예제 #1
		public HouseGumpAOS( HouseGumpPageAOS page, Mobile from, BaseHouse house ) : base( 50, 40 )
			m_House = house;
			m_Page = page;

			from.CloseGump( typeof( HouseGumpAOS ) );
			//from.CloseGump( typeof( HouseListGump ) );
			//from.CloseGump( typeof( HouseRemoveGump ) );

			bool isCombatRestricted = house.IsCombatRestricted( from );

			bool isOwner = house.IsOwner( from );
			bool isCoOwner = isOwner || house.IsCoOwner( from );
			bool isFriend = isCoOwner || house.IsFriend( from );

			if ( isCombatRestricted )
				isFriend = isCoOwner = isOwner = false;

			AddPage( 0 );

			if ( isFriend || page == HouseGumpPageAOS.Vendors )
				AddBackground( 0, 0, 420, page != HouseGumpPageAOS.Vendors ? 440 : 420, 5054 );

				AddImageTiled( 10, 10, 400, 100, 2624 );
				AddAlphaRegion( 10, 10, 400, 100 );

				AddImageTiled( 10, 120, 400, 260, 2624 );
				AddAlphaRegion( 10, 120, 400, 260 );

				AddImageTiled( 10, 390, 400, page != HouseGumpPageAOS.Vendors ? 40 : 20, 2624 );
				AddAlphaRegion( 10, 390, 400, page != HouseGumpPageAOS.Vendors ? 40 : 20 );

				AddButtonLabeled( 250, page != HouseGumpPageAOS.Vendors ? 410 : 390, 0, 1060675 ); // CLOSE

			AddImage( 10, 10, 100 );

			if ( m_House.Sign != null )
				ArrayList lines = Wrap( m_House.Sign.GetName() );

				if ( lines != null )
					for ( int i = 0, y = (114 - (lines.Count * 14)) / 2; i < lines.Count; ++i, y += 14 )
						string s = (string)lines[i];

						AddLabel( 10 + ((160 - (s.Length * 8)) / 2), y, 0, s );

			if ( page == HouseGumpPageAOS.Vendors )
				AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1062428, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>SHOPS</CENTER>

				AddList( house.AvailableVendorsFor( from ), 1, false, false, from );

			if ( !isFriend )

			if ( house != null )
				AddButtonLabeled( 10, 390, GetButtonID( 0, 0 ), 1060674 ); // Banish
				AddButtonLabeled( 10, 410, GetButtonID( 0, 1 ), 1011261 ); // Lift a Ban
				AddButtonLabeled( 10, 390, GetButtonID( 0, 2 ), 1060676 ); // Grant Access
				AddButtonLabeled( 10, 410, GetButtonID( 0, 3 ), 1060677 ); // Revoke Access
			AddPageButton( 150, 10, GetButtonID( 1, 0 ), 1060668, HouseGumpPageAOS.Information );
			AddPageButton( 150, 30, GetButtonID( 1, 1 ), 1060669, HouseGumpPageAOS.Security );
			AddPageButton( 150, 50, GetButtonID( 1, 2 ), 1060670, HouseGumpPageAOS.Storage );
			AddPageButton( 150, 70, GetButtonID( 1, 3 ), 1060671, HouseGumpPageAOS.Customize );
			AddPageButton( 150, 90, GetButtonID( 1, 4 ), 1060672, HouseGumpPageAOS.Ownership );

			switch ( page )
				case HouseGumpPageAOS.Information:
					AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 130, 200, 20, 1011242, LabelColor, false, false ); // Owned By: 
					AddLabel( 210, 130, LabelHue, GetOwnerName() );

					AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 170, 380, 20, 1018032, SelectedColor, false, false ); // This house is properly placed.
					AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 190, 380, 20, 1018035, SelectedColor, false, false ); // This house is of modern design.
					AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 210, 380, 20, (house is HouseFoundation) ? 1060681 : 1060680, SelectedColor, false, false ); // This is a (pre | custom)-built house.
					AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 230, 380, 20, house.Public ? 1060678 : 1060679, SelectedColor, false, false ); // This house is (private | open to the public).

					switch ( house.DecayType )
						case DecayType.Ageless:
						case DecayType.AutoRefresh:
							AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 250, 380, 20, 1062209, SelectedColor, false, false ); // This house is <a href = "?ForceTopic97">Automatically</a> refreshed.
						case DecayType.ManualRefresh:
							AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 250, 380, 20, 1062208, SelectedColor, false, false ); // This house is <a href = "?ForceTopic97">Grandfathered</a>.
						case DecayType.Condemned:
							AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 250, 380, 20, 1062207, WarningColor, false, false ); // This house is <a href = "?ForceTopic97">Condemned</a>.

					AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 290, 200, 20, 1060692, SelectedColor, false, false ); // Built On:
					AddLabel( 250, 290, LabelHue, GetDateTime( house.BuiltOn ) );

					AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 310, 200, 20, 1060693, SelectedColor, false, false ); // Last Traded:
					AddLabel( 250, 310, LabelHue, GetDateTime( house.LastTraded ) );

					AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 330, 200, 20, 1061793, SelectedColor, false, false ); // House Value
					AddLabel( 250, 330, LabelHue, house.Price.ToString() );

					AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 360, 300, 20, 1011241, SelectedColor, false, false ); // Number of visits this building has had: 
					AddLabel( 350, 360, LabelHue, house.Visits.ToString() );

				case HouseGumpPageAOS.Security:
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 130, GetButtonID( 3, 0 ), 1011266, isCoOwner ); // View Co-Owner List
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 150, GetButtonID( 3, 1 ), 1011267, isOwner ); // Add a Co-Owner
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 170, GetButtonID( 3, 2 ), 1018036, isOwner ); // Remove a Co-Owner
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 190, GetButtonID( 3, 3 ), 1011268, isOwner ); // Clear Co-Owner List

					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 220, GetButtonID( 3, 4 ), 1011243 ); // View Friends List
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 240, GetButtonID( 3, 5 ), 1011244, isCoOwner ); // Add a Friend
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 260, GetButtonID( 3, 6 ), 1018037, isCoOwner ); // Remove a Friend
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 280, GetButtonID( 3, 7 ), 1011245, isCoOwner ); // Clear Friend List

					if ( house.Public )
						AddButtonLabeled( 10, 310, GetButtonID( 3, 8 ), 1011260 ); // View Ban List
						AddButtonLabeled( 10, 330, GetButtonID( 3, 9 ), 1060698 ); // Clear Ban List

						AddButtonLabeled( 210, 130, GetButtonID( 3, 12 ), 1060695, isOwner ); // Change to Private

						AddHtmlLocalized( 245, 150, 240, 20, 1060694, SelectedColor, false, false ); // Change to Public
						AddButtonLabeled( 10, 310, GetButtonID( 3, 8 ), 1011260 ); // View Ban List
						AddButtonLabeled( 10, 330, GetButtonID( 3, 9 ), 1060698 ); // Clear Ban List
						AddButtonLabeled(210, 170, GetButtonID(3, 14), 1011247); // Change the house locks

						AddHtmlLocalized( 245, 130, 240, 20, 1060695, SelectedColor, false, false ); // Change to Private

						AddButtonLabeled( 210, 150, GetButtonID( 3, 13 ), 1060694, isOwner ); // Change to Public

				case HouseGumpPageAOS.Storage:
					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 130, 400, 20, 1060682, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>HOUSE STORAGE SUMMARY</CENTER>

					// This is not as OSI; storage changes not yet implemented

					/*AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 170, 275, 20, 1011237, LabelColor, false, false ); // Number of locked down items:
					AddLabel( 310, 170, LabelHue, m_House.LockDownCount.ToString() );

					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 190, 275, 20, 1011238, LabelColor, false, false ); // Maximum locked down items:
					AddLabel( 310, 190, LabelHue, m_House.MaxLockDowns.ToString() );

					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 210, 275, 20, 1011239, LabelColor, false, false ); // Number of secure containers:
					AddLabel( 310, 210, LabelHue, m_House.SecureCount.ToString() );

					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 230, 275, 20, 1011240, LabelColor, false, false ); // Maximum number of secure containers:
					AddLabel( 310, 230, LabelHue, m_House.MaxSecures.ToString() );*/

					int fromSecures, fromVendors, fromLockdowns, fromMovingCrate;

					int maxSecures = house.GetAosMaxSecures();
					int curSecures = house.GetAosCurSecures( out fromSecures, out fromVendors, out fromLockdowns, out fromMovingCrate );

					int maxLockdowns = house.GetAosMaxLockdowns();
					int curLockdowns = house.GetAosCurLockdowns();

					int bonusStorage = (int)((house.BonusStorageScalar * 100)-100);

					if( bonusStorage > 0 )
						AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 150, 300, 20, 1072519, LabelColor, false, false ); // Increased Storage
						AddLabel( 310, 150, LabelHue, String.Format( "{0}%", bonusStorage ) );

					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 170, 300, 20, 1060683, LabelColor, false, false ); // Maximum Secure Storage
					AddLabel( 310, 170, LabelHue, maxSecures.ToString() );

					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 190, 300, 20, 1060685, LabelColor, false, false ); // Used by Moving Crate
					AddLabel( 310, 190, LabelHue, fromMovingCrate.ToString() );

					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 210, 300, 20, 1060686, LabelColor, false, false ); // Used by Lockdowns
					AddLabel( 310, 210, LabelHue, fromLockdowns.ToString() );

					if ( BaseHouse.NewVendorSystem )
						AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 230, 300, 20, 1060688, LabelColor, false, false ); // Used by Secure Containers
						AddLabel( 310, 230, LabelHue, fromSecures.ToString() );

						AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 250, 300, 20, 1060689, LabelColor, false, false ); // Available Storage
						AddLabel( 310, 250, LabelHue, Math.Max( maxSecures - curSecures, 0 ).ToString() );

						AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 290, 300, 20, 1060690, LabelColor, false, false ); // Maximum Lockdowns
						AddLabel( 310, 290, LabelHue, maxLockdowns.ToString() );

						AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 310, 300, 20, 1060691, LabelColor, false, false ); // Available Lockdowns
						AddLabel( 310, 310, LabelHue, Math.Max( maxLockdowns - curLockdowns, 0 ).ToString() );

						int maxVendors = house.GetNewVendorSystemMaxVendors();
						int vendors = house.PlayerVendors.Count + house.VendorRentalContracts.Count;

						AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 350, 300, 20, 1062391, LabelColor, false, false ); // Vendor Count
						AddLabel( 310, 350, LabelHue, vendors.ToString() + " / " + maxVendors.ToString() );
						AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 230, 300, 20, 1060687, LabelColor, false, false ); // Used by Vendors
						AddLabel( 310, 230, LabelHue, fromVendors.ToString() );

						AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 250, 300, 20, 1060688, LabelColor, false, false ); // Used by Secure Containers
						AddLabel( 310, 250, LabelHue, fromSecures.ToString() );

						AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 270, 300, 20, 1060689, LabelColor, false, false ); // Available Storage
						AddLabel( 310, 270, LabelHue, Math.Max( maxSecures - curSecures, 0 ).ToString() );

						AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 330, 300, 20, 1060690, LabelColor, false, false ); // Maximum Lockdowns
						AddLabel( 310, 330, LabelHue, maxLockdowns.ToString() );

						AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 350, 300, 20, 1060691, LabelColor, false, false ); // Available Lockdowns
						AddLabel( 310, 350, LabelHue, Math.Max( maxLockdowns - curLockdowns, 0 ).ToString() );

				case HouseGumpPageAOS.Customize:
					bool isCustomizable = isOwner && ( house is HouseFoundation );

					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 120, GetButtonID( 5, 0 ), 1060759, isOwner && !isCustomizable && ( house.ConvertEntry != null ) ); // Convert Into Customizable House
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 160, GetButtonID( 5, 1 ), 1060765, isOwner && isCustomizable ); // Customize This House
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 180, GetButtonID( 5, 2 ), 1060760, isOwner && house.MovingCrate != null ); // Relocate Moving Crate
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 210, GetButtonID( 5, 3 ), 1060761, isOwner && house.Public ); // Change House Sign
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 230, GetButtonID( 5, 4 ), 1060762, isOwner && isCustomizable ); // Change House Sign Hanger
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 250, GetButtonID( 5, 5 ), 1060763, isOwner && isCustomizable && ( ((HouseFoundation)house).Signpost != null ) ); // Change Signpost
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 280, GetButtonID( 5, 6 ), 1062004, isOwner && isCustomizable ); // Change Foundation Style
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 310, GetButtonID( 5, 7 ), 1060764, isCoOwner ); // Rename House

				case HouseGumpPageAOS.Ownership:
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 130, GetButtonID( 6, 0 ), 1061794, isOwner && house.MovingCrate == null && house.InternalizedVendors.Count == 0 ); // Demolish House
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 150, GetButtonID( 6, 1 ), 1061797, isOwner ); // Trade House
					AddButtonLabeled( 10, 190, GetButtonID( 6, 2 ), 1061798, false ); // Make Primary

				case HouseGumpPageAOS.ChangeHanger:
					for ( int i = 0; i < m_HangerNumbers.Length; ++i )
						int x = 50 + ((i % 3) * 100);
						int y = 180 + ((i / 3) * 80);

						AddButton( x, y, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 7, i ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
						AddItem( x + 20, y, m_HangerNumbers[i] );

				case HouseGumpPageAOS.ChangeFoundation:
					for ( int i = 0; i < m_FoundationNumbers.Length; ++i )
						int x = 15 + ((i % 5) * 80);
						int y = 180 + ((i / 5) * 100);

						AddButton( x, y, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 8, i ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
						AddItem( x + 25, y, m_FoundationNumbers[i] );

				case HouseGumpPageAOS.ChangeSign:
					int index = 0;
					if ( _HouseSigns.Count == 0 )
						// Add standard signs
						for ( int i = 0; i < 54; ++i )
							_HouseSigns.Add( 2980 + ( i * 2 ) );

						// Add library and beekeeper signs ( ML )
						_HouseSigns.Add( 2966 );
						_HouseSigns.Add( 3140 );
					int signsPerPage = Core.ML ? 24 : 18;
					int totalSigns = Core.ML ? 56 : 54;
					int pages = (int) Math.Ceiling( (double) totalSigns / signsPerPage );

					for ( int i = 0; i < pages; ++i )
						AddPage( i + 1 );

						AddButton( 10, 360, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, ((i + 1) % pages ) + 1 );

						for ( int j = 0; j < signsPerPage && totalSigns - ( signsPerPage * i ) - j > 0; ++j )
							int x = 30 + ((j % 6) * 60);
							int y = 130 + ((j / 6) * 60);

							AddButton( x, y, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 9, index ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
							AddItem( x + 20, y, _HouseSigns[index++] );

				case HouseGumpPageAOS.RemoveCoOwner:
					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060730, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>CO-OWNER LIST</CENTER>
					AddList( house.CoOwners, 10, false, true, from );
				case HouseGumpPageAOS.ListCoOwner:
					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060730, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>CO-OWNER LIST</CENTER>
					AddList( house.CoOwners, -1, false, true, from );
				case HouseGumpPageAOS.RemoveFriend:
					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060731, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>FRIENDS LIST</CENTER>
					AddList( house.Friends, 11, false, true, from );
				case HouseGumpPageAOS.ListFriend:
					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060731, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>FRIENDS LIST</CENTER>
					AddList( house.Friends, -1, false, true, from );
				case HouseGumpPageAOS.RemoveBan:
					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060733, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>BAN LIST</CENTER>
					AddList( house.Bans, 12, true, true, from );
				case HouseGumpPageAOS.ListBan:
					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060733, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>BAN LIST</CENTER>
					AddList( house.Bans, -1, true, true, from );
				case HouseGumpPageAOS.RemoveAccess:
					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060732, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>ACCESS LIST</CENTER>
					AddList( house.Access, 13, false, true, from );
				case HouseGumpPageAOS.ListAccess:
					AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060732, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>ACCESS LIST</CENTER>
					AddList( house.Access, -1, false, true, from );
				case HouseGumpPageAOS.ChangePost:
					int index = 0;

					for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
						AddPage( i + 1 );

						AddButton( 10, 360, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, ((i + 1) % 2) + 1 );

						for ( int j = 0; j < 16 && index < m_PostNumbers.Length; ++j )
							int x = 15 + ((j % 8) * 50);
							int y = 130 + ((j / 8) * 110);

							AddButton( x, y, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 14, index ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
							AddItem( x + 10, y, m_PostNumbers[index++] );

예제 #2
        public HouseGumpAOS( HouseGumpPageAOS page, Mobile from, BaseHouse house )
            : base(50, 40)
            m_House = house;
            m_Page = page;

            from.CloseGump( typeof( HouseGumpAOS ) );
            //from.CloseGump( typeof( HouseListGump ) );
            //from.CloseGump( typeof( HouseRemoveGump ) );

            bool isCombatRestricted = house.IsCombatRestricted( from );

            bool isOwner = house.IsOwner( from );
            bool isCoOwner = isOwner || house.IsCoOwner( from );
            bool isFriend = isCoOwner || house.IsFriend( from );

            if ( isCombatRestricted )
                isFriend = isCoOwner = isOwner = false;

            AddPage( 0 );

            if ( isFriend || page == HouseGumpPageAOS.Vendors )
                AddBackground(0, 0, 420, page != HouseGumpPageAOS.Vendors ? 440 : 420, 9270);

                AddImageTiled( 10, 10, 400, 100, 2624 );
                //AddAlphaRegion( 10, 10, 400, 100 );

                AddImageTiled( 10, 120, 400, 260, 2624 );
                //AddAlphaRegion( 10, 120, 400, 260 );

                AddImageTiled( 10, 390, 400, page != HouseGumpPageAOS.Vendors ? 40 : 20, 2624 );
                //AddAlphaRegion( 10, 390, 400, page != HouseGumpPageAOS.Vendors ? 40 : 20 );

                AddButtonLabeled( 250, page != HouseGumpPageAOS.Vendors ? 410 : 390, 0, "Fechar", true ); // CLOSE

            AddImage( 10, 10, 100 );

            if ( m_House.Sign != null )
                ArrayList lines = Wrap( m_House.Sign.GetName() );

                if ( lines != null )
                    for ( int i = 0, y = (114 - (lines.Count * 14)) / 2; i < lines.Count; ++i, y += 14 )
                        string s = (string)lines[i];

                        AddLabel( 10 + ((160 - (s.Length * 8)) / 2), y, 0, s );

            if ( page == HouseGumpPageAOS.Vendors )
                AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1062428, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>SHOPS</CENTER>

                AddList( house.AvailableVendorsFor( from ), 1, false, false, from );

            if ( !isFriend )

            if ( house.Public )
                AddButtonLabeled( 10, 390, GetButtonID( 0, 0 ), "Banir", true); // Banish
                AddButtonLabeled(10, 410, GetButtonID(0, 1), "Remover Ban", true); // Lift a Ban
                AddButtonLabeled(10, 390, GetButtonID(0, 2), "Permitir Acesso", true); // Grant Access
                AddButtonLabeled(10, 410, GetButtonID(0, 3), "Remover Acesso", true); // Revoke Access

            AddPageButton( 150, 10, GetButtonID( 1, 0 ), "INFORMAÇÕES", HouseGumpPageAOS.Information );
            AddPageButton( 150, 30, GetButtonID( 1, 1 ), "SEGURANÇA", HouseGumpPageAOS.Security );
            AddPageButton( 150, 50, GetButtonID( 1, 2 ), "SECURES", HouseGumpPageAOS.Storage );
            AddPageButton( 150, 70, GetButtonID( 1, 3 ), "CUSTOMIZAR", HouseGumpPageAOS.Customize );
            AddPageButton( 150, 90, GetButtonID( 1, 4 ), "TRANSFERIR", HouseGumpPageAOS.Ownership );

            switch ( page )
                case HouseGumpPageAOS.Information:
                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 20, 130, 200, 20, 1011242, LabelColor, false, false ); // Owned By:
                    AddHtml(20, 130, 200, 20, "Dono: " + GetOwnerName(), false, false); // Owned By:
                    //AddLabel( 210, 130, LabelHue, GetOwnerName() );

                    AddHtml(20, 170, 380, 20, "Esta casa está colocada corretamente", false, false); // This house is properly placed.
                    AddHtml(20, 190, 380, 20, "Esta casa é de estilo moderno", false, false); // This house is of modern design.
                    AddHtml(20, 210, 380, 20, (house is HouseFoundation) ? "Esta é uma casa customizada" : "Esta é uma casa pré-moldada", false, false); // This is a (pre | custom)-built house.
                    //AddHtmlLocalized(20, 230, 380, 20, house.Public ? "" : 1060679, SelectedColor, false, false); // This house is (private | open to the public).
                    AddHtml(20, 230, 380, 20, house.Public ? "Esta casa é pública" : "Esta casa é restrita", false, false); // This house is (private | open to the public).

                    switch ( house.DecayType )
                        case DecayType.Ageless:
                        case DecayType.AutoRefresh:
                            AddHtml(20, 250, 380, 20, "Esta casa tem Refresh Automático", false, false); // This house is <a href = "?ForceTopic97">Automatically</a> refreshed.
                        case DecayType.ManualRefresh:
                            AddHtml(20, 250, 380, 20, "Esta casa necessita de Refresh a cada 30 dias", false, false); // This house is <a href = "?ForceTopic97">Grandfathered</a>.
                        case DecayType.Condemned:
                            AddHtml(20, 250, 380, 20, "Esta casa está condenada", false, false); // This house is <a href = "?ForceTopic97">Condemned</a>.

                    AddHtml(20, 290, 200, 20, "Construída em", false, false); // Built On:
                    AddLabel( 250, 290, LabelHue, GetDateTime( house.BuiltOn ) );

                    AddHtml(20, 310, 200, 20, "Última negociação",  false, false); // Last Traded:
                    AddLabel( 250, 310, LabelHue, GetDateTime( house.LastTraded ) );

                    AddHtml(20, 330, 200, 20, "Valor da casa", false, false); // House Value
                    AddLabel( 250, 330, LabelHue, house.Price.ToString() );

                    AddHtml(20, 360, 300, 20, "Número de visitas a esta casa", false, false); // Number of visits this building has had:
                    AddLabel( 350, 360, LabelHue, house.Visits.ToString() );

                case HouseGumpPageAOS.Security:
                    //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 130, GetButtonID( 3, 0 ), 1011266, isCoOwner ); // View Co-Owner List
                    //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 150, GetButtonID( 3, 1 ), 1011267, isOwner ); // Add a Co-Owner
                    //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 170, GetButtonID( 3, 2 ), 1018036, isOwner ); // Remove a Co-Owner
                    //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 190, GetButtonID( 3, 3 ), 1011268, isOwner ); // Clear Co-Owner List
                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 130, GetButtonID(3, 0), "Lista de Sócios", isCoOwner); // View Co-Owner List
                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 150, GetButtonID(3, 1), "Adicionar Sócio", isOwner); // Add a Co-Owner
                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 170, GetButtonID(3, 2), "Remover Sócio", isOwner); // Remove a Co-Owner
                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 190, GetButtonID(3, 3), "Limpar Lista de Sócios", isOwner); // Clear Co-Owner List

                    //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 220, GetButtonID( 3, 4 ), 1011243 ); // View Friends List
                    //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 240, GetButtonID( 3, 5 ), 1011244, isCoOwner ); // Add a Friend
                    //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 260, GetButtonID( 3, 6 ), 1018037, isCoOwner ); // Remove a Friend
                    //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 280, GetButtonID( 3, 7 ), 1011245, isCoOwner ); // Clear Friend List
                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 220, GetButtonID(3, 4), "Lista de Amigos", true); // View Friends List
                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 240, GetButtonID(3, 5), "Adicionar Amigo", isCoOwner); // Add a Friend
                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 260, GetButtonID(3, 6), "Remover Amigo", isCoOwner); // Remove a Friend
                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 280, GetButtonID(3, 7), "Limpar Lista de Amigos", isCoOwner); // Clear Friend List

                    if ( house.Public )
                        //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 310, GetButtonID( 3, 8 ), 1011260 ); // View Ban List
                        //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 330, GetButtonID( 3, 9 ), 1060698 ); // Clear Ban List
                        //AddButtonLabeled( 210, 130, GetButtonID( 3, 12 ), 1060695, isOwner ); // Change to Private
                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 245, 150, 240, 20, 1060694, SelectedColor, false, false ); // Change to Public
                        AddButtonLabeled(10, 310, GetButtonID(3, 8), "Lista de Bans", true); // View Ban List
                        AddButtonLabeled(10, 330, GetButtonID(3, 9), "Limpar Lista de Bans", true); // Clear Ban List
                        AddButtonLabeled(210, 130, GetButtonID(3, 12), "Tornar Casa Privada", isOwner); // Change to Private
                        AddHtml(245, 150, 240, 20, "Tornar Casa Pública", false, false); // Change to Public
                        //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 310, GetButtonID( 3, 10 ), 1060699 ); // View Access List
                        //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 330, GetButtonID( 3, 11 ), 1060700 ); // Clear Access List
                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 245, 130, 240, 20, 1060695, SelectedColor, false, false ); // Change to Private
                        //AddButtonLabeled( 210, 150, GetButtonID( 3, 13 ), 1060694, isOwner ); // Change to Public
                        AddButtonLabeled(10, 310, GetButtonID(3, 10), "Lista de Acessos", true); // View Access List
                        AddButtonLabeled(10, 330, GetButtonID(3, 11), "Limpar Lista de Acessos", true); // Clear Access List
                        AddHtml(245, 130, 240, 20, "Tornar Casa Privada", false, false); // Change to Private
                        AddButtonLabeled(210, 150, GetButtonID(3, 13), "Tornar Casa Pública", isOwner); // Change to Public

                case HouseGumpPageAOS.Storage:
                    AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 130, 400, 20, 1060682, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>HOUSE STORAGE SUMMARY</CENTER>

                    // This is not as OSI; storage changes not yet implemented

                    /*AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 170, 275, 20, 1011237, LabelColor, false, false ); // Number of locked down items:
                    AddLabel( 310, 170, LabelHue, m_House.LockDownCount.ToString() );

                    AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 190, 275, 20, 1011238, LabelColor, false, false ); // Maximum locked down items:
                    AddLabel( 310, 190, LabelHue, m_House.MaxLockDowns.ToString() );

                    AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 210, 275, 20, 1011239, LabelColor, false, false ); // Number of secure containers:
                    AddLabel( 310, 210, LabelHue, m_House.SecureCount.ToString() );

                    AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 230, 275, 20, 1011240, LabelColor, false, false ); // Maximum number of secure containers:
                    AddLabel( 310, 230, LabelHue, m_House.MaxSecures.ToString() );*/

                    int fromSecures, fromVendors, fromLockdowns, fromMovingCrate;

                    int maxSecures = house.GetAosMaxSecures();
                    int curSecures = house.GetAosCurSecures( out fromSecures, out fromVendors, out fromLockdowns, out fromMovingCrate );

                    int maxLockdowns = house.GetAosMaxLockdowns();
                    int curLockdowns = house.GetAosCurLockdowns();

                    int bonusStorage = (int)((house.BonusStorageScalar * 100)-100);

                    //if( bonusStorage > 0 )
                    //    //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 150, 300, 20, 1072519, LabelColor, false, false ); // Increased Storage
                    //    AddLabel( 310, 150, LabelHue, String.Format( "{0}%", bonusStorage ) );

                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 170, 300, 20, 1060683, LabelColor, false, false ); // Maximum Secure Storage
                    AddHtml(10, 170, 300, 20, "Maximo de Secures", false, false); // Maximum Secure Storage
                    AddLabel( 310, 170, LabelHue, maxSecures.ToString() );

                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 190, 300, 20, 1060685, LabelColor, false, false ); // Used by Moving Crate
                    AddHtml(10, 190, 300, 20, "Utilizado por Itens Moveis", false, false); // Used by Moving Crate
                    AddLabel( 310, 190, LabelHue, fromMovingCrate.ToString() );

                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 210, 300, 20, 1060686, LabelColor, false, false ); // Used by Lockdowns
                    AddHtml(10, 210, 300, 20, "Utilizado por Lockdowns", false, false); // Used by Lockdowns
                    AddLabel( 310, 210, LabelHue, fromLockdowns.ToString() );

                    if ( BaseHouse.NewVendorSystem )
                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 230, 300, 20, 1060688, LabelColor, false, false ); // Used by Secure Containers
                        AddHtml(10, 230, 300, 20, "Utilizado por Secures Containers", false, false); // Used by Secure Containers
                        AddLabel( 310, 230, LabelHue, fromSecures.ToString() );

                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 250, 300, 20, 1060689, LabelColor, false, false ); // Available Storage
                        AddHtml(10, 250, 300, 20, "Storages Disponíveis", false, false); // Available Storage
                        AddLabel( 310, 250, LabelHue, Math.Max( maxSecures - curSecures, 0 ).ToString() );

                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 290, 300, 20, 1060690, LabelColor, false, false ); // Maximum Lockdowns
                        AddHtml(10, 290, 300, 20, "Máximo de Lockdowns", false, false); // Maximum Lockdowns
                        AddLabel( 310, 290, LabelHue, maxLockdowns.ToString() );

                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 310, 300, 20, 1060691, LabelColor, false, false ); // Available Lockdowns
                        AddHtml(10, 310, 300, 20, "Lockdowns Disponíveis", false, false); // Available Lockdowns
                        AddLabel( 310, 310, LabelHue, Math.Max( maxLockdowns - curLockdowns, 0 ).ToString() );

                        int maxVendors = house.GetNewVendorSystemMaxVendors();
                        int vendors = house.PlayerVendors.Count + house.VendorRentalContracts.Count;

                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 350, 300, 20, 1062391, LabelColor, false, false ); // Vendor Count
                        AddHtml(10, 350, 300, 20, "Total Vendors", false, false); // Vendor Count
                        AddLabel( 310, 350, LabelHue, vendors.ToString() + " / " + maxVendors.ToString() );
                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 230, 300, 20, 1060687, LabelColor, false, false ); // Used by Vendors
                        AddHtml(10, 230, 300, 20, "Utilizado por Vendors", false, false); // Used by Vendors
                        AddLabel( 310, 230, LabelHue, fromVendors.ToString() );

                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 250, 300, 20, 1060688, LabelColor, false, false ); // Used by Secure Containers
                        AddHtml(10, 250, 300, 20, "Utilizado por Secure Containers", false, false); // Used by Secure Containers
                        AddLabel( 310, 250, LabelHue, fromSecures.ToString() );

                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 270, 300, 20, 1060689, LabelColor, false, false ); // Available Storage
                        AddHtml(10, 270, 300, 20, "Storages Disponíveis", false, false); // Available Storage
                        AddLabel( 310, 270, LabelHue, Math.Max( maxSecures - curSecures, 0 ).ToString() );

                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 330, 300, 20, 1060690, LabelColor, false, false ); // Maximum Lockdowns
                        AddHtml(10, 330, 300, 20, "Máximo de Lockdowns", false, false); // Maximum Lockdowns
                        AddLabel( 310, 330, LabelHue, maxLockdowns.ToString() );

                        //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 350, 300, 20, 1060691, LabelColor, false, false ); // Available Lockdowns
                        AddHtml(10, 350, 300, 20, "Lockdowns Disponíveis", false, false); // Available Lockdowns
                        AddLabel( 310, 350, LabelHue, Math.Max( maxLockdowns - curLockdowns, 0 ).ToString() );

                case HouseGumpPageAOS.Customize:
                    bool isCustomizable = isOwner && ( house is HouseFoundation );

                    //AddButtonLabeled(10, 120, GetButtonID(5, 0), "Transformar em Casa Custom", isOwner && !isCustomizable && (house.ConvertEntry != null)); // Convert Into Customizable House
                    //AddButtonLabeled(10, 160, GetButtonID(5, 1), "Customizar Casa", isOwner && isCustomizable); // Customize This House
                    //AddButtonLabeled(10, 180, GetButtonID(5, 2), 1060760, isOwner && house.MovingCrate != null); // Relocate Moving Crate

                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 120, GetButtonID(5, 10), "Tornar um Cofre Seguro", isOwner || isCoOwner);
                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 140, GetButtonID(5, 11), "Destrancar um Cofre", isOwner || isCoOwner);
                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 160, GetButtonID(5, 12), "Trancar Item", isOwner || isCoOwner);
                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 180, GetButtonID(5, 13), "Destrancar Item", isOwner || isCoOwner);

                    //AddButtonLabeled(10, 230, GetButtonID( 5, 3 ), "Mudar Placa", isOwner); // Change House Sign
                    AddButtonLabeled(10, 230, GetButtonID(5, 7), "Renomear Casa", isCoOwner); // Rename House

                    //AddButtonLabeled( 10, 270, GetButtonID( 5, 4 ), "Mudar Assinatura", isOwner); // Change House Sign Hanger
                    //AddButtonLabeled(10, 250, GetButtonID(5, 5), 1060763, isOwner && isCustomizable && (((HouseFoundation)house).Signpost != null)); // Change Signpost
                    //AddButtonLabeled(10, 280, GetButtonID(5, 6), 1062004, isOwner && isCustomizable); // Change Foundation Style

                case HouseGumpPageAOS.Ownership:
                    AddButtonLabeled( 10, 130, GetButtonID( 6, 0 ), "Demolir Casa", isOwner && house.MovingCrate == null && house.InternalizedVendors.Count == 0 ); // Demolish House
                    AddButtonLabeled( 10, 150, GetButtonID( 6, 1 ), "Transferir Casa", isOwner ); // Trade House
                    AddButtonLabeled( 10, 190, GetButtonID( 6, 2 ), "Definir como casa primária", false ); // Make Primary

                case HouseGumpPageAOS.ChangeHanger:
                    for ( int i = 0; i < m_HangerNumbers.Length; ++i )
                        int x = 50 + ((i % 3) * 100);
                        int y = 180 + ((i / 3) * 80);

                        AddButton( x, y, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 7, i ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
                        AddItem( x + 20, y, m_HangerNumbers[i] );

                case HouseGumpPageAOS.ChangeFoundation:
                    for ( int i = 0; i < m_FoundationNumbers.Length; ++i )
                        int x = 15 + ((i % 5) * 80);
                        int y = 180 + ((i / 5) * 100);

                        AddButton( x, y, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 8, i ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
                        AddItem( x + 25, y, m_FoundationNumbers[i] );

                case HouseGumpPageAOS.ChangeSign:
                    int index = 0;

                    if ( _HouseSigns.Count == 0 )
                        // Add standard signs
                        for ( int i = 0; i < 54; ++i )
                            _HouseSigns.Add( 2980 + ( i * 2 ) );

                        // Add library and beekeeper signs ( ML )
                        _HouseSigns.Add( 2966 );
                        _HouseSigns.Add( 3140 );

                    int signsPerPage = Core.ML ? 24 : 18;
                    int totalSigns = Core.ML ? 56 : 54;
                    int pages = (int) Math.Ceiling( (double) totalSigns / signsPerPage );

                    for ( int i = 0; i < pages; ++i )
                        AddPage( i + 1 );

                        AddButton( 10, 360, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, ((i + 1) % pages ) + 1 );

                        for ( int j = 0; j < signsPerPage && totalSigns - ( signsPerPage * i ) - j > 0; ++j )
                            int x = 30 + ((j % 6) * 60);
                            int y = 130 + ((j / 6) * 60);

                            AddButton( x, y, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 9, index ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
                            AddItem( x + 20, y, _HouseSigns[index++] );

                case HouseGumpPageAOS.RemoveCoOwner:
                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060730, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>CO-OWNER LIST</CENTER>
                    AddHtml(10, 120, 400, 20, "<CENTER>LISTA DE SÓCIOS</CENTER>", false, false); // <CENTER>CO-OWNER LIST</CENTER>
                    AddList( house.CoOwners, 10, false, true, from );
                case HouseGumpPageAOS.ListCoOwner:
                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060730, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>CO-OWNER LIST</CENTER>
                    AddHtml(10, 120, 400, 20, "<CENTER>LISTA DE SÓCIOS</CENTER>", false, false); // <CENTER>CO-OWNER LIST</CENTER>
                    AddList( house.CoOwners, -1, false, true, from );
                case HouseGumpPageAOS.RemoveFriend:
                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060731, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>FRIENDS LIST</CENTER>
                    AddHtml(10, 120, 400, 20, "<CENTER>LISTA DE AMIGOS</CENTER>", false, false); // <CENTER>FRIENDS LIST</CENTER>
                    AddList( house.Friends, 11, false, true, from );
                case HouseGumpPageAOS.ListFriend:
                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060731, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>FRIENDS LIST</CENTER>
                    AddHtml(10, 120, 400, 20, "<CENTER>LISTA DE AMIGOS</CENTER>", false, false); // <CENTER>FRIENDS LIST</CENTER>
                    AddList( house.Friends, -1, false, true, from );
                case HouseGumpPageAOS.RemoveBan:
                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060733, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>BAN LIST</CENTER>
                    AddHtml(10, 120, 400, 20, "<CENTER>LISTA DE BANS</CENTER>", false, false); // <CENTER>BAN LIST</CENTER>
                    AddList( house.Bans, 12, true, true, from );
                case HouseGumpPageAOS.ListBan:
                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060733, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>BAN LIST</CENTER>
                    AddHtml(10, 120, 400, 20, "<CENTER>LISTA DE BANS</CENTER>", false, false); // <CENTER>BAN LIST</CENTER>
                    AddList( house.Bans, -1, true, true, from );
                case HouseGumpPageAOS.RemoveAccess:
                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060732, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>ACCESS LIST</CENTER>
                    AddHtml(10, 120, 400, 20, "<CENTER>LISTA DE ACESSOS</CENTER>", false, false); // <CENTER>ACCESS LIST</CENTER>
                    AddList(house.Access, 13, false, true, from);
                case HouseGumpPageAOS.ListAccess:
                    //AddHtmlLocalized( 10, 120, 400, 20, 1060732, LabelColor, false, false ); // <CENTER>ACCESS LIST</CENTER>
                    AddHtml(10, 120, 400, 20, "<CENTER>LISTA DE ACESSOS</CENTER>", false, false); // <CENTER>ACCESS LIST</CENTER>
                    AddList( house.Access, -1, false, true, from );
                case HouseGumpPageAOS.ChangePost:
                    int index = 0;

                    for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
                        AddPage( i + 1 );

                        AddButton( 10, 360, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, ((i + 1) % 2) + 1 );

                        for ( int j = 0; j < 16 && index < m_PostNumbers.Length; ++j )
                            int x = 15 + ((j % 8) * 50);
                            int y = 130 + ((j / 8) * 110);

                            AddButton( x, y, 4005, 4007, GetButtonID( 14, index ), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
                            AddItem( x + 10, y, m_PostNumbers[index++] );
