예제 #1
        public void LogToSRC()
            var curChan = GetRunChannel(ELogChannel.logBotChan);
            var textRdy = "Ready! Gotta go fast on Discord!";

                Sadx = Src.Games.SearchGame(name: "SADX");

                if (curChan != null)
                    if (!isConnected && !isError)
                        curChan.SendMessageAsync(textRdy + "\n" + "Successfully Connected to speedrun.com " + DateTime.Now);
                        isConnected = true;
                        isError     = false;
                    else if (!isConnected && isError)
                        curChan.SendMessageAsync("We're back! " + DateTime.Now);
                        isConnected = true;
                        isError     = false;
                var error = "Error, when trying to access SADX on src, did the API break? I will try again in 5 minutes. ";
                if (curChan != null && !isError)
                    curChan.SendMessageAsync(error + DateTime.Now);
                    isError     = true;
                    isConnected = false;

예제 #2
        public static Game Parse(SpeedrunComClient client, dynamic gameElement)
            var game = new Game();

            //Parse Attributes

            game.Header = GameHeader.Parse(client, gameElement);
            game.YearOfRelease = gameElement.released;
            game.Ruleset = Ruleset.Parse(client, gameElement.ruleset);

            game.IsRomHack = gameElement.romhack;

            var created = gameElement.created as string;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(created))
                game.CreationDate = DateTime.Parse(created, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal);

            game.Assets = Assets.Parse(client, gameElement.assets);

            //Parse Embeds

            var properties = gameElement.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;

            if (gameElement.moderators is DynamicJsonObject && gameElement.moderators.Properties.ContainsKey("data"))
                Func<dynamic, User> userParser = x => User.Parse(client, x) as User;
                ReadOnlyCollection<User> users = client.ParseCollection(gameElement.moderators.data, userParser);
                game.moderatorUsers = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<User>>(() => users);
            else if (gameElement.moderators is DynamicJsonObject)
                var moderatorsProperties = gameElement.moderators.Properties as IDictionary<string, dynamic>;
                game.Moderators = moderatorsProperties.Select(x => Moderator.Parse(client, x)).ToList().AsReadOnly();

                game.moderatorUsers = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<User>>(
                    () =>
                        ReadOnlyCollection<User> users;

                        if (game.Moderators.Count(x => !x.user.IsValueCreated) > 1)
                            users = client.Games.GetGame(game.ID, embeds: new GameEmbeds(embedModerators: true)).ModeratorUsers;

                            foreach (var user in users)
                                var moderator = game.Moderators.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserID == user.ID);
                                if (moderator != null)
                                    moderator.user = new Lazy<User>(() => user);
                            users = game.Moderators.Select(x => x.User).ToList().AsReadOnly();

                        return users;
                game.Moderators = new ReadOnlyCollection<Moderator>(new Moderator[0]);
                game.moderatorUsers = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<User>>(() => new List<User>().AsReadOnly());

            if (properties["platforms"] is IList)
                game.PlatformIDs = client.ParseCollection<string>(gameElement.platforms);

                if (game.PlatformIDs.Count > 1)
                    game.platforms = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Platform>>(
                        () => client.Games.GetGame(game.ID, embeds: new GameEmbeds(embedPlatforms: true)).Platforms);
                    game.platforms = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Platform>>(
                        () => game.PlatformIDs.Select(x => client.Platforms.GetPlatform(x)).ToList().AsReadOnly());
                Func<dynamic, Platform> platformParser = x => Platform.Parse(client, x) as Platform;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Platform> platforms = client.ParseCollection(gameElement.platforms.data, platformParser);
                game.platforms = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Platform>>(() => platforms);
                game.PlatformIDs = platforms.Select(x => x.ID).ToList().AsReadOnly();

            if (properties["regions"] is IList)
                game.RegionIDs = client.ParseCollection<string>(gameElement.regions);

                if (game.RegionIDs.Count > 1)
                    game.regions = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Region>>(
                        () => client.Games.GetGame(game.ID, embeds: new GameEmbeds(embedRegions: true)).Regions);
                    game.regions = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Region>>(
                        () => game.RegionIDs.Select(x => client.Regions.GetRegion(x)).ToList().AsReadOnly());
                Func<dynamic, Region> regionParser = x => Region.Parse(client, x) as Region;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Region> regions = client.ParseCollection(gameElement.regions.data, regionParser);
                game.regions = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Region>>(() => regions);
                game.RegionIDs = regions.Select(x => x.ID).ToList().AsReadOnly();

            //Parse Links

            game.Runs = client.Runs.GetRuns(gameId: game.ID);

            if (properties.ContainsKey("levels"))
                Func<dynamic, Level> levelParser = x => Level.Parse(client, x) as Level;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Level> levels = client.ParseCollection(gameElement.levels.data, levelParser);
                game.levels = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Level>>(() => levels);
                game.levels = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Level>>(() => client.Games.GetLevels(game.ID));

            if (properties.ContainsKey("categories"))
                Func<dynamic, Category> categoryParser = x => Category.Parse(client, x) as Category;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Category> categories = client.ParseCollection(gameElement.categories.data, categoryParser);

                foreach (var category in categories)
                    category.game = new Lazy<Game>(() => game);

                game.categories = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Category>>(() => categories);
                game.categories = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Category>>(() =>
                        var categories = client.Games.GetCategories(game.ID);

                        foreach (var category in categories)
                            category.game = new Lazy<Game>(() => game);

                        return categories;

            if (properties.ContainsKey("variables"))
                Func<dynamic, Variable> variableParser = x => Variable.Parse(client, x) as Variable;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Variable> variables = client.ParseCollection(gameElement.variables.data, variableParser);
                game.variables = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Variable>>(() => variables);
                game.variables = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Variable>>(() => client.Games.GetVariables(game.ID));

            var links = properties["links"] as IEnumerable<dynamic>;
            var seriesLink = links.FirstOrDefault(x => x.rel == "series");
            if (seriesLink != null)
                var parentUri = seriesLink.uri as string;
                game.SeriesID = parentUri.Substring(parentUri.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                game.series = new Lazy<Series>(() => client.Series.GetSingleSeries(game.SeriesID));
                game.series = new Lazy<Series>(() => null);

            var originalGameLink = links.FirstOrDefault(x => x.rel == "game");
            if (originalGameLink != null)
                var originalGameUri = originalGameLink.uri as string;
                game.OriginalGameID = originalGameUri.Substring(originalGameUri.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                game.originalGame = new Lazy<Game>(() => client.Games.GetGame(game.OriginalGameID));
                game.originalGame = new Lazy<Game>(() => null);

            game.romHacks = new Lazy<ReadOnlyCollection<Game>>(() =>
                    var romHacks = client.Games.GetRomHacks(game.ID);

                    if (romHacks != null)
                        foreach (var romHack in romHacks)
                            romHack.originalGame = new Lazy<Game>(() => game);

                    return romHacks;

            return game;