public override void execute() { UInt32 zoneID = 0; BS2ErrorCode checkResult = zoneManager.checkAPBByDoorOpen(deviceID, userID1, userID2, isDualAuth, isCheck, out zoneID); Console.WriteLine("[Server] responded with a status of {0}, zoneID[{7}] : device[{1}], seq[{2}], userID_1[{3}], userID_2[{4}], isDualAuth[{5}], isCheck[{6}]", checkResult, deviceID, seq, userID1, userID2, isDualAuth, isCheck, zoneID); if (isCheck) { // Response to the device for global APB by door open BS2ErrorCode result = (BS2ErrorCode)API.BS2_CheckGlobalAPBViolationByDoorOpen(sdkContext, deviceID, seq, (int)checkResult, zoneID); if (result != BS2ErrorCode.BS_SDK_SUCCESS) { Console.WriteLine("Got error({0}).", result); } } }