/// <summary>
 /// <para> Sets metadata about a screenshot's location (for example, the name of the map)</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool SetLocation(ScreenshotHandle hScreenshot, string pchLocation)
     using (var pchLocation2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchLocation)) {
         return(NativeMethods.ISteamScreenshots_SetLocation(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamScreenshots(), hScreenshot, pchLocation2));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Returns true if the app has hooked the screenshot</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsScreenshotsHooked()
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Tags a published file as being visible in the screenshot</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool TagPublishedFile(ScreenshotHandle hScreenshot, PublishedFileId_t unPublishedFileID)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamScreenshots_TagPublishedFile(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamScreenshots(), hScreenshot, unPublishedFileID));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Tags a user as being visible in the screenshot</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static bool TagUser(ScreenshotHandle hScreenshot, CSteamID steamID)
     return(NativeMethods.ISteamScreenshots_TagUser(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamScreenshots(), hScreenshot, steamID));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Toggles whether the overlay handles screenshots when the user presses the screenshot hotkey, or the game handles them.  If the game is hooking screenshots,</para>
 /// <para> then the ScreenshotRequested_t callback will be sent if the user presses the hotkey, and the game is expected to call WriteScreenshot or AddScreenshotToLibrary</para>
 /// <para> in response.</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static void HookScreenshots(bool bHook)
     NativeMethods.ISteamScreenshots_HookScreenshots(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamScreenshots(), bHook);
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Causes the Steam overlay to take a screenshot.  If screenshots are being hooked by the game then a ScreenshotRequested_t callback is sent back to the game instead.</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static void TriggerScreenshot()
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Adds a screenshot to the user's screenshot library from disk.  If a thumbnail is provided, it must be 200 pixels wide and the same aspect ratio</para>
 /// <para> as the screenshot, otherwise a thumbnail will be generated if the user uploads the screenshot.  The screenshots must be in either JPEG or TGA format.</para>
 /// <para> The return value is a handle that is valid for the duration of the game process and can be used to apply tags.</para>
 /// <para> JPEG, TGA, and PNG formats are supported.</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static ScreenshotHandle AddScreenshotToLibrary(string pchFilename, string pchThumbnailFilename, int nWidth, int nHeight)
     using (var pchFilename2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchFilename))
         using (var pchThumbnailFilename2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchThumbnailFilename)) {
             return((ScreenshotHandle)NativeMethods.ISteamScreenshots_AddScreenshotToLibrary(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamScreenshots(), pchFilename2, pchThumbnailFilename2, nWidth, nHeight));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Writes a screenshot to the user's screenshot library given the raw image data, which must be in RGB format.</para>
 /// <para> The return value is a handle that is valid for the duration of the game process and can be used to apply tags.</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static ScreenshotHandle WriteScreenshot(byte[] pubRGB, uint cubRGB, int nWidth, int nHeight)
     return((ScreenshotHandle)NativeMethods.ISteamScreenshots_WriteScreenshot(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamScreenshots(), pubRGB, cubRGB, nWidth, nHeight));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para> Adds a VR screenshot to the user's screenshot library from disk in the supported type.</para>
 /// <para> pchFilename should be the normal 2D image used in the library view</para>
 /// <para> pchVRFilename should contain the image that matches the correct type</para>
 /// <para> The return value is a handle that is valid for the duration of the game process and can be used to apply tags.</para>
 /// <para> JPEG, TGA, and PNG formats are supported.</para>
 /// </summary>
 public static ScreenshotHandle AddVRScreenshotToLibrary(EVRScreenshotType eType, string pchFilename, string pchVRFilename)
     using (var pchFilename2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchFilename))
         using (var pchVRFilename2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchVRFilename)) {
             return((ScreenshotHandle)NativeMethods.ISteamScreenshots_AddVRScreenshotToLibrary(CSteamAPIContext.GetSteamScreenshots(), eType, pchFilename2, pchVRFilename2));