public void AddDeclaration(VerilogModule declaration) { if (this.moduleDeclarations.ContainsKey(declaration.Name)) { if (this.moduleDeclarations[declaration.Name].Filename == declaration.Filename) { // In this case, there are multiple instantiations of the same module within // the same file, probably due to an IFDEF statement StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Multiple module insantiations found:"); sb.AppendLine("\tModule: " + declaration.Name); sb.AppendLine("\tFile: " + declaration.Filename); sb.AppendLine("\tOriginal @ Line:" + moduleDeclarations[declaration.Name].InOutListEnd.Line); sb.AppendLine("\tNew @ Line:" + declaration.InOutListEnd.Line); sb.AppendLine("Use new module instantiation?"); DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(sb.ToString(), "VFile Parser: Module Instance Conflict", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { this.moduleDeclarations[declaration.Name] = declaration; } } else { // In this case, we are updating an old declaration, typically due to // replacing PossibleInstances with VerilogModuleInstances this.moduleDeclarations[declaration.Name] = declaration; } } else { this.moduleDeclarations.Add(declaration.Name, declaration); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates DFFs to support error injections /// </summary> /// <param name="vMod"></param> /// <param name="changeLog"></param> private void UpdateDffs(InserterMode mode, VerilogModule vMod, FileChangeLog changeLog) { int i = 0; foreach (DffInstance dff in vMod.LocalDffs) { if (dff.ParametersExist) { if (dff.ParametersNamed) { changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.ParameterBegin.Pos, " ." + ERROR_PARAMETER + "(" + ERROR_PARAMETER + "), "); } else { if (dff.ParamsInParens) { changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.ParameterBegin.Pos, " ." + ERROR_PARAMETER + "(" + ERROR_PARAMETER + "), .SIZE("); changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.ParameterEnd.Pos, ") "); } else { changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.ParameterBegin.Pos, "( ." + ERROR_PARAMETER + "(" + ERROR_PARAMETER + "), .SIZE("); changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.ParameterEnd.Pos, ")) "); } } } else { changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.ParameterBegin.Pos, " #( ." + ERROR_PARAMETER + "(" + ERROR_PARAMETER + ")) "); } changeLog.ProposeChange(dff.PortList.Pos, Environment.NewLine + ".err_en(lcl_err" + ((vMod.ErrorControlWidth > 1)? "[" + i + "]" : string.Empty) + "),"); i++; } }
public VerilogModule GetModule(string moduleName) { VerilogModule vMod = null; this.moduleLibrary.TryGetValue(moduleName, out vMod); return(vMod); }
/// <summary> /// Insert actual instantiation of shadow capture module /// </summary> /// <param name="vMod"></param> /// <param name="changeLog"></param> private void InstantiateShadowCapture(VerilogModule vMod, FileChangeLog changeLog) { StringBuilder shadowCapture = new StringBuilder(Environment.NewLine); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t//[Shadow Module Instantiation here]"); string discreteDffs, dffWidths, dclks; DffWidthParameters(vMod, out discreteDffs, out dffWidths, out dclks); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\tshadow_capture #(.DFF_BITS(" + vMod.NumLocalDffBits + "), .USE_DCLK(" + ((vMod.LocalDffs.Count > 0) ? "1" : "0") + "), .CHAINS_IN(" + vMod.NumChainsIn + "), .CHAINS_OUT(" + vMod.NumChainsOut + "), .DISCRETE_DFFS(" + discreteDffs + "), .DFF_WIDTHS(" + dffWidths + ")) " + SHADOW_MOD_NAME + "_" + vMod.Name + " ("); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\t.clk(" + SHADOW_CLOCK + "), "); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\t.rst(" + SHADOW_RESET + "), "); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\t.capture_en(" + CAPTURE_ENABLE + "), "); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\" + dclks + "), "); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\t.din(" + RouteLocalDffs(vMod) + "),"); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\t.dump_en(" + DUMP_ENABLE + "), "); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\t.chains_in(" + RouteInstanceShadowChains(vMod) + "), "); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\t.chains_in_vld(" + ((vMod.NumChainsIn > 0) ? INST_CHAINS_OUT_VALID : "") + "), "); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\t.chains_in_done(" + ((vMod.NumChainsIn == 0) ? "" : INST_CHAINS_OUT_DONE) + "), "); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\t.chain_dump_en(" + ((vMod.NumChainsIn == 0) ? "" : CHAINS_DUMP_ENABLE) + "), "); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\t.chains_out(" + CHAINS_OUT + "), "); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\t.chains_out_vld(" + CHAINS_OUT_VALID + "), "); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t\t.chains_out_done(" + CHAINS_OUT_DONE + ")"); shadowCapture.AppendLine("\t);"); changeLog.ProposeChange(vMod.PrevEndModule.Pos, shadowCapture.ToString()); string[] args = new string[] { vMod.Name, vMod.NumLocalDffBits.ToString(), vMod.NumChainsIn.ToString(), vMod.NumChainsOut.ToString(), discreteDffs.ToString() }; snapArgLog.AppendLine(string.Join(",", args)); }
private void ParseForModDeclarations(StringTokenizer tknzr, VerilogFile vFile) { SetupPrecompiler(); Token prevTok = null; Token currTok = tknzr.Next(); while (true) { if (currTok.Kind == TokenKind.EOF) { break; } if (prevTok == null || prevTok.Kind == TokenKind.EOL) { RunPrecompiler(tknzr, ref prevTok, ref currTok); if (currTok.Value == "module") { VerilogModule parsedModule = ParseModuleDeclaration(tknzr, vFile); AssignDffErrorIds(parsedModule); vFile.AddDeclaration(parsedModule); } } prevTok = currTok; currTok = tknzr.Next(); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the modules instantiated within vMod by inserting shadow clock in and chain out ports. /// </summary> /// <param name="vMod"></param> /// <param name="changeLog"></param> private void UpdateInstantiations(InserterMode mode, VerilogModule vMod, FileChangeLog changeLog) { //Propose changes in order to generate finalized change list int chainOutBit = 0; foreach (VerilogModuleInstance vmi in vMod.InstantiatedModules) { StringBuilder update = new StringBuilder();//"," + Environment.NewLine); if (mode == InserterMode.Error || mode == InserterMode.Both) { if (vmi.Type.ErrorControlWidth > 0) { String paramChange = String.Empty; if (vmi.Parameterized) { if (vmi.ParametersNamed) { paramChange = " ." + ERROR_PARAMETER + "(" + ERROR_PARAMETER + "),"; } else { paramChange = " " + ERROR_PARAMETER + ", "; } } else { paramChange = " #(." + ERROR_PARAMETER + "(" + ERROR_PARAMETER + ")) "; } changeLog.ProposeChange(vmi.ParameterList.Pos, paramChange.ToString()); update.AppendLine("\t\t." + ERROR_ENABLE + "(" + vmi.InstanceName + "_" + ERROR_ENABLE + "), // [ERROR]"); update.AppendLine("\t\t." + ERROR_CONTROL + "(" + vmi.InstanceName + "_" + ERROR_CONTROL + ") // [ERROR]"); } } if (mode == InserterMode.Shadow || mode == InserterMode.Both) { if (vmi.Type.NumChainsOut > 0) { int chainOutBitUpperLimit = (chainOutBit + vmi.Type.NumChainsOut - 1); string bitLimits = (chainOutBit == chainOutBitUpperLimit) ? ((vMod.NumChainsIn == 1) ? string.Empty : "[" + chainOutBit.ToString() + "]") : "[" + (chainOutBitUpperLimit + ":" + chainOutBit) + "]"; update.AppendLine(","); update.AppendLine("\t\t." + SHADOW_CLOCK + "(" + SHADOW_CLOCK + "), // [SHADOW]"); update.AppendLine("\t\t." + SHADOW_RESET + "(" + SHADOW_RESET + "), // [SHADOW]"); update.AppendLine("\t\t." + CAPTURE_ENABLE + "(" + CAPTURE_ENABLE + "), // [SHADOW]"); update.AppendLine("\t\t." + DUMP_ENABLE + "(" + CHAINS_DUMP_ENABLE + bitLimits + "), // [SHADOW]"); update.AppendLine("\t\t." + CHAINS_OUT + "(" + INST_CHAINS_OUT + bitLimits + "), // [SHADOW]"); update.AppendLine("\t\t." + CHAINS_OUT_DONE + "(" + INST_CHAINS_OUT_DONE + bitLimits + "), // [SHADOW]"); update.AppendLine("\t\t." + CHAINS_OUT_VALID + "(" + INST_CHAINS_OUT_VALID + bitLimits + ") // [SHADOW]"); chainOutBit += vmi.Type.NumChainsOut; } } if (update.ToString() == ("," + Environment.NewLine)) { continue; } changeLog.ProposeChange(vmi.InOutListEnd.Pos, update.ToString()); } }
private void InstantiateSubErrorSplitters(VerilogModule vMod, FileChangeLog changeLog) { if (vMod.InstantiatedModules.Count < 1) { return; } StringBuilder sesSB = new StringBuilder(Environment.NewLine); sesSB.AppendLine("\t//[Sub Error Control Splitter Instantiations here]"); foreach (VerilogModuleInstance vmi in vMod.InstantiatedModules) { if (vmi.Type.ErrorControlWidth <= 0) { continue; } sesSB.AppendLine("\tsubErrCtrlSplitter #(" + ".INW(" + vMod.ErrorControlWidth + "), " + ".OUTW(" + vmi.Type.ErrorControlWidth + "), " + ".LOW(" + vmi.LowerLocalErrorId + "), " + ".HIGH(" + vmi.UpperLocalErrorId + ")) " + ERROR_SUB_MOD_NAME + "_" + vmi.InstanceName + "("); sesSB.AppendLine("\t\t.err_en(err_en),"); sesSB.AppendLine("\t\t.err_ctrl(err_ctrl),"); sesSB.AppendLine("\t\t.sub_err_en(" + vmi.InstanceName + "_" + ERROR_ENABLE + "),"); sesSB.AppendLine("\t\t.sub_err_ctrl(" + vmi.InstanceName + "_" + ERROR_CONTROL + ")"); sesSB.AppendLine("\t);"); sesSB.AppendLine(Environment.NewLine); } changeLog.ProposeChange(vMod.PrevEndModule.Pos, sesSB.ToString()); }
public SnapshotKeyGenerator(VerilogModule vMod) { this.vMod = vMod; this.numChainsIn = vMod.NumChainsIn; this.numChainsOut = vMod.NumChainsOut; this.numDffBits = vMod.NumLocalDffBits; this.localDffs = vMod.LocalDffs; }
/* * private SortedDictionary<string, string> inPorts; * private SortedDictionary<string, string> outPorts; * private SortedDictionary<string, string> inoutPorts;*/ public VerilogModuleInstance(VerilogModule parent, VerilogModule type, string instanceName, Token inoutListEnd) { this.parent = parent; this.filename = parent.Filename; this.moduleType = type; this.instanceName = instanceName; this.inoutListEnd = inoutListEnd; }
private void DffWidthParameters(VerilogModule vMod, out string discreteDffs, out string dffWidths, out string dclks) { if (vMod.LocalDffs.Count == 0) { discreteDffs = string.Empty; dffWidths = string.Empty; dclks = string.Empty; return; } List <int> commonClkWidths = new List <int>(); List <string> commonClks = new List <string>(); List <DffInstance> dffs = vMod.LocalDffs; string currClk = dffs[0].ClockPort; int currClkWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dffs.Count; i++) { if (currClk == dffs[i].ClockPort) { currClkWidth += dffs[i].Size; } else { commonClks.Add(currClk); commonClkWidths.Add(currClkWidth); currClk = dffs[i].ClockPort; currClkWidth = dffs[i].Size; } if (i == dffs.Count - 1) { commonClks.Add(currClk); commonClkWidths.Add(currClkWidth); } } StringBuilder clkSB = new StringBuilder("{"); StringBuilder widthSB = new StringBuilder("{"); for (int i = 0; i < commonClks.Count; i++) { clkSB.Append(commonClks[i]); widthSB.Append("32'd" + commonClkWidths[i]); if (i != commonClks.Count - 1) { clkSB.Append(", "); widthSB.Append(", "); } } clkSB.Append("}"); widthSB.Append("}"); discreteDffs = commonClks.Count.ToString(); dffWidths = widthSB.ToString(); dclks = clkSB.ToString(); }
private void AssignDffErrorIds(VerilogModule vMod) { int i = 0; foreach (DffInstance dff in vMod.LocalDffs) { dff.ErrorId = i; i++; } }
public PossibleInstance(string typeName, string instanceName, VerilogModule parentModule, Token bookmark, Token inOutListEnd, bool paramsExist, bool paramsNamed, Token paramList) { this.typeName = typeName; this.instanceName = instanceName; this.filename = parentModule.Filename; this.parent = parentModule; this.bookmark = bookmark; this.inOutListEnd = inOutListEnd; this.paramsExist = paramsExist; this.paramsNamed = paramsNamed; this.paramList = paramList; }
private void PopulateDisplayHeirarchy(TreeNode parent, VerilogModule module) { TreeNode moduleNode = new TreeNode(module.Name); parent.Nodes.Add(moduleNode); CheckPossibleInstantiations(module); module.AssignLocalErrorIds(); foreach (VerilogModuleInstance vmi in module.InstantiatedModules) { PopulateDisplayHeirarchy(parent.Nodes[parent.Nodes.IndexOf(moduleNode)], vmi.Type); } }
public void AddModulesToLibrary(Dictionary <string, VerilogModule> modules) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, VerilogModule> kvp in modules) { if (!this.moduleLibrary.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { // Extract Module from dictionary and add to library VerilogModule vMod = kvp.Value; this.moduleLibrary.Add(vMod.Name, vMod); // Add possible instances contained in the module to the library foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <PossibleInstance> > kvpLPI in vMod.PossibleInstances) { foreach (PossibleInstance pi in kvpLPI.Value) { if (!this.possibleInstancesLibrary.ContainsKey(pi.TypeName)) { //If it's the first possible instance of its type, create a new list before adding the PossibleInstance to it possibleInstancesLibrary.Add(pi.TypeName, new List <PossibleInstance>()); } // Already other possible instances of the same type, add pi to list of instances possibleInstancesLibrary[pi.TypeName].Add(pi); } // Check if any possibleInstances are defined by this module if (this.possibleInstancesLibrary.ContainsKey(vMod.Name)) { // If so, replace PossibleInstances with VerilogModuleInstances List <PossibleInstance> piList = possibleInstancesLibrary[vMod.Name]; for (int i = 0; i < piList.Count; i++) { PossibleInstance pi = piList[i]; StringTokenizer tknzr = StringTokenizer.TokenizerFromFile(pi.Filename, pi.Bookmark); VerilogModuleInstance vmi = parser.ParseModuleInstance(pi.ParentModule, tknzr, pi.Bookmark, vMod); pi.ParentModule.AddModuleInstance(vmi); //this.AddModulesToLibrary(this.parser.Reparse(piList[i]).DeclaredModules); piList.RemoveAt(i); if (piList.Count == 0) { possibleInstancesLibrary.Remove(vMod.Name); } } } } } else { // Reparsing: updating VerilogModule definitions to contain more module instantiations this.moduleLibrary[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; } } }
private void CheckPossibleInstantiations(VerilogModule vMod) { Dictionary <string, List <PossibleInstance> > tempInsts = new Dictionary <string, List <PossibleInstance> >(vMod.PossibleInstances); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <PossibleInstance> > piEntry in tempInsts) { string pInstName = piEntry.Key; if (IsModule(pInstName)) { vMod.ReplacePossibleInstances(GetModule(pInstName)); } } }
public void DisplayModuleHeirarchy(TreeView display, VerilogModule root) { display.Nodes.Clear(); VerilogModuleTreeNode rootNode = new VerilogModuleTreeNode(root); display.Nodes.Add(rootNode); CheckPossibleInstantiations(root); root.AssignLocalErrorIds(); foreach (VerilogModuleInstance vmi in root.InstantiatedModules) { PopulateDisplayHeirarchy(display.Nodes[0], vmi.Type); } }
/// <summary> /// Inserts all the inputs and outputs into the module being shadowed that are required by the shadow capture module /// </summary> /// <param name="vMod"></param> /// <param name="changeLog"></param> private void InsertLocalPorts(InserterMode mode, VerilogModule vMod, FileChangeLog changeLog) { StringBuilder inouts = new StringBuilder(Environment.NewLine); if (mode == InserterMode.Error || mode == InserterMode.Both) { inouts.AppendLine("," + Environment.NewLine + "//*****[ERROR CAPTURE MODULE INOUTS]*****"); inouts.AppendLine("\t" + ERROR_ENABLE + ", // Error injection enable"); inouts.AppendLine("\t" + ERROR_CONTROL + " // Error injection control"); } if (mode == InserterMode.Shadow || mode == InserterMode.Both) { inouts.AppendLine("," + Environment.NewLine + "//*****[SHADOW CAPTURE MODULE INOUTS]*****"); inouts.AppendLine("\t" + SHADOW_CLOCK + ", // Shadow/data clock"); inouts.AppendLine("\t" + SHADOW_RESET + ", // Shadow/data reset"); inouts.AppendLine("\t" + CAPTURE_ENABLE + ", // Capture enable"); inouts.AppendLine("\t" + DUMP_ENABLE + ", // Dump enable"); inouts.AppendLine("\t" + CHAINS_OUT + ", // Chains out"); inouts.AppendLine("\t" + CHAINS_OUT_VALID + ", // Chains out valid"); inouts.AppendLine("\t" + CHAINS_OUT_DONE + " // Chains done"); } changeLog.ProposeChange(vMod.InOutListEnd.Pos, inouts.ToString()); StringBuilder inoutDeclarations = new StringBuilder(Environment.NewLine); if ((mode == InserterMode.Error || mode == InserterMode.Both) && vMod.ErrorControlWidth > 0) { inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("parameter " + ERROR_PARAMETER + " = 1;" + Environment.NewLine); inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\t//*****[ERROR CAPTURE MODULE INOUTS INSTANTIATIONS]*****"); inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\tinput\t" + ERROR_ENABLE + "; // Error injection enable"); inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\tinput\t" + ((vMod.ErrorControlWidth == 1) ? string.Empty : "[" + (vMod.ErrorControlWidth - 1) + ":0] ") + ERROR_CONTROL + "; // Error injection control"); inoutDeclarations.AppendLine(""); } if (mode == InserterMode.Shadow || mode == InserterMode.Both) { string chainsOutLimits = "[" + (vMod.NumChainsOut - 1) + ":0]"; inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\t//*****[SHADOW CAPTURE MODULE INOUT INSTANTIATIONS]*****"); inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\tinput\t" + SHADOW_CLOCK + "; // Shadow/data clock"); inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\tinput\t" + SHADOW_RESET + "; // Shadow/data reset"); inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\tinput\t" + CAPTURE_ENABLE + "; // Capture enable"); inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\tinput\t" + chainsOutLimits + "\t" + DUMP_ENABLE + "; // Dump enable"); inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\toutput\t" + chainsOutLimits + "\t" + CHAINS_OUT + "; // Chains out"); inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\toutput\t" + chainsOutLimits + "\t" + CHAINS_OUT_VALID + "; // Chains out Valid"); inoutDeclarations.AppendLine("\toutput\t" + chainsOutLimits + "\t" + CHAINS_OUT_DONE + "; // Chains done"); } changeLog.ProposeChange(vMod.PostHeader.Pos, inoutDeclarations.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Replaces all PossibleInstances with real instances of the VerilogModule type. /// Used after the type has been found. /// </summary> /// <param name="vMod"></param> public void ReplacePossibleInstances(VerilogModule vMod) { if (!this.possibleInstances.ContainsKey(vMod.Name)) { return; } List <PossibleInstance> lpi = this.possibleInstances[vMod.Name]; foreach (PossibleInstance pInst in lpi) { VerilogModuleInstance vmi = new VerilogModuleInstance(pInst.ParentModule, vMod, pInst.InstanceName, pInst.InOutListEnd); vmi.Parameterized = pInst.paramsExist; vmi.ParametersNamed = pInst.paramsNamed; vmi.ParameterList = pInst.paramList; this.moduleInstances.Add(vmi); } this.possibleInstances.Remove(vMod.Name); }
//private string RouteDataClocks(VerilogModule vMod) { // if (vMod.LocalDffs.Count == 0) // return string.Empty; // StringBuilder dataClocks = new StringBuilder("{"); // for (int i = 0; i < vMod.LocalDffs.Count; i++) { // //if (vMod.LocalDffs[i].Size != 1) { // // dataClocks.Append("{" + vMod.LocalDffs[i].Size + "{" + vMod.LocalDffs[i].ClockPort + "}}"); // //} else { // dataClocks.Append(vMod.LocalDffs[i].ClockPort); // //} // if (i != vMod.LocalDffs.Count - 1) // dataClocks.Append(", "); // } // dataClocks.Append("}"); // return dataClocks.ToString(); //} /// <summary> /// Returns a string of all the outputs of the local DFFs /// </summary> /// <param name="vMod"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string RouteLocalDffs(VerilogModule vMod) { if (vMod.LocalDffs.Count == 0) { return(string.Empty); } StringBuilder dffOutputs = new StringBuilder("{"); for (int i = 0; i < vMod.LocalDffs.Count; i++) { dffOutputs.Append(vMod.LocalDffs[i].QPort); if (i != vMod.LocalDffs.Count - 1) { dffOutputs.Append(", "); } } dffOutputs.Append("}"); return(dffOutputs.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string of all the shadow outputs of the instantiated modules /// </summary> /// <param name="vMod"></param> /// <param name="changeLog"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string RouteInstanceShadowChains(VerilogModule vMod) { if (vMod.NumChainsIn == 0) { return(string.Empty); } // TODO: Change to dynamic number of chains out /* * StringBuilder shadowChains = new StringBuilder("{"); * for (int i = 0; i < vMod.InstantiatedModules.Count; i++) { * shadowChains.Append("ch_out_" + vMod.InstantiatedModules[i].InstanceName); * if (i != vMod.InstantiatedModules.Count - 1) * shadowChains.Append(", "); * } * shadowChains.Append("}"); * return shadowChains.ToString();*/ return(INST_CHAINS_OUT); }
/// <summary> /// Instantiates all wires required for routing signals to/from the shadow capture module /// </summary> /// <param name="vMod"></param> /// <param name="changeLog"></param> private void InstantiateWires(InserterMode mode, VerilogModule vMod, FileChangeLog changeLog) { StringBuilder wireInst = new StringBuilder(Environment.NewLine); if (mode == InserterMode.Error || mode == InserterMode.Both) { wireInst.AppendLine("\t//*****[ERROR WIRE INSTANTIATIONS]******"); if (vMod.NumLocalDffs > 0) { wireInst.AppendLine("\twire [" + (vMod.NumLocalDffs - 1) + ":0] " + ERROR_LOCAL_CONTROL + ";"); } foreach (VerilogModuleInstance vmi in vMod.InstantiatedModules) { if (vmi.Type.ErrorControlWidth <= 0) { continue; } wireInst.AppendLine("\twire " + vmi.InstanceName + "_" + ERROR_ENABLE + ";"); wireInst.AppendLine("\twire " + ((vmi.Type.ErrorControlWidth == 0)? string.Empty : "[" + (vmi.Type.ErrorControlWidth - 1) + ":0] ") + vmi.InstanceName + "_" + ERROR_CONTROL + ";"); } changeLog.ProposeChange(vMod.PostHeader.Pos, wireInst.ToString()); wireInst.Clear(); } if (mode == InserterMode.Shadow || mode == InserterMode.Both) { if (vMod.NumChainsIn == 0) { return; } string bitLimits = (vMod.NumChainsIn == 1) ? string.Empty : "[" + (vMod.NumChainsIn - 1).ToString() + ":0] "; wireInst.AppendLine(Environment.NewLine + "//*****[SHADOW WIRE INSTANTIATIONS]*****"); wireInst.AppendLine("\twire " + bitLimits + INST_CHAINS_OUT + ";"); wireInst.AppendLine("\twire " + bitLimits + INST_CHAINS_OUT_VALID + ";"); wireInst.AppendLine("\twire " + bitLimits + INST_CHAINS_OUT_DONE + ";"); wireInst.AppendLine("\twire " + bitLimits + CHAINS_DUMP_ENABLE + ";"); wireInst.AppendLine(""); changeLog.ProposeChange(vMod.PostHeader.Pos, wireInst.ToString()); } }
private void InstantiateLocalErrorSplitter(VerilogModule vMod, FileChangeLog changeLog) { if (vMod.NumLocalDffs == 0) { return; } StringBuilder lesSB = new StringBuilder(Environment.NewLine); lesSB.AppendLine("\t//[Local Error Control Splitter Instantiation here]"); lesSB.AppendLine("\tlclErrCtrlSplitter #(.INW(" + vMod.ErrorControlWidth + "), .LCL(" + vMod.NumLocalDffs + ")) " + ERROR_LCL_MOD_NAME + "_" + vMod.Name + "("); lesSB.AppendLine("\t\t.err_en(err_en),"); lesSB.AppendLine("\t\t.err_ctrl(err_ctrl),"); lesSB.AppendLine("\t\t.lcl_err(lcl_err)"); lesSB.AppendLine("\t);"); lesSB.AppendLine(Environment.NewLine); changeLog.ProposeChange(vMod.PrevEndModule.Pos, lesSB.ToString()); }
public void AddModuleToLibrary(VerilogModule module) { this.moduleLibrary.Add(module.Name, module); }
public string GetWorkingCopyPath(VerilogModule vMod) { return(System.IO.Path.Combine(projectDirectory, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(vMod.Filename))); }
public VerilogModuleTreeNode(VerilogModule moduleType) { this.node = new TreeNode(moduleType.Name); this.moduleType = moduleType; }
private VerilogModule ParseModuleDeclaration(StringTokenizer tknzr, VerilogFile vFile) { #region Are the ports even needed? Besides knowing where to insert the shadow chain ports /* * List<string> inPorts = new List<string>(); * List<string> outPorts = new List<string>(); * List<string> inoutPorts = new List<string>(); * Token currToken = null; * Token prevToken = new Token(TokenKind.Unknown, "", 0, 0, 0); * while (true) { * if (currToken == null) { * tknzr.Next(); * } * currToken = tknzr.Next(); * if (currToken.Kind == TokenKind.EOF) { * break; * } else if (currToken.Value == ";" && prevToken.Value == ")") { * break; * } else if (currToken.Value == "input" && prevToken.Kind == TokenKind.EOL) { * * } * prevToken = currToken; * } */ #endregion Token prevTok = tknzr.Next(); Token twoPrevTok = prevTok; Token currTok = tknzr.Next(); VerilogModule vMod = new VerilogModule(vFile.FileName, prevTok.Value); bool headerParsed = false; while (currTok.Value != "endmodule" && currTok.Kind != TokenKind.EOF) { if (prevTok.Kind == TokenKind.EOL) { if (!RunPrecompiler(tknzr, ref prevTok, ref currTok)) { if (currTok.Value == "parameter") { // PARAMETER FOUND ParseParameter(tknzr, vMod.Parameters); } else if (this.project.IsDff(currTok.Value)) { // DFF INSTANCE FOUND DffInstance dffInst = ParseDffInstance(tknzr, currTok, project.GetDffType(currTok.Value)); if (dffInst == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("DFF Library was unable to instantiate from type retrieved from project."); } vMod.AddDffInstance(dffInst); } else if (this.project.IsModule(currTok.Value)) { // MODULE INSTANCE FOUND VerilogModuleInstance vModInst = ParseModuleInstance(vMod, tknzr, currTok, project.GetModule(currTok.Value)); if (vModInst == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Error instantiating module from type retrieved from project."); } vMod.AddModuleInstance(vModInst); } else if (headerParsed && !this.project.IsKeyword(currTok.Value) && currTok.Kind == TokenKind.Word) { // POSSIBLE MODULE, NOT YET PARSED /* OPTIMZATION: * TODO: Change tokenizer to ignore everything between certain keywords and ';', * EX: "assign blah = blah blah blah;" in case there is weird indenting for * readibility. This will minimize the number of false Possibles. * */ if (currTok.Value == "lsu_dc_parity_gen") { Console.Write("!"); } StringTokenizer tempTknzr = new StringTokenizer(tknzr); // Perform deep copy to leave tknzr untouched Token nameTok = tempTknzr.Next(); bool paramExist = false; bool paramNamed = false; Token paramList = null; /*if (nameTok.Value == "#") { * paramsExist = true; * tempTknzr.Next();// ( * tempTknzr.Next();// Number * tempTknzr.Next();// ) * nameTok = tempTknzr.Next(); * }*/ if (nameTok.Value == "#") { // Run through parameter lists until parens all closed paramExist = true; paramList = tempTknzr.Next(); // after "#(" if (paramList.Value == "(") { int parenPairs = 1; while (parenPairs > 0) { nameTok = tempTknzr.Next(); if (nameTok.Value.Contains(".")) { paramNamed = true; } if (nameTok.Value == "(") { parenPairs++; } else if (nameTok.Value == ")") { parenPairs--; } } } nameTok = tempTknzr.Next(); } else { paramList = currTok; } Token tempCurrTok = tempTknzr.Next(); Token tempPrevTok = tempCurrTok; Token tempTwoPrevTok = tempCurrTok; while (tempCurrTok.Value != ";") { // Run through in/out list to end of instantiation tempTwoPrevTok = tempPrevTok; // At ')' tempPrevTok = tempCurrTok; // At ';' tempCurrTok = tempTknzr.Next(); // After ';' } vMod.AddPossibleInstance(currTok, nameTok.Value, tempTwoPrevTok, paramExist, paramNamed, paramList); } } } twoPrevTok = prevTok; prevTok = currTok; currTok = tknzr.Next(); if (!headerParsed && currTok.Value == ";" /*&& prevTok.Value == ")"*/) { vMod.InOutListEnd = twoPrevTok; vMod.PostHeader = tknzr.Next(); twoPrevTok = prevTok; prevTok = (currTok.Value == ")")? currTok : prevTok; currTok = vMod.PostHeader; headerParsed = true; } } vMod.PrevEndModule = prevTok; return(vMod); }
public VerilogModuleInstance ParseModuleInstance(VerilogModule parent, StringTokenizer tknzr, Token possibleParamList, VerilogModule modInstType) { string instName; Token paramListBegin = possibleParamList;//tknzr.Next(); bool paramExists = false; bool paramsNamed = false; string word = tknzr.Next().Value; if (word == "#") { // Run through parameter lists until parens all closed paramExists = true; //paramListBegin = tknzr.Next(); // after "#(" int parenPairs = 1; while (parenPairs > 0) { word = tknzr.Next().Value; if (word.Contains(".")) { paramsNamed = true; } if (word == "(") { parenPairs++; } else if (word == ")") { parenPairs--; } } instName = tknzr.Next().Value; } else { instName = word; } if (instName.Contains("st4_rrobin") || parent.Name == "lsu_rrobin_picker2") { Console.Write("pOOp"); } Token currTok = tknzr.Next(); Token prevTok = currTok; Token twoPrevTok = currTok; while (currTok.Value != ";") { // Run through in/out list to end of instantiation twoPrevTok = prevTok; // At ')' prevTok = currTok; // At ';' currTok = tknzr.Next(); // After ';' } VerilogModuleInstance vModInst = modInstType.Instantiate(parent, instName, twoPrevTok); vModInst.ParameterList = paramListBegin; vModInst.Parameterized = paramExists; vModInst.ParametersNamed = paramsNamed; return(vModInst); }
public VerilogModuleInstance Instantiate(VerilogModule parent, string name, Token inoutListEnd) { return(new VerilogModuleInstance(parent, this, name, inoutListEnd)); }