public ModManTab(SyncForm myParent, ModifierManager myOwner, int chan) { InitializeComponent(); parentForm = myParent; owner = myOwner; channel = chan; }
public bool[] syncingTypesActive; //0:up|1:down|2:highup|3:highdown|4:lowup|5:lowdown #endregion Fields #region Constructors public ClientComputer(SyncForm myParent, int myIP) { InitializeComponent(); parentForm = myParent; syncingTypesActive = new bool[6]; ip = myIP; }
public ModifierManager(SyncForm myParent) { InitializeComponent(); parentForm = myParent; tabs = new ModManTab[6]; newInclusions = new string[6]; newExclusions = new string[6]; Location = new Point(parentForm.baseLeft, 100); }
//takes the current hilo bounds and displayes them public LoHiForm(SyncForm myParent) { InitializeComponent(); parentForm = myParent; int[] vals = parentForm.getHiLoBounds(); lowIPStart.Text = vals[0].ToString(); lowIPEnd.Text = vals[1].ToString(); highIPStart.Text = vals[2].ToString(); highIPEnd.Text = vals[3].ToString(); }
//creates the different syncform windows public void launch() { speakerReadySync = new SyncForm(this, dictSR, speakerCompInfo, 1); speakerReadyWindowOpen = true; speakerReadySync.Show(); breakoutSync = new SyncForm(this, dictBO, breakoutCompInfo, 2); breakoutWindowOpen = true; breakoutSync.Show(); zoneSync = new SyncForm(this, dictBO, breakoutCompInfo, 3); zoneWindowOpen = true; zoneSync.Show(); Hide(); }