; this.angle = 90; }
private void setOrientation(System.Windows.Forms.Orientation o, bool undoing) { System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation1 = this.myOrientation; if (orientation1 != o) { this.myOrientation = o; this.Changed(0x967, (int)orientation1, null, DiagramShape.NullRect, (int)o, null, DiagramShape.NullRect); this.OnOrientationChanged(orientation1); } }
public ConnectorSegment(Point point1, Point point2) { if ((point1.X != point2.X) && (point1.Y != point2.Y)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString("Error_InvalidConnectorSegment")); } this.point1 = point1; this.point2 = point2; this.orientation = (this.point1.X == this.point2.X) ? System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical : System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal; }
public ConnectorRouter.ConnectorSegment PeprendecularThroughPoint(Point p) { System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation = (this.orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) ? System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical : System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal; Point point = new Point(p.X, p.Y); if (orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { point.X = 0x7fffffff; } else { point.Y = 0x7fffffff; } return(new ConnectorRouter.ConnectorSegment(p, point)); }
private int GetOrientedValue(Point pt) { System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation = this.orientation; if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical) { throw ExceptionUtil.InvalidEnumArgumentException <System.Windows.Forms.Orientation>(this.orientation, "this.Orientation"); } } else { return(pt.X); } return(pt.Y); }
/// <summary> /// Apllies the orientation to the control and its child elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The orientation to apply</param> /// <param name="fireEvents">Indicates whether events should be fired</param> protected virtual void SetOrientationCore(System.Windows.Forms.Orientation value, bool fireEvents) { CancelEventArgs args = new CancelEventArgs(); bool cancel = (fireEvents) ? this.OnOrientationChanging(args) : false; if (cancel) { return; } this.RootElement.SuspendLayout(true); this.ApplyOrientation(value); this.commandBarElement.SetOrientationCore(value); this.RootElement.ResumeLayout(true, true); if (fireEvents) { this.OnOrientationChanged(new EventArgs()); } }
public ScrollableItemStrip(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation, System.Drawing.Size itemSize, System.Drawing.Size margin) { if (serviceProvider == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceProvider"); } this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider; this.orientation = orientation; this.margin = margin; if (orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { this.buttonSize = new System.Drawing.Size((itemSize.Width * 2) / 3, itemSize.Height); } else { this.buttonSize = new System.Drawing.Size(itemSize.Width, (itemSize.Height * 2) / 3); } this.itemStrip = this.CreateItemStrip(serviceProvider, orientation, itemSize, margin); this.itemStrip.ScrollPositionChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnScrollPositionChanged); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ZeroitMetroProgressbar" /> class. /// </summary> public ZeroitMetroProgressbar() { this._Style = Design.Style.Light; this._Orientation = System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal; this._Value = 50; this._Maximum = 100; this._ProgressColor = Design.MetroColors.AccentBlue; this._DefaultColor = Design.MetroColors.LightDefault; this._BorderColor = Design.MetroColors.LightBorder; this._gradientColor = Design.MetroColors.ChangeColorBrightness(this._ProgressColor, -0.2f); this._DrawBorder = true; this._ShowValueAsText = false; this._UseGradient = true; this._SpecialSymbol = "%"; this._IsRound = false; this._RoundingArc = this.Height; this._AutoStyle = true; this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 25); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); this.UpdateStyles(); }
private void UpdateDropDown() { _drawDropDown.Visible = _dropDown; _drawSplitBorder.Visible = _splitter & _dropDown; _drawOuterSeparator.Visible = !_splitter & _dropDown; _drawCanvas.Splitter = _splitter & _dropDown; ViewDockStyle dockStyle = ViewDockStyle.Right; System.Windows.Forms.Orientation splitOrientation = System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical; switch (_dropDownPosition) { case VisualOrientation.Top: dockStyle = ViewDockStyle.Top; splitOrientation = System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal; break; case VisualOrientation.Bottom: dockStyle = ViewDockStyle.Bottom; splitOrientation = System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal; break; case VisualOrientation.Left: dockStyle = ViewDockStyle.Left; splitOrientation = System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical; break; case VisualOrientation.Right: dockStyle = ViewDockStyle.Right; splitOrientation = System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical; break; } _drawSplitBorder.Orientation = splitOrientation; _drawSplitBorder.VisualOrientation = Orientation; _layoutDocker.SetDock(_drawSplitBorder, dockStyle); _layoutDocker.SetDock(_drawDropDown, dockStyle); _layoutDocker.SetDock(_drawOuterSeparator, dockStyle); }
public static ConnectorRouter.ConnectorSegment ConstructBoundSegment(ConnectorRouter.CoverSet coverSet, Point a, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation) { if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { return(SegmentFromBottomToTopCover(coverSet, a)); } return(SegmentFromLeftToRightCover(coverSet, a)); }
public ScrollBarRenderTrackEventArgs(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, Rectangle trackRect, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation) : this(graphics, trackRect, orientation, true) { }
public static extern int SetScrollPos(IntPtr hWnd, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation nBar, int nPos, bool bRedraw);
protected abstract ItemStrip CreateItemStrip(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation, System.Drawing.Size itemSize, System.Drawing.Size margin);
public ScrollBarRenderThumbEventArgs(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, Rectangle thumbRect, ControlState controlState, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation) : this(graphics, thumbRect, controlState, orientation, true) { }
public static extern int GetScrollPos(IntPtr hWnd, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation nBar);
public ScrollBarRenderArrowEventArgs(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics, Rectangle arrowRect, ControlState controlState, System.Windows.Forms.ArrowDirection arrowDirection, System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation) : this(graphics, arrowRect, controlState, arrowDirection, orientation, true) { }
private void DrawGradient(Graphics g) { Rectangle rectangle; double num; g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Half; System.Windows.Forms.Orientation orientation = this.orientation; if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical) { throw ExceptionUtil.InvalidEnumArgumentException <System.Windows.Forms.Orientation>(this.orientation, "this.Orientation"); } } else { num = 180.0; goto Label_0040; } num = 90.0; Label_0040: rectangle = base.ClientRectangle; orientation = this.orientation; if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical) { throw ExceptionUtil.InvalidEnumArgumentException <System.Windows.Forms.Orientation>(this.orientation, "this.Orientation"); } } else { rectangle.Inflate(-3, -4); goto Label_0082; } rectangle.Inflate(-4, -3); Label_0082: if (((this.customGradient != null) && (rectangle.Width > 1)) && (rectangle.Height > 1)) { Surface surface = new Surface(rectangle.Size.ToSizeInt32()); using (RenderArgs args = new RenderArgs(surface)) { ColorRectangle.Draw(args.Graphics, args.Bounds, Color.Transparent, true, false); if (this.Orientation == System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { for (int j = 0; j < surface.Width; j++) { double num16; double num17; double num18; double d = ((double)(j * (this.customGradient.Length - 1))) / ((double)(surface.Width - 1)); int index = (int)Math.Floor(d); double num5 = 1.0 - (d - index); int num6 = (int)Math.Min((double)(this.customGradient.Length - 1), Math.Ceiling(d)); Color c = this.customGradient[index]; Color disabledColor = this.customGradient[num6]; if (!base.Enabled) { c = DisabledRendering.GetDisabledColor(c); disabledColor = DisabledRendering.GetDisabledColor(disabledColor); } double num7 = ((double)c.A) / 255.0; double num8 = ((double)c.R) / 255.0; double num9 = ((double)c.G) / 255.0; double num10 = ((double)c.B) / 255.0; double num11 = ((double)disabledColor.A) / 255.0; double num12 = ((double)disabledColor.R) / 255.0; double num13 = ((double)disabledColor.G) / 255.0; double num14 = ((double)disabledColor.B) / 255.0; double num15 = (num5 * num7) + ((1.0 - num5) * num11); if (num15 == 0.0) { num16 = 0.0; num17 = 0.0; num18 = 0.0; } else { num16 = (((num5 * num7) * num8) + (((1.0 - num5) * num11) * num12)) / num15; num17 = (((num5 * num7) * num9) + (((1.0 - num5) * num11) * num13)) / num15; num18 = (((num5 * num7) * num10) + (((1.0 - num5) * num11) * num14)) / num15; } int num19 = ((int)Math.Round((double)(num15 * 255.0), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)).Clamp(0, 0xff); int num20 = ((int)Math.Round((double)(num16 * 255.0), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)).Clamp(0, 0xff); int num21 = ((int)Math.Round((double)(num17 * 255.0), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)).Clamp(0, 0xff); int num22 = ((int)Math.Round((double)(num18 * 255.0), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)).Clamp(0, 0xff); for (int k = 0; k < surface.Height; k++) { ColorBgra bgra = surface[j, k]; int num24 = ((num20 * num19) + (bgra.R * (0xff - num19))) / 0xff; int num25 = ((num21 * num19) + (bgra.G * (0xff - num19))) / 0xff; int num26 = ((num22 * num19) + (bgra.B * (0xff - num19))) / 0xff; surface[j, k] = ColorBgra.FromBgra((byte)num26, (byte)num25, (byte)num24, 0xff); } } g.DrawImage(args.Bitmap, rectangle, args.Bounds, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } else if (this.Orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical) { throw ExceptionUtil.InvalidEnumArgumentException <System.Windows.Forms.Orientation>(this.orientation, "this.Orientation"); } } surface.Dispose(); } else { Color color3 = base.Enabled ? this.maxColor : DisabledRendering.GetDisabledColor(this.maxColor); Color color4 = base.Enabled ? this.minColor : DisabledRendering.GetDisabledColor(this.minColor); using (LinearGradientBrush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(base.ClientRectangle, color3, color4, (float)num, false)) { g.FillRectangle(brush, rectangle); } } using (PdnRegion region = new PdnRegion()) { region.MakeInfinite(); region.Exclude(rectangle); using (SolidBrush brush2 = new SolidBrush(this.BackColor)) { g.FillRegion(brush2, region.GetRegionReadOnly()); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.vals.Length; i++) { Brush blue; Pen pen; Point point; Point point2; Point point3; Point point4; Point point5; Point point6; int x = this.ValueToPosition(this.vals[i]); if (i == this.highlight) { blue = Brushes.Blue; pen = (Pen)Pens.White.Clone(); } else { blue = base.Enabled ? Brushes.Black : Brushes.Gray; pen = (Pen)Pens.Gray.Clone(); } g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; orientation = this.orientation; if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal) { if (orientation != System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical) { throw ExceptionUtil.InvalidEnumArgumentException <System.Windows.Forms.Orientation>(this.orientation, "this.Orientation"); } } else { point = new Point(x - 3, 0); point2 = new Point(x, 6); point3 = new Point(x + 3, 0); point4 = new Point(point.X, (base.Height - 1) - point.Y); point5 = new Point(point2.X, (base.Height - 1) - point2.Y); point6 = new Point(point3.X, (base.Height - 1) - point3.Y); goto Label_0678; } point = new Point(0, x - 3); point2 = new Point(6, x); point3 = new Point(0, x + 3); point4 = new Point((base.Width - 1) - point.X, point.Y); point5 = new Point((base.Width - 1) - point2.X, point2.Y); point6 = new Point((base.Width - 1) - point3.X, point3.Y); Label_0678: if (this.drawNearNub) { Point[] points = new Point[] { point, point2, point3, point }; g.FillPolygon(blue, points); } if (this.drawFarNub) { Point[] pointArray2 = new Point[] { point4, point5, point6, point4 }; g.FillPolygon(blue, pointArray2); } if (pen != null) { if (this.drawNearNub) { Point[] pointArray3 = new Point[] { point, point2, point3, point }; g.DrawPolygon(pen, pointArray3); } if (this.drawFarNub) { Point[] pointArray4 = new Point[] { point4, point5, point6, point4 }; g.DrawPolygon(pen, pointArray4); } pen.Dispose(); } } }