public static InboundInvoice Create (Organization organization, DateTime dueDate, Int64 amountCents, FinancialAccount budget, string supplier, string description, string payToAccount, string ocr, string invoiceReference, Person creatingPerson) { InboundInvoice newInvoice = FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting(). CreateInboundInvoice(organization.Identity, dueDate, budget.Identity, supplier, payToAccount, ocr, invoiceReference, amountCents, creatingPerson.Identity)); newInvoice.Description = description; // Not in original schema; not cause for schema update // Create a corresponding financial transaction with rows FinancialTransaction transaction = FinancialTransaction.Create(organization.Identity, DateTime.Now, "Invoice #" + newInvoice.Identity + " from " + supplier); transaction.AddRow(organization.FinancialAccounts.DebtsInboundInvoices, -amountCents, creatingPerson); transaction.AddRow(budget, amountCents, creatingPerson); // Make the transaction dependent on the inbound invoice transaction.Dependency = newInvoice; // Create notification (slightly misplaced logic, but this is failsafest place) OutboundComm.CreateNotificationAttestationNeeded(budget, creatingPerson, supplier, (double)amountCents / 100.0, description, NotificationResource.InboundInvoice_Created); // Slightly misplaced logic, but failsafer here SwarmopsLogEntry.Create(creatingPerson, new InboundInvoiceCreatedLogEntry(creatingPerson, supplier, description, (double)amountCents / 100.0, budget), newInvoice); return newInvoice; }
public static OfficerChain FromOrganizationAndGeography (Organization org, Geography geo) { int[] concernedPeopleId = Roles.GetAllUpwardRoles(org.Identity, geo.Identity); People concernedPeople = People.FromIdentities(concernedPeopleId); return new OfficerChain(concernedPeople, org.Identity); }
public static PaperLetter Create (Person creator, Organization organization, string fromName, string[] replyAddressLines, DateTime receivedDate, Person recipient, RoleType recipientRole, bool personal) { return Create(creator.Identity, organization.Identity, fromName, replyAddressLines, receivedDate, recipient.Identity, recipientRole, personal); }
public Access(Organization organization, Geography geography, AccessAspect aspect, AccessType type) { this.Organization = organization; this.Geography = geography; this.Aspect = aspect; this.Type = type; }
public static void Run(string data, Organization organization, Person runningPerson) { if (!data.StartsWith("Date\t Time\t Time Zone\t Name\t Type")) { runningPerson.SendPhoneMessage("The file you uploaded does not appear to be a PayPal tab-delimited file of all activity. No processing done. The data has been discarded."); throw new ArgumentException("This does not appear to be a PayPal file"); } ImportResult result = ImportPaypal(data); ImportStats stats = ProcessImportedData(result, organization, runningPerson); try { runningPerson.SendPhoneMessage("The PayPal file was processed. See mail for more details."); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore error on SMS transmit } string mailBody = string.Empty; mailBody += String.Format("Rows processed: {0,9:N0}\r\n", stats.ProcessedTransactionCount); mailBody += String.Format("Tx imported: {0,9:N0}\r\n", stats.ImportedTransactionCount); mailBody += String.Format("Tx modified: {0,9:N0}\r\n", stats.ModifiedTransactionCount - stats.ImportedTransactionCount); runningPerson.SendNotice("PayPal file imported", mailBody, organization.Identity); }
public static OutboundMail Create (Person author, string title, string body, int mailPriority, int mailType, Organization organization, Geography geography) { return Create(author, title, body, mailPriority, mailType, organization, geography, DateTime.Now); }
static public void Generate (Person person, Organization organization) { GnuPG generatingInstance = new GnuPG(); generatingInstance.Timeout = 120000; generatingInstance.GenerateKeyPair(person.Name, person.PartyEmail, organization.Name, new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year + 2, 12, 31)); GnuPGKeyCollection keys = new GnuPG().GetKeys(); foreach (GnuPGKey key in keys) { if (key.UserId == person.PartyEmail) { // Console.Write(" signing..."); generatingInstance.SignKey(key.Fingerprint, "*****@*****.**"); // Console.Write(" uploading..."); generatingInstance.UploadKey(key.Fingerprint.Replace(" ", "")); string armorSecret = new GnuPG().GetSecretKey(key.Fingerprint.Replace(" ", "")); string armorPublic = new GnuPG().GetPublicKey(key.Fingerprint.Replace(" ", "")); // Console.Write(" deleting..."); key.Delete(); person.CryptoPublicKey = armorPublic; person.CryptoSecretKey = armorSecret; person.CryptoFingerprint = key.Fingerprint; } } }
public void LoadData(Stream dataStream, Organization organization) { using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream)) // TODO: Is encoding necessary? { LoadData(reader, organization); } }
public static MeetingElection Create (Person creator, Organization org, Geography geo, string name, InternalPollResultsType resultsType, int maxVoteLength, DateTime runningOpens, DateTime runningCloses, DateTime votingOpens, DateTime votingCloses) { return FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateInternalPoll(org.Identity, geo.Identity, name, maxVoteLength, resultsType, creator.Identity, runningOpens, runningCloses, votingOpens, votingCloses)); }
public static PaymentGroup Create (Organization organization, DateTime timestamp, Currency currency, Person createdByPerson) { return FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreatePaymentGroup(organization.Identity, timestamp, currency.Identity, System.DateTime.Now, createdByPerson.Identity)); }
public Org (Organization org) : base(org) { try { parentName = Organization.FromIdentity(ParentOrganizationId).Name; } catch { parentName = "N/A"; } try { anchorName = Geography.FromIdentity(AnchorGeographyId).Name; } catch { anchorName = "N/A"; } try { countryCode = base.DefaultCountry.Code; } catch { countryCode = "N/A"; } }
public static ExpenseClaim Create(Person claimer, Organization organization, FinancialAccount budget, DateTime expenseDate, string description, Int64 amountCents) { ExpenseClaim newClaim = FromIdentityAggressive (SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateExpenseClaim (claimer.Identity, organization.Identity, budget.Identity, expenseDate, description, amountCents)); // Create the financial transaction with rows string transactionDescription = "Expense #" + newClaim.Identity + ": " + description; // TODO: Localize if (transactionDescription.Length > 64) { transactionDescription = transactionDescription.Substring(0, 61) + "..."; } FinancialTransaction transaction = FinancialTransaction.Create(organization.Identity, DateTime.Now, transactionDescription); transaction.AddRow(organization.FinancialAccounts.DebtsExpenseClaims, -amountCents, claimer); transaction.AddRow(budget, amountCents, claimer); // Make the transaction dependent on the expense claim transaction.Dependency = newClaim; // Create notifications OutboundComm.CreateNotificationAttestationNeeded(budget, claimer, string.Empty, (double)amountCents / 100.0, description, NotificationResource.ExpenseClaim_Created); // Slightly misplaced logic, but failsafer here OutboundComm.CreateNotificationFinancialValidationNeeded(organization, (double) amountCents/100.0, NotificationResource.Receipts_Filed); SwarmopsLogEntry.Create(claimer, new ExpenseClaimFiledLogEntry(claimer /*filing person*/, claimer /*beneficiary*/, (double) amountCents/100.0, budget, description), newClaim); return newClaim; }
public static void Run(string data, Organization organization, Person runningPerson) { if (!data.StartsWith("\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n <style>\r\n .tal")) { runningPerson.SendPhoneMessage("The file you uploaded does not appear to be a Payson export file. No processing done. The data has been discarded."); throw new ArgumentException("This does not appear to be a Payson file"); } if (organization.Identity != 1) { runningPerson.SendPhoneMessage("Payson import is currently only supported for PPSE. No processing done. The data has been discarded."); throw new Exception("Payson is only supported for PPSE at the moment."); } ImportResult result = ImportPayson(data); ImportStats stats = ProcessImportedData(result, organization, runningPerson); try { runningPerson.SendPhoneMessage("The Payson file was processed. See mail for more details."); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore error on SMS transmit } string mailBody = string.Empty; mailBody += String.Format("Rows processed: {0,9:N0}\r\n", stats.ProcessedTransactionCount); mailBody += String.Format("Tx imported: {0,9:N0}\r\n", stats.ImportedTransactionCount); mailBody += String.Format("Tx modified: {0,9:N0}\r\n", stats.ModifiedTransactionCount - stats.ImportedTransactionCount); runningPerson.SendNotice("Payson file imported", mailBody, organization.Identity); }
public static ExternalActivity Create (Organization organization, Geography geograpy, ExternalActivityType type, DateTime date, string description, Person createdByPerson) { return FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateExternalActivity(organization.Identity, geograpy.Identity, date, type, description, createdByPerson.Identity)); }
public static AutoMail Create (AutoMailType type, Organization org, Geography geo, Person author, string title, string body) { SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().SetAutoMail (type, org.Identity, geo.Identity, author == null ? 0 : author.Identity, title, body); return FromTypeOrganizationAndGeography (type, org, geo); }
public static OutboundComm Create(Person sender, Person from, Organization organization, string resolverClassString, string recipientDataXml, string transmitterClassString, string payloadXml, OutboundCommPriority priority) { int newId = SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateOutboundComm(sender != null? sender.Identity: 0, from != null? from.Identity: 0, organization != null? organization.Identity: 0, resolverClassString, recipientDataXml ?? string.Empty, transmitterClassString, payloadXml, priority); return FromIdentityAggressive(newId); }
public PayoutCreatedLogEntry(Person payingPerson, Person beneficiaryPerson, Organization organization, Currency currency, double amount, string reason) { this.Amount = amount; this.Currency = currency.Code; this.OrganizationId = organization.Identity; this.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; this.Description = reason; this.ActingPersonId = payingPerson.Identity; // do not save name for data retention reasons this.BeneficiaryPersonId = (beneficiaryPerson != null ? beneficiaryPerson.Identity : 0); }
public static OutboundMail Create (Person author, string title, string body, int mailPriority, int mailType, Organization organization, Geography geography, DateTime releaseDateTime) { return FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.Person, author.Identity, title, body, mailPriority, mailType, geography.Identity, organization.Identity, releaseDateTime)); }
public static PaymentGroup FromTag (Organization organization, string tag) { BasicPaymentGroup basicGroup = SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForReading().GetPaymentGroupByTag(organization.Identity, tag); if (basicGroup == null) { return null; } return FromBasic(basicGroup); }
public static Parley Create (Organization organization, Person person, FinancialAccount budgetInitial, string name, Geography geography, string description, string informationUrl, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, Int64 budgetCents, Int64 guaranteeCents, Int64 attendanceFeeCents) { Parley newParley = FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateParley(organization.Identity, person.Identity, -(budgetInitial.Identity), name, geography.Identity, description, informationUrl, startDate, endDate, budgetCents, guaranteeCents, attendanceFeeCents)); PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.ParleyCreated, person.Identity, organization.Identity, 0, 0, newParley.Identity, string.Empty); return newParley; }
public static OutboundInvoice Create (Organization organization, Person createdByPerson, DateTime dueDate, FinancialAccount budget, string customerName, string invoiceAddressMail, string invoiceAddressPaper, Currency currency, bool domestic, string theirReference) { OutboundInvoice invoice = FromIdentity (SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateOutboundInvoice(organization.Identity, createdByPerson != null? createdByPerson.Identity : 0, dueDate, budget.Identity, customerName, invoiceAddressPaper, invoiceAddressMail, currency.Identity, string.Empty, domestic, Authentication.CreateRandomPassword(6), theirReference)); // Set reference invoice.Reference = Formatting.AddLuhnChecksum(Formatting.ReverseString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm")) + invoice.Identity.ToString()); return invoice; }
public static Payment CreateSingle (Organization organization, DateTime dateTime, Currency currency, Int64 amountCents, OutboundInvoice invoice, Person createdByPerson) { // TODO: Verify that invoice is not already closed; if so, issue refund // TODO: Verify correct amount invoice.SetPaid(); PaymentGroup group = PaymentGroup.Create(organization, dateTime, currency, createdByPerson); Payment newPayment = FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreatePayment(group.Identity, amountCents, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, false, invoice.Identity)); group.AmountCents = amountCents; return newPayment; }
public static CashAdvance Create(Organization organization, Person forPerson, Person createdByPerson, Int64 amountCents, FinancialAccount budget, string description) { CashAdvance newAdvance = FromIdentityAggressive(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateCashAdvance(forPerson.Identity, createdByPerson.Identity, organization.Identity, budget.Identity, amountCents, description)); OutboundComm.CreateNotificationAttestationNeeded(budget, forPerson, string.Empty, (double) amountCents/100.0, description, NotificationResource.CashAdvance_Requested); // Slightly misplaced logic, but failsafer here SwarmopsLogEntry.Create(forPerson, new CashAdvanceRequestedLogEntry(createdByPerson, forPerson, (double) amountCents/100.0, budget, description), newAdvance); return newAdvance; }
public static AutoMail FromTypeOrganizationAndGeography (AutoMailType type, Organization org, Geography geo) { BasicAutoMail basic = SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForReading().GetAutoMail (type, org.Identity, geo.Identity); if (basic == null) { return null; } if (basic.Body.Trim().Length < 3) { return null; // If there is no body, there is no mail } return FromBasic (basic); }
public static OutboundComm Create(Person sender, Person from, Organization organization, CommResolverClass resolverClass, string recipientDataXml, CommTransmitterClass transmitterClass, string payloadXml, OutboundCommPriority priority) { string resolverClassString = string.Empty; if (resolverClass != CommResolverClass.Unknown) { resolverClassString = resolverClass.ToString(); } string transmitterClassString = string.Empty; if (transmitterClass != CommTransmitterClass.Unknown) { transmitterClassString = "Swarmops.Utility.Communications." + transmitterClass.ToString(); } return Create(sender, from, organization, resolverClassString, recipientDataXml, transmitterClassString, payloadXml, priority); }
static public BasicMailTemplate GetBestMatch (string templateName, string language, string country, Organization org) { List<BasicMailTemplate> tmplList = GetCachedTemplates(templateName); Organizations orgLine = ( org != null) ? org.GetLine() : new Organizations(); int[] lineIDs = orgLine.Identities; List<int> idlist = new List<int>(lineIDs); BasicMailTemplate templateDefault = null; BasicMailTemplate countryDefault = null; BasicMailTemplate bestSofar = null; int bestIndex = -1; foreach (BasicMailTemplate bmt in tmplList) { int thisIndex = idlist.IndexOf(bmt.OrganizationId); if (thisIndex > bestIndex) { bestIndex = thisIndex; bestSofar = bmt; } else if (bmt.CountryCode.ToUpper() == country && bmt.OrganizationId < 1) { countryDefault = bmt; } else if (bmt.CountryCode == "" && bmt.OrganizationId < 1) { templateDefault = bmt; } } if (bestSofar != null) return bestSofar; else if (countryDefault != null) return countryDefault; else if (templateDefault != null) return templateDefault; else return null; }
public static OutboundComm CreateNotification (Organization organization, string notificationResourceString) { List<Person> recipients = People.FromSingle(Person.FromIdentity(1)); // Initial Admin recipient if (organization != null) { // TODO: Change to org admins } OutboundComm comm = OutboundComm.Create(null, null, organization, CommResolverClass.Unknown, null, CommTransmitterClass.CommsTransmitterMail, new PayloadEnvelope(new NotificationPayload(notificationResourceString)).ToXml(), OutboundCommPriority.Low); foreach (Person person in recipients) { comm.AddRecipient(person); } comm.Resolved = true; return comm; }
public static void InitDatabase() { // Make sure we're uninitialized bool organizationOneExists = false; Swarmops.Logic.Structure.Organization organizationOne = null; try { organizationOne = Swarmops.Logic.Structure.Organization.FromIdentity(1); organizationOneExists = true; } catch (Exception) { // We expect this to throw } if (organizationOneExists || organizationOne != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot re-initialize database"); } // Store database credentials SwarmDb.Configuration.Set( new SwarmDb.Configuration( _testReadCredentials, _testWriteCredentials, _testAdminCredentials)); // Start an async thread that does all the work, then return Thread initThread = new Thread(InitDatabaseThread); initThread.Start(); }
public static RoleLookup FromOrganization (Organization organization) { return FromOrganization(organization.Identity); }
public static RoleLookup FromGeographyAndOrganization (Geography geography, Organization organization) { return FromGeographyAndOrganization(geography.Identity, organization.Identity); }
public void SetCandidateDocumented (Organization organization, Person candidate) { SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().SetCandidateDocumentationReceived(this.Identity, organization.Identity, candidate.Identity); }
public OrganizationParameters(Organization organization) { this.organization = organization; = ObjectOptionalData.ForObject(organization); }