Esempio n. 1
        public static InboundInvoice Create (Organization organization, DateTime dueDate, Int64 amountCents,
            FinancialAccount budget, string supplier, string description, string payToAccount, string ocr, 
            string invoiceReference, Person creatingPerson)
            InboundInvoice newInvoice = FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().
                CreateInboundInvoice(organization.Identity, dueDate, budget.Identity,
                    supplier, payToAccount, ocr,
                    invoiceReference, amountCents, creatingPerson.Identity));

            newInvoice.Description = description;  // Not in original schema; not cause for schema update

            // Create a corresponding financial transaction with rows

            FinancialTransaction transaction =
                FinancialTransaction.Create(organization.Identity, DateTime.Now,
                "Invoice #" + newInvoice.Identity + " from " + supplier);

            transaction.AddRow(organization.FinancialAccounts.DebtsInboundInvoices, -amountCents, creatingPerson);
            transaction.AddRow(budget, amountCents, creatingPerson);

            // Make the transaction dependent on the inbound invoice

            transaction.Dependency = newInvoice;

            // Create notification (slightly misplaced logic, but this is failsafest place)

            OutboundComm.CreateNotificationAttestationNeeded(budget, creatingPerson, supplier, (double)amountCents / 100.0, description, NotificationResource.InboundInvoice_Created); // Slightly misplaced logic, but failsafer here
                                    new InboundInvoiceCreatedLogEntry(creatingPerson, supplier, description, (double)amountCents / 100.0, budget), newInvoice);

            return newInvoice;
Esempio n. 2
        public static OfficerChain FromOrganizationAndGeography (Organization org, Geography geo)
            int[] concernedPeopleId = Roles.GetAllUpwardRoles(org.Identity, geo.Identity);
            People concernedPeople = People.FromIdentities(concernedPeopleId);

            return new OfficerChain(concernedPeople, org.Identity);
Esempio n. 3
 public static PaperLetter Create (Person creator, Organization organization, string fromName,
     string[] replyAddressLines, DateTime receivedDate, Person recipient, RoleType recipientRole, 
     bool personal)
     return Create(creator.Identity, organization.Identity, fromName, replyAddressLines, receivedDate,
                   recipient.Identity, recipientRole, personal);
Esempio n. 4
 public Access(Organization organization, Geography geography, AccessAspect aspect, AccessType type)
     this.Organization = organization;
     this.Geography = geography;
     this.Aspect = aspect;
     this.Type = type;
Esempio n. 5
        public static void Run(string data, Organization organization, Person runningPerson)
            if (!data.StartsWith("Date\t Time\t Time Zone\t Name\t Type"))
                runningPerson.SendPhoneMessage("The file you uploaded does not appear to be a PayPal tab-delimited file of all activity. No processing done. The data has been discarded.");
                throw new ArgumentException("This does not appear to be a PayPal file");

            ImportResult result = ImportPaypal(data);

            ImportStats stats = ProcessImportedData(result, organization, runningPerson);

                runningPerson.SendPhoneMessage("The PayPal file was processed. See mail for more details.");
            catch (Exception)
                // Ignore error on SMS transmit

            string mailBody = string.Empty;

            mailBody += String.Format("Rows processed: {0,9:N0}\r\n", stats.ProcessedTransactionCount);
            mailBody += String.Format("Tx imported:    {0,9:N0}\r\n", stats.ImportedTransactionCount);
            mailBody += String.Format("Tx modified:    {0,9:N0}\r\n", stats.ModifiedTransactionCount - stats.ImportedTransactionCount);

            runningPerson.SendNotice("PayPal file imported", mailBody, organization.Identity);
Esempio n. 6
 public static OutboundMail Create (Person author, string title,
                                    string body, int mailPriority, int mailType,
                                    Organization organization, Geography geography)
     return Create(author, title, body, mailPriority, mailType, organization,
                    geography, DateTime.Now);
Esempio n. 7
        static public void Generate (Person person, Organization organization)
            GnuPG generatingInstance = new GnuPG();
            generatingInstance.Timeout = 120000;
            generatingInstance.GenerateKeyPair(person.Name, person.PartyEmail, organization.Name,
                                        new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year + 2, 12, 31));

            GnuPGKeyCollection keys = new GnuPG().GetKeys();
            foreach (GnuPGKey key in keys)
                if (key.UserId == person.PartyEmail)
                    // Console.Write(" signing...");
                    generatingInstance.SignKey(key.Fingerprint, "*****@*****.**");
                    // Console.Write(" uploading...");
                    generatingInstance.UploadKey(key.Fingerprint.Replace(" ", ""));
                    string armorSecret = new GnuPG().GetSecretKey(key.Fingerprint.Replace(" ", ""));
                    string armorPublic = new GnuPG().GetPublicKey(key.Fingerprint.Replace(" ", ""));
                    // Console.Write(" deleting...");

                    person.CryptoPublicKey = armorPublic;
                    person.CryptoSecretKey = armorSecret;
                    person.CryptoFingerprint = key.Fingerprint;

Esempio n. 8
 public void LoadData(Stream dataStream, Organization organization)
     using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream))  // TODO: Is encoding necessary?
         LoadData(reader, organization);
Esempio n. 9
 public static MeetingElection Create (Person creator, Organization org, Geography geo, string name, InternalPollResultsType resultsType, int maxVoteLength, DateTime runningOpens, DateTime runningCloses, DateTime votingOpens, DateTime votingCloses)
         FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateInternalPoll(org.Identity, geo.Identity, name, maxVoteLength,
                                                                resultsType, creator.Identity, runningOpens,
                                                                runningCloses, votingOpens, votingCloses));
Esempio n. 10
 public static PaymentGroup Create (Organization organization, DateTime timestamp, Currency currency, Person createdByPerson)
         FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreatePaymentGroup(organization.Identity, timestamp,
                                                                System.DateTime.Now, createdByPerson.Identity));
Esempio n. 11
 public Org (Organization org)
     : base(org)
         parentName = Organization.FromIdentity(ParentOrganizationId).Name;
         parentName = "N/A";
         anchorName = Geography.FromIdentity(AnchorGeographyId).Name;
         anchorName = "N/A";
         countryCode = base.DefaultCountry.Code;
         countryCode = "N/A";
Esempio n. 12
        public static ExpenseClaim Create(Person claimer, Organization organization, FinancialAccount budget, 
                                      DateTime expenseDate, string description, Int64 amountCents)
            ExpenseClaim newClaim = FromIdentityAggressive (SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateExpenseClaim (claimer.Identity, organization.Identity,
                                                                       budget.Identity, expenseDate, description, amountCents));
            // Create the financial transaction with rows

            string transactionDescription = "Expense #" + newClaim.Identity + ": " + description;  // TODO: Localize

            if (transactionDescription.Length > 64)
                transactionDescription = transactionDescription.Substring(0, 61) + "...";

            FinancialTransaction transaction =
                FinancialTransaction.Create(organization.Identity, DateTime.Now,

            transaction.AddRow(organization.FinancialAccounts.DebtsExpenseClaims, -amountCents, claimer);
            transaction.AddRow(budget, amountCents, claimer);
            // Make the transaction dependent on the expense claim

            transaction.Dependency = newClaim;

            // Create notifications

            OutboundComm.CreateNotificationAttestationNeeded(budget, claimer, string.Empty, (double)amountCents / 100.0, description, NotificationResource.ExpenseClaim_Created); // Slightly misplaced logic, but failsafer here
            OutboundComm.CreateNotificationFinancialValidationNeeded(organization, (double) amountCents/100.0,
                                    new ExpenseClaimFiledLogEntry(claimer /*filing person*/, claimer /*beneficiary*/, (double) amountCents/100.0, budget, description), newClaim);

            return newClaim;
Esempio n. 13
        public static void Run(string data, Organization organization, Person runningPerson)
            if (!data.StartsWith("\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n    <style>\r\n        .tal"))
                runningPerson.SendPhoneMessage("The file you uploaded does not appear to be a Payson export file. No processing done. The data has been discarded.");
                throw new ArgumentException("This does not appear to be a Payson file");

            if (organization.Identity != 1)
                runningPerson.SendPhoneMessage("Payson import is currently only supported for PPSE. No processing done. The data has been discarded.");
                throw new Exception("Payson is only supported for PPSE at the moment.");

            ImportResult result = ImportPayson(data);

            ImportStats stats = ProcessImportedData(result, organization, runningPerson);

                runningPerson.SendPhoneMessage("The Payson file was processed. See mail for more details.");
            catch (Exception)
                // Ignore error on SMS transmit

            string mailBody = string.Empty;

            mailBody += String.Format("Rows processed: {0,9:N0}\r\n", stats.ProcessedTransactionCount);
            mailBody += String.Format("Tx imported:    {0,9:N0}\r\n", stats.ImportedTransactionCount);
            mailBody += String.Format("Tx modified:    {0,9:N0}\r\n", stats.ModifiedTransactionCount - stats.ImportedTransactionCount);

            runningPerson.SendNotice("Payson file imported", mailBody, organization.Identity);
Esempio n. 14
 public static ExternalActivity Create (Organization organization, Geography geograpy, ExternalActivityType type, DateTime date, string description, Person createdByPerson)
         FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateExternalActivity(organization.Identity, geograpy.Identity,
                                                                    date, type, description,
Esempio n. 15
 public static AutoMail Create (AutoMailType type, Organization org, Geography geo,
                                Person author, string title, string body)
     SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().SetAutoMail (type, org.Identity, geo.Identity,
                                         author == null ? 0 : author.Identity, title, body);
     return FromTypeOrganizationAndGeography (type, org, geo);
Esempio n. 16
        public static OutboundComm Create(Person sender, Person from, Organization organization, string resolverClassString, string recipientDataXml, string transmitterClassString, string payloadXml, OutboundCommPriority priority)
            int newId = SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateOutboundComm(sender != null? sender.Identity: 0, from != null? from.Identity: 0,
                                                                           organization != null? organization.Identity: 0, resolverClassString,
                                                                           recipientDataXml ?? string.Empty, transmitterClassString,
                                                                           payloadXml, priority);

            return FromIdentityAggressive(newId);
Esempio n. 17
 public PayoutCreatedLogEntry(Person payingPerson, Person beneficiaryPerson, Organization organization, Currency currency, double amount, string reason)
     this.Amount = amount;
     this.Currency = currency.Code;
     this.OrganizationId = organization.Identity;
     this.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
     this.Description = reason;
     this.ActingPersonId = payingPerson.Identity; // do not save name for data retention reasons
     this.BeneficiaryPersonId = (beneficiaryPerson != null ? beneficiaryPerson.Identity : 0);
Esempio n. 18
 public static OutboundMail Create (Person author, string title,
                                    string body, int mailPriority, int mailType,
                                    Organization organization, Geography geography, DateTime releaseDateTime)
         FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateOutboundMail(MailAuthorType.Person, author.Identity, title,
                                                                  body, mailPriority, mailType,
                                                                  geography.Identity, organization.Identity,
Esempio n. 19
        public static PaymentGroup FromTag (Organization organization, string tag)
            BasicPaymentGroup basicGroup = SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForReading().GetPaymentGroupByTag(organization.Identity, tag);

            if (basicGroup == null)
                return null;

            return FromBasic(basicGroup);
Esempio n. 20
        public static Parley Create (Organization organization, Person person, FinancialAccount budgetInitial, string name, Geography geography, string description, string informationUrl, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, Int64 budgetCents, Int64 guaranteeCents, Int64 attendanceFeeCents)
            Parley newParley = 
                FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateParley(organization.Identity, person.Identity,
                                                                 -(budgetInitial.Identity), name, geography.Identity,
                                                                 description, informationUrl, startDate, endDate,
                                                                 budgetCents, guaranteeCents, attendanceFeeCents));

            PWEvents.CreateEvent(EventSource.PirateWeb, EventType.ParleyCreated, person.Identity, organization.Identity, 0, 0, newParley.Identity, string.Empty); 

            return newParley;
Esempio n. 21
        public static OutboundInvoice Create (Organization organization, Person createdByPerson, DateTime dueDate, FinancialAccount budget, string customerName, string invoiceAddressMail, string invoiceAddressPaper, Currency currency, bool domestic, string theirReference)
            OutboundInvoice invoice = FromIdentity (SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateOutboundInvoice(organization.Identity, createdByPerson != null? createdByPerson.Identity : 0, dueDate,
                                                         budget.Identity, customerName, invoiceAddressPaper,
                                                         invoiceAddressMail, currency.Identity, string.Empty, domestic, Authentication.CreateRandomPassword(6), theirReference));

            // Set reference

            invoice.Reference =
                Formatting.AddLuhnChecksum(Formatting.ReverseString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm")) +

            return invoice;
Esempio n. 22
        public static Payment CreateSingle (Organization organization, DateTime dateTime, Currency currency, Int64 amountCents, OutboundInvoice invoice, Person createdByPerson)
            // TODO: Verify that invoice is not already closed; if so, issue refund

            // TODO: Verify correct amount


            PaymentGroup group = PaymentGroup.Create(organization, dateTime, currency, createdByPerson);
            Payment newPayment = FromIdentity(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreatePayment(group.Identity, amountCents, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, false,
            group.AmountCents = amountCents;

            return newPayment;
Esempio n. 23
        public static CashAdvance Create(Organization organization, Person forPerson, Person createdByPerson, Int64 amountCents, FinancialAccount budget, string description)
            CashAdvance newAdvance = FromIdentityAggressive(SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().CreateCashAdvance(forPerson.Identity,
                                                                                          budget.Identity, amountCents,

            OutboundComm.CreateNotificationAttestationNeeded(budget, forPerson, string.Empty, (double) amountCents/100.0, description, NotificationResource.CashAdvance_Requested); // Slightly misplaced logic, but failsafer here
                                    new CashAdvanceRequestedLogEntry(createdByPerson, forPerson, (double) amountCents/100.0, budget, description),

            return newAdvance;
Esempio n. 24
        public static AutoMail FromTypeOrganizationAndGeography (AutoMailType type, Organization org, Geography geo)
            BasicAutoMail basic = SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForReading().GetAutoMail (type, org.Identity, geo.Identity);

            if (basic == null)
                return null;

            if (basic.Body.Trim().Length < 3)
                return null; // If there is no body, there is no mail

            return FromBasic (basic);
Esempio n. 25
        public static OutboundComm Create(Person sender, Person from, Organization organization, CommResolverClass resolverClass, string recipientDataXml, CommTransmitterClass transmitterClass, string payloadXml, OutboundCommPriority priority)
            string resolverClassString = string.Empty;
            if (resolverClass != CommResolverClass.Unknown)
                resolverClassString = resolverClass.ToString();

            string transmitterClassString = string.Empty;
            if (transmitterClass != CommTransmitterClass.Unknown)
                transmitterClassString = "Swarmops.Utility.Communications." + transmitterClass.ToString();

            return Create(sender, from, organization, resolverClassString, recipientDataXml, transmitterClassString,
                          payloadXml, priority);
Esempio n. 26
        static public BasicMailTemplate GetBestMatch (string templateName, string language, string country, Organization org)
            List<BasicMailTemplate> tmplList = GetCachedTemplates(templateName);

            Organizations orgLine = ( org != null) ? org.GetLine() : new Organizations();

            int[] lineIDs = orgLine.Identities;
            List<int> idlist = new List<int>(lineIDs);

            BasicMailTemplate templateDefault = null;
            BasicMailTemplate countryDefault = null;
            BasicMailTemplate bestSofar = null;
            int bestIndex = -1;

            foreach (BasicMailTemplate bmt in tmplList)
                int thisIndex = idlist.IndexOf(bmt.OrganizationId);
                if (thisIndex > bestIndex)
                    bestIndex = thisIndex;
                    bestSofar = bmt;
                else if (bmt.CountryCode.ToUpper() == country && bmt.OrganizationId < 1)
                    countryDefault = bmt;
                else if (bmt.CountryCode == "" && bmt.OrganizationId < 1)
                    templateDefault = bmt;
            if (bestSofar != null)
                return bestSofar;
            else if (countryDefault != null)
                return countryDefault;
            else if (templateDefault != null)
                return templateDefault;
                return null;
Esempio n. 27
        public static OutboundComm CreateNotification (Organization organization, string notificationResourceString)
            List<Person> recipients = People.FromSingle(Person.FromIdentity(1)); // Initial Admin recipient

            if (organization != null)
                // TODO: Change to org admins

            OutboundComm comm = OutboundComm.Create(null, null, organization, CommResolverClass.Unknown, null,
                                                    new PayloadEnvelope(new NotificationPayload(notificationResourceString)).ToXml(),

            foreach (Person person in recipients)

            comm.Resolved = true;

            return comm;
Esempio n. 28
    public static void InitDatabase()
        // Make sure we're uninitialized

        bool organizationOneExists = false;

        Swarmops.Logic.Structure.Organization organizationOne = null;

            organizationOne       = Swarmops.Logic.Structure.Organization.FromIdentity(1);
            organizationOneExists = true;
        catch (Exception)
            // We expect this to throw

        if (organizationOneExists || organizationOne != null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot re-initialize database");

        // Store database credentials

            new SwarmDb.Configuration(

        // Start an async thread that does all the work, then return

        Thread initThread = new Thread(InitDatabaseThread);

Esempio n. 29
 public static RoleLookup FromOrganization (Organization organization)
     return FromOrganization(organization.Identity);
Esempio n. 30
 public static RoleLookup FromGeographyAndOrganization (Geography geography, Organization organization)
     return FromGeographyAndOrganization(geography.Identity, organization.Identity);
Esempio n. 31
 public void SetCandidateDocumented (Organization organization, Person candidate)
     SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForWriting().SetCandidateDocumentationReceived(this.Identity, organization.Identity, candidate.Identity);
Esempio n. 32
 public OrganizationParameters(Organization organization)
     this.organization = organization;         = ObjectOptionalData.ForObject(organization);