예제 #1
        public static double bearingFinal(position startPoint, position finalPoint)
            //calculate de delta lon
            double Δlong =   DegreesToRadians(finalPoint.lon - startPoint.lon);
            //get the lat values
            double lat1 = DegreesToRadians(startPoint.lat);
            double lat2 = DegreesToRadians(finalPoint.lat);
            //divide and conqueror
            double y = Math.Sin(Δlong) * Math.Cos(lat2);
            double x = ((Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Sin(lat2)) - (Math.Sin(lat1) * Math.Cos(lat2) * Math.Cos(Δlong)));
            //tc1=mod(atan2(sin(lon1-lon2)*cos(lat2),cos(lat1)*sin(lat2)-sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(lon1-lon2)), 2*pi)

            //apply the values obtained
            //double θ = Math.Atan2(y,x) % (2*Math.PI);
            //θ = RadiansToDegrees(θ);
            double θ = RadiansToDegrees(Math.Atan2(y, x));
            θ = (θ + 180) % 360;
            //return the value in decial degrees  θ+360) % 360
            return θ;
 //funcion para setear la velocidad del grid desde un hilo
 private void ajustaCoordenadas(position coord, int indiceLista)
     if (this.dgObjetivos.InvokeRequired)
         SetTextDelegateCoordenadas d = new SetTextDelegateCoordenadas(ajustaCoordenadas);
         this.Invoke(d, new object[] { coord, indiceLista });
         listaObjetivos[indiceLista].lat = (float)(coord.lat);
         listaObjetivos[indiceLista].lon = (float)(coord.lon);
         //lbObjetivos.Text = System.Convert.ToString(velocidad);
         // this.listaObjetivos[indice].speed = velocidad;
        //funcion donde se simula el movimiento de los objetivos
        private void simulacion()
            //timer para controlar el tiempo de sleep del hilo, cada ese tiempo, ejecutara la acción.
            TimeController temporizador = new TimeController(3, false);
            while (true)

                if (temporizador.isCycleDone)

                    if (listaObjetivos.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < listaObjetivos.Count; i++)

                            //float tiempo = 10;//hrs
                            double timestampNow = TimeController.timeStamp();
                            double tiempoEnHoras = (timestampNow - listaObjetivos[i].lastTime) / 3600;//en Hrs
                            //PONER EL NUEVO TIMESTAMP
                            double timestampNow2 = TimeController.timeStamp();
                            listaObjetivos[i].lastTime = timestampNow2;
                            //distancia en Kilometros
                            float distanciaKm = geodesicUtils.nauticalMilesToKilometer(calculaDistanciaMN2((float)tiempoEnHoras, listaObjetivos[i].speed));

                            position origen = new position(listaObjetivos[i].lat, listaObjetivos[i].lon);

                            position destino = geodesicUtils.FindPointAtDistanceFrom(origen, geodesicUtils.DegreesToRadians(listaObjetivos[i].course), distanciaKm);
                            //ajustamos las coordenadas de la nueva posicion
                            ajustaCoordenadas(destino, i);
                            //ajustamos el nuevo curso o bearing en la nueva posicion.
                            ajustaRumbo((float)geodesicUtils.bearingFinal(destino, origen),i);

                        }//del ciclo for


                //esperar evento para detener el hilo
                if (eventoSimulacion.WaitOne(0, false) == true)
                    //just wait until the last thread is done
                    eventoSimulacion.Reset();//reset the event

예제 #4
        private void simulacion()         //funcion donde se simula el movimiento de los objetivos
            //timer para controlar el tiempo de sleep del hilo, cada ese tiempo, ejecutara la acción.
            TimeController temporizador = new TimeController(3, false);

            while (true)
                if (temporizador.isCycleDone)
                    if (listaObjetivos.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < listaObjetivos.Count; i++)
                            //float tiempo = 10;//hrs
                            double timestampNow  = TimeController.timeStamp();
                            double tiempoEnHoras = (timestampNow - listaObjetivos[i].lastTime) / 3600;                            //en Hrs
                            //PONER EL NUEVO TIMESTAMP
                            double timestampNow2 = TimeController.timeStamp();
                            listaObjetivos[i].lastTime = timestampNow2;
                            //distancia en Kilometros
                            float distanciaKm = geodesicUtils.nauticalMilesToKilometer(calculaDistanciaMN2((float)tiempoEnHoras, listaObjetivos[i].speed));

                            position origen = new position(listaObjetivos[i].lat, listaObjetivos[i].lon);

                            position destino = geodesicUtils.FindPointAtDistanceFrom(origen, geodesicUtils.DegreesToRadians(listaObjetivos[i].course), distanciaKm);
                            //ajustamos las coordenadas de la nueva posicion
                            ajustaCoordenadas(destino, i);
                            //ajustamos el nuevo curso o bearing en la nueva posicion.
                            double x = geodesicUtils.bearingFinal(destino, origen);
                            ajustaRumbo(x, i);

                             * //EXTRA
                             * int g = 18;
                             * int m = 46;
                             * int s = 7;
                             * double DecimalLat = geodesicUtils.coordinatesFromDMStoDecimalDegrees(g, m, s);
                             * Console.WriteLine("Latitud grados decimales: " + DecimalLat);
                             * g = 91;
                             * m = 50;
                             * s = 31;
                             * double DecimalLon = geodesicUtils.coordinatesFromDMStoDecimalDegrees(g, m, s);
                             * Console.WriteLine("Longitud grados decimales: " + DecimalLon);
                             * Console.WriteLine("course: " + x);
                             * //*/
                        }                        //del ciclo for

                //esperar evento para detener el hilo
                if (eventoSimulacion.WaitOne(0, false) == true)
                    //just wait until the last thread is done
                    eventoSimulacion.Reset();                    //reset the event
예제 #5
 double DistanceInKilometers(position a, position b)
     return((double)EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS * this.arcInRad(a, b) / 1000.0);
예제 #6
 double DistanceInMeters(position a, position b)
     return (double)EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS * this.arcInRad(a, b);
예제 #7
 /*If you need to check a pair of coordinates.*/
 bool checkCoordinates(position a, position b)
     if ((checkCoordinates(a)) && (checkCoordinates(b)))
         return true;
         return false;
예제 #8
 //const decimal EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS = 6371000.00M;
 /*if you need to check just a point*/
 bool checkCoordinates(position a)
     if (((a.lat < 90) && (a.lat > -90)) && ((a.lon < 180) && (a.lon > -180)))
         return true;
         return false;
예제 #9
        double arcInRad(position from, position to)
            /*to use the trigonometric function, first convert to radians*/

            double latitudeArc = (from.lat - to.lat) * (double)DEG_TO_RAD;
            double longitudeArc = (from.lon - to.lon) * (double)DEG_TO_RAD;

            double latitudeH = Math.Sin(latitudeArc * 0.5);
            latitudeH *= latitudeH;
            double lontitudeH = Math.Sin(longitudeArc * 0.5);
            lontitudeH *= lontitudeH;
            double tmp = Math.Cos(from.lat * (double)DEG_TO_RAD) * Math.Cos(to.lat * (double)DEG_TO_RAD);
            return 2.0 * Math.Asin(Math.Sqrt(latitudeH + tmp * lontitudeH));
예제 #10
        /*To calculate a lat of destination point, given distance and bearing from start point
        * The return of destinatin lat is in decimal degrees
        * position has lat/lon implicit data
        public static position FindPointAtDistanceFrom(position startPoint, double initialBearingRadians, double distanceKilometres)
            const double radiusEarthKilometres = (double)(EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS) / 1000.0;
            var distRatio = distanceKilometres / radiusEarthKilometres;
            var distRatioSine = Math.Sin(distRatio);
            var distRatioCosine = Math.Cos(distRatio);

            var startLatRad = DegreesToRadians(startPoint.lat);
            var startLonRad = DegreesToRadians(startPoint.lon);

            var startLatCos = Math.Cos(startLatRad);
            var startLatSin = Math.Sin(startLatRad);

            var endLatRads = Math.Asin((startLatSin * distRatioCosine) + (startLatCos * distRatioSine * Math.Cos(initialBearingRadians)));

            var endLonRads = startLonRad + Math.Atan2(Math.Sin(initialBearingRadians) * distRatioSine * startLatCos, distRatioCosine - startLatSin * Math.Sin(endLatRads));

            position endPoint = new position(RadiansToDegrees(endLatRads), RadiansToDegrees(endLonRads));

            return endPoint;