예제 #1
        public PropertyCondition(Mobile from, Type type, PropertyInfo[] props, string prop, string oper, string arg, bool logicalNot)
            m_From       = from;
            m_LogicalNot = logicalNot;

            string failReason = "";

            m_PropertyInfoChain = Properties.GetPropertyInfoChain(from, type, prop, true, ref failReason);

            if (m_PropertyInfoChain == null)
                throw new Exception(failReason);

            /*for ( int i = 0; i < props.Length; ++i )
             * {
             *      PropertyInfo check = props[i];
             *      if ( !Insensitive.Equals( check.Name, prop ) )
             *              continue;
             *      m_Property = check;
             *      break;
             * }
             * if ( m_Property == null )
             *      throw new Exception( String.Format( "No property with the name ({0}) was found on type ({1}).", prop, type.Name ) );
             * CPA attr = Properties.GetCPA( m_Property );
             * if ( attr == null )
             *      throw new Exception( String.Format( "No property with the name ({0}) was found on type ({1}).", prop, type.Name ) );
             * if ( from.AccessLevel < attr.ReadLevel )
             *      throw new Exception( String.Format( "Getting this property ({0}) requires at least {1} access level.", prop, Mobile.GetAccessLevelName( attr.ReadLevel ) ) );*/

            string error = Properties.ConstructFromString(m_PropertyInfoChain[m_PropertyInfoChain.Length - 1].PropertyType, null, arg, ref m_Argument);

            if (error != null)
                throw new Exception(error);

            switch (oper)
            case "=":
            case "==":
            case "is": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.Equality; break;

            case "!=": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.Inequality; break;

            case ">": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.Greater; break;

            case "<": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.Lesser; break;

            case ">=": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.GreaterEqual; break;

            case "<=": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.LesserEqual; break;

            case "==~":
            case "~==":
            case "=~":
            case "~=":
            case "is~":
            case "~is": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.EqualityInsensitive; break;

            case "!=~":
            case "~!=": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.InequalityInsensitive; break;

            case "starts": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.StartsWith; break;

            case "starts~":
            case "~starts": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.StartsWithInsensitive; break;

            case "ends": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.EndsWith; break;

            case "ends~":
            case "~ends": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.EndsWithInsensitive; break;

            case "contains": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.Contains; break;

            case "contains~":
            case "~contains": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.ContainsInsensitive; break;

            if (m_Operator != ConditionOperator.Equality && m_Operator != ConditionOperator.Inequality)
                if (m_Argument != null && !(m_Argument is IComparable))
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("This property ({0}) is not comparable.", prop));
예제 #2
        public PropertyCondition(Mobile from, Type type, PropertyInfo[] props, string prop, string oper, string arg, bool logicalNot)
            m_From       = from;
            m_LogicalNot = logicalNot;

            string failReason = "";

            m_PropertyInfoChain = Properties.GetPropertyInfoChain(from, type, prop, PropertyAccess.Read, ref failReason);

            if (m_PropertyInfoChain == null)
                throw new Exception(failReason);

            string error = Properties.ConstructFromString(m_PropertyInfoChain[m_PropertyInfoChain.Length - 1].PropertyType, null, arg, ref m_Argument);

            if (error != null)
                throw new Exception(error);

            switch (oper)
            case "=":
            case "==":
            case "is": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.Equality; break;

            case "!=": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.Inequality; break;

            case ">": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.Greater; break;

            case "<": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.Lesser; break;

            case ">=": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.GreaterEqual; break;

            case "<=": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.LesserEqual; break;

            case "==~":
            case "~==":
            case "=~":
            case "~=":
            case "is~":
            case "~is": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.EqualityInsensitive; break;

            case "!=~":
            case "~!=": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.InequalityInsensitive; break;

            case "starts": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.StartsWith; break;

            case "starts~":
            case "~starts": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.StartsWithInsensitive; break;

            case "ends": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.EndsWith; break;

            case "ends~":
            case "~ends": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.EndsWithInsensitive; break;

            case "contains": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.Contains; break;

            case "contains~":
            case "~contains": m_Operator = ConditionOperator.ContainsInsensitive; break;

            if (m_Operator != ConditionOperator.Equality && m_Operator != ConditionOperator.Inequality)
                if (m_Argument != null && !(m_Argument is IComparable))
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("This property ({0}) is not comparable.", prop));