protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { Literal itmCaption = new Literal(); itmCaption.Text = "<label for=\"" + this.ClientID + "\" class=\"" + this.CaptionCssClass + "\">" + this.Caption + "</label>"; itmCaption.RenderControl(writer); base.Render(writer); }
public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer) { string cssClasss = "tab-pane"; if (IsActive) { cssClasss += " active"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<div role=\"tabpanel\" class=\"" + cssClasss + "\" id=\"" + this.ClientID + "\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); Literal litBegin = new Literal(); litBegin.Text = sb.ToString(); litBegin.RenderControl(writer); }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { IPagedCollection<MetaTag> blogMetaTags = MetaTags.GetMetaTagsForBlog(Blog, 0, int.MaxValue); foreach(MetaTag tag in blogMetaTags) { var htmlMetaTag = new HtmlMeta { Content = tag.Content }; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tag.Name)) { htmlMetaTag.Name = tag.Name; } else { htmlMetaTag.HttpEquiv = tag.HttpEquiv; } var newLineLiteral = new Literal { Text = Environment.NewLine }; newLineLiteral.RenderControl(writer); htmlMetaTag.RenderControl(writer); } }
protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer) { //This will hold all the HTML we want to write as output. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //Holds the group class(es) string cssGroupClass = "form-group"; if (!this.IsValid()) //Call the extention method in base to see if this control is valid { cssGroupClass += " has-error"; } else if (this.GroupStyle != Enumerations.FormGroupStyle.Normal) { switch (this.GroupStyle) { case Enumerations.FormGroupStyle.Success: cssGroupClass += " has-success"; break; case Enumerations.FormGroupStyle.Warning: cssGroupClass += " has-warning"; break; case Enumerations.FormGroupStyle.Error: cssGroupClass += " has-error"; break; } } sb.Append("<div class=\""); sb.Append(cssGroupClass); sb.Append("\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Label)) { sb.Append("<label class=\"control-label\" for=\""); sb.Append(this.ClientID); sb.Append("\">"); sb.Append(this.Label); if(this.Required && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RequiredIconClass)) { sb.Append(" <i class=\""); sb.Append(this.RequiredIconClass); sb.Append("\"></i>"); } sb.Append("</label>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append("<div class=\"input-group date\" id=\""); sb.Append(this.InternalId); sb.Append("\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); //Render the base control using a new html writer, which in turn uses a //text writer so we can capture the html and store it in our string builder TextWriter txtWriter = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(txtWriter); htmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "form-control"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Placeholder)) { htmlWriter.AddAttribute("placeholder", this.Placeholder); } if (this.State == Enumerations.States.Disabled) { htmlWriter.AddAttribute("disabled", ""); } base.Render(htmlWriter); sb.Append(txtWriter); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("<span class=\"input-group-addon\">"); sb.Append("<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-calendar\"></span>"); sb.Append("</span>"); sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.HelpText)) { sb.Append("<p class=\"help-block\">"); sb.Append(this.HelpText); sb.Append("</p>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); string linkedDtp = "null"; if (this.DateTimePickerUsedAsMax != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DateTimePickerUsedAsMax) && this.Page != null) { var dtpControl = this.Page.FindControlRecursive(this.DateTimePickerUsedAsMax); if (dtpControl is DateTimePickerInput) { linkedDtp = "$(\"#" + (dtpControl as DateTimePickerInput).InternalId + "\")"; } else { throw new Exception("Error rendering DateTimePicker control: " + this.DateTimePickerUsedAsMax + " could not be found or is not of the correct Type."); } } sb.Append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); sb.Append("$(window).load(function() { CreateDateTimePicker($(\"#" + this.InternalId + "\"),\"" + this.Language + "\", \"" + this.DateTimeMask + "\", " + linkedDtp + "); })"); sb.Append("</script>"); Literal litEnd = new Literal(); litEnd.Text = sb.ToString(); litEnd.RenderControl(writer); }
public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<div class=\"panel panel-default\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("<div class=\"panel-heading\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); Guid gPanel = Guid.NewGuid(); //Guid gSwitch = Guid.NewGuid(); if (CreateHideButton) { sb.Append(this.Title); sb.Append("<div class=\"btn-group pull-right\" style=\"margin-top: -5px\">"); bSwitch = new Switch(); bSwitch.Size = Enumerations.SwitchSize.Small; bSwitch.Checked = !PanelIsInitiallyHidden; bSwitch.OffText = "<i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-remove\">"; bSwitch.OnText = "<i class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-ok\">"; this.Controls.Add(bSwitch); TextWriter txtWriter = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(txtWriter); bSwitch.RenderControl(htmlWriter); sb.Append(txtWriter); sb.Append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); sb.Append("$(window).load(function() {"); sb.Append("if($('#" + bSwitch.ClientID + "').attr('checked')){"); sb.Append("$('#" + gPanel + "').show();"); sb.Append("}"); sb.Append("else{"); sb.Append("$('#" + gPanel + "').hide();"); sb.Append("}"); sb.Append("});"); sb.Append("$('#" + bSwitch.ClientID + "').on('switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', function(event, state) {"); sb.Append("if(state){"); sb.Append("$('#" + gPanel + "').slideDown(500);"); sb.Append("}"); sb.Append("else{"); sb.Append("$('#" + gPanel + "').slideUp(500);"); sb.Append("}"); sb.Append("});"); sb.Append("</script>"); sb.Append("</div>"); } else { sb.Append(this.Title); } sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("<div class=\"panel-body\" id=\"" + gPanel + "\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); Literal litEnd = new Literal(); litEnd.Text = sb.ToString(); litEnd.RenderControl(writer); }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { string cssClass = "alert "; switch (AlertStyle) { case Enumerations.AlertStyle.Info: cssClass += "alert-info"; break; case Enumerations.AlertStyle.Error: cssClass += "alert-danger"; break; case Enumerations.AlertStyle.Success: cssClass += "alert-success"; break; case Enumerations.AlertStyle.Warning: cssClass += "alert-warning"; break; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<div class=\""); sb.Append(cssClass); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(" id=\""); sb.Append(this.ClientID); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(" role =\"alert\">"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ImageClass)) { sb.Append("<span class=\""); sb.Append(this.ImageClass); sb.Append("\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span>"); } sb.Append("<span class=\"sr-only\">"); sb.Append(this.Title); sb.Append("</span>"); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(this.Text.Trim()); sb.Append("</div>"); Literal litEnd = new Literal(); litEnd.Text = sb.ToString(); litEnd.RenderControl(writer); }
public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer) { //This will hold all the HTML we want to write as output. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //Holds the group class(es) string cssGroupClass = "form-group"; /*if (!this.IsValid()) //Call the extention method in base to see if this control is valid { cssGroupClass += " has-error"; }*/ sb.Append("<div class=\""); sb.Append(cssGroupClass); sb.Append("\">"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Label)) { sb.Append("<label class=\"control-label\" for=\""); sb.Append(this.ClientID); sb.Append("\">"); sb.Append(this.Label); if (this.Required && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RequiredIconClass)) { sb.Append(" <i class=\""); sb.Append(this.RequiredIconClass); sb.Append("\"></i>"); } sb.Append("</label>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } string imagePreviewId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); sb.Append("<div class=\"input-group\" id=\""+ imagePreviewId + "\">"); sb.Append("<input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" id=\"" + imagePreviewId + "-filename\" disabled=\"disabled\">"); sb.Append("<span class=\"input-group-btn\">"); sb.Append("<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default\" id=\"" + imagePreviewId + "-clear\" style=\"display: none;\">"); sb.Append("<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-remove\"></span> Clear"); sb.Append("</button > "); //style=\"position: relative; overflow: hidden; margin: 0px; color: #333; background-color: #fff; border-color: #ccc;\" sb.Append("<div class=\"btn btn-default\" id=\"" + imagePreviewId + "-input\">"); sb.Append("<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open\"></span>"); sb.Append("<span id=\"" + imagePreviewId + "-input-title\" style=\"margin-left: 2px;\"> Browse</span>"); string closeButtonId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("<script>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(@"$(document).on('click', '#" + closeButtonId + @"', function () { $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"').popover('hide'); $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"').hover( function() { $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"').popover('show'); }, function() { $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"').popover('hide'); } ); });" ); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(@"$(function() { // Create the close button var closebtn = $('<button/>', { type: ""button"", text: 'x', id: '" + closeButtonId + @"', style: 'font-size: initial;', }); closebtn.attr(""class"", ""close pull-right""); // Set the popover default content $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"').popover({ trigger: 'manual', html: true, title: ""<strong>Preview</strong>"" + $(closebtn)[0].outerHTML, content: ""There's no image"", placement: 'bottom' }); // Clear event $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"-clear').click(function () { $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"').attr(""data-content"", """").popover('hide'); $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"-filename').val(""""); $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"-clear').hide(); $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"-input input:file').val(""""); $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"-input-title').text(""Browse""); }); // Create the preview image $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"-input input:file').change(function () { var img = $('<img/>', { id: 'dynamic', width: '250', height: 'auto' }); var file = this.files[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); // Set preview image into the popover data-content reader.onload = function(e) { $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"-title').text(""Change""); $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"-clear').show(); $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"-filename').val(; img.attr('src',; $('#" + imagePreviewId + @"').attr('data-content', $(img)[0].outerHTML).popover('show'); } reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); }); "); sb.Append("</script>"); var litEnd = new Literal(); litEnd.Text = sb.ToString(); litEnd.RenderControl(writer); }
public override void RenderEndTag(HtmlTextWriter writer) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append("</span>"); sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append("</div>"); var litEnd = new Literal(); litEnd.Text = sb.ToString(); litEnd.RenderControl(writer); }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { //This will hold all the HTML we want to write as output. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //Holds the group class(es) string cssGroupClass = "form-group"; if (!this.IsValid()) //Call the extention method in base to see if this control is valid { cssGroupClass += " has-error"; } sb.Append("<div class=\""); sb.Append(cssGroupClass); sb.Append("\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Label)) { sb.Append("<label class=\"control-label\" for=\""); sb.Append(this.ClientID); sb.Append("\">"); sb.Append(this.Label); if (this.Required && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RequiredIconClass)) { sb.Append(" <i class=\""); sb.Append(this.RequiredIconClass); sb.Append("\"></i>"); } sb.Append("</label>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } //Render the base control using a new html writer, which in turn uses a //text writer so we can capture the html and store it in our string builder TextWriter txtWriter = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(txtWriter); string cssSelectClass = "form-control"; if (AddChznClass) { cssSelectClass += " chzn-select"; } htmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, cssSelectClass); //If we have a placeholder and its a "chosen" dropdown, remove the text from the first item //Item is added when setting the placeholder property. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Placeholder)) { ListItem listItem = new ListItem(this.Placeholder, ""); listItem.Attributes.Add("disabled", null); this.Items.Insert(0, listItem); if (AddChznClass) { htmlWriter.AddAttribute("data-placeholder", this.Placeholder); this.Items[0].Text = ""; } } base.Render(htmlWriter); sb.Append(txtWriter); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.HelpText)) { sb.Append("<p class=\"help-block\">"); sb.Append(this.HelpText); sb.Append("</p>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); if (AddChznClass) { sb.Append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); sb.Append("$(window).load(function() { "); sb.Append("$(\"#" + this.ClientID + "\").chosen({allow_single_deselect: true});"); sb.Append(" })"); sb.Append("</script>"); } Literal litEnd = new Literal(); litEnd.Text = sb.ToString(); litEnd.RenderControl(writer); }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { Literal lit = new Literal(); lit.Text = RenderRating(); if (Enabled) { CallBackContent cbContent = new CallBackContent(); cbContent.Controls.Add(lit); cb.Content = cbContent; cb.RenderControl(writer); } else { lit.RenderControl(writer); } }
public void Render () { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (); HtmlTextWriter tw = new HtmlTextWriter (sw); Literal l = new Literal (); l.Text = "foobar"; l.RenderControl (tw); Assert.AreEqual (sw.ToString (), "foobar", "A1"); }
private void RenderNext(HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (this.HasNext) { Literal literal = new Literal(); literal.Text = " "; literal.RenderControl(writer); this.nextButton.RenderControl(writer); } }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { bool renderPrefix = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PrefixText) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PrefixImageClass)) && (this.State != Enumerations.States.Static); bool renderPostix = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PostfixText) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PostfixImageClass)) && (this.State != Enumerations.States.Static); bool renderInnerGroup = (renderPrefix || renderPostix); //This will hold all the HTML we want to write as output. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //Holds the group class(es) string cssGroupClass = "form-group"; if (!this.IsValid()) //Call the extention method in base to see if this control is valid { cssGroupClass += " has-error"; } else if (this.GroupStyle != Enumerations.FormGroupStyle.Normal) { switch (this.GroupStyle) { case Enumerations.FormGroupStyle.Success: cssGroupClass += " has-success"; break; case Enumerations.FormGroupStyle.Warning: cssGroupClass += " has-warning"; break; case Enumerations.FormGroupStyle.Error: cssGroupClass += " has-error"; break; } } sb.Append("<div class=\""); sb.Append(cssGroupClass); sb.Append("\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Label)) { sb.Append("<label class=\"control-label\""); if (this.State != Enumerations.States.Static) //W3C: static will be rendered as a p, lbl cannot have a for property. { sb.Append(" for=\""); sb.Append(this.ClientID); sb.Append("\""); } sb.Append(">"); sb.Append(this.Label); if (this.Required && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RequiredIconClass)) { sb.Append(" <i class=\""); sb.Append(this.RequiredIconClass); sb.Append("\"></i>"); } sb.Append("</label>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } // Should I start an inner group ... if (renderInnerGroup) { sb.Append("<div class=\"input-group\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); // Should I render a prefix ... if (renderPrefix) { sb.Append("<span class=\"input-group-addon\">"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PrefixText)) { sb.Append(this.PrefixText); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PrefixImageClass)) { sb.Append("<i class=\""); sb.Append(this.PrefixImageClass); sb.Append("\"></i>"); } sb.Append("</span>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } } if (this.State == Enumerations.States.Static) { sb.Append("<p class=\"form-control-static\" "); sb.Append("name=\""); sb.Append(this.ClientID); sb.Append("\" id=\""); sb.Append(this.ClientID); sb.Append("\">"); sb.Append(this.Text); sb.Append("</p>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } else { //Render the base control using a new html writer, which in turn uses a //text writer so we can capture the html and store it in our string builder TextWriter txtWriter = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(txtWriter); htmlWriter.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "form-control"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Placeholder)) { htmlWriter.AddAttribute("placeholder", this.Placeholder); } if(this.TagInput) { htmlWriter.AddAttribute("data-role", "tagsinput"); } if (this.State == Enumerations.States.Disabled) { htmlWriter.AddAttribute("disabled", ""); } base.Render(htmlWriter); sb.Append(txtWriter); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } // Should I render an inner group (used to close it if it was started) ... if (renderInnerGroup) { if (renderPostix) //Before closing the inner group, should I write a postfix ... { sb.Append("<span class=\"input-group-addon\">"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PostfixText)) { sb.Append(this.PostfixText); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PostfixImageClass)) { sb.Append("<i class=\""); sb.Append(this.PostfixImageClass); sb.Append("\"></i>"); } sb.Append("</span>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.HelpText)) { sb.Append("<p class=\"help-block\">"); sb.Append(this.HelpText); sb.Append("</p>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); Literal litEnd = new Literal(); litEnd.Text = sb.ToString(); litEnd.RenderControl(writer); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Render this control to the output parameter specified. /// </summary> /// <param name="output"> The HTML writer to write out to </param> // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output) { if (m_Question == null) { output.Write("Set question properties"); return; } ChildControlsCreated = false; EnsureChildControls(); // --- Render text controls if (m_ControlState == ControlState.ReadOnly) { Literal answer = new Literal(); answer.Text = "<b>" + m_Question.Answer + "</b>"; answer.RenderControl(output); } else { // validation string mandatory = string.Empty; string validationError = string.Empty; if ((m_Question.QuestionConstraint != null) && (m_Question.QuestionConstraint.Mandatory)) { mandatory = "!"; } if (ValidationSummary != string.Empty) { validationError = "*"; } string validationText = string.Format(" {0} {1} ", mandatory, validationError); Label validation = new Label(); validation.CssClass = "ValidationSummary"; validation.Text = validationText; validation.RenderControl(output); // delegate the actual rendering to baseclass base.Render(output); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Render this control to the output parameter specified. /// </summary> /// <param name="output"> The HTML writer to write out to </param> // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output) { if (m_Question == null) { output.Write("Set question properties"); return; } // these two call's are needed to show the control at design time ChildControlsCreated = false; EnsureChildControls(); // --- Render text controls if (m_ControlState == ControlState.ReadOnly) { Literal answer = new Literal(); foreach (QuestionListItem item in m_Question.QuestionItemList) { if (item.ItemName.ToString() == m_Question.Answer.ToString()) { answer.Text = answer.Text + "<li><b>" + item.ItemName + "</b><br>"; } else { answer.Text = answer.Text + "<li>" + item.ItemName + "<br>"; } } answer.RenderControl(output); } else { // validation string mandatory = string.Empty; string validationError = string.Empty; if ((m_Question.QuestionConstraint != null) && (m_Question.QuestionConstraint.Mandatory)) { mandatory = "!"; } if (ValidationSummary != string.Empty) { validationError = "*"; } string validationText = string.Format(" {0} {1} ", mandatory, validationError); Label validation = new Label(); validation.CssClass = "ValidationSummary"; validation.Text = validationText; validation.RenderControl(output); // delegate the actual rendering to baseclass base.Render(output); } }
public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<div id=\"Tabs\" role=\"tabpanel\">"); if (UsePillsInsteadOfTabs) { sb.Append("<ul class=\"nav nav-pills\" role=\"tablist\">"); } else { sb.Append("<ul class=\"nav nav-tabs\" role=\"tablist\">"); } //The first control is our textbox, the second our placeholder PlaceHolder container = Controls[1] as PlaceHolder; var pControls = container.Controls; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblActiveTab.Text)) { foreach (Control c in pControls) { if (c is TabPage) { var tab = (c as TabPage); tab.IsActive = false; if (tab.ClientID == lblActiveTab.Text) { tab.IsActive = true; } } } } else { foreach (Control c in pControls) { if (c is TabPage) { (c as TabPage).IsActive = true; lblActiveTab.Text = c.ClientID; break; } } } foreach (Control c in pControls) { if (c is TabPage) { var tab = (c as TabPage); string cssClass = ""; if (tab.IsActive) { cssClass = " class=\"active\" "; } sb.Append("<li" + cssClass + ">"); sb.Append("<a href=\"#" + tab.ClientID + "\" role=\"tab\" data-toggle=\"tab\" onclick='$(\"#" + lblActiveTab.ClientID + "\").val(\"" + tab.ClientID + "\");' aria-controls=\"" + tab.ClientID + "\">"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tab.Title)) { sb.Append(tab.Title); } else { sb.Append(tab.ID); } sb.Append("</a>"); sb.Append("</li>"); } } sb.Append("</ul>"); sb.Append("<div class=\"tab-content\" style=\"padding-top: 20px\">"); Literal litTop = new Literal(); litTop.Text = sb.ToString(); litTop.RenderControl(writer); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Render this control to the output parameter specified. /// </summary> /// <param name="output"> The HTML writer to write out to </param> // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output) { if (m_Question == null) { output.Write("Set question properties"); return; } // these two call's are needed to show the control at design time // --- Render text controls if (m_ControlState == ControlState.ReadOnly) { Literal answer = new Literal(); string delimStr = "|"; char[] delimiter = delimStr.ToCharArray(); string[] answArr = m_Question.Answer.ToString().Split(delimiter); foreach (QuestionListItem item in m_Question.QuestionItemList) { if (CheckAnswer(answArr, item.ItemName)) { answer.Text = answer.Text + "<li><b>" + item.ItemName + "</b><br>"; } else { answer.Text = answer.Text + "<li>" + item.ItemName + "<br>"; } } //answer.Text = answer.Text.Substring(0,answer.Text.Length - 2); //levágiuk az utolsó vesszõt answer.RenderControl(output); } else { // validation string mandatory = string.Empty; string validationError = string.Empty; if ((m_Question.QuestionConstraint != null) && (m_Question.QuestionConstraint.Mandatory)) { mandatory = "!"; } if (ValidationSummary != string.Empty) { validationError = "*"; } string validationText = string.Format(" {0} {1} ", mandatory, validationError); Label validation = new Label(); validation.CssClass = "ValidationSummary"; validation.Text = validationText; validation.RenderControl(output); // delegate the actual rendering to baseclass base.Render(output); } }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (DesignMode || ShowEditMode) { base.ToolTip = BindingMember; base.Render(writer); } else { if (TextMode == TextBoxMode.MultiLine) { var lit = new Literal(); lit.ID = this.ClientID; lit.Text = Util.SafeFormat(Text); lit.RenderControl(writer); } else { var lab = new Label(); lab.ID = this.ClientID; lab.Text = Text; lab.ToolTip = BindingMember; lab.RenderControl(writer); } } }
public override void RenderEndTag(HtmlTextWriter writer) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); Literal litEnd = new Literal(); litEnd.Text = sb.ToString(); litEnd.RenderControl(writer); }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (this.DeleteCheckBox.Text == "") this.DeleteCheckBox.Text = "Delete existing file?"; this.DeleteCheckBox.TextAlign = TextAlign.Left; Literal itmCaption = new Literal(); itmCaption.Text = "<label for=\"" + this.ClientID + "\" class=\"" + this.CaptionCssClass + "\">" + this.Caption + "</label>"; itmCaption.RenderControl(writer); base.Render(writer); }
private void RenderButtonRange(int start, int end, HtmlTextWriter writer) { for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { if (this.PageIndex == i) { Literal literal = new Literal(); if (this.PageButtonTextFormat == null) { literal.Text = (i + 1).ToString(); } else { literal.Text = string.Format(this.PageButtonTextFormat, i + 1); } literal.RenderControl(writer); } else { this.pagingLinkButtons[i].RenderControl(writer); } if (i < (end - 1)) { writer.Write(" "); } } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Render this control to the output parameter specified. /// </summary> /// <param name="output"> The HTML writer to write out to </param> // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output) { if (!Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("radio2")) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page.GetType(), "radio2", "function test3(){}"); } if (m_Question == null) { output.Write("Set question properties"); return; } // --- Render text controls if (m_ControlState == ControlState.ReadOnly) { Literal answer = new Literal(); string delimStr = "|"; char[] delimiter = delimStr.ToCharArray(); string[] answArr = m_Question.Answer.ToString().Split(delimiter); foreach (QuestionListItem item in m_Question.QuestionItemList) { if (CheckAnswer(answArr, item.ItemName)) { answer.Text = answer.Text + "<li><b>" + item.ItemName + "</b><br>"; } else { answer.Text = answer.Text + "<li>" + item.ItemName + "<br>"; } } answer.RenderControl(output); } else { //validation string mandatory = string.Empty; string validationError = string.Empty; if ((m_Question.QuestionConstraint != null) && (m_Question.QuestionConstraint.Mandatory)) { mandatory = "!"; } if (ValidationSummary != string.Empty) { validationError = "*"; } string validationText = string.Format(" {0} {1} ", mandatory, validationError); Label validation = new Label(); validation.CssClass = "ValidationSummary"; validation.Text = validationText; validation.RenderControl(output); // delegate the actual rendering to baseclass base.Render(output); } }
private void RenderPrevious(HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (this.HasPrevious) { this.previousButton.RenderControl(writer); Literal literal = new Literal(); literal.Text = " "; literal.RenderControl(writer); } }
public override void RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriter writer) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (UseFade) { sb.Append("<div class=\"modal fade\" "); } else { sb.Append("<div class=\"modal\" "); } if (!CanClose) { sb.Append("data-keyboard=\"false\" data-backdrop=\"static\" "); } sb.Append("id=\"" + this.ClientID + "\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("<div class=\"modal-dialog\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("<div class=\"modal-content\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("<div class=\"modal-header\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); if (CanClose) { sb.Append( "<button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\" aria-label=\"Close\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">×</span></button>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append("<h4 class=\"modal-title\">" + this.Title + "</h4>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("<div class=\"modal-body\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); Literal litEnd = new Literal(); litEnd.Text = sb.ToString(); litEnd.RenderControl(writer); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new row to the Prevalue Editor, (with an optional description). /// </summary> /// <param name="writer">The HtmlTextWriter.</param> /// <param name="label">The label for the field.</param> /// <param name="description">The description for the field.</param> /// <param name="controls">The controls for the field.</param> public static void AddPrevalueRow(this HtmlTextWriter writer, string label, string description, params Control[] controls) { writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "row clearfix"); writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div); // start 'row' writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "label"); writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div); // start 'label' var lbl = new HtmlGenericControl("label") { InnerText = label }; if (controls.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(controls[0].ClientID)) { lbl.Attributes.Add("for", controls[0].ClientID); } lbl.RenderControl(writer); writer.RenderEndTag(); // end 'label' writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "field"); writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div); // start 'field' foreach (var control in controls) { control.RenderControl(writer); } writer.RenderEndTag(); // end 'field' if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, "description"); writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div); // start 'description' var desc = new Literal() { Text = description }; desc.RenderControl(writer); writer.RenderEndTag(); // end 'description' } writer.RenderEndTag(); // end 'row' }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //Holds the group class(es) string cssGroupClass = "form-group"; if (!this.IsValid()) //Call the extention method in base to see if this control is valid { cssGroupClass += " has-error"; } sb.Append("<div class=\""); sb.Append(cssGroupClass); sb.Append("\">"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Label)) { sb.Append("<label class=\"control-label\""); sb.Append(" for=\""); sb.Append(this.ClientID); sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(">"); sb.Append(this.Label); if (this.Required && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RequiredIconClass)) { sb.Append(" <i class=\""); sb.Append(this.RequiredIconClass); sb.Append("\"></i>"); } sb.Append("</label>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } TextWriter txtWriter = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(txtWriter); this.Text = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(this.Text); // Fix to show the decoded text base.Render(htmlWriter); sb.Append(txtWriter); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.HelpText)) { sb.Append("<p class=\"help-block\">"); sb.Append(this.HelpText); sb.Append("</p>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append("</div>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); string initScript = @" tinymce.init( { selector: '#" + this.ClientID + @"', encoding: 'xml', entity_encoding : 'raw', fix_list_elements : true," + ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Toolbar)) ? "toolbar: '" + this.Toolbar + "'," : "") + @"forced_root_block: ''," + ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ValidElements)) ? "valid_elements : '" + this.ValidElements + "'," : "") + @"menubar: " + this.ShowMenuBar.ToString().ToLower() + @", theme: '" + this.Theme + @"', plugins: '" + this.Plugins + @"', language: '" + this.Language + @"', paste_as_text: " + this.PasteAsPlainText.ToString().ToLower() + @", skin: '" + this.Skin + @"' });"; sb.Append("<script>"); sb.Append(initScript); sb.Append("</script>"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); Literal litEnd = new Literal(); litEnd.Text = sb.ToString(); litEnd.RenderControl(writer); }
private void IncludeFacebookData(HtmlTextWriter writer) { HiddenField tokenField = new HiddenField(); tokenField.ID = "FacebookTokenField"; tokenField.Value = FvkAuth.AccessToken; tokenField.RenderControl(writer); string language = "en_US"; bool checkLoginStatus = true; bool useCookie = true; bool frictionlessRequests = false; StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); string initFuncName = "FbInitConnectionEvents"; string onConnectFuncName = "FbOnCheckConnection"; html.Append("<div id='fb-root'></div>\n"); html.Append("<input type='hidden' name='FbAccessToken' id='FbAccessTokenId' value='undefined' />\n"); html.Append("<input type='hidden' id='FbConnectButtonName' value='' />\n"); html.Append("<script>\n"); html.Append("var logoutClick = false;\n"); html.Append("var graphApiInitialized = false;\n"); html.Append("var loginButtonInitDone = false;\n"); html.Append("var loginButtonNameSet = false;\n"); html.Append(" window.fbAsyncInit = function() {\n"); html.Append(" FB.init({\n"); html.Append(" appId : '" + FVKConfig.AppId + "',\n"); html.Append(" status : " + checkLoginStatus.ToString().ToLower() + ",\n"); html.Append(" cookie : " + useCookie.ToString().ToLower() + ",\n"); html.Append(" frictionlessRequests : " + frictionlessRequests.ToString().ToLower() + ",\n"); html.Append(" xfbml : true,\n"); html.Append(" oauth: true\n"); html.Append(" });\n"); html.Append(" graphApiInitialized = true;\n"); html.Append(" " + initFuncName + "();\n"); html.Append(" };\n"); html.Append(" (function() {\n"); html.Append(" var e = document.createElement('script');\n"); html.Append(" e.src = document.location.protocol + '//" + language + "/all.js';\n"); html.Append(" e.async = true;\n"); html.Append(" document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e);\n"); html.Append(" }());\n"); html.Append("\n"); html.Append(" function " + onConnectFuncName + "() {\n"); html.Append(" FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {\n"); html.Append(" var accessTokenStorage = document.getElementById('FbAccessTokenId');\n"); html.Append(" var oldAccessToken = document.getElementById('" + tokenField.ClientID + "').value;\n"); html.Append(" if (response.status === 'connected') {\n"); html.Append(" var accessToken = response.authResponse.accessToken;\n"); html.Append(" accessTokenStorage.value = accessToken;\n"); html.Append(" if (accessToken != null && accessToken != '' && oldAccessToken == '') {\n"); html.Append(" var connectButtonName = document.getElementById('FbConnectButtonName');\n"); html.Append(" if (connectButtonName.value != '') document.getElementById(connectButtonName.value).click();\n"); html.Append(" }\n"); html.Append(" } else {\n"); html.Append(" accessTokenStorage.value = '';\n"); html.Append(" if (oldAccessToken != null && oldAccessToken != '' && logoutClick == false) {\n"); html.Append(" document.getElementById('" + Page.Form.ClientID + "').submit();\n"); html.Append(" }\n"); html.Append(" }\n"); html.Append(" })\n"); html.Append(" }\n"); html.Append(" function " + initFuncName + "() {\n"); html.Append(" if (loginButtonInitDone == true) return;\n"); html.Append(" loginButtonInitDone = true;\n"); html.Append(" " + onConnectFuncName + "();\n"); html.Append(" FB.Event.subscribe('auth.authResponseChange'," + onConnectFuncName + ");\n"); html.Append(" }\n"); html.Append("</script>\n"); Literal literal = new Literal(); literal.Text = html.ToString(); literal.RenderControl(writer); }