public void create_particle(string aType, Vector3 position, Vector3 speed, QuTimer aTimer, float aScale, bool aUseRandomRotation) { var cache = mCachedParticles[aType]; if (!cache.has_particle()) { Texture2D tex = null; if (aType == "gold") { tex = ManagerManager.Manager.mNewRef.partGold; } if (aType == "silver") { tex = ManagerManager.Manager.mNewRef.partSilver2; } var newPart = new FlatElementImage(tex, new Vector2(60, 60), 100); foreach (Renderer f in newPart.PrimaryGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>()) { f.gameObject.layer = ManagerManager.Manager.mBackgroundManager.mBackgroundLayer; } cache.return_particle(newPart); } var emitter = aType == "gold" ? mEmitter2 : mEmitter; var part = emitter.add_particle(cache.take_particle(), position, speed, 1f, aType); part.element.HardFlatRotation = Random.Range(0f, 360f); part.element.HardScale = aScale *; part.timer = new QuTimer(aTimer.getCurrent(), aTimer.getTarget()); }
public GenericAnimation(float aTime, float aForce, System.Action <float, float, FlatElementBase> aChange, System.Func <float, float> aFunction) { mTime = new QuTimer(0, aTime); mForce = aForce; mChange = aChange; mFunction = aFunction; }
//note, these will hard kill any events so if that event has vital code, it may not be called public void remove_event(QuTimer aKey) { if (aKey != null) { mEvents.Remove(aKey); } }
public void skip_cutscene() { if (mLastCutsceneCompleteCb != null && mLastCutsceneChain != null) { TED.remove_event(mLastCutsceneChain); mLastCutsceneCompleteCb(); mLastCutsceneChain = null; mLastCutsceneCompleteCb = null; } }
public void set_for_GRAVE(List <PerformanceStats> aStats) { //timing vars float gIntroText = 4.5f; float gPreScoreCount = 0.03f; float gScoreCount = 0.2f; float gPostScoreCount = 0.07f; float gRestart = 29; //disable the depth warning mManager.mZigManager.ForceShow = 2; //add the gravestone to the scene add_character(CharacterIndex.sGrave, true, false); //remove the grave if (aStats.Last().Character.Age == 999) { aStats.RemoveAt(aStats.Count - 1); } //add in fetus in case we skipped it in debug mode if (aStats.First().Character.Age != 0) { aStats.Insert(0, new PerformanceStats(new CharacterIndex(0, 0))); } //fake it for testing... /* TODO DELETE move this into ModeNormalPlay on force kill * mCharacters.Last().destroy(); //remove the grave * mElement.Remove(mCharacters.Last()); * mCharacters.RemoveAt(mCharacters.Count -1); * Random.seed = 123; * for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) * { * if(aStats.Last().Character.Age < (new CharacterIndex(i,0)).Age) * { * PerformanceStats stat = new PerformanceStats(new CharacterIndex(i,Random.Range(0,4))); * stat.update_score(0,Random.value); * stat.update_score(1,Random.value); * stat.Stats = mManager.mGameManager.CharacterHelper.Characters[stat.Character]; * aStats.Add(stat); * * add_character(stat.Character,false); * } * } * add_character(CharacterIndex.sGrave,false); //add the grave back in */ //this is all a hack to get the score to show up right... float scoreIncrementor = 0; FlatElementText finalScoreText = new FlatElementText(mManager.mNewRef.serifFont, 70, "0", 21); finalScoreText.HardColor = (GameConstants.UiGraveText); FlatElementText finalAgeText = new FlatElementText(mManager.mNewRef.serifFont, 50, "0", 21); float ageIncrementer = 0; finalAgeText.HardColor = (GameConstants.UiGraveText); //perfectPercent.Text = ((int)(100*aStats.Sum(e=>e.Stats.Perfect+1)/(float)(aStats.Count*3))).ToString() + "%"; //TODO why this no work?? finalAgeText.Text = "0"; //aStats.Last().Character.Age.ToString(); //hack to put things into bg camera foreach (Renderer f in finalScoreText.PrimaryGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>()) { f.gameObject.layer = 4; } foreach (Renderer f in finalAgeText.PrimaryGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>()) { f.gameObject.layer = 4; } //foreach (Renderer f in perfectEngraving.PrimaryGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>()) f.gameObject.layer = 4; Vector3 graveCenter = mCharacters[mCharacters.Count - 1].HardPosition + new Vector3(0, 50, 0); finalScoreText.HardPosition = graveCenter + new Vector3(30, -180, 0); finalAgeText.HardPosition = graveCenter + new Vector3(25, 0, 0); mElement.Add(finalScoreText); //mElement.Add(perfectEngraving); mElement.Add(finalAgeText); graveCleanup.Add(finalScoreText); graveCleanup.Add(finalAgeText); TimedEventDistributor.TimedEventChain chain = TED.empty_chain(); chain = chain.then_one_shot( delegate { set_sun(); } , 0); chain = chain.then( low_skippable_text_bubble_event(GameStrings.GetString("SM1"), gIntroText), 3); /*.then( //wait a little bit to let the fading finish * low_skippable_text_bubble_event("HERE IS YOUR LIFE STORY",gIntroText) * );*/ for (int i = 1; i < aStats.Count; i++) { PerformanceStats ps = aStats[i]; chain = chain.then_one_shot( delegate() { if (ps.Character != CharacterIndex.sOneHundred) { show_score(ps.Character, (int)ps.AdjustedScore, gPreScoreCount + gScoreCount + gPostScoreCount + 1.5f); } } , gPreScoreCount).then( delegate(float aTime) { if (aTime < gScoreCount) { float displayScore = scoreIncrementor + (aTime / gScoreCount) * ps.AdjustedScore; float displayAge = ageIncrementer + (aTime / gScoreCount) * (ps.Character.Age - ageIncrementer); finalScoreText.Text = "" + (int)displayScore; finalAgeText.Text = "" + (int)displayAge; } if (aTime > gScoreCount + gPostScoreCount) { scoreIncrementor += ps.AdjustedScore; ageIncrementer = ps.Character.Age; finalScoreText.Text = "" + (int)scoreIncrementor; finalAgeText.Text = "" + (int)ageIncrementer; return(true); } return(false); }, 0); } chain = chain.wait(2.5f); //CONNECTIONS for (int i = 1; i < aStats.Count; i++) { PerformanceStats ps = aStats[i]; float gFirstConnectionText = 5f; float gConnectionText = 5f; float gPreParticle = 2f; //TODO grave connections CharIndexContainerString connections; //TODO bool wasHard = ps.Stats.Difficulty > 1; if (wasHard) { connections = mManager.mCharacterBundleManager.get_character_stat(ps.Character).CharacterInfo.HardConnections; } else { connections = mManager.mCharacterBundleManager.get_character_stat(ps.Character).CharacterInfo.EasyConnections; } //for each connection, check if it is relevent to the currently looping character for (int j = 1; j < aStats.Count; j++) { var targetCharacter = aStats[j].Character; //charcter we are connecting to var targetConnection = connections[targetCharacter]; //message if (targetConnection != null && targetConnection != "") { int accumChange = 0; //accum change is targetCharacters effect on the current character accumChange = aStats[j].CutsceneChangeSet.accumulative_changes()[ps.Character]; if ((wasHard && accumChange > 0) || //if was hard and effect was positive (i.e. hard) (!wasHard && accumChange < 0)) //if was easy and effect was negative (i.e. easy) { string [] conText = targetConnection.Replace("<S>", "@").Split('@'); PopupTextObject npo = null; chain = chain.then( delegate(float aTime) { if (npo == null) { npo = add_timed_text_bubble(conText[0], gFirstConnectionText + gConnectionText, -0.6f, 1); set_popup_color_for_cutscene_particles(npo, wasHard); create_shine_over_character(targetCharacter, !wasHard, gFirstConnectionText + gConnectionText); TED.add_one_shot_event( delegate() { create_shine_over_character(ps.Character, !wasHard, gFirstConnectionText + gConnectionText - 0.3f); } , 0.3f); } if (npo.IsDestroyed || aTime > gPreParticle) { return(true); } return(false); } , 0); System.Func <FlatElementBase, float, bool> jiggleDelegate = delegate(FlatElementBase aBase, float aTime2) { aBase.mLocalRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Mathf.Sin(aTime2 * Mathf.PI * 2 * 8) * 10f, Vector3.forward); if (aTime2 >= (gFirstConnectionText - gPreParticle) / 4f) { aBase.mLocalRotation = Quaternion.identity; return(true); } return(false); }; chain = chain.then_one_shot( delegate() { if (npo != null) { mCharacters[char_to_list_index(targetCharacter)].Events.add_event(jiggleDelegate, 0); ManagerManager.Manager.mMusicManager.play_sound_effect("graveShine"); } //create the shine } ).then_one_shot( delegate() { if (npo != null && !npo.IsDestroyed) //if we used softskip, npo could be destroyed at this point { npo.Text = conText.Last(); mCharacters[char_to_list_index(ps.Character)].Events.add_event(jiggleDelegate, 0); ManagerManager.Manager.mMusicManager.play_sound_effect("graveShine"); } }, gFirstConnectionText - gPreParticle).then( delegate(float aTime){ if (npo.IsDestroyed || aTime > gConnectionText) { npo = null; return(true); } return(false); } ); } } } } string deathSentence = ""; if (aStats[aStats.Count - 1].DeathTime != -1) { deathSentence += GameStrings.GetString("SM2"); } else { deathSentence += GameStrings.GetString("SM3"); } if (!aStats [aStats.Count - 1].Character.IsDescriptionAdjective) { if ("aeiouAEIOU".IndexOf(aStats[aStats.Count - 1].Character.Description[0]) >= 0) { deathSentence += GameStrings.GetString("SM4"); } else { deathSentence += GameStrings.GetString("SM5"); } } deathSentence += aStats[aStats.Count - 1].Character.Description; chain = chain.then( low_skippable_text_bubble_event(deathSentence, gIntroText) , 1); foreach (CharacterIndex e in CharacterIndex.sAllCharacters) { UnlockRequirements.UnlockData unlockData; if (mManager.mMetaManager.UnlockManager.unlockedThisGame.TryGetValue(new UnlockRequirements.FakeCharIndex(e), out unlockData)) { if (unlockData != null) { ManagerManager.Log("announcing unlock " + e.StringIdentifier); CharacterIndex ce = new CharacterIndex(e); chain = chain.then_one_shot( delegate(){ mUnlockAnnouncer.announce_unlock(ce, unlockData); } , 0).then( delegate(float aTime){ return(!mUnlockAnnouncer.IsAnnouncing); } , 0); } } } //so we don't announce unlock again when we restart mManager.mMetaManager.UnlockManager.unlockedThisGame.Clear(); if (GameConstants.showReward && aStats[aStats.Count - 1].Character.LevelIndex >= 7) { FlatElementImage rewardImage = null; FlatElementImage rewardFrame = null; mModeNormalPlay.mGiftManager.set_background_for_render(); chain = chain.then_one_shot( delegate() { var frameImg = mManager.mCharacterBundleManager.get_image("GIFT_frame"); rewardFrame = new FlatElementImage(frameImg.Image, frameImg.Data.Size, 24); rewardImage = new FlatElementImage(mModeNormalPlay.mGiftManager.render_gift(0), new Vector2(2001, 1128), 23); //TODO play sound effect rewardImage.HardPosition = mFlatCamera.get_point(0, 3); rewardFrame.HardPosition = rewardImage.HardPosition; rewardImage.SoftPosition = mFlatCamera.get_point( + new Vector3(0, 150, 0); rewardFrame.SoftPosition = rewardImage.SoftPosition + new Vector3(0, 70, 0); mElement.Add(rewardImage); mElement.Add(rewardFrame); graveCleanup.Add(rewardImage); graveCleanup.Add(rewardFrame); var subChain = TED.empty_chain().wait(4); if (mModeNormalPlay.mGiftManager.gift_count() > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { int localIndex = i % mModeNormalPlay.mGiftManager.gift_count(); subChain = subChain.then_one_shot( delegate(){ //TODO sound effect mModeNormalPlay.mGiftManager.render_gift(localIndex); } , 1f); } } } , 2); //chain = chain.wait(6); //chain = chain.then(skippable_text_bubble_event("YOU ARE THE PERFECT WOMAN!",5,-0.8f,2),0); } //variables for credits animation.. float lastTime = 0; FlatElementImage[] logos = null; //PopupTextObject gameOver = null; List <FlatElementText> creditsText = new List <FlatElementText>(); float scrollSpeed = 820; mGraveCompleteCb = delegate() { Vector3 barYPosition = mFlatCamera.get_point( + new Vector3(0, -700, 0); TED.add_one_shot_event( delegate() { mManager.mMusicManager.fade_in_extra_music("creditsMusic"); mManager.mMusicManager.fade_out(); var imgData = mManager.mCharacterBundleManager.get_image("BAR"); var barImg = new FlatElementImage(imgData.Image, imgData.Data.Size, 24); barImg.HardPosition = barYPosition + new Vector3(0, -1000, 0); barImg.SoftPosition = barYPosition; mElement.Add(barImg); graveCleanup.Add(barImg); } , 0).then_one_shot( delegate() { float lastXPosition = mFlatCamera.get_point( - mFlatCamera.Width / 2 - 100; int counter = 0; foreach (string e in GameConstants.credits) { string val = e; if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(e, @"^\d+$")) { val = GameStrings.GetString("GCcredits" + e); } var text = new FlatElementText(mManager.mNewRef.genericFont, 70, val, 25); float textWidth = text.BoundingBox.width; text.HardColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); text.HardPosition = new Vector3(lastXPosition - textWidth / 2f, barYPosition.y, 0); lastXPosition += -textWidth - 75; creditsText.Add(text); mElement.Add(text); graveCleanup.Add(text); counter++; } if (GameConstants.SHOW_LOGOS) { logos = new FlatElementImage[3]; lastXPosition += -200; string[] imageNames = new string[] { "LOGO_FA", "LOGO_AI", "LOGO_GL" }; for (int i = 0; i < imageNames.Length; i++) { var imgData = mManager.mCharacterBundleManager.get_image(imageNames[i]); var img = new FlatElementImage(imgData.Image, imgData.Data.Size, 25); float imgWidth = img.BoundingBox.width; img.HardPosition = new Vector3(lastXPosition - imgWidth / 2, barYPosition.y, 0); lastXPosition += -img.BoundingBox.width / 2f - 500; logos[i] = img; mElement.Add(img); graveCleanup.Add(img); } } } , 1).then_one_shot( delegate() { /* this will fade everything out super slowly * List<FlatElementBase> graveItems = new List<FlatElementBase>(){finalScoreText,perfectPercent}; * foreach(FlatElementBase e in * mCharacters.Cast<FlatElementBase>() * .Concat(mDiffLabels.Cast<FlatElementBase>()) * .Concat(mScoreLabels.Cast<FlatElementBase>()) * .Concat(mScoreTexts.Cast<FlatElementBase>()) * .Concat(graveItems.Cast<FlatElementBase>())) * { * e.ColorInterpolationLimit = 0.05f; * e.SoftColor = GameConstants.UiWhiteTransparent; * }*/ } , 0).then( delegate(float aTime) { //scroll contents down Vector3 scroll = new Vector3(scrollSpeed * (aTime - lastTime), 0, 0); foreach (FlatElementText e in creditsText) { e.SoftPosition = e.SoftPosition + scroll; } if (logos != null) { foreach (FlatElementImage e in logos) { e.SoftPosition = e.SoftPosition + scroll; } } lastTime = aTime; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha0)) { return(true); } if (aTime > gRestart) { return(true); } return(false); } , 0).then_one_shot( delegate(){ mManager.mMusicManager.fade_out_extra_music(); mManager.restart_game(); } , 0); mGraveCompleteChain = TED.LastEventKeyAdded; }; chain = chain.then_one_shot( delegate() { mGraveCompleteCb(); mGraveCompleteCb = null; mGraveChain = null; } , 1); mGraveChain = TED.LastEventKeyAdded; }
public void reset_sunset() { //reset sunset background ShowBackground = true; set_sun(0, true); //remove characters while (mCharacters.Count > 0) { remove_last_character(); } clear_TED_and_fade_out_bubbles(); //remove grave scores //note, this MUST be called after clear_TED_and_fade_out_bubbles or it's a double cleanup foreach (var e in mScoreLabels) { e.destroy(); mElement.Remove(e); } foreach (var e in mScoreTexts) { e.destroy(); mElement.Remove(e); } mScoreLabels.Clear(); mScoreTexts.Clear(); //remove shines //note, this MUST be called after clear_TED_and_fade_out_bubbles or it's a double cleanup foreach (var e in mShineCleanup) { e.destroy(); mElement.Remove(e); } mShineCleanup.Clear(); //clear out grave events //make sure to call clear_TED_and_fade_out_bubbles() first if (mGraveChain != null) { //TED.remove_event(mGraveChain); //should alreday be rmeoved mGraveChain = null; } if (mGraveCompleteChain != null) { //TED.remove_event(mGraveCompleteChain); //should already be removed mGraveCompleteChain = null; } mGraveCompleteCb = null; //cleanup credits foreach (var e in graveCleanup) { var elt = e; elt.destroy(); mElement.Remove(elt); //fade out version, but this is no good when rapidly resetting. Not that that's something that happens outside of debug mode /*TED.add_one_shot_event( * delegate() * { * elt.SoftColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0); * } * ).then_one_shot( * delegate() * { * elt.destroy(); * mElement.Remove(elt); * } * , 2);*/ } graveCleanup.Clear(); }
public void set_for_CUTSCENE(System.Action cutsceneCompleteCb, NUPD.ChangeSet aChanges, bool aAstronautHack) { //first we remove all characters from cutscene text that are locked List <NUPD.ChangeSubSet> newChanges = new List <NUPD.ChangeSubSet>(aChanges.Changes); for (int i = 0; i < aChanges.Changes.Count; i++) { foreach (CharacterIndex f in CharacterIndex.sAllCharacters) { if (mManager.mMetaManager.UnlockManager.is_unlocked(f) != 1) { newChanges[i].Changes[f] = 0; } } } //then we remove text that has no characters assosciated with it newChanges = newChanges.Where(e => !e.Changes.is_zero()).ToList(); //used for skipping cutscene /* * TED.add_event( * delegate(float aTime) * { * add_timed_text_bubble("CUTSCENE HERE",1); * return true; * }, * 0).then_one_shot( //dummy * delegate(){cutsceneCompleteCb();},END_CUTSCENE_DELAY_TIME); * return;*/ float gStartCutsceneDelay = 2.5f; float gPerformanceText = 3.5f; float gCutsceneText = 5f; float gCutsceneTextIncrement = .3f; float gPreParticle = 1.5f; float gBubblePos = 0.2f; //TODO put in actual random bubbless int lastBubbleIndex = Random.Range(0, 3); var cutsceneBubbles = new CharacterBundleManager.ImageSizePair[] { mManager.mCharacterBundleManager.get_image("CUTSCENE_BUBBLE-0"), mManager.mCharacterBundleManager.get_image("CUTSCENE_BUBBLE-1"), mManager.mCharacterBundleManager.get_image("CUTSCENE_BUBBLE-2") }; mLastCutsceneCompleteCb = delegate() { cutsceneCompleteCb(); mLastCutsceneCompleteCb = null; mLastCutsceneChain = null; }; //string[] perfectPhrase = {"awful","mediocre","good", "perfect"}; //string[] performancePhrase = {"horribly","poorly","well", "excellently"}; PopupTextObject introPo = null; TimedEventDistributor.TimedEventChain chain = TED.add_event( delegate(float aTime) { //string text = ""; if (mModeNormalPlay.CurrentPerformanceStat.Character == CharacterIndex.sFetus) { //DELETE this has been moved to text files.. //text = "Prepare to be Born"; } else if (mModeNormalPlay.CurrentPerformanceStat.DeathTime == -1) //if we did not die this time { //TODO use color text here... In fact you should replace color text as yoru standard text object really... //text = aChanges.PerformanceDescription.Replace("<P>",perfectPhrase[mBBLastPerformanceGraph.Stats.Perfect]); /*string noCapsDescription = mBBLastPerformanceGraph.Character.Description.ToLower(); * if(mBBLastPerformanceGraph.Character.IsDescriptionAdjective) * text = "You lived your life " + noCapsDescription + " " + performancePhrase[(int)Mathf.Clamp(mBBLastPerformanceGraph.Score*4,0,3)] + "."; * else * text = "You lived your life as a " + noCapsDescription + " " + performancePhrase[(int)Mathf.Clamp(mBBLastPerformanceGraph.Score*4,0,3)] + ".";*/ //TODO this should be different for age 85 if astronaut if (aAstronautHack) { introPo = add_timed_text_bubble(GameStrings.GetString("NIM1"), gPerformanceText); } else { introPo = add_timed_text_bubble(aChanges.PerformanceDescription, gPerformanceText); } } return(true); }, gStartCutsceneDelay).then( delegate(float aTime) { if (introPo != null && introPo.IsDestroyed) { return(true); } if (!(mModeNormalPlay.CurrentPerformanceStat.Character == CharacterIndex.sFetus)) { if (aTime > gPerformanceText) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } return(true); }, 0); foreach (var e in newChanges) { //string changeMsg = Random.Range(0,3) == 0 ? PDStats.negative_sentences[(int)e][0] : PDStats.positive_sentences[(int)e][0]; var changes = e; var diffChanges = e.Changes; string changeMsg = e.Description; PopupTextObject po = null; List <CharacterIndex> aChangedChars = new List <CharacterIndex>(); List <int> oldDiffs = new List <int>(); List <int> aDiffs = new List <int>(); foreach (CharacterIndex cchar in CharacterIndex.sAllCharacters) { if (diffChanges[cchar] != 0) { aChangedChars.Add(cchar); int nDiff = Mathf.Clamp(mManager.mGameManager.get_character_difficulty(cchar) + diffChanges[cchar], 0, 3); oldDiffs.Add(mManager.mGameManager.get_character_difficulty(cchar)); aDiffs.Add(nDiff); } } chain = chain.then( delegate(float aTime) { if (po == null) { po = add_timed_text_bubble( changeMsg, gCutsceneText + gCutsceneTextIncrement * aChangedChars.Count, gBubblePos, cutsceneBubbles[lastBubbleIndex]); lastBubbleIndex = (lastBubbleIndex + 1) % 3; //dumb stuff I need to make sure there was actually a change foreach (CharacterIndex cchar in CharacterIndex.sAllCharacters) { if (diffChanges[cchar] != 0) { set_popup_color_for_cutscene_particles(po, changes.is_positive()); break; } } } if (po.IsDestroyed || aTime > gPreParticle) { return(true); } return(false); } , 0).then( delegate(float aTime) { if (!po.IsDestroyed) { mHeadPop.popup_character(aChangedChars.ToArray(), aDiffs.ToArray(), oldDiffs.ToArray(), !changes.is_positive()); } return(true); } , 0).then( delegate(float aTime) { if (po.IsDestroyed || aTime > gCutsceneText + gCutsceneTextIncrement * aChangedChars.Count - gPreParticle) { return(true); } return(false); } , 0); } chain = chain.then_one_shot(delegate(){ mLastCutsceneCompleteCb(); }, END_CUTSCENE_DELAY_TIME); //TODO this is a hack fix, need to fix it properly... //chain = chain.then_one_shot(delegate() { if(mLastCutsceneCompleteCb != null) mLastCutsceneCompleteCb(); }, END_CUTSCENE_DELAY_TIME); mLastCutsceneChain = TED.LastEventKeyAdded; }
public void add_event_raw(System.Func <float, bool> aEvent, float aTime = 0) { LastEventKeyAdded = new QuTimer(0, aTime); mEvents.Add(LastEventKeyAdded, aEvent); }
public void clear_events() { LastEventKeyAdded = null; mEvents.Clear(); }