bool ConnectToDeviceSSL(string deviceIpAddress, ref UInt32 deviceID) { UInt16 port = Util.GetInput((UInt16)BS2Environment.BS2_TCP_DEVICE_PORT_DEFAULT); int nCnt = 0; while (true) { BS2ErrorCode result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_ConnectDeviceViaIP(sdkContext, deviceIpAddress, port, out deviceID); if (nCnt > 7) { Console.WriteLine("Can't connect to device(errorCode : {0}).", result); return(false); } if (result != BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS) { nCnt++; continue; } else { break; } } Console.WriteLine(">>>> Successfully connected to the device[{0}].", deviceID); return(true); }
bool ConnectToDevice(ref UInt32 deviceID) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the IP Address to connect device"); Console.Write(">>>> "); string deviceIpAddress = Console.ReadLine(); IPAddress ipAddress; if (!IPAddress.TryParse(deviceIpAddress, out ipAddress)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid ip : " + deviceIpAddress); return(false); } Console.WriteLine("Enter the port number to connect device : default[{0}]", BS2Environment.BS2_TCP_DEVICE_PORT_DEFAULT); Console.Write(">>>> "); UInt16 port = Util.GetInput((UInt16)BS2Environment.BS2_TCP_DEVICE_PORT_DEFAULT); Console.WriteLine("Trying to connect to device [ip :{0}, port : {1}]", deviceIpAddress, port); BS2ErrorCode result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_ConnectDeviceViaIP(sdkContext, deviceIpAddress, port, out deviceID); if (result != BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("Can't connect to device(errorCode : {0}).", result); return(false); } Console.WriteLine(">>>> Successfully connected to the device[{0}].", deviceID); return(true); }
public bool ConnectDevice(string deviceIP, ref UInt32 deviceID) { try { _log.InfoFormat("正在连接 {0}", deviceIP); BS2ErrorCode result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_ConnectDeviceViaIP(sdkContext, deviceIP, 51211, out deviceID); if (BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS != result) { _log.ErrorFormat("连接设备失败, 错误码 : {0} 设备IP {1}", result, deviceIP); return(false); } if (!idMapIp.ContainsKey(deviceID)) { idMapIp.Add(deviceID, deviceIP); } _log.ErrorFormat("连接设备成功 设备IP : {0}", deviceID); return(true); } catch (Exception) { _log.ErrorFormat("连接设备异常, 设备IP {0}", deviceIP); return(false); } }
void getImageLog(IntPtr sdkContext, UInt32 deviceID, bool isMasterDevice) { BS2SimpleDeviceInfo deviceInfo; int structSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(BS2Event)); UInt16 imageLogEventCode = (UInt16)BS2EventCodeEnum.DEVICE_TCP_CONNECTED; BS2EventConfig eventConfig = Util.AllocateStructure <BS2EventConfig>(); eventConfig.numImageEventFilter = 1; eventConfig.imageEventFilter[0].mainEventCode = (byte)(imageLogEventCode >> 8); eventConfig.imageEventFilter[0].scheduleID = (UInt32)BS2ScheduleIDEnum.ALWAYS; Console.WriteLine("Trying to get the device[{0}] information.", deviceID); BS2ErrorCode result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_GetDeviceInfo(sdkContext, deviceID, out deviceInfo); if (result != BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("Can't get device information(errorCode : {0}).", result); return; } Console.WriteLine("Trying to activate image log."); result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_SetEventConfig(sdkContext, deviceID, ref eventConfig); if (result != BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("Got error({0}).", result); return; } Console.WriteLine("Trying to clear log for quick test."); result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_ClearLog(sdkContext, deviceID); if (result != BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("Got error({0}).", result); return; } Console.WriteLine("Trying to disconnect device[{0}] for quick test.", deviceID); result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_DisconnectDevice(sdkContext, deviceID); if (result != BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("Got error({0}).", result); return; } Thread.Sleep(500); //waiting for socket close Console.WriteLine("Trying to connect device[{0}].", deviceID); result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_ConnectDeviceViaIP(sdkContext, new IPAddress(BitConverter.GetBytes(deviceInfo.ipv4Address)).ToString(), deviceInfo.port, out deviceID); if (result != BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("Got error({0}).", result); return; } IntPtr outEventLogObjs = IntPtr.Zero; UInt32 outNumEventLogs = 0; result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_GetLog(sdkContext, deviceID, 0, 1024, out outEventLogObjs, out outNumEventLogs); if (result != BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("Got error({0}).", result); return; } if (outNumEventLogs > 0) { IntPtr curEventLogObjs = outEventLogObjs; for (int idx = 0; idx < outNumEventLogs; idx++) { BS2Event eventLog = (BS2Event)Marshal.PtrToStructure(curEventLogObjs, typeof(BS2Event)); if (Convert.ToBoolean(eventLog.image)) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to get image log[{0}].",; IntPtr imageObj = IntPtr.Zero; UInt32 imageSize = 0; result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_GetImageLog(sdkContext, deviceID,, out imageObj, out imageSize); if (result != BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("Got error({0}).", result); } else { int written = 0; FileStream file = new FileStream(String.Format("{0}.jpg",, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); Console.WriteLine("Trying to save image log[{0}].",; WriteFile(file.Handle, imageObj, (int)imageSize, out written, IntPtr.Zero); file.Close(); if (written != imageSize) { Console.WriteLine("Got error({0}).", result); } else { Console.WriteLine("Successfully saved the image log[{0}].",; Process.Start(file.Name); } } break; } curEventLogObjs = (IntPtr)((long)curEventLogObjs + structSize); } API.BS2_ReleaseObject(outEventLogObjs); } eventConfig.numImageEventFilter = 0; Console.WriteLine("Trying to deactivate image log."); result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_SetEventConfig(sdkContext, deviceID, ref eventConfig); if (result != BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("Got error({0}).", result); return; } }